Alexander Baron And The ITMA Label:
A Selected, Annotated, Chronological Bibliography


January 1, 2010: The short story Three Card Trick was published on this site.

I can’t remember when I wrote this but it was prior to 1991, probably between 1986 and 1990.

January 2: A letter to ITMA from Chuck Bird of New Zealand, dated 26 November 2003 was published on this site under Other Contributors in JPG format.

Click here to view scan.

My ad in Capital Gay of June 24, 1994 was published in the Review Section with a bit of comment (under the previous review entry for Baron’s Guide to “Gay” Sex).

January 4: The following were published by Songfacts:

If I Knew You Were Comin’ I’d Have Baked A Cake (credited to Eileen Barton)

Nice Men by Shirley Bassey
The Girl From Tiger Bay (with Song Image) by Shirley Bassey
This Time by Shirley Bassey (augmented)

Belfast by Boney M

Belfast Ulster “Loyalist” song

Margate by Chas & Dave
Rabbit by Chas & Dave
The Sideboard Song by Chas & Dave

The Twins by Charles Coborn

Anthem by Deep Purple
Listen, Learn, Read On by Deep Purple (with Song Image)

Christmas In The Sun by Rolf Harris

Feed Me (Git It) from Little Shop Of Horrors credited to the Cast
Dentist! from Little Shop Of Horrors credited to the Cast
Little Shop Of Horrors, the title song of the show/film credited to the Cast
Mean Green Mother From Outer Space (with Song Image) from Little Shop Of Horrors credited to the Cast
Mushnik And Son from Little Shop Of Horrors credited to the Cast
Somewhere That’s Green from Little Shop Of Horrors credited to the Cast

Rosalie by Ewan MacColl (credited to Fitzroy Coleman)

Wrong Team by Ishmael McLean (with an image, shortly deleted)

Old-Fashioned Garden by Cole Porter

Ha’ Th’ Bottom Dropped Out by The Singing Postman
I’ll Think It Over by The Singing Postman

Just Another Night credited to Cat Stevens

Black Boys On The Corner by Thin Lizzy
Waiting For An Alibi by Thin Lizzy

Itsuki No Komori Uta credited as Traditional
Nambu Ushi Oi Uta credited as Traditional.

January 5: A cartoon from the Voice newspaper (of Harvey Proctor) was added to the Cartoon Gallery on this site.

January 5: A PDF of New TARGET issue 26 was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

January 7: I added the three photographs I took of Laura Pérez in Paris in 1992 to the Image Gallery on this site.

These were taken in Paris.

January 7: A PDF of the December 1993 special edition of Hansard (dedicated to Yours Truly!) was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

As was a PDF of my article Kostas Grivas in Model Journal, November 1989.

And the Andrew Savage recording of Be Good To Yourself was broadcast/published on the same site.

Alternative link for the Kostas Grivas article

January 9: Two limericks called Nigel Brooks were published on Usenet.

January 9: I set up FuckedByVirgin at the Internet Archive; this includes the following documents:

A lengthy introductory page called Welcome To Fucked By Virgin with a photograph of Richard Branson

PDF files of the following, each with a tiny bit of blurb:

Letter to Virgin Media dated April 27, 2007
Letter to Virgin Media dated May 29, 2007
Letter to Virgin Media dated July 24, 2007 with E-Mail of June 26, 2007
E-Mail to Liz Bardsley of August 28, 2007
E-Mail to Liz Bardsley of September 13, 2007
Letter to Richard Branson of January 9, 2010.

January 10: A PDF scan of Taha’s review Freddie my friend was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

Ditto my Model Journal article on the Anne Scott Agency.

January 11: PDFs of the following Model Journal articles were uploaded to the Internet Archive.

Black Models And Agents
Model Journal At the Clothes Show Live

And The Tragedy Of Herol Graham from issue 3 of Jabs & Jolts; the scan includes the front cover and the credits page of the magazine. I added some comment to the Archive notes.

January 11: Two limericks called Myleene Klass and two called Nigel Brooks were published on this site.

The Brooks limericks were published originally on Usenet on January 9 (see above), and the other two earlier today. One or two minor corrections have been made.

January 12: A PDF scan of Brian Moseley’s untitled open letter to Gerry Gable was uploaded to the Internet Archive prefixed with an explanatory essay.

January 13: The following PDFs were uploaded to the Internet Archive:

A Questionnaire For The Funders Of The Searchlight “Educational” Trust

Two pages from Faits & Documents, 15 mai 1999 relating to both Searchlight and Yours Truly.

The insert for New Target issue 26 was published.

January 13: The Jihad that Islam must win was published by Mathaba; (a small image was embedded by the site).

The above went down very well in certain quarters and was republished on for example, the Wonders Of Pakistan Wordpress blog.

Archived version of the above article as originally published.

January 14: The four press releases for The Churchill Papers were uploaded to the Internet Archive together with some blurb in each file.

There were five files in all because one of them was published both with and without an illustration.

January 14: The poem How To Change The World, and the haiku Sisters by Jessie Gilbert were published on this site, with a bit of comment on the Site Corrections Page re the former.

January 16: AN INTRODUCTION TO CHAINWORDS was uploaded to the Internet Archive with a short introductory essay.

I wrote this circa 1987-8. Better late than never! Chainwords are not to be confused with Linewords (also known as Mixwords). All good stuff.

[I wrote initially that Chainwords are also known as Linewords; I was getting confused! Mixwords are also known as Linewords – January 30, 2011].

PV WORDSEARCH from Pensioners’ Voice, March 1991, page 7, was also published here as was issue 15 of New Target, all three in PDF.

January 17: A PDF of The Truth About The Tehran Holocaust Conference... was uploaded to the Internet Archive together with a short introductory essay.

January 18: A PDF of the June 1988 issue of The Comedy Bulletin was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

January 18: The following were published by Songfacts:

Get Off My Back by Bryan Adams
Here I Am by Bryan Adams

Bridge by Queensrÿche

Parisienne Walkways by Gary Moore

House Of Broken Love by Great White

Postman Pat And His Black And White Cat credited to Postman Pat!

My Yiddishe Momme by Sophie Tucker

Freedom by Wham! (augmented)
Careless Whisper by Wham! (augmented).

January 18: Charity Begins At Home – So Does Justice was published by Mathaba

This is subtitled The Real Reason So Many Moslems Despise “The Great Satan”.

January 19: The following were uploaded to the Internet Archive:

The begging letter David Irving sent me (and obviously countless others) dated Saturday, November 15, 2008 *

A PDF scan of New TARGET (issue 39)

Jack Knife Strut
ITMA Variations Improvisation Number One
Room At The Top.

All the above include some blurb/comment. The Irving letter was published in both JPG format and PDF.

*Editing this website on February 11, 2025, I noticed a dead link on this page. The begging letter from Irving had been removed from the Internet Archive (obviously after a complaint from him). I uploaded it to this site the same day under Other Contributors as a PDF only.

January 20: A PDF of “Meetings between Independent Professional Researchers and the PRO February/March 2000” was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

PDF scans of the following were also published here:

My 1995 press release for Holocaust Denial: New Nazi Lie Or New Inquisition?
My 1994 press release for Jew-Haters, Black-Haters...
My 1995 press release for the Protocols Of Zion.

January 21: The following PDFs were uploaded to the Internet Archive:

Debbie Holmes Top Team Agency from Model Journal, 1989-90

The Framing Of Michael Stone For The Chillenden Murders.

January 22: Two JPGs were uploaded to the Internet Archive:

The letter I received from Annie Nightingale of BBC Radio One dated August 18, 1980.

The letter I received from Joan L. Dobson of the Dallas Public Library, dated May 30, 1990.

A bit of explanatory comment was added to each of the above.

January 22: My May 9, 1994 Open Letter To The British Right was uploaded to the Internet Archive in PDF prefaced with a short explanatory essay.

A PDF of the July 1988 issue of The Comedy Bulletin was also published.

January 23: A PDF of Mind Sports Olympiad 2003 was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

(I thought I had uploaded this two months ago but on checking, only the blurb had been uploaded).

Re the Internet Archive generally, the notes to some of the uploads are quite extensive, and many have been augmented at various times after the initial publication.

January 25: A PDF scan of the September 1988 issue of The Comedy Bulletin was uploaded to the Internet Archive together with the usual blurb.

January 25: Two cartoons relating to Tom Acton were published on this site.

January 26: A PDF of the publications list Four New Publications For Libertarians, Smokers’ Rights Activists And Skeptics was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

And my February 1990 article on/interview with Sacha Lilic from Model Journal.

The former was originally published circa May 1994.

January 26: I published another Robert Edwards cartoon on this site – Tom Acton all at sea. Don’t ask!

January 27: A PDF of my Identity obituary of Morris Riley was uploaded to the Internet Archive together with a few words of explanation.

January 28: Model Journal articles Derek’s, Kamerakids and The Poor School were uploaded to the Internet Archive together with a bit of blurb.

January 30: I set up THE JESSIE GILBERT VIRTUAL ARCHIVE at the Internet Archive.

It consists of the following:


This is the HomePage, it contains the Saunders photograph, some introductory blurb, and the Index. The following linked pages are in chronological order, with a little or a lot of explanatory blurb as the case may be for the document(s) relating to the relevant page:

Certificate of Baptism for Jessie, March 29, 1987

Surrey Girls Chess League Newsletter, January 1996, pages 1 & 4.

A certificate for her performance in a chess tournament dated 9th/10th April 1996.

A certificate for the 1st Chigwell Junior Chess Congress, April 21, 1996.

Certificate for the 1996 National Girls’ Schools Championships, May 11, 1996.

Girls bank on more chess success from the Croydon Advertiser, May 17, 1996.

Photograph with article from the Croydon Post, July 17, 1996.

A photograph of Jessie and a short report from the Caterham And District Advertiser, July 25, 1997.

Jessie is up to the challenge report and photograph from the Croydon Guardian, September 18, 1997.

Chess club wins London challenge with photograph of Jessie from the Coulsdon Advertiser, September 4, 1998.

David Howell v Jessie Gilbert, the score of this Hastings game, December 31, 1998. This is in JPG format with a mini-essay.

A JPG of the game Stephen Cunliffe v Jessie Gilbert, Hastings, January 4, 1999

A JPG of the game Jessie Gilbert v Thomas Cleary, Hastings, January 7, 1999

Jessie’s autographed Hastings programme, circa January 9, 1999

A video of Jessie talking to an interviewer on Sky TV, circa January 9, 1999

Three photographs of Jessie, two from January 1999, one from South Korea in 2006

Jessie conquers world in latest battle of Hastings from the Caterham Advertiser, January 15, 1999

Chess champ Jessie becomes on of world’s elite “top brains” from the Coulsdon And Purley Advetiser, January 22, 1999

Dream trip prize for chess star Jessie, 11 from the Croydon Advertiser, January 22, 1999


Ray Keene’s Times chess column February 6, 1999

Three page extract from Hansard, March 14, 1999

Autographed invitation to the House of Commons, March 25, 1999

A JPG scan of Jessie’s letter to Edmar Mednis, March 28, 1999

congratulations! from CHS Jazz, December 1999

Jessie is queen of chess festival from the Caterham and District Advertiser, March 10, 2010

A JPG scan of ChessMoves, January-February 2006, page 7

The score of Tshepiso Lopang v Jessie Gilbert, Turin, 2006, with a diagram of the final position and an essay by Yours Truly

Funeral tribute by Lorna Ogilvie, August 17, 2006

A PDF of the Saunders obituary of Jessie (originally published in British Chess Magazine, September 2006)

The obituaries by Howard Curtis and Susan Lalic from the Southern Counties Chess Yearbook – in both JPG format and PDF.

An audio file of Angela Gilbert’s Radio Five Live interview of February 2007

Recollections of Leonard Barden
Recollections of Gwain Jones
Recollections of Peter Wilson

These three recollections are all in PDF and are dated 2008.

Alternative links for the above January 30 entries were added December 21, 2019 as follows:

For the entire Archive

And for the following indvidual entries:

Angela Gilbert radio interview
Jessie on Sky TV

Autographed Hastings programme, 1999
Autographed invitation to the House Of Commons, March 25, 1999
Certificate for the 1996 National Girls’ Schools Championships
Certificate of Baptism for Jessie, March 29, 1987
ChessMoves, January-February 2006, pages page 7
ChessMoves, May-June 2006, pages 6 & 7
congratulations!, December 1999

Croydon Advertiser, May 17, 1996, page 5
Croydon Post, July 17, 1996, page 88
Caterham Advertiser, July 25, 1997, page 3
Croydon Guardian, September 18, 1997, page 14
Coulsdon Advertiser, September 4, 1998, page 5
Caterham Advertiser, January 19, 1999
Caterham Advertiser, March 10, 2000
Coulsdon And Purley Advertiser, January 22, 1999, page 1
Croydon Advertiser, January 22, 1999, page 1

Gilbert v Cleary from the Times, February 6, 1999
Cunliffe v Gilbert, January 4, 1999
Howell v Gilbert, December 31, 1998

Gwain Jones on Jessie
Hansard, March 14, 1999, columns 859, 861-2 & 863-4
Jessie at Perceptron Youth
Jessie Gilbert At Hastings by Leonard Barden
Jessie’s Immortal
Letter to Edmar Mednis
London Primary Schools Chess Association certificate, April 9-10, 1996
Obituaries by Howard Curtis and Susan Lalic

Surrey Girls Chess League Newsletter, January 1996, pages 1 & 4.
The Jessie Effect by Peter Wilson

Three photographs (1) Jessie at the chessboard, January 1999
Three photographs (2) Jessie posing for the camera, January 1999
Three photographs (3) Jessie in South Korea 2006

Tribute by Lorna Ogilvie, August 17, 2006

January 31: The following were published by Songfacts:

Come Little Rabbit by Akmal Shaikh

Zero She Flies by Al Stewart

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang with Song Image, taken from the musical of the same name but credited here to Dick Van Dyke

Seksi Vie Ja Taksi Tuo by Nylon Beat

Soul Cakes (with Song Image)
The Cherry Tree
The Lincolnshire Poacher

The last three of the above are all traditional songs.

