Below in chronological order can be found all the articles I published on the now defunct news website Mathaba.Net; the site was protected by the robots.txt protocol, so the originals could not be archived, however, the second list is of articles from this list I did archive in their original format through this website. Where sources conflict, the publication dates given for the articles below are listed correctly in the Baron/ITMA Bibliography.
AL-QAEDA IN BRITAIN: Does The “Secret State” Lend A Hand?, September 17, 2007
The Jihad that Islam must win, January 13, 2010
Charity Begins At Home – So Does Justice, January 18, 2010
Debt-Bondage And The Elephant In The Room, February 15, 2010 (external link)
It’s Official – Fake Money Is As Good As The Real Thing (If Not Better), March 15, 2010
Those Wicked Iranian Child-Killers -- Or Maybe Not , April 24, 2010
We Are All Doomed, May 14, 2010
Is Zionism A Collective Mental Illness?, July 21, 2010
The “Anti-Semitism” Of Unsophisticated Minds, August 13, 2010
Victims Deserve Justice Too – The Truth About Convicted Murderess Linda Carty, August 15, 2010
“Philanthropy” From Jacob Schiff To Tony Blair , August 20, 2010
Pakistan Must Not Drown Twice, August 26, 2010
The Pakistan Cricket Scandal -- ‘When Does Investigative Journalism Become Incitement?’, September 6, 2010
David Pidcock on London Riots: Cut Off The Hands of The Bankers First, August 10, 2011
And here
Al Qaeda in Britain: helped by the state?, September 17, 2007
Charity Begins At Home – So Does Justice, January 18, 2010
It’s Official – Fake Money Is As Good As The Real Thing (If Not Better), March 15, 2010
Those Wicked Iranian Child-Killers -- Or Maybe Not , April 24, 2010
Victims Deserve Justice Too – The Truth About Convicted Murderess Linda Carty, August 15, 2010
“Philanthropy” From Jacob Schiff To Tony Blair , August 20, 2010
Pakistan Must Not Drown Twice, August 26, 2010
The Pakistan Cricket Scandal -- ‘When Does Investigative Journalism Become Incitement?’, September 6, 2010
David Pidcock on London Riots: Cut Off The Hands of The Bankers First, August 10, 2011
Some very minor errors have been corrected in these articles.
THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TEHRAN HOLOCAUST CONFERENCE – BY ONE WHO WAS THERE was, as can be seen from above, the first of my Mathaba articles, and my most widely read article ever. The original had thousands of likes and hundreds of shares, being republished on literally hundreds of websites – far right, not so far right, Islamic, and even a few of what might be called left wing websites. It was added to this site on January 19, 2007. It was submitted to Mathaba in WORD format. Here it is in PDF. I like to think it helped contribute to the election of Barack Obama, because if John McCain had become President we would have seen carnage in the Middle East, perhaps even a third world war.
At some point a link was added to the text of my speech (the full version) which was on the website of the Adelaide Institute. This has now been removed and has not been archived, so I have replaced it with a link to the same dissertation on this site.
AL-QAEDA IN BRITAIN: Does The “Secret State” Lend A Hand? is my original title; it was first published as Al Qaeda in Britain: helped by the state?
The Jihad that Islam must win wasn’t archived although it was published in PDF at the Internet Archive on January 13, 2010. It was also picked up by the Wonders Of Pakistan blog. I was flattered!
In Charity Begins At Home... I alluded to Islamicist when I meant Islamist – the italics are not warranted. This article also included two embedded videos. One has been removed from YouTube, the other blocked from UK viewing, so I have not included these here.
The article on debt-bondage was republished on FinancialReform, June 30, 2015; it is linked here rather than added to the site.
Re Is Zionism A Collective Mental Illness? – as a disciple of Thomas Szasz since the 1990s, I do not of course believe there is any such condition as mental illness; the term is used here to mean self-delusion; if you want to add sarcasm, I won’t object.
David Pidcock On The London Riots... was published originally by Digital Journal as The London riots — seeing the bigger picture and was republished by Mathaba within hours.
Every single article I ever submited to Mathaba was published, and I would have continued writing for it, but after the murder of Colonel Gaddafi, the people running it started publishing some truly bizarre stuff, and I decided to direct my energies elsewhere.
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