Two Documents Concerning
The Simon Wiesental Center And Its Witch-Hunt


In my book Holocaust Affirmers, I allude, at pages 29-32, to allegations made against Swedish and British citizens by the Los Angeles based Simon Wiesental Center. In a note at page 200, I state that I was “fortunate enough to receive a number of documents relating to these...allegations from a Latvian-born British citizen”. In August 2008, I began a massive programme of scanning of my own and sundry other texts for eventual publication on this website, and last week I scanned the two documents alluded to specifically here. In addition to sitting in my dusty files for a decade and more, they are copies of copies, but it is their content rather than their presentation that is important. As they came from an impeccable source, I have no doubts about their authenticity, in any case their sentiments were echoed by responsible contemporaneous press reports after the initial media flap; I also consulted the (far more extensive) Canadian report (to which I allude in the same chapter and), a copy of which can be found in the Official Publications Library (which was then based at Bloomsbury). Its sentiments are the same, ie that the allegations made by the Wiesenthal Center were not worth the paper they were printed on.

Both the three page Swedish report and the four page British analysis are in Portable Document Format; to download, click the relevant link below.

January 10, 2009

To The Swedish Report
To The British Analysis

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