January 31: ChessMoves, May-June 2006, page 7 was added to the Jessie Gilbert Virtual Archive.

I also did a bit of work tidying it up, but nothing significant.

February 1: infamous video of Elizabeth Coleman’s grilling by Representative Alan Grayson was uploaded to the Internet Archive together with a bit of blurb and one version of the poem The Goose And The Commons.

February 2: The Trial Of Michael Stone For The Chillenden Murders Under Sharia Law – A Play In One Act, was published on this site in both HTML and WORD formats, and uploaded to the Internet Archive in PDF.

This was a first for me, I don’t think I’ve ever published anything similtaneously in three different formats before. Two, yes, but not three.

February 3: A PDF of Satpal Ram: A Case Study In “Anti’Racist’” Brainwashing was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

Melancholy Lady was published too together with some explanatory blurb, and with the same blurb on this site simultaneously.

February 5: The following were uploaded to the Internet Archive:


PDFs of Gary Stretch: The Punch Perfect Model from Model Journal

My short biography of James Bland

My obituary of/interview with Piers Merchant

Move Over Barack, Here Comes Desmond....

February 6: The following PDFs were uploaded to the Internet Archive:

A Modest Proposal To Totally Eliminate Most Card Fraud

The Guardian, The Press Complaints Commission And The Lies Of Gerry Gable

Drop Dead Doreen Lawrence

Al-Qaeda in Britain

Changing Perceptions Of Child Abuse.

February 7: A PDF of Murder, Mumia And Michael Stone was uploaded to the Internet Archive in addition to the WORD file.

Circa February 8: The songfacts for I’ve Got A Monster and Nice Man Jack were augmented, either today, February 8, or shortly before.

February 8: The Jihad That Islam Must Win was uploaded to the Internet Archive in both PDF and WORD format, with some blurb.

February 8: The limerick Ali Oops! was published on both Usenet and this site.

February 9: The following were published by Songfacts:

Spasticus Autisticus by Ian Dury And The Blockheads
Sweet Gene Vincent by Ian Dury And The Blockheads (with Song Image)

Wilde About Boys by Jonathan King

I Want A Girl (Just Like The Girl That Married Dear Old Dad) credited here to Al Jolson

A Spoonful Of Sugar from Mary Poppins (credited here to Julie Andrews)
Let’s Go Fly A Kite from Mary Poppins (credited here to Julie Andrews)

Osama Bin Laden by Frank Skinner

Ivich by Al Stewart
Lord Grenville by Al Stewart (with Song Image)
Room Of Roots by Al Stewart

I Want A Girl Just Like Hillary by Jesse Goldberg was augmented

Jump by Van Halen was augmented.

[The above songfact for A Spoonful Of Sugar was augmented very slightly, presumably by Carl].

February 10: Anti-Semitism In The Modern World

The above entry was added December 6, 2019. I thought said video was uploaded on December 5, 2009, but doing routine maintenance following some hassle with the morons who now control YouTube, I found it so dated.

It may be that I did update it originally on December 5, 2009, and maybe deleted the original. I was having technical problems at the time and did delete and re-upload some videos, but a decade on, I can’t remember. It was originally uploaded to YouTube in five parts due to limitations on the length of video I could then upload.

February 11: The songfact for Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick by Ian Dury was augmented (with Song Image added). My contribution was added to the beginning.

February 12: A transcript of the video Anti-Semitism In The Modern World was uploaded to the Internet Archive, in both PDF and WORD format.

And my recording of Miss Harrison’s Toy

February 13: Two chess games in JPG format were uploaded to the Internet Archive (ie the full scores and final positions).

These were Baron v MacLeod, 2001 and an E-Mail game Hanison v Baron, 2002. I added quite a bit of comment to each. I found these on February 11, on the NewInChess website.

Also an uncompressed PDF of Windows 3.1 And The End Of War, 2nd Printing, was added with a bit of blurb.

February 14: Two Poems For Nigel Brooks was published on Usenet: An Ode To The Governor and Stoned.

Later, this was also published on this site. This can be viewed as one poem or two.

February 15: The following were published by Songfacts:

Song Of Bangladesh by Joan Baez

Daddy, What Did You Do In The Strike? by Ewan MacColl (with Song Image)

Night Of The 4th Of May by Al Stewart

Persephone by Wishbone Ash

The Songfact for Janie’s Got A Gun was augmented (without accreditation) – the sentence ending “Swag Song Music.”

February 15: Debt-Bondage And The Elephant In The Room was published (originally) by Mathaba, apparently late in the day, illustrated with a nice montage of an elephant in a boardroom!

There is one very minor error in this piece; the wicked Rick actually demanded £500 a week for ten weeks off the hapless Joe, or perhaps that should read the spineless Joe! This typo was corrected by March 11.

February 16: I published the poem I Killed A Queer on Usenet in the evening, and a few minutes later – corrected! – on this site.

February 17: A recording of Chestnuts – my first ever musical composition – was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

This is in a different format from the file that was published on this site on March 7, 2009, and contains some additional blurb.

Big Brown Bear was published on the same site.

February 18: Who Needs The BNP? was published by MajorityRights

February 20: An uncompressed PDF of Smoking And Something Else... was uploaded to the Internet Archive together with more or less the same blurb that was published with it on this site in 2008.

February 21: A PDF of Adolf Hitler: Anti-Racist! was uploaded to the Internet Archive with the same blurb as when it was published on this site in compressed format.

March 1: Winter v Baron, Kensington, 1997 was uploaded to the Internet Archive together with some blurb, my original notes, and the two relevant pages scanned from The Chess Player’s Battle Manual.

March 1: The following were published by Songfacts:

What Have They Done To The Rain? by Joan Baez (written by Malvina Reynolds)

Ballad Of Stalin by Ewan MacColl

For Me And My Gal credited here to lyricist Edgar Leslie

The Little Mouse by Malvina Reynolds
The New Restaurant by Malvina Reynolds.

March 2: The poems Linda Carty and Lines On The Death Of Kristian Digby were (both written today and) published on this site.

March 3: I set up a group on Facebook: The Truth About Convicted Murderess Linda Carty with a bit of blurb.

The first person to join it was Mark!

When I checked the above group in January 2015, it had been deleted. No matter, all my writings about Carty are extant, and are either on or linked from this site.

March 4: A PDF of The Doll’s House was uploaded to the Internet Archive together with a tiny bit of blurb.

March 4: The following were published by Songfacts:

Antarctica by Al Stewart
The Last Day Of June 1934 by Al Stewart (with Song Image)

I Blew A Little Blast On My Whistle by George Formby
John Willie, Come On! by George Formby, (actually written by George Formby Senior)
Mr Wu’s A Window Cleaner Now, by George Formby
The Window Cleaner No. 2, by George Formby
When I’m Cleaning Windows by George Formby

Porton Down by Man’s Hate

Porton Down by Peter Hammill

This Is Your Life Timmy Lea credited to Sue Cheyenne – probably a pseudonym. This was actually from the film Confessions Of A Window Cleaner

Chinese Laundry Blues by George Formby was augmented.

March 7: Linda Carty, the Reprieve lie machine, and the bleeding heart of Clive Stafford Smith was published with this capitalisation by MajorityRights late evening.

This article generated a considerable amount of debate about an entirely different subject.

March 8: A Revisionist History Of Prohibition was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

March 9: The following were uploaded to ther Internet Archive together with some blurb:

My letter to Colin Jordan of December 3, 2008 but misdated December 3, 3008. In PDF and WORD format.
Correspondence: Steel & Shamash to Fox Hayes, December 2008.
Correspondence: Fox Hayes solicitors to Colin Jordan, December 2008.
Letter Colin Jordan to Yours Truly, December 13, 2008.

March 12: Seven Card Stud – Bad Beat And Redemption was uploaded to the Internet Archive together with two screenshots from the relevant tournaments.

March 15: The following were published by Songfacts:

Little Mary Phagan, credited to Rosa Lee Carson, with Song Image

If You Don’t Want The Good Don’t Maul ’Em by George Formby
Leaning On A Lamp-Post by George Formby
Mr Wu’s An Air Raid Warden Now by George Formby
The Wedding Of Mr Wu by George Formby

Just Like Vince Taylor by Golden Earring (entered initially as Moontan!) with Song Image

Ballad Of Derek Bentley by Ewan MacColl with Song Image
My Old Man by Ewan MacColl

AIG by Show Of Hands

A Child’s View Of The Eisenhower Years by Al Stewart – with Song Image
A League Of Notions by Al Stewart with Song Image.

March 15: It’s Official – fake money is as good as the real thing (if not better) by Alexander Baron was published by MajorityRights.

According to the website, this article was posted on March 14, but the site was actually off-line for technical reasons, and was still off-line when I checked it in the small hours of March 15, so my publication date is correct.

On March 17, I was informed it had been published by Mathaba, also on March 15, and that there had been a delay because of problems with the HTML coding. The notice on the site gave publication date as March 9, but I’m fairly certain I didn’t submit it until March 10, certainly it couldn’t have been written before March 9 because it was inspired by a TV programme I saw that day.

March 17: Police arrest man over hoax letter after raid by Julian Kossoff was uploaded to the Internet Archive with some comment.

March 19: “Arrest Warrant Issued For Fredrick Töben” was published on Usenet on March 19.

On March 21 it was published on this site under Short Stories together with an explanatory note on the Site Corrections And Clarifications Page.

March 21: A Limerick For Everybody’s Favourite Double Child Killer was published on Usenet.

March 24: The following were published by Songfacts:

No Time For Love credited to Christie Moore

Shut Up And Drive by Rihanna

The Assumption Song by The Arrogant Worms

An Ordinary Couple from The Sound Of Music

Shut Up And Drive by Chely Wright.

March 30: The dissertation Stuff The National Debt was published on FaceBook.

March 30: The following were published by Songfacts:

Hercules by Elton John

No Time For Love credited originally to Christie Moore was augmented and changed to Moving Hearts; the song was actually written by Jack Warshaw.

March 31: Stuff The National Debt was published by MajorityRights

This version is illustrated.

April 1: The poem The Smell Of Pork (illustrated!) was published on this site.

A Limerick For Everybody’s Favourite Double Child Killer was published on this site in the Limerick Section. (See also entry for March 21 above).

Musings Of An April Fool was published in the Articles Section.

April 2: The following were published by Songfacts:

Hushabye Mountain from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang credited here to Dick Van Dyke
Toot Sweets from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang credited here to Dick Van Dyke

Lazy by Deep Purple

If You Believe by Irving Berlin
Lazy by Irving Berlin

True Grit credited to Glen Campbell

John Wayne Is Big Leggy by Haysi Fantayzee (with Song Image) – as usual, the image wasn’t properly linked initially

Vanilla Queen by Golden Earring (with Song Image) – as usual, the image wasn’t properly linked

Hay Chewed by Elton John

Come Into The Garden, Maud credited here to John McCormack

Push A Little Button credited to Ninette

El Ratoncito by Suni Paz

As I Love You by Cole Porter
You’re The Top by Cole Porter (credited here to Ethel Merman and William Gaxton)

Kookaburra by Marion Sinclair (with Song Image) – not linked

Ten Green Bottles credited as traditional with an image (later deleted without being archived)

The Bare Necessities from The Jungle Book credited here to Baloo The Bear and Mowgli! (with Song Image) – as usual, the image wasn’t properly linked

Trust In Me from The Jungle Book credited here to Kaa The Snake! with an image (later deleted without being archived)

All the images were linked before 02.45 on April 3, London time.

April 2: The poem Mr Nobody was (re)published on this site.

Song Of Cuckmere (from the same failed anthology) was published on this site originally on April 8, 2000 – it was then hosted by Geocities. Sometime ago, I can’t remember when, I changed the file name from song_of_cuckmere.html to song_of_cuckmere_poem.html but missed the link, so from that time the poem was “unpublished” and has been republished (again!) today. The things I do for posterity!


This is a short introduction to three PDF files which were also added:

E-Mail to the Treasury of February 4, 2010
Response of Stephen Timms, February 8
Letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, March 8.

April 4: Easter Poem For Love Lost Never Found was published on this site.

April 6: The poem Vernalitia was published on this site, with a couple of very minor punctuation corrections from the original as published in Viridian.

My E-Mail to the BBC dated February 27, 2010 re convicted murderess Linda Carty was published on this site together with the BBC’s reply dated Tuesday, 6, April 2010.

April 10: The undated letter I received from the Treasury on April 9, 2010 was published on FinancialReform together with some comment.

April 12: The following were published by Songfacts:

Someday (The Revolution Song) by Nazanin Afshin-Jam

Come On Up To My Office from the musical Parade, credited to Brent Carver rather than composer Jason Robert Brown

I’ve Never Seen Anything Like It from Doctor Dolittle, (with Song Image) credited to the cast

The Deadwood Stage (Whip-Crack-Away!) from Calamity Jane, credited here to Doris Day

If You’re Irish Come Into The Parlour, credited to Ruby Murray rather than Shaun Glenville and Fred Godfrey

Harry by Catherine Howe
Princelet Street by Catherine Howe

Talk To The Animals from Doctor Dolittle credited to the cast

Looking for A Job by Ewan MacColl

Listening For The Weather by Bic Runga
She Left On A Monday by Bic Runga

The songfact for Heal The World by Michael Jackson was augmented, and a Song Image was added.

April 14: I added two previously unpublished photographs of Professor Flew to the Image Gallery on this site with a very brief semi-obituary.

April 15: Song For Joana was published on this site, in the Poetry Section.

It was also published on – a blog, at 11.16pm on April 15. Not sure if that is London time or EST. The blog’s owner, Dave Knight, contacted me first and says “I thought long before allowing this comment...” Nice one!

April 19: Taha’s “parody” Mrs Robinson was published on this site under Other Contributors.

It was edited minimally and with quite a lot of explanatory blurb.

April 19: The following were published by Songfacts:

Guns For The Afghan Rebels by Angelic Upstarts
Police Oppression by Angelic Upstarts
The Murder Of Liddle Towers by Angelic Upstarts

Boom Bye Bye by Buju Banton

Freeway Jam by Jeff Beck
Hi Ho Silver Lining by Jeff Beck

The Black Hills Of Dakota from the musical Calamity Jane, but credited here to Doris Day

Mary Long by Deep Purple with Song Image
Shield by Deep Purple

Ludlow Massacre by Woody Guthrie with Song Image

It’s Only A Simple Song by Geoff Long
Song Of A Sad Man by Geoff Long

Fly High by the Nakanomori Band.

I Am Trying To Remember from the musical Parade, but credited to the performer Ray Aranha – with Song Image
This Is Not Over Yet from the musical Parade, but credited to the performer Brent Carver
It’s Hard To Speak My Heart from the musical Parade, credited here to the performer Brent Carver
Watson’s Lullaby from the musical Parade, credited here to the performer John Leslie Wolf – includes Song Image

Pretty Vacant by The Sex Pistols

Princess Olivia by Al Stewart

I Wan’na Be Like You from the animated musical The Jungle Book, but credited here to “Baloo The Bear and Mowgli”

Burke And Hare by The Scaffold with Song Image; this is from the film Burke And Hare

Jesus Just Left Chicago by ZZ Top

The Songfact for Why Didn’t Rosemary? was augmented apparently sometime between April 13 and April 19, although possibly a bit earlier.

April 20: Those Wicked Iranian Child-Killers – Or Maybe Not was published on this site.

I also published “The Leader Of The Liberal-Democrats Addresses The Nation” on Usenet, and “Announcing The Michael Stone Award For Rough Justice” as an adjunct to the Michael Stone website.

April 23: Harold Covington’s podcast of April 22, 2010 was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

April 24: Those Wicked Iranian Child-Killers -- Or Maybe Not was published by Mathaba

After some delay and without hearing from Sahib Bleher. I thought it had been rejected. So I “unpublished” this article on this site! (See entry for April 20, above).

April 25: Foxman to visit Israel was published on Usenet.

April 26: The following were published by Songfacts:

Trail Of Tears by Hal Ketchum

Rock A Doodle Doo by Linda Lewis

Keep A Workin’ Big Jim by Johnny Rebel, with Song Image.

April 28: A JPG scan of a short witty article from a newsletter issued by “Beano’s” and a PDF of a letter to “Anna Pest” dated 23rd May 1990, from Paul Westwood, were added to the Other Contributors section of this site.

Taha’s letter in the Evening Standard, July 13, 2009 was published on this site in his Section.

April 29: Harold Covington’s podcast of April 29, 2010 – ie today – was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

May 1: Letter From A Nutter was published on this site under Other Contributors.

This is a fairly lengthy rant by Yours Truly together with scans of a photograph of Israel Cohen and a typed letter, both sent by Harry Mullin.

Circa May 2: I contributed a mere sentence to the Britney Spears Songfact ...Baby One More Time.

I sent it in merely as an observation; I can’t remember when exactly but I think it was at least a year, if not two years or more ago. I discovered it today.

May 3: How ADL Makes A Difference was published on this site.

May 2: I updated the Michael Stone Award page with the prize money the sponsor confirmed.

May 4: The following were published by Songfacts:

Every Race Has A Flag But The Coon credited to Lottie Gilson with Song Image

If The Man In The Moon Were A Coon by Emma Carus

Remember You’re A Womble by Mike Batt (credited to The Wombles)
Super Womble by Mike Batt (credited to The Wombles)
The Orinoco Kid by Mike Batt (credited to The Wombles)
The Wombling Song by Mike Batt (credited to The Wombles)

I’m In Love Again by Linda Lewis
Red Light Ladies by Linda Lewis

Shine On Harvest Moon credited to Jack Norworth and Nora Bayes

I’ve A Shooting Box In Scotland by Cole Porter but credited here to Joseph C. Smith and his Orchestra

You Should Have Listened To Al by Al Stewart

Some Day My Prince Will Come from Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs credited here to Adriana Caselotti

Give The Jew Girl Toys by Sarah Silverman

Scotland The Brave – credited as Traditional

Holes In The Floor Of Heaven by Steve Wariner

Everybody Needs A Friend by Wishbone Ash
No Easy Road by Wishbone Ash

The Songfacts for Doctor and Sorrel by Wishbone Ash should have been augmented but the supplementary text was added in each case as a new songfact, ie a new paragraph.

I didn’t notice until Carl informed me the following day that my credit had been omitted from this batch.

May 6: Taha’s letters in the Hackney Gazette, December 3, 1993, page 6 and the Sun, July 14, 2005, page 43 were published on this site in his Section.

The Hackney Gazette letter was published originally as December 3, 1983 but corrected on May 8 after I received an E-Mail from Taha.

May 6: The following were published by Songfacts:

I’ll Meet You There by Brett Sawyer and Pearl Runga

Mad About The Boy by Ce Soir

The King’s New Clothes from the musical Hans Christian Andersen, credited here to Danny Kaye

The Ugly Duckling from the musical Hans Christian Andersen, credited here to Danny Kaye (with Song Image)

The Daily Grind by Bic Runga

Black Superman by Johnny Wakelin & the Kinshasa Band (with Song Image)

The Songfacts for Doctor and Sorrel which were augmented May 4 were consolidated.

May 9: I added a long comment/reply to my Songfact for Ballad Of Tim Evans after an idiot who attacked me before came back for a second helping.

May 9: The Enthymeme Of Jewish History was published by MajorityRights in the evening.

With the publication of this article I appear to have created a new term: Kosher Red Riding Hood.

May 11: The poem Call Me Dave was published on Usenet in the evening. (See next entry).

About the same time or maybe a bit later the two scans which had been omitted from The Enthymeme Of Jewish History were added to the MajorityRights article, above.

May 12: Call Me Dave was published on this site.

May 13: My letter to Richard Curtis of April 21, 2010 was published on FinancialReform in both WORD format and HTML, the latter with a bit of comment.

May 14: The article/essay We Are All Doomed was published by Mathaba

This actually started life as a small mailing I sent out to various parties and posted to Usenet. I was asked by Mathaba if I would like to expand it, which I did, without the pessimism. Well, without most of it.

May 15: A compliments slip for New Target was uploaded to the Internet Archive in JPG format.

May 15: I added a sort of short cartoon strip to the Humour Section of the Michael Stone website.

Called Gail’s New Cellmate it was illustrated with stills from Coronation Street and a photograph of Damien Daley. The revelation is on the second page which is called Gail’s New Cellmate Revealed.

May 17: The following were published by Songfacts:

Snooker Loopy credited to Chas & Dave

Hans Christian Andersen the title song from the film but credited here to Danny Kaye
Thumbelina the title song from the film but credited here to Danny Kaye
It’a A Jungle Out There by Randy Newman
Louisiana 1927 by Randy Newman

No Crying No More by Bic Runga with Song Image

Tarzan & Jane by Toy-Box

Lost Girl by The Troggs

My Brother credited to Martin Turner.

May 19: Song Of The ADL was published in the Poetry Section on this site.

This is another illustrated poem; it features five photographs and an hilarious cartoon, the latter of which was also linked to the Cartoon Gallery.

May 21: Harold Covington’s weekly podcast was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

This one was broadcast originally on May 20.

May 24: The following were published by Songfacts:

Luton Airport by Cats UK

It’s Nice ’Ere, Innit? by Lorraine Chase

Orville’s Song credited to Keith Harris and Orville

Heigh-Ho from Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs credited here to The Seven Dwarfs!

Bored Teenagers by The Adverts
Gary Gilmore’s Eyes by The Adverts – with Song Image.

May 24: The illustrated poem Ode To A Redhead was published on this site.

May 27: An uncompressed PDF scan of Searchlight On The “Jewish Chronicle” was uploaded to the Internet Archive together with some comment.

May 30: The poem David Laws was published on this site.

The poems Fox – The Second Phase and Nihilism As An Art Form were not linked properly, I discovered today.

I checked with the Wayback Machine, and found Nihilism As An Artform properly linked on November 24, 2005. Fox – The Second Phase was linked properly at the time it was first published, on November 26, 2008, but I renamed most of the poetry files over a period of several months and obviously missed this so sometime between about May 2009 and today it was “unpublished”.

May 31: The following were published by Songfacts:

Sea Of Wine by Michael Chapman

As The Hours, And The Days, And The Weeks, And The Months, And The Years Roll By, by George Formby

The Barry George Song with Song Image by Kunt And The Gang

It’s Alright credited to Dennis Waterman.

June 1: A letter of June 19, 1986 from Janet Seaton to Gerald Howarth MP was uploaded to the Internet Archive in PDF together with a mini-essay.

June 1: The following were published on this site:

“Two Comments On The Israeli/Flotilla Disaster Of May 2010 – And More!”

Iran and Israel

Brave Israeli commandos prevent another Holocaust

Break His Bones: How Kosher Red Riding Hood Cried Big Bad Anti-Semitic Wolf Once Too Often

This includes a video of two Israeli soldiers beating two Palestinians during the First Intifada. This also appears to be the first reference ever – certainly in print – to the Big Bad Anti-Semitic Wolf, although I have definitely used the phrase “anti-Semitic wolf” before, years ago, as have many others.

Both Iran and Israel and Brave Israeli commandos prevent another Holocaust were sent out in E-Mails and published on Usenet on May 31. I decided to publish them properly after receiving an E-Mail from Bradley Smith. He took Brave Israeli commandos prevent another Holocaust literally!

Click here for all the above.

June 3: The poem Taxi! was published on Usenet and then on this site.

June 5: I made a speech at the 27th meeting of the New Right in Central London called Britons Are Now Slaves

This was sent to selected recipients on my mailing this the same night, in WORD format. It was listed by Troy Southgate as Britons Are Now Slaves To Europe

(See also entry for June 6, below).

June 6: My speech Britons Are Now Slaves was published on this site in both HTML and WORD formats, the former including some notes.

June 6: PDFs of the SVSG anti-Cruddas leaflet and flyer of June 2007 were uploaded to the Internet Archive just before 23.30 in PDF.

Some comment was added.

June 7: The following were published by Songfacts:

Bad Boy by Speech Debelle

Paddy McGinty’s Goat credited to Val Doonican

Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines credited to Ron Goodwin & His Orchestra

Don’t Be Angry by Stonewall Jackson

The Highwayman credited initially to Alfred Noyes but changed later to Loreena McKennitt

Penelope’s Song by Loreena McKennitt
The Bonny Swans by Loreena McKennitt

The Highwayman by Jimmy Webb. [This was augmented significantly at a later date; here is the original songfact as submitted by Yours Truly].

June 7: Britons Are Now Slaves was published on FinancialReform in both HTML and WORD formats together with some comment and an E-Mail from Kerry Bolton of New Zealand.

In the evening I published a PDF scan of the letter I received from Richard Curtis of the Treasury on April 9. The text of the letter was published on FinancialReform, April 10, (see above).

June 8: Gordon Brown’s Poker Lesson was published on FinancialReform, on Usenet, and later on FaceBook.

My letter of May 22, 2010 to the New York Times was published on FaceBook less the address and date.

June 9: The following were published on this site:

Letter to the Metropolitan Police of May 10, 2010 re their attempt to impose censorship on Internet Cafés in Central London.

(This in both HTML and WORD format; the latter was replaced by a PDF in October 2016. There is a short introductory page).

Their response of May 20, 2010 in PDF.
A JPG scan of the poster that led me to write the aforementioned letter.

June 10: A PDF of Britons Are Now Slaves was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

June 11: A PDF scan of the General Election insert from Target issue 46 was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

Ditto a PDF scan of a two page A4 leaflet called Think Right, Leftie: Don’t Pay For Gable’s Libels

I have absolutely no idea who published this, honest. It was issued some time in 1994.

After I checked in the above two pages I also checked to see if they had been properly published. They had, but by late afternoon if not sooner they had disappeared. However, they were back by the time I logged on the following afternoon, June 12.

June 11: The poem Painful Medicine was published first on Usenet and then on this site.

Three JPG scans of Taha’s letters were also added to his section:

Boxing News, December 11, 2009
Daily Express, March 17, 2010 – this scan includes a letter by Sheila Harrison of Kendal, Cumbria as the other side of a Yes/No? debate
Spectator, April 3, 2010.

June 12: The Unity Radio UClassified programme broadcast originally on the evening of June 8, 2010 was added to Archive.Org with some introductory comment.

This was sent to me as four MP4 files. I was supposed to have appeared on the programme, and my name is mentioned in all four files!

June 13: Taha’s letter in (London) Metro of March 10, 2010 was published on his Section on this site.

June 14: Gordon Brown’s Poker Lesson was published on Archive.Org in PDF with some explanatory comment.

June 14: The following were published by Songfacts:

Postcards Of Scarborough by Michael Chapman
Wellington The Skellington by Michael Chapman

Flower Of Scotland credited to The Corries with Song Image

Cleveland Rocks by Ian Hunter
England Rocks by Ian Hunter
Michael Picasso with Song Image by Ian Hunter

Shami Chakrabarti with Song Image by Jonathan King

A Life On The Ocean Wave by Henry Russell

Batallions Of Steel by Saxon
Valley Of The Kings by Saxon

Dublin by Thin Lizzy

The Song Image for Witchfinder General by Saxon was also augmented.

June 15: A PDF of New TARGET BULLETIN, Election Special, April 2003 was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

June 15: The following were published on this site:

My Voice column of February 9, 1988

A cartoon of the Gaza Flotilla affair

Taha’s letter in (London) Metro, September 21, 2009 was published in his Section on this site, as was a letter from Kate Smurthwaite from the March 12, 2010 issue of the same paper in response to his letter of March 10. Included in this scan is a letter from Alison Dear, a photograph, and some comment on the two letters by Yours Truly.

June 15: The meaning of the word “great” in a “black” context was published by MajorityRights.

June 15: In the evening I was on Unity Radio, Birmingham on the U Classified programme, which ran from 8pm to 10pm. I was on in the first hour.

June 16: Taha’s letters in the Independent, May 8, 2010 and the Evening Standard, May 24, 2010, were published in JPG format in his Section on this site.

June 16: A PDF pf Trade Union Democrat was uploaded to the Internet Archive. This is a special one page leaflet produced by the Searchlight Victims Support Group.


A scan of this double sided A4 leaflet dated April 1995 was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

June 17: Taha’s letter in TNT, May 24-30, 2010 was published in his Section on this site.

June 18: Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of Jews was published – slightly edited – by MajorityRights

I have to say I’m not entirely happy with the final edit.

June 20: The U Classified radio programme of June 15 was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

This is I believe the whole programme but about 20-25 minutes of the first section – which included me – appears to be missing.

June 21: The following were published by Songfacts:

Me And My Guitar by Tom Dice

Advance Australia Fair credited to Andrew Fairfax

The existing Songfact for That Sounds Good To Me by Josh Dubovie was augmented, rather caustically!

June 22: A scan of a Target leaflet was uploaded to the Internet Archive:

New Target issue 18 and the accompanying letter dated December 2001 were published in one file in PDF together with some accompanying blurb.

June 22: Al was on Unity Radio, Birmingham, again, the first hour of the U Classified programme, from 8-9pm, talking about usury and the Zionist entity in that order.

June 23: A PDF scan of Why Hackney Council Can’t Afford To Give Your Kids A Moslem Education was uploaded to the Internet Archive together with a bit of comment.

June 23: The lyrics to Lady Lazarus were published on this site in the Music and Song Section together with a bit of comment.

June 25: A PDF scan of a one-sided A4 letter that accompanied issue 33 of New TARGET was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

June 25: The following were published by Songfacts:

The Jamie Rap credited to Harry Hill

Eyes Of A Ranger by Chuck Norris

Airwave by Boh Runga
Be Careful by Boh Runga
Evelyn by Boh Runga
Starfish Sleeping by Boh Runga
The Sky And The Earth by Boh Runga
Would You Give Your Heart by Boh Runga

Beer Drinkers & Hell Raisers by ZZ Top
I Need You Tonight by ZZ Top.

June 26: A (poor quality) JPG scan of Taha’s letter in Boxing News, April 16, 2010 was added to his section on this site.

June 27: A short video (edited down from a longer one) of George Galloway speaking outside the Israeli Embassy in the wake of the Gaza Flotilla Massacre was uploaded to YouTube together with a short essay: George Galloway Threatens To Wipe Israel Off The Map

June 28: An undated letter – one side of A4 – from the Searchlight Victims Support Group was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

I also added Harold Covington’s podcast of June 17, 2010.

June 29: For the third week in a row I appeared on the U Classified Radio programme at 8pm!

And this time I was on for the full length of the programme!

June 30: Harold Covington’s weekly podcast for June 24, 2010 was uploaded to the Internet Archive with a bit of added comment.

My introductory blurb amounts to an essay in itself.

July 1: A JPG scan of Searchlight aids the fight against new Euro racists from the Jewish Chronicle, July 28, 1995, page 8 was published on SearchlightArchive.

The scan includes an unrelated article due to the layout of the page.

July 2: Afghanistan &mdash Enough Is Enough was published by MajorityRights

July 2: A fairly lengthy comment was added to my songfact for Black Korea

July 2: From approximately 5pm to 6pm London time Al appeared in a live programme on Iranian TV!

July 3: The following were published on this site:

Some blurb on the HomePage as dated

“Comedy Sketches By Alexander Baron – Introduction”

Ancient Rome Quickie
Apartheid Quickie
Bus Stop Quickie
Corridor Quickie
Gestapo Quickie.

July 4: The following were published by Songfacts:

Baronet Oswald Ernald Mosley, credited to Not The Nine O’Clock News

Return To Summerisle by Seelenlicht

The songfact for Black Korea was edited to remove any reference to Rodney King; I got the chronology wrong when I wrote the original Songfact; Black Korea was written before the LA riots.

July 4: Grocery Store Quickie was published on this site.

July 5: A small clip excerpted from my Iranian TV appearance of July 2 was uploaded to YouTube; it is called Shut Down The Oil, Now!

The full video was uploaded to the Internet Archive with a short introductory essay.

July 6: Harold Covington’s weekly podcast for June 4, 2010 was published on Archive.Org.

July 8: I’ve been doing some work on the Internet Archive, and one of these pricks has been deleting some of uploads capriciously, including two of my own recordings. The Great White live concert has also been removed.

July 9: The following were published on this site:

Decorator Quickie
Galileo Quickie
Guardian Angel Quickie
Ladder Quickie

July 10: Dressing Room Quickie and Grafitti Quickie were published on this site.

Two Limericks For Raoul Moat was/were published on this site (corrected from Usenet!).

This can be viewed as either two limericks or one limerick poem.

July 11: Police Chief Quickie was published on this site.

July 12: The poem We Don’t Believe You was published on this site, but see entry for August 28, 2022.

July 13: The following were published by Songfacts:

Forty Winks Away by Neil Sedaka
Stairway To Heaven by Neil Sedaka Both the above were published without my credits, which were added July 19.

Circa July 13: On July 28, 2012, I discovered the existing songfact for Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport had been augmented. I have no idea when this was done, but I wrote this paragraph and sent it in on or soon after June 18, 2010.

July 14: Behind The Scenes At The British Library was published on this site together with 34 photographs taken by Yours Truly.

See also entry for November 6 (below).

July 15: Harold Covington’s weekly podcast dated July 15 but mailed out July 14 was uploaded to the Internet Archive together with a bit of comment.

A PDF of a letter received from Professor Hans Eysenck dated October 14, 1993 was also added.

July 15: Does money come from cuckoo land?

This is an edited version of my letter to the Morning Star, published under LETTERS and a sub-heading of ECONOMICS, page 14. Credited to A BARON London SE26.

July 16: A scan of Coming Of Age from Paraphernalia was added to the HTML version on this site.

July 16: A PDF of New TARGET ISSUE...Number Ten was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

July 17: Taha’s letter in the New Statesman of July 5, 2010 was published in his Section on this site.

July 17: Is The “Jewish Chronicle” A Diseased Organ?
A point by point reply to, and refutation of, Julian Kossoff’s smear article.
3rd Edition – Updated.

A PDF scan of the above together with a short introductory essay was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

July 18: JPG scans of the following letters by Taha were published in his Section on this site:

West End Extra, July 24, 2009
Independent, July 30, 2009
Boxing News June 25, 2010.

July 19: The following were published by Songfacts:

No Vaseline by Ice Cube (with an image, shortly deleted)

Alexis by Rory Gallagher with Song Image

I’d Rather Have A Bottle In Front Of Me (Than A Frontal Labotomy) by Randy Hanzlick M.D.

Gravity by Bic Runga
Sway by Bic Runga

I Believe by Joe Satriani

Our Last Song Together by Neil Sedaka

The Ghosts Of Flanders by Seelenlicht

Clifton Grange Hotel by Thin Lizzy

Santa Claus Has Got The AIDS This Year by Tiny Tim

Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta by The Geto Boys

Gravity by Pixie Lott was augmented.

July 20: A JPG of a straight flush I made on FullTilt Poker, July 19, was uploaded to the Internet Archive with a bit of comment.

July 21: My letter as published in the Morning Star of July 15, 2010 in JPG format, and the original in PDF, were published simultaneously on both FinancialReform and this site, the latter under Baron Correspondence.

July 21: Is Zionism A Collective Mental Illness? was published by Mathaba

I supplied all the illustrations but the first one; needless to say I did not provide the introductory sentence which refers to “The racist Jewish supremacist political ideology...

Archived link to the original.

July 22: Golf Course Quickie and Hard Bargain Quickie were published in the Comedy Sketches section on this site.

July 23: The following Taha letters were published in his Section on this site:

Boxing News, October 15, 1976
The Sun, December 24, 2009
Daily Mail, January 4, 2010.

July 24: The following Taha letters were published in his Section on this site:

Evening Standard, August 7, 2009
The Independent, August 12, 2009.

July 25: A PDF of a one page letter from Arthur Deex dated 11 September 1992 and pages 1,3 & 4 of THE PENTATETTE, Volume XI Number 1 September 1992 were published on Archive.Org with some explanatory comment.

The second document includes a SOFTWARE REVIEW of Limericks On-Line and three of my limericks.

Alternative link for the Arthur Deex letter
And The Pentatette

The following were restored by the Internet Archive:

Be Good To Yourself
Money: Medium Of Exchange Or Debt?

I don’t know when they were deleted, probably months ago. The file I posted of Great White in concert on BBC Radio 1 has not been restored; likewise that may have been deleted months ago.

July 27: The following were uploaded to the Internet Archive in PDF:

A bulk order form for Target
The day Nick Lowles of Searchlight gave some “secrets” away.

July 28: The following Taha letters were published in his Section on this site:

Today, November 15, 1993
West End Extra, August 7, 2009
The Sun, November 26, 2009
(London) Metro, December 18, 2009
TNT December 21-27, 2009.

July 29: My video We Are All Doomed – The Gulf Oil Spill, And What We Must Do Now was uploaded to YouTube in two parts.

July 30: A video called The Ugly Truth About Convicted Murderess Linda Carty was uploaded to YouTube, with a bit of blurb.

July 31: A PDF of an insert from Target, an invitation to order issue 23 (which presumably was mailed out with issue 22 – I can’t remember at this distance) was published on Archive.Org.

August 2: Dave Knight published a fairly long reply from me on re Linda Carty.

August 2: The following were published by Songfacts:

Song For Bob Dylan by David Bowie

Rosie by Jackson Browne

Barges by Ralph McTell
Bentley & Craig by Ralph McTell
First Song by Ralph McTell
Sylvia (with Song Image) by Ralph McTell
Zimmerman Blues by Ralph McTell

Rosie by Richie Sambora.

August 2: A video recording of the poem Song For Joana was uploaded to YouTube together with the text and some additional comment.

August 3: A Satire On The ADL was uploaded to YouTube.

There are two version: the Plain Version and the Illustrated Version

Re the above, see entry for October 19, 2019.

August 4: Target issue 7 was uploaded to the Internet Archive in PDF.

August 4: A recording of Song For Sharon and the actual text were uploaded to YouTube.

My letter to the Queen re finance dated June 17, 2010 and the reply of the Palace (including a scan of the envelope) was published on FinancialReform together with a bit of introductory blurb.

Late in the evening I moved SearchlightArchive website to a sub-directory on this site and closed the domain; it expires later this month, and I can’t justify renewing it on the current traffic.

August 5: The following were published by Songfacts:

Let’s Hear It England by Commentators United

How Could You Believe Me When I Said I Love You When You Know I’ve Been A Liar All My Life credited to Fred Astaire

The Ballad Of Charles Whitman (with Song Image) by Kinky Friedman
They Ain’t Makin’ Jews Like Jesus Anymore by Kinky Friedman

You Make Me Cry by Macy Gray

Mr. Bluesman by Richie Sambora

Almost Lucy by Al Stewart
In Red Square by Al Stewart

My songfacts from the previous update were also credited.

August 6: Taha’s letter in the Daily Telegraph, June 19 2009, was published on this site in his Section.

Two SVSG leaflets were uploaded to the Internet Archive: CAN YOU HELP? and NATIONAL INFORMATION NETWORK, each with a tiny bit of blurb.

August 7: My poem We Don’t Believe You was uploaded to YouTube, but see entry for August 28, 2022.

August 7: Taha’s letter in the Sun, November 10, 2009 was published on his section here.

August 9: My poem We Don’t Believe You was uploaded to YouTube – the Illustrated Version, but see entry for August 28, 2022.

August 10: Adam And Eve Quickie was published on this site.

August 10: A scan of my contribution to Neon Lilly Tiger was uploaded to the Internet Archive together with some explanatory blurb.

The front and back covers and relevant contents page of the book were included but – with typical Baron efficiency – not Lessons Of The Slate Mine or Black Sky.

A PDF of a letter from Iain Hollingshead of the Daily Telegraph to a certain Mark Taha was also published therein.

August 11: The following PDFs were uploaded to the Internet Archive:

Errata slip for The Churchill Papers, dated October 21, 1994.

A small slip advertising the Target Telephone Hotline

August 12: A PDF of a letter dated June 2009 from Andrew Jones to Yours Truly was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

August 13: Brief Ode To White Windsor and Lament were published on this site in the Poetry Section.

August 13: The “Anti-Semitism” Of Unsophisticated Minds was published by Mathaba, without my byline.

When it was added to this site I included an edit of the notorious Rodney King beating video (edited by me) and a video that was originally linked from YouTube. Here, it has been uploaded to this site.

August 14: Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label 1980-89 Bibliography was published on this site together with an introductory page.

The former includes Conundrum Riddles, a short introduction to my er, conundrum riddles.

August 15: Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label 1990 Bibliography was published on this site.

August 15: Victims Deserve Justice Too – The Truth About Convicted Murderess Linda Carty was published by Mathaba

August 16: Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label 1991 Bibliography was published on this site, and a seperate section for the Lorrain Osman Campaign.

August 17: The following were published on this site:

My correspondence with Houston Police re Linda Carty with an introduction (Preamble).

Airline Desk Quickie was also published here.

Circa August 18: The following were published by Songfacts between August 5 and August 18, 2010:

Dumb Magician by The Blue Orchids
Low Profile by The Blue Orchids

Freedom Flotilla Song by Doc Jazz

Sex Kills by Joni Mitchell
Sunny Sunday by Joni Mitchell

Political Science by Randy Newman

Blue Blue Heart by Bic Runga

How Does It Happen by Al Stewart
Where Are They Now? by Al Stewart.

August 18: The following were published by Songfacts:

Last Of The Independents by Rory Gallagher – with Song Image

Himno Da Carta – listed as traditional.

August 19: To A Wise And Noble King was published on this site.

I wrote this piece of doggerel in 1984!

August 20: Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label 1992-4 Bibliography was published on this site.

Bishop Quickie and Bodybuilder Quickie were also added.

August 20: “Philanthropy” From Jacob Schiff To Tony Blair was published by Mathaba today – not August 19 as dated. (Time difference?)

August 23: Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label 1995-7 Bibliography was published on this site.

August 24: Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label 1998-9 Bibliography was published on this site.

August 25: The following were published by Songfacts:

Knife by Aztec Camera

The Four Corners Of Hell by Man

I’ve Still Got My Health by Cole Porter

Death Disco by Public Image Ltd
Religion by Public Image Ltd

Ballad Of Youth by Richie Sambora

The Modern Saxons by Seelenlicht.

August 25: The poem Sound Of The Sea was relinked.

It was actually published here October 26, 2000, but at some point I must have broken the link, probably while adding another poem to the index.

For the record, two days before my almost suicide attempt of September 26, 1983, I stood in the sea at Margate and contemplated doing it there. I’ve used a tiny bit of poetic licence; there is no ocean at Margate, but...

August 26: Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label 2000 Bibliography was published on this site.

August 26: Pakistan Must Not Drown Twice was published by Mathaba

August 27: The press release for A Goy Pries Into The “Talmud” was published on this site.

This is dated 26th November 1992 – thus – and is in compressed PDF.

Taha’s letters in the following publication were published in his Section:

Islington Gazette, December 22, 1994
TNT, August 16-22, 2010
Guardian (Education) supplement, August 17, 2010.

Re the second of the above, see entry for April 13, 2014.

August 28: Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label 2001 Bibliography was published on this site.

ABaron Had A PeeCee was published under Other Contributors together with some explanatory preamble and comment.

August 29: Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label 2002 Bibliography was published on this site.

August 30: Burglar Quickie was published on this site.

I also did some work on the 2002 bibliography, one or two corrections, etc, and added a note re the poem Ruislip Owl.

Circa August 31: The following Songfacts essays were augumented on or before August 31, 2010.

I sent these in July 15, 2010 so in theory the could have been published anytime between these dates but were probably published in August.

Indiana Wants Me by R. Dean Taylor
Ride by Ciara
She by Charles Aznavour.

Re the above, Indiana Wants Me was also entered under September 2 and September 5, 2010. These errors were not noticed (and corrected) until February 15, 2020.
My contribution to Ride consists of a single sentence.

August 31: The following were published on this site:

My unpublished letter of May 22, 2010 to the New York Times re convicted murderess Linda Carty

A cut down version of the Reprieve main webpage on Linda Carty, which was downloaded August 30

The Linda Carty Top Ten – this was published originally on Facebook. A bit of humour.

The main article:

LINDA CARTY: The Guilty Murderess –
As Documented By The United States Of Appeals

This is the main article; I wrote all or most of it on August 30. It was meant to be a short introduction to a 234 page PDF document published by the US Court Of Appeals. As things turned out I spent much of the previous two days reading this and published a rather long essay as commentary.

The document itself doesn’t have a proper name; it is really a collection of documents related to the case. It was published here at any rate.

And “A few questions for all honest supporters of convicted murderess Linda Carty”.

I had previously published this on Facebook.

Clinic Quickie was published here too.

September 1: The following poems were published on this site:

Stephen Waldorf On His Ideal Car
To Dick Thompson

Both of these were written in 1984. The latter is less a poem than a goodbye to a workmate. I had a choice of going to his funeral, or going to Hull where I had a 99% chance of getting laid. I chose the latter, did, and have never stopped regretting it, even though it was the second time I’d ever slept with a woman. I don’t mean the second time I ever had sex, God I wasn’t that green, but the first time I’d ever shared a bed with one for the entire night. We did it three times, then she said we weren’t compatible, and I never saw her again.

September 2: The following were published on this site:

To F.J. Irsigler (Author, Correspondent And Friend)

Courtroom Quickie

September 2: The following were published by Songfacts:

Ton Ton Macoute, by Al Stewart

Cannily, Cannily, by Ewan MacColl

Barbara Allen – Traditional

Catholic Girls by Frank Zappa
Crew Slut by Frank Zappa
Dead Girls Of London by Frank Zappa
Joe’s Garage by Frank Zappa (this was augmented somewhat in-house)
The Central Scrutiniser by Frank Zappa
Toad-O-Line by Frank Zappa
Wet T-Shirt Nite by Frank Zappa

Window Shopping by R. Dean Taylor

The following existing Songfacts were augmented:

Jewish Princess by Frank Zappa
Montana, by Frank Zappa.

September 2: The limerick William Hague was published on Usenet.

September 3: The poem Descartes’ Demon was published on this site.

This was not related in any way to the pronouncement by Stephen Hawking the previous day about the non-existence of God. This is quite an old poem, from 1990 or earlier. I dug out the typed version a couple of days previously.

September 3: Harold Covington’s podcast of September 2, 2010 was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

September 4: Weatherman Quickie and West Bank Quickie were published on this site.

September 5: The following were published on this site:

Indiana Wants Me under Songfacts – published originally by Songfacts (somewhat amended here).

The Classics
The Planets
White Light: A Mnemonic

The above three were written around 1988, after I read The Faber Book Of Useful Verse.

September 6: The following were published on this site:


Black Lady
Julian Lennon


Illegal Alien
Indian Restaurant.

September 6: The Pakistan Cricket Scandal -- ‘When Does Investigative Journalism Become Incitement?’ was published by Mathaba

September 7: The following were published on this site:


Anonymous – 6
Beware, The One-Eyed God!
Never Mind Yesterday
Sound Advice
Through The Fire (Reflections On Camden Town Winos)

Re Sound Advice, see entry for October 7, 2024.


Archimedes’ Princely Tool
Don’t You Wish – an extended limerick
Doris Stokes – a limerick poem
Florida Flora
Heart To Heart
Mork The Polack
Only A Kiss – A Limeraiku
Smart Mart
The Girl From Andorra
The Lodger From Reading
The Longshoreman’s Daughter

Songs (lyrics only)

I’m Weird
The Higher You Fly

All the above are old stuff, written prior to November 1990. Beware, The One-Eyed God! was written in 1984 or 1985. Never Mind Yesterday has had a comma inserted which did not appear in the original; Legacy has had a few corrections/alterations from the original printed version.

I’m Weird has a factual inspiration – she was one sick bitch.

September 8: The poem Stepping Stones was published on this site.

Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label 2003-04 Bibliography was also published here.

September 9: The following were published on this site:

Letter to an Islamic Community Activist
The poem: And The Word

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography Introduction page was augmented significantly.

September 10: The following were published on this site:


A Nice Pair – an extended limerick for Samantha Fox
A Question Of Degree – I wrote this in January 1985, when it was topical!
Fishful Thinking – a limerick for weatherman Michael Fish
Lord Arsehole (1) –
Miss Godiva
Slack Alice


A Limerick A Day
Sun Fun

And Street Theft Quickie

Re Lord Arsehole (1), above, like Epitaph For Lord Longford, this was written when the old cunt was still alive; the latter is from an as yet unpublished poem His Lordship’s Lot. I will probably never publish this.

September 11: The following were published on this site:

A Poem For Terry Jones – I wrote this September 9, 2010


Brighouse Bert – if my recollection is correct, I wrote this around 1988
Inequating – a limerick poem – I wrote this possibly in 1985 but probably 1984.
Sid Vicious
Sound Of Mind – an extended limerick
The Drunken Driver – I wrote this around 1986 I wrote both the above prior to November 1990; if my recollection is correct, I wrote the former around 1988, and the latter around 1986. Better late than never!

September 12: Does William Hague bat for the opposition? by Alexander Baron was published by MajorityRights

September 12: The following limericks were published on this site:

Arms Race – written circa 1987
Beebie Geebies – written probably around 1986
Caribbean Joke – written probably around 1986-90; the joke itself has been around a good deal longer than that, and probably a good deal longer than me
Carter The Farter written prior to November 1990
Dennis The Menace written prior to November 1990
Oliver Tambo – for a reason I won’t explain here, I can date this to either 1985 or 1986, probably the former.
Radio Four – written I think circa 1987. When I did listen to Radio Four! At the time, I sent this to one of its broadcasters, who was probably not amused.
Reg The Veg – written prior to November 1990.

September 13: The following were published on this site:


Get Nutted – this was written circa 1988; this was actually uploaded in the evening, unlike all the other uploads today, which were published shortly after midnight, September 12-3

Hamil’s Fallacy – written prior to November 1990, and was originally called Hamil’s Fancy

Lord Arsehole (2) – it speaks volumes for this silly old cunt that he was eulogised by con man Peter Sainsbury

Mirella Beechook – this was probably written shortly after Beechook’s conviction, in July 1986. The sick cunt actually committed two murders; one of the victims was her own daughter

No Ball – another early Baron limerick, written in the wake of a predictable thrashing of the England cricket team by West Indies

Uri Geller – another early Baron limerick, written circa 1989.


Teutonic Observations

This is a two line poem – I call it a poem, others might not. It was written a long time ago.

This is a bit complicated but the Poetry Section already contained a poem called A World Of Difference; this begins: “There was a man who didn’t know the difference betwixt”

This was renumbered (2) and a previously unpublished poem – written c1984 became A World Of Difference (1); This begins “The Tory yearns for privilege to keep the plebs in thrawl”

The sonnet On Nihilists written probably around 1988, certainly not much later.

September 13: Also, the following were published by Songfacts:

Mr. Mysterious by Eliza Doolittle

Life’s In The Pocket by Alex “Hurricane” Higgins
One Four Seven by Alex “Hurricane” Higgins

In Canada by B.J. Snowden
Ode To Lesley by B.J. Snowden
U.S. Navy Song by B.J. Snowden

My Mother Is A Space Cadet by Dweezil Zappa (credited originally to his Dad!)

Easy Meat by Frank Zappa
Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up by Frank Zappa
Teenage Prostitute by Frank Zappa
Trouble Every Day by Frank Zappa
Why Does It Hurt When I Pee? by Frank Zappa.

September 14: The following limericks were published on this site:

Strange Brew – I think I wrote this about a real chef but can’t remember who at this distance.
The Cow From Cowes
The Punching Postman – Frank Bruno fought Barry Funches at the Royal Albert Hall on May 31, 1983. I think I wrote this around 1987. Funches was actually known as the Fighting Postman.
The Spinster From Jarrow
The Sundrum Conundrum
The Young Girl Of Manchester
The Young Fellow From Gillingham, Kent
The Young Lady From Pimlico

The two line poem Sound Advice was published as Sound Advice (2) and the existing one became Sound Advice (1)

All the above were written prior to November 1990.

Re Sound Advice, see the entry for October 7, 2024.

September 15: The following were published on this site:


Forbidden Fruit
The A-loo-shun Kid
The Doctor From Beckenham
The Dope(y) Runner
The Lad From Skegness
The Lady Poet
The Young Lady From Tchad

All the above – except Forbidden Fruit – were written prior to November 1990; The Doctor From Beckenham was probably written c1986.

It took me all of two minutes to write Forbidden Fruit after reading a message on the Al Stewart E-Mail Digest which asked if there were any words that rhymed with orange. For those not in the know, Orange is the title of his fourth album – fifth if you include the re-release of Bedsitter Images.

I also added a couple of sentences at the top of the Limerick Page re coding and browser problems.

September 16: The following limericks were published on this site:

Sue The Slag
The Harlot From Eltham
Up The Front – this was published as number (2); the existing limerick poem of the same name was numbered (1).

I believe they were all written between 1986 and about 1989.

Later in the day I added these two:

On An Unusual Mugger
The Skinhead From Hull

The first was written in the wake of the Leonard-Lalonde fight on November 7, 1988; the second probably around the same time, but certainly before November 1990.

September 17: The transcript of my speech We Are All Doomed... was published (with extra text, and notes) in WORD format on this site:

The following limericks were also published:

Man Of The World
Norman Tebbitt
Queer Talk (2)
Wrong Way Time Of The Month

Re the above, the existing Queer Talk limerick was numbered (1)

All these were written prior to November 1990.

September 18: The following were published on this site:

The Haiku beginning “Militants get what they want” – this was written some time prior to November 1990


Afrikannot Do That – I wrote this circa 1984
Bampton The Flasher – written before November 1990
Indonesian Impulse – written before November 1990


Follow The Postman (The True Story Of An Unrepentant Recidivist)
Nobody’s Heroes – I wrote this in 1984; it went down well with the one Catholic who read it at the time.

I wrote Follow The Postman in 1984 too; I can’t remember when I added the subtitle. This guy looked like an old gypsy – not didicoi scum, a Romany. He was heavily tattoed. I remember asking him “You done a lot of bird?” to which he replied “Done a bit”. I think he was from Brighton – hence the easy rhyme with coast. He was quite chuffed when I gave him a copy. This was one of three poems that earned me the Koestler Award for Poetry that year.

The Quickie Street Of Calamity.

Circa September 19: Autograph by Andrew Murray (with song image) was published by Songfacts apparently between August 14 and September 27, 2010.

(This Songfact was published out of sequence, so I can’t be absolutely sure when it was published, for example, Beer Drinkers & Hell Raisers by ZZ Top is number 20,000, but that was published June 25; Autograph is 19,936).

September 19: The following were published on this site:


Highpointless – written immediately after the – somewhat bizarre – escape of Mike Cilaggi.
Mugged – written before November 1990.

September 20: The following were published on this site:

The poem Papal Advice which is included in Why The Pope Doesn’t Use A Condom – at the very end (see below) – and is also published seperately in the Poetry Section.

Why The Pope Doesn’t Use A Condom is in both HTML and WORD formats; the latter was later replaced with a PDF; this does not include the citation, or the links.

Talk about life imitating art; I was in the Library on November 23, a shade over two months after I published this story, when I found not a wallet but a purse, the fattest one I’ve ever seen. Although I was doing mostly music research, I was downstairs in Humanities I at the time. The owner had left it in front of a computer, probably while consulting the catalogue. I don’t know how much money it contained, but it was full of credit cards. Naturally I handed it in; alas, no party invitations this time!

September 21: The following were published on this site:

Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label 2005-07 Bibliography and Supplementary Information page.

This latter contains inter alia short notes on Anglo-Hebrew Publishing and Mark Taha, and a couple of paragraphs on Terry Ewing.

The following poems were also published here:

A Page To Nigel Grant – written as date

De Profundis (1) – I wrote this 1989 or 1990
De Profundis (2) – I can’t remember when I wrote this although I remember my state of mind when I did. I think it was sometime in the 1990s.

September 21: The following were published by Songfacts:

Big Head by Max Bygraves
Fings Ain’t Wot They Used T’Be by Max Bygraves
Gilly, Gilly, Ossenfeffer, Katzenllen Bogen By The Sea by Max Bygraves
Tulips From Amsterdam by Max Bygraves
You Need Hands by Max Bygraves
You’re A Pink Toothbrush by Max Bygraves

What A Referee! credited to Billy Cotton

The Daily Mail Song by Dan & Dan

Built For Comfort by Willie Dixon

We’re Going On A Tuppenny Bus Ride by Anita Harris

Time For Truth by The Jam

A Song For You credited to Killers (sent in as Paul Di’Anno – this has also been edited very slightly

Cupid’s Alley by R.P. Weston
He’s Been A Long Time Gorn! by R.P. Weston (credited to Stewart Morton)
I’ve Got Rings On My Fingers by R.P. Weston (credited here to Blanche Ring).

September 22: The following were published on this site:

The Galileo Spirit – a sonnet, written circa 1989

Curiosity – lyrics only. I wrote this circa 1988.

September 23: The poem Chameleon was published on this site.

A few minor alterations were made to the short story Why The Pope Doesn’t Use A Condom.

September 23: I spent the afternoon in the British Library doing some music research, and in the evening I went up to Finchley where I spent about forty minutes on front of the camera being interviewed by Paul Gweksabout convicted murderess Linda Carty, the Reprieve lie machine, and related issues.

September 24: Whatever They Want was published on this site.

Not the finest poem I’ve ever written, but a few points:

The word come-back is hyphenated thus to emphasise meter (alias metre!). The Pistols refers to the Sex Pistols.

This poem also has an interesting inspiration; I think I wrote it sometime in the early 1990s. I can’t recall the details but I was watching a TV chat show on which a big film star was being interviewed. He related an anecdote wherein he was riding in a taxi, and the driver slagged off his latest film or play. Rather indignant he asked who are you (to say that)? Or some such. To which the driver replied: “I am the public.”

September 25: The following were published on this site:

Whatever Happened To Shady Jane?
A JPG scan of the original hand drawing of The Waiting Room
Teresa Lewis Strikes A Blow For Women’s Rights including photographs of both Lewis and Linda Carty.

Re the poem, I think I wrote this 1984-5 because I had intended to use it in one of my early anthologies. The title is a pun on Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?

Re the drawing, I wrote the blurb about this last year, but forgot to link it.

September 26: Mark’s letters in the

Independent, November 23, 2009
Camden New Journal, September 2, 2010

were published in his Section on this site.

September 27: A PDF of “Chainword Solved” was uploaded to the Internet Archive together with a tiny bit of explanatory blurb.

September 28: The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for 2008 was added.

September 28: In the evening, Vince Cable on capitalism – old wine in new bottles was published by MajorityRights

Although the quotes from Tragedy & Hope are mine, David Yates has edited this article somewhat, especially the end.

September 29: Prescription Quickie was published on this site.

And Ballade Of Booze — this was written in the late 80s or very early 90s for a competition in a set format. I’ve corrected a typo or two here.

September 29: The following were published by Songfacts:

Real Killers by Thug Fam (with Song Image)

Helpless by Wishbone Ash
Living Proof by Wishbone Ash
Master Of Disguise by Wishbone Ash

Hasbi Rabbi by Sami Yusuf
Mother by Sami Yusuf.

September 29: The poems Song For The Day (Hope) and Three Well Known Chemical Formulae were published on this site in the afternoon.

I wrote the former between 1984 and 2002, probably a lot nearer the former. The latter was probably written around 1988-92.

September 30: Around 23.40 last night I found two sonnets that I wrote probably, definitely, sometime in the early 1990s or earlier. I had all but forgotten both of them. And I really can’t understand why. The Theory Of The Theory and The Trade-In were published here within the hour.

And within minutes The Trade-In had also been published by MajorityRights.

Late morning I published David Cameron – Sap Or Something Else in both HTML and WORD formats (the latter was replaced by a PDF file in July 2014).

October 1: I added a Joke Section to this site:

“Gags, Jokes, Etc By Alexander Baron” – “Preamble”

with Jokes (1)-(83) and Heckler Stoppers (1)-(12)

The poem Incantation which was written January 28, 1985 – this was published originally in the 1992 Byteland On-Line Anthology

And the poem The Song Of Wandering Anus – I wrote this in 1984; it is a parody of the W.B. Yeats poem The Song Of Wandering Aengus.

October 2: Jokes (84)-(94) were published on this site

as was Doctor’s Office Quickie.

October 3: Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label 2009 Bibliography was published on the site.

October 4: Published on this site was a sonnet which I’ve called simply Sonnet;

It begins “My Love was truer than an axiom”

Originally it was dedicated to the Love of my life, the real one. I wrote it either in 1984 or 1985.

The following were also published here:

Fruit Show Quickie
Parked Car Quickie
Snooker Quickie.

October 5: The following were published on this site:

A WORD format version of my last letter to Nick Griffin; an E-Mail from John Tyndall dated January 4, 2003 together with a lengthy introductory page.
[Re the Griffin letter, see entry for April 15, 2011].

Two letters to JT dated March 2 and March 25, 2002 respectively in both WordStar format and PDF.

A ZIP file of WordStar 6 basic set up

JT’s response to Griffin (in rich text format).

All the above can be found at this link.

October 6: Al’s letter in Locomotive Journal, April 1981 together with the reply the following month were published on this site in JPG format together with a short introductory essay.

October 6: A JPG scan of the News Of The World article June 21, 2009 was published on IsMichaelStoneGuilty together with a curt comment.

October 6: Later in the day I added Smoking Quickie to this site.

And two limericks:

On Jonathan Oates

I wrote this latter today, and On Jonathan Oates either early this morning or last night. I spent a week or more trying to rhyme “groats” to no avail!

October 7: Élites was published on this site.

I wrote this sometime between 1984 and about 1992, probably a lot nearer the former.

Also published were two earlier poems:

The Star Raiders

and some blurb on the Site Corrections Page relating to them, and to Leviathan’s Farewell.

This blurb is dated October 7, 2010, but was actually written October 6.

October 8: The following were published on this site:

A Sad, Sad Tale – this poem was written anytime between 1984 and the early 1990s; though I have a feeling it was written around 1984.

Two sonnnets which were both written in 1984 or 1985:

She Taught Me How To Love
Thank You, My Love

Young Woman Quickie – this was probably written around 1988-9.

Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label Bibliography January to September 2010.

October 9: The following were published on this site:

Central Terrestrial Archives
Song Of The Shark

The first of these two poems, in Baronmetric Stanzas, was written probably in 1984. Of course, that was before the modern Internet, which makes its subject matter academic. Song Of The Shark was written in 1984 or 1985.

End Of A Dream – lyrics only – this may have been written as early as late 1983 but was probably written 1984-5. The very latest would have been 1992 but I think it was much earlier than that.

An Open Letter To Rock Legend Roger Waters From David Duke under Short Stories in WORD format as well as HTML. I could have filed this under Articles And Essays as it is arguably satire.

October 10: The following letters by Mark Taha were published in his Section on this site:

Hackney Gazette, August 17, 1995
TNT, December 10, 2007, page 36
Evening Standard, June 15, 2009
News Of The World, December 13, 2009
Evening Standard, August 12, 2010
Daily Telegraph, August 19, 2010.

October 10: The following were published by Songfacts:

The Scotsman Song credited to Bryan Bowers

Joshu-Ah by Bert Lee

The Ballad Of John Axon by Ewan MacColl (with Song Image)

Manhunt from Flashdance credited here to Karen Kamon

The Joker by Anthony Newley – from The Roar Of The Greasepaint – The Smell Of The Crowd

The Ballad Of Casey Jones listed as “by various” (with Song Image)

Hurrian Hymn No. 6 credited to Michael Levy
Song Of Seikilos credited to Michael Levy

It’s Time Now by Aruba Red
Rebel Soldiers by Aruba Red
Who Am I? by Aruba Red

In The Skin by Wishbone Ash

The following existing Songfacts were augmented:

Miss Me by Drake was augmented

Blowin’ Free by Wishbone Ash was augmented.

October 10: An Open Letter To Rock Legend Roger Waters From David Duke was published by MajorityRights

October 11: Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label Bibliography October 1 to October 11, 2010 was published on this site. Ie bang up to date.

October 12: The following were published on this site:

Islam And The New World Order in HTML and (initially) WORD format.

Playground Quickie

I added a couple of paragraphs about Andrew Savage to the Bibliography Supplementary Information.

Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label Bibliography October 12, 2010.

October 13:A PDF of Islam And The New World Order was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

October 13: The following were published on this site:


2010: A Lament
Unholy Logic
Unicorn Soup

Re the above, in reverse order, Unicorn Soup was written in 1984 or 1985; Unholy Logic probably sometime between 1984 and 1989; 2010: A Lament probably sometime in the late 1980s.


Lady Of The Shroud – lyrics only

Firing Squad Quickie

Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label Bibliography October 13, 2010.

October 14: The following were published on this site:


A Farewell To Frying Pans
Fallen Heroes (Are Less Than Zeros)

Songs – lyrics only

Jovian Days
The Lair Of The White Worm
The Spoken Word
The Wine Dark Sea
The Winter Of Our Discontent

One Article/Essay

Two Lost Concept Albums


The first of the above poems was written before I read James Le Fanu’s Eat Your Heart Out!

The second was probably written in 1984 but may have been written a bit later. There were originally six verses but the last four were even worse than the first two; actually, the title says all that needs to be said.

The third was written for a competition in either a set format or some sort of loose visual format. If I recall correctly, it was for the World Order Of Narrative Poets (one man in New York with his dog). I can’t put a precise date to it but it must have been late 80s or early 90s.

Two Lost Concept Albums is related intimately to the five song lyrics above. It includes fragments of lyrics from half-written songs forever lost.

Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label Bibliography October 14, 2010.

October 15: The following poems were published on this site:

Midas Shadow
Waste Wood, Waste Paper


Re the above, some explanatory text was added to the Site Corrections Page re Graceland; although I borrowed the title Midas Shadow from the Al Stewart song, this poem is otherwise unrelated to it. And unrelated to Elvis Presley! It actually alludes to the cricket player W.G. Grace (1848-1915).

Also added was Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label Bibliography October 15, 2010.

October 16: The following were published on this site:

A page with a few notes and listing for Viridian, and the following poems:

Be A Friend Of The Earth
Four Minutes To Midnight
Frankenstein 2000 – (includes Song Of The Cyborg)
Lament For A Tiger
Recipe For Dodo Soup

Re the above, Lament For A Tiger is a rather obvious parody; the earliest of the poems in this anthology, and easily the weakest; I wrote it in 1984.

A few amendments were also made to the Bibliography (1980-89) re Viridian.

October 17: My letter to Panorama re their recent programme on pension funds was published on FinancialReform with an explanatory sentence.

October 17: The Greatest Poker Virtue was published on this site with a PDF.

I believe I wrote this earlier this year for a competition of sorts. A gaming website was offering small prizes for poker related essays, or some such. I submitted it, and never heard anymore. It doesn’t appear to have been published if Google is anything to go by, so...

October 18: The Yeti Hunter was published on this site in the small hours.

I’m fairly certain I wrote this in 1984, but definitely between March 1984 and March 1985.

Every Crowd Has A Silver Lining was published here after breakfast.

I wrote this in 1984.

October 19: Carbonel was published on this site (lyrics only) with some comment on the Site Corrections Page.

The poems Exorcism and Flying were also published here.

October 19: The following were published by Songfacts:

Between The Wars by Billy Bragg

Bad Reputation credited to justplainfred, ie Frederick Niel Pfiel

Aqua Marina with Song Image, by Barry Gray (credited to Gary Miller)
Joe 90 Theme by Barry Gray

Waggle Dance Song credited to Green Balloon Club (written for a children’s TV programme)

Massacre Of Glencoe credited to John McDermott

You Can’t Buy My Love credited here to Robert Plant

Life Between The Wars by Al Stewart

Bad Reputation by Thin Lizzy.

October 19: The truth about the cuts in a nutshell was published by MajorityRights

David Yates edited this slightly, in particular he added a quote from the Treaty Of Maastricht. He also appended to the article part of an e-mail press release relating to a forthcoming lecture on financial reform at the LSE.

October 19: I had a phone call from Unity Radio at 19.45.

They phoned me back shortly after 8pm, and I spent about half an hour on the programme talking about the defence cuts and railing against the banking system!

October 20: The following were published on this site:

Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label Bibliography October 16-19, 2010.

Bank Robbery Quickie

An “Update” to “Puzzles And Riddles: The Background”

Thirty-one conundrum riddles with their answers, all of them apparently unpublished. Riddle 31 is a sonnet – The Ultimate Conundrum that was published in the Sonnet Section. All the other riddles were published on a seperate page, as were the answers – the answer to the Sonnet Conundrum was published with the other answers.

October 20: Later in the day I made a fairly lengthy response on the Libertarian Alliance Blog to someone who had slagged off my free travel proposals.

October 21: The following were published on this site:

Riddles 32-63 and their answers.

Passenger Quickie (1) & (2) – this is actually one short sketch with an alternative ending.

Cries And Whispers – a poem in Gamblemeter; I believe I wrote this around February 1985 but can’t be sure at this distance.

Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label Bibliography October 20-21, 2010.

October 22: I added An Annotated Chronology to this site.

October 23: Greed – lyrics only was published on this site.

I think I wrote this in 1986; I remember discussing it with Alan. It was originally to include the line “Greed is the mother of invention”, which is true enough but it is also the mother of deception, which is almost always a bad thing, unlike the former.

October 23: Some comment was added to Global Financial Crisis on FinancialReform

October 23: A PDF of Terminate These Scumbags... was uploaded to the Internet Archive with a bit of comment.

October 24: Riddles 64-90 with their answers were published on this site.

October 24: The following were published by Songfacts:

If I Don’t Get There by Thomas A. Dorsey

I Do, Don’t You by Edwin O. Excell

Standing On The Corner credited here to The Four Lads, but from the musical The Most Happy Fella

The Free Electric Band by Albert Hammond

The Mummers’ Dance by Loreena McKennitt

Pehla Pehla Pyar from the film Hum Aapke Hain Kaun...! and credited here to S.P. Balasubramaniam.

October 25: “Gay” Rights For Palestine! was published on this site.

An Address Given By Dr Fuk Yu Gud... was moved to the Short Stories section from Articles (I don’t know why I put it there).

A compressed PDF scan of The Missionary and four other poems (a scan from the Voice, September 22, 1987) was added under Poetry with the other four poems linked from Other Contributors.

I also added some blurb here and there on various pages of the Baron/ITMA bibliography.

October 25: A PDF scan of The Missionary and four other poems (a scan from the Voice, September 22, 1987) were uploaded to the Internet Archive.

I Don’t Believe... was also published here in PDF with a note or two.

For more detail and background, see the files published on this site, August 28, 2008.

October 25: Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label Bibliography October 22-5, 2010 was published on this site.

October 26: The Price Of Tolerance was published on SearchlightArchive.

This article is based on a cheque, a JPG scan of which is included.

October 26: The short story Love Bytes was published on this site.

I wrote this around 1988-9, which is why there is a reference to a floppy disk but none to the Internet, mobile phones or the Data Protection Act.

The poem Song For A Sucker was also published here.

It is dated October 26, but was started a few days ago; I wrote most of it yesterday, and finished it today.

I made a few cosmetic alterations to the HTML version of The Wizard Of Oz Syndrome.

I also altered the phrase “failing to give evidence against him” to “failing to testify against him”. I’ve always preferred these Americanisms, taking the stand, etc, to the English version, even if the latter are technically correct.

October 26: And in the evening, I was on Unity Radio yet again!

Talking about the spending cuts and stuff.

October 26: Alexander Baron RIP! – see entry for November 1, below.

October 27: A scan of an advertisement slip for issue 30 of Target was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

October 27: A scan from the Voice, February 2, 1988, page 41, was published on this site.

October 28: Riddles 91-110 were published on this site.

I decided for the foreesable future to keep SearchlightArchive as a sub-directory of this site, and also in due course to move Vexatious Litigant to a sub-directory when the domain expires – if I am still alive when it does!

This means it will be possible to link pages on this site directly from this Bibliography with no fuss.

October 29: Scans of Taha’s letters in Worcester Sauce, September 2010, and Boxing News, October 14, 2010 were published in his Section on this site.

October 29: URGENT Join the campaign to outlaw religion now! was published on Archive.Org with some explanatory blurb.

October 30: Letter From A Moron was published uploaded to the Internet Archive.

This is a letter I received from Tony Malski which contained two pages of a court document (or a two page court document) and nothing else.

I included a short essay with this.

October 30: On this site I added Riddles 111-3.

I wrote these October 28, 2010, the first I’ve written for literally years.

The ITMA Chronology was augmented slightly.

October 30: Later in the day I added some comment to Letter From A Moron that I received in an E-Mail from someone who knew Malski.

October 30: Later still I published “Michael Stone Press Release” on IsMichaelStoneGuilty in PDF.

I added a short introductory page “Press Release By Michael Stone’s Lawyers”.

Actually I posted this to Usenet on October 27, shortly after I received it, but this was not a proper publication, ie with meaningful comment.

October 30: I added a screenshot of a poker hand to Archive.Org and a short essay called River Queen

Well, that was the title I gave the page.

October 31: This morning I received a phone call from a concerned Troy Southgate who’d seen a message on a forum that said I was dead!

This turned out to be that prick Alan Harvey; I don’t know where he got that idea from. See entry for November 1, below.

Riddles 114-121 were published on this site.

These were all written in the 1980s, from 1984 onwards.

November 1: The Gift Of Ramu (Second Edition) was published by Steven Books. I found out about this only in 2010.

November 1: The following were published by Songfacts:

Chocolate Lime Juice from the Bollywood musical Hum Aapke Hain Kaun...! but credited here to Lata Mangeshkar

Lux Aurumque credited to composer Eric Whitacre
Sleep by Eric Whitacre.

November 1: After receiving information that my premature death had been reported by the South Africa Sucks blog, I responded as follows at

My posting was timed at 11.03pm:

Here is a message from the now deceased Alexander Baron. On November 28, 1993 I was the victim of a similar attack on my own doorstep. Later there was an absolutely vicious attack on Michael Newland. After this I went up to North London to speak to the investigating officer DCI Arnie Cooke. I told him there was obviously a pattern. He accepted this, but said he was only running a local investigation.

The attack on Cotterill was vicious beyond all meaning of the word. I spoke to him shortly afterwards. The poor man was a total wreck. The police installed a panic button in his house, but after another attempted attack he lost his nerve and fled the country when this opportunity arose.

Only a moron would take anything Gerry Gable says at face value. For a man who professes to be intent on saving Western civilisation from the “Islamic” menace and the blacks, I suggest you open your eyes to the machinations of the real enemy of your race, the enemy of all races, including his own.

If you are not inclined to credit this, check out my documentation on the Mesifta fire. No man has more cynically exploited Jewish suffering – real and imagined – than Gerry Gable.

November 1: The following were added to this site:

Sean Gabb’s letter of 4th March 1993 was published on this site (initially in compressed PDF) with a lengthy introduction/explanation.

Riddles 122-7

A JPG of Anti-Israel pamphlet referred to law officer replacing the PDF of the same article.

November 2: I added Riddles 128-49 to this site.

I also added Alexander Baron & The ITMA Label Bibliography October 26-November 2, 2010.

November 3: The following were published on this site:

Poetic garbage in JPG format.

Render Unto Caesar... in compressed Portable Document Format.

ChessPost, November 2000, page 57 in uncompressed PDF.

All were linked directly into the Bibliography.

November 4: The following were published on this site:

A PDF scan from Palpi, December 1991.

A compressed PDF scan of Peace & Freedom, from Outlook, February/March 1990. [This has lost a bit of quality].

Three additional photographs were added to the Image Gallery: Chris Tame with Lord Harris; Jake Hornberger; and Robert Whelan.

November 4: Another comment was added to the SouthAfricaSucks blog.

November 5: The following were published on this site:

Seven photographs of George Weiss, variously alone and with other people, taken way back c1991.

The four “with friends/supporters” are virtually the same but if you look closely you’ll see they are slightly different.

A scan of a Captain Rainbow poster.

A photograph from one of the poker tournaments at the Alexandra Palace MindSports.

Four photographs I took in Paris, June 1992; one outside the National Library of France; one of the Eiffel Tower; two from the Eiffel Tower.

As of today, the Image Gallery will not even aspire to being organised in alphabetical order; rather the photos will be grouped thematically.

I also found out why that prick Alan Harvey thought I was dead; he found the other Alexander Baron on Wikipedia; he died in 1999, of course.

November 5: This appears to be the first publication of the video of the 2010 Hayek Lecture at the London School Of Economics, which was delivered by Professor Jesús Huerta de Soto in the Sheikh Zayed Theatre on October 28.

Yours Truly was sitting at the front near the camera, and can be seen in a few of the shots.

November 6: The following pertains to this site:

The photo-essay Behind The Scenes At The British Library was augmented as follows:

Photos Bloomsbury 10 and Round Reading Room 4 were found to be duplicates, so the former was replaced with a large format scan of seat G7 – which was used by Karl Marx.

The total number of photographs was increased to 76; a few are near identical, but I have not attempted to sort them.

Four more photos of Jack Hornberger were added to the Image Gallery, one of them with him talking to Chris, who appears in all of them at least partially.

A fourth photograph of George Weiss at home was added.

One of Dr James Le Fanu.

And six more photographs from my Paris visit (in no particular order).

A scan of Taha’s letter of September 29, 2010 in Metro was added to his Section.

In the Riddle Section, Riddle (101) was originally “A German affirmative...”

This was replaced with another; the original having been published originally in the Voice, August 18, 1987.

Riddles 150-54 were added.

November 7: On this site:

Ten more photographs were added to the Image Gallery suitably captioned, and the page was rearranged slightly; the photos are as follows:

Four of Crystal Palace Park

One of George Weiss and friends

One of the Eiffel Tower
One from the Eiffel Tower

Three taken in Maple Road, Penge

A JPG scan of CHESS POST, Issue No. 216, Vol 39, No. 2, March 2001, page 15 was published straight into the Bibliography.

It includes specifically my game against Clive Dechant.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography November 3-7, 2010 was added.

November 8: “Mullins on Money” was published on FinancialReform.

This is a PDF of a page from a book by Eustace Mullins with a short introduction by Yours Truly.

November 8: The following were published on SearchlightArchive:

Shining Example Of “Searchlight” – a short introductory essay to:

A JPG scan of Shining example of “Searchlight”, an uncritical article about/interview with Gerry and Sonia Gable by John Gulliver from the Camden New Journal, 3 December 2009, page 13. (This was entered originally and erroneously as a PDF. In fact, a PDF was uploaded at some point but does not appear to have been linked, and was removed in September 2015 when I overhauled all my sites).

November 8: The following were published on this site:

“Six New Publications From ITMA”, December 1995.

This compressed PDF went straight into the Bibliography.

A JPG scan of a PC Answers competition result. (This went straight into the Bibliography – and is a new entry).

Taha’s letter in the Guardian, January 28, 1997

A JPG scan of part of page 6 from of the Spotlight, February 5, 1996; the existing text was suitably amended.

November 9: The following were published on this site:

Riddles 155-60

A photograph of Edward Goldsmith at his Richmond home

A photograph captioned Rauchen Verboten!

THE LAW SOCIETY IS BENT – another photograph; I took this outside the High Court – ie the Royal Courts Of Justice – sometime in the 1990s. I can’t remember who was protesting, but I think it was just one bloke with an axe to grind.

The above three were added to the Image Gallery

Taha’s letter in the Independent, July 10, 2008.

November 9: The following were published by Songfacts:

This Time/Dressed Up To Win by Irving Berlin

Everything Stops For Tea credited to Jack Buchanan

Something’s Cooking In The Kitchen by Dana

The Big Ship Sails – Traditional

November 10: I added a JPG scan of Morris Riley’s letter of 10 September 1998 to SearchlightArchive in addition to the existing compressed PDF scan.

November 10: The following were uploaded to the Internet Archive – in this order and all in PDF:

A letter from Miss L.F. Hearn to Yours Truly dated “10 January 1996” and concerning Arnold Leese. Originally a copy of this was uploaded but this was replaced with a scan of the original on July 31, 2013.

An article published in Third Way

Hate Comes To Town...

November 10: In the afternoon, I made a long comment on the Libertarian Alliance Blog re the BNP and Nick Griffin.

November 11: The following were published on this site:

Three photographs entitled Reservoir Dog – these are of Yours Truly taken at a reservoir in West Yorkshire; I can’t remember when, sometime between 1990 and 1993 I would assume; they may have been taken on two different visits, years apart.

A JPG scan of my letter to The Big Issue re police racism; this replaces the original HTML text and is linked to my speach Drop Dead Doreen Lawrence.

I also added a scan of (both sides of) the postcard I received from the US Embassy re my letter of July 23, 2003.

Riddles 161-6 were added to the Unpublished Riddles section.

I also replaced two of the riddles from this section; originally, Riddle 68 began “An artist uniformly dress”; Riddle 102 began “An ugly creature and a girl”.

(68) The former was published in the October 20, 1987 issue of the Voice; the latter was published in the October 6 issue where the answer was given as “Gorganzola”!

November 11: I also added some text to my Youtube Linda Carty video; this was in response to a comment posted by another YouTuber.

November 11: In the evening I added the Baron Bibliography November 8-10 to this site.

November 12: I uploaded Harold Convington’s podcast for November 11, 2010 to the Internet Archive with a short, descriptive essay.

November 12: On this site:

A compressed PDF of ITMA and its Publisher was inserted directly into the Bibliography.

Riddle 121 was altered – but not the answer: I had duplicated this with 47, which has the same answer: Hamlet.

Riddles 167-76 were added.

November 12: The following were published by Songfacts:

Friends And Neighbours credited to Billy Cotton And His Band

Mister Ed credited to Jay Livingston, (the them song from the TV series) includes Song Image – which was not linked until November 15, 2010!
The Pretty Little Filly With The Ponytail credited to Sheldon Allman (from the TV series Mister Ed)

Neighbourhood by Space

Neighbours credited to Barry Crocker (the them song from the TV series written by Tony Hatch and Jackie Trent

Stones In The Road credited to Joan Baez (written by Mary-Chapin Carpenter)
House Of Cards by Mary Chapin Carpenter

Jesus Wept by Ralph McTell

El Ihu E Te Organga by John Hobbs

He Nawe Kei Roto by Tuini Moetu Haangu.

November 13: An early Anglo-Hebrew Publishing fund-raising letter was published on Archive.Org.

November 13: The limerick Troy Southgate (Licensed To Kill) was published on this site.

This took all of two minutes to write, I composed it in my head this morning between the Internet Caff and a shop further down Sydenham Road after reading some nutter accusing Troy of working for the Secret State. No, not Larry O’Hara!

My September 20, 1993 press release for Ode To Sweet Sonia was published as a compressed PDF straight into the Bibliography.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for November 11-3, 2010 was added.

November 14: On this site:

A compressed PDF scan of The Murderers Of Christ? was published directly into the Bibliography

A compressed PDF scan of Redbridge Patriot, February 2000, was published direct into the Bibliography.

Re the Voice, July 7, 1987, page 49: There are three conundrum riddles and the solutions from the previous issue here; I had linked this Bibliography entry to the Riddles Page, but this scan was not actually included. September 8, 1987 was also linked to the Riddle Section although this particular riddle has not yet been scanned. Ditto September 29, 1987.

A letter from Ronnie Kray, with a brief introduction, was published under Other Contributors, and linked to the poem Free The Krays.

November 14: The following PDF scans were uploaded to the Internet Archive:

Mixword Puzzle Solved, with some explanatory text

An invitation slip to subscribe to New Target

November 15: A compressed PDF of a letter from the Home Office, dated February 7, 2005 was added to the Michael Stone website.

November 15: On this site, Riddle 106 which begins "A limb joins four legs: what a feat!" was replaced.

This had originally appeared in the Voice, August 4, 1987

Riddles 21 and 22 were likewise replaced; they begin "The Bachelors of Arts play this, whate’er their Alma Mater" and "A thing with strings that’s often seen" respectively.

These were both published originally in the Voice, October 27, 1987 issue, where the wording of the former is slightly different. I had no control over this, nor over layout.

Riddles 177-80 were added; these were all composed November 14, 2010.

Two photos of Yours Truly in Tehran were added to the Image Gallery; I lifted these from the Adelaide Institute website where I believe they first appeared.

I believe the first photograph was taken by Dr Töben himself. The second photograph was taken shortly before or after I presented my paper – probably the former. Hegazi, two to my right, is the bloke I referred to as damaged goods.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for November 14-5, 2010 was added.

November 16: On this site, a JPG scan of a letter from Reg Kray was added to Other Contributors – well, sort of. An explanatory note was included. Well, sort of.

November 16: I added a “Miscellaneous Documents” page to the Michael Stone website.

This includes some introductory blurb and four PDF files:

A critical appraisal of modern police interrogations by Saul Kassin – a chapter from a book.
Amicus Brief for Wright v Pennsylvania (2008)
Police-Induced Confessions, Risk Factors, and Recommendations by Saul Kassin & Others

I also rewrote a sentence on Kent On Sunday, June 14, 2009 intro, and amended some punctuation in same.

November 17: The following were published on SearchlightArchive:

A JPG scan of a sheet of Column 88 headed notepaper.

A JPG scan of a letter from Chief Superintendent R. Dillon of Nottingham Police.

A JPG scan of Still fighting ten years on; an article from Searchlight.

All the above were published straight into the Searchlight Critical Bibliography.

November 17: A correction was made to Does William Hague bat for the opposition? by MajorityRights

Taha pointed out a mistake in the chronology some time ago, and it took this long for me to get it corrected.

November 18: On satpalramisguilty a JPG scan of Release for prisoners was published straight into the Ram Bibliography.

This is from Tribune, 28 June 2002, page 4.

November 18: Re SearchlightArchive

I added an entry to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography for February 1, 1996.

November 18: Re this site:

Yesterday I found my original notes re my interview with Piers Merchant; it took place at Westminster, November 1, 1993.

A Book Of Conundrum Riddles was published here, in HTML format, with a bit of explanatory blurb.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for November 16-8, 2010 was added.

November 19: On this site: A scan of Porn Pedlar was published straight into the Baron/ITMA Bibliography

Re Previously Unpublished Riddles:

Riddle (20) was the same as (CR92) so the former was replaced.

Riddle (22) was the same as (CR46) so the former was replaced.

Riddle (53) was the same as Riddle (CR87) so the former was replaced with a new one written this month.

Riddle (55) was the same as Riddle (CR91) so the former was replaced.

Riddle (21) was the same as (CR72) [with a colon instead of a comma at the end of the third line!] The former was replaced.

Riddle (23) was the same as (CR94), so the former was replaced.

Riddle (60) was the same as (CR82) except the former had a third line which read: "Seven letters." Riddle (60) was replaced.

Riddle (99) was the same as (CR21) so the former was replaced.

All eight were written this month, and Riddles 21, 23, 60 and 99 were written on the evening of November 18.

I substituted the PDF of the Sean Gabb letter of 4th March 1993 with the compressed version of same.

Taha’s letter in the Independent, March 12, 2010 was published in his Section.

November 20: On SearchlightArchive:

A scan of the letter I received from Le Monde re my researches into Ray Hill was published straight into Searchlight Criticial Bibliography.

A PDF of a letter from Colin Jordan dated November 29, 2008 was uploaded to the Internet Archive

November 21: Plod was uploaded to YouTube.

Alternative link for the above video.

November 21: Al Baron Responds To “A Fanning of Stale Air”
Deregulation Isn’t That Simple: A Brief Reply To Sean Gabb’s “...Fanning Of Stale Air”
was published on Sean’s website.

November 22: A compressed PDF of Impressions Of A Turncoat was published straight into the Searchlight Critical Bibliography.

November 22: A JPG scan of Police alerted over anti-Zionist hate pamphlet was published straight into Baron/ITMA Bibliography.

My letter to the Police Commissioner of July 10, 2009 re Gable’s lies about the 1960s Synagogue Arsons letter was also added.

November 22: The following were published by Songfacts:

You’re Just In Love by Irving Berlin (credited to Russell Nype and Ethel Merman)

Live Out The String by Marc Cohn with an image (later deleted without being archived)

Fear Of Flying by Charlie Dore
When Bill Hicks Died by Charlie Dore (with Song Image)

Theme From An Imaginary Western, by Mountain

For The Love Of God by Steve Vai.

November 24: The following were published on this site:

The Heavy Metal Cryptic Conundrum Book in HTML format with an introduction.

Taha’s letters in:

TNT, November 15, 2010
(London) Metro, November 19, 2010.

November 24: The following were uploaded to the Internet Archive:

The Shocking Truth About “Searchlight”...

Einstein’s Daughter, page 295.

Baron’s Immortal with the same blurb as in the Bibliography.

November 25: A JPG scan of Two Security Alerts For The Price Of One was published directly into the Searchlight Critical Bibliography and also directly into the Baron/ITMA Bibliography.

Taha’s section: Letters in the Evening Standard, October 13, 2010
Times, November 15, 2010

A JPG scan of the Voice, September 22, 1987, page 57 was added to The Missionary... and the text amended accordingly.

Correspondence with the Morning Star 1995-7 was published.

This is three letters: one from Adam Goldstein, November 7, 1995

Two from me to same dated February 15, 1996 and May 7, 1997.

The correspondence includes a short introductory essay.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for November 19-25, 2010 was added, including a paragraph relating to the entry for September 20.

November 26: The following PDFs were uploaded to the Internet Archive in this order:

A Long Way Down For Stephenie

For The Sake Of The Children

My original Mixword – ie the first published in the Voice.

A Kosher Faggot Called Bernard

The less said about this, the better!


November 27: Re this site:

Riddle (CR37) and Riddle (93) were the same, so the latter was replaced.
Riddle (53) and Riddle (177) were the same, so the latter was replaced.
Riddle (64) and Riddle (CR78) were the same, so the former was replaced.
Riddle (69) was the same as Riddle (CR68) so the former was replaced.
Riddle (73) and Riddle (CR73) were the same, so the former was replaced.
Riddle (104) and Riddle (CR104) were the same, so the former was replaced.

Five photographs – four of Hugo Cornwall, and one of his bookshelf – were added to the Image Gallery, and a note was added to the Site Corrections And Clarifications Page.

I also moved all Taha’s letters and reviews to a new directory, in effect giving him his own website.

November 28: Whose Age Of Austerity? was uploaded to YouTube.

I’m quite proud of this; it’s my first ever slideshow and the first time I’ve used background music, Brother, Can You Spare A Dime? in this case.

November 29: On this site:

Riddles (55) and (178) were the same, so the latter was replaced
Riddles (58) and (CR84) were the same, so the former was replaced
Riddles (67) and (CR80) were the same, so the former was replaced.

All the above replacements were written the previous day, November 28, 2010.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for November 26-9, 2010 was added.

November 30: A page relating to Tim Hepple was added to SearchlightArchive.

November 30: On this site:

Riddles (28) and (CR88) were the same, so the former was replaced.

Riddles (175) and (CR111) were the same, so the former was replaced.

The two replacements above were written November 17, 2010.

Later in the day:

Riddles (54) and (CR90) were the same, so the former was replaced.

Riddles (20) and (179) were the same, so the latter was replaced.

Riddles (156) and (CR85) were the same, so the latter was replaced.

All three new riddles were written November 30, 2010.

December 1: The following were published on Taha’s site:

His letter in West End Extra, October 8, 2010

Two letters in reply to letters of his, in the Independent, March 22, 2010 and TNT, June 7-13, 2010 respectively.

[The Independent letter, from Marc Patel, may not have been linked properly until March 14, 2011].

December 1: The following were published on this site:

A compressed PDF file of Open Letter To The British Right

A photographed captioned “No Parking By Order Of God” in the Image Gallery

A letter re Marika Sherwood.

A PDF file of Issue 37 of New Target was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

December 1: The following were published by Songfacts:

King Of Spades by Dare (with Song Image) – the latter (including text) was not linked until December 4, 2010

The Snow Fell credited to Skrewdriver

Date Rape by Sublime

She Moved Through The Fair – credited here to Loreena McKennitt

Black Furs by Judie Tzuke
For You by Judie Tzuke
Sportscar by Judie Tzuke
Stay With Me Till Dawn by Judie Tzuke
Sukarita by Judie Tzuke

Coming Of Prince Kajuku by UFO.

December 2: On this site:

Riddle (26) was the same as Riddle (CR96) so the former was replaced. [The first line actually read "A beast of burden’s in front of this car].

Riddle (29) and Riddle (CR89) were the same, so the former was replaced.

Riddle (74) and Riddle (CR44) were the same, so the former was replaced.

Riddle (174) and Riddle (CR112) were the same, so the former was replaced.

And Riddles 181-5 were added.

Re the above, and similar entries for November 30, I was doing some site maintenance, and should mention that Riddle (119) doesn’t rhyme – this was published yonks ago.

Also Riddles (47), (121) and (CR57) have the same answer, and two of them are worded very similarly. A case of great mind thinking alike?

Riddles (14) and (CR15) have the same answer, but are entirely different.

Riddles (59) and (CR86) were the same, so the former was replaced.

Riddles (102) and (130) are similar but different with the same answer.

Riddles (25) and (CR95) were the same so the former was replaced.

Riddles (160) and (CR67) were the same, so the former was replaced. (CR67) has an extra line “Six letters.”

The Wikileaks “Cressida Dicksucker Memorandum” on the Stockwell Shooting was published under Short Stories (just in case some idiot thinks it is for real). This in PDF file was actually first published on Usenet, July 17, 2006, before Wikileaks was up and running.

December 3: On this site:

Three Gridwords and a short dated introduction were published under “Puzzles And Riddles: The Background”. The puzzles are in both Portable Document and WORD formats, and are linked at the end of the introduction.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for November 30-December 3, 2010 was added.

December 7: The video Who Are the Real Holocaust Liars? was uploaded to both YouTube and the Internet Archive, the former a few hours or a few minutes before the latter.

These videos were annotated with a considerable amount of text.

Alternative link for the above video

December 8: The CIA Memorandum Of August 9, 2010... was published on this site.

December 8: The following were published by Songfacts:

Beginning Of The End by Eddie And the Hot Rods
Do Anything You Wanna Do (with Song Image) by Eddie And the Hot Rods (with the usual image problem!)

Give Me Shakespeare by Sailor Stiletto Heels by Sailor

Do Anything You Want To by Thin Lizzy

Tiny Dancer by Elton John was augmented.

Re Do Anything You Wanna Do, the Song Image was actually published (with my text) but the link from the Songfact was incorrect.

December 8: Taha’s letter of June 21, 2010 in the Sun was published on his site.

December 9: I did a bit of work on Taha’s site.

His letter in TNT, December 10, 2007 does not appear to have been displayed.

Also, his letter in Tonight of November 24, 1995 was entered twice; the second time as November 24, 2005, so I have deleted the latter.

December 9: The following poems were published on this site:

A Spell To Cure Diarrhoea

The first of the above was written circa 1988-90; another of my short Useful Verse efforts. Vulcan is the earliest of the three; boy, that was one long, hot summer.

December 13: The following were published by Songfacts:

A Policeman’s Lot from The Pirates Of Penzance by Gilbert & Sullivan

Bad Weather Blues by Wishbone Ash
The Pilgrim by Wishbone Ash

Throw The Jew Down The Well by Sacha Baron Cohen.

December 15: The following were published on this site:

King Canute Quickie
Magician Quickie

Re the first of the above, this guy’s name can also be spelled Cnut. I’ve met a few of those in my time.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for December 4-15, 2010 was added.

December 17: The following were published on this site:

Marvo The Talking Dog

Although these were added to the Quickie Section they are really short routines for a ventriloquist, the Introduction to which can be found

I suppose I should have called the first of these sketches Cedric or some such, but I called it Boy at the time, so...

A scan of ‘Stalker threatened to slit woman’s throat’ was published directly into the 1997 Baron/ITMA Bibliography together with some comment.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for December 16-7, 2010 was added.

December 18: I made a speech at