Letter To The Camden New Journal
Re David Cesarani


                                                93c Venner Road,
                                                London SE26 5HU.
                                                   020 8659 7713
                              E-Mail A_Baron@ABaron.Demon.Co.UK

April 12, 2001

Dear Sir,

Re your review of "Justice Delayed" in the March 29 issue. The 
fact that this book has been reissued is a testament not so much 
to the Holocaust as to the venality of its author, who might best 
be described as a professional Jewish propagandist and apologist 
and a whining, snivelling hypocrite to boot. The allegations made 
by the Wiesenthal Centre in the 1980s were totally bogus, as 
evinced by the reaction of the Anglo-Jewish establishment. They 
were based largely on long discredited Communist smear propaganda 
directed against anti-Communist emigres. 

Allegations were also made against Swedish and Canadian citizens; 
in Canada a high powered commission set up under a senior judge 
dismissed them as a tissue of lies and had harsh words for both 
Simon Wiesenthal personally and his acolytes.

Cesarani cannot be unaware of this any more than he is unaware of 
the true nature of "Searchlight" magazine, which he refers to as 
"The authoritative anti-fascist magazine Searchlight". Or of any 
of the other garbage he and his cronies peddle to the gullible 

Yours sincerely,
A Baron

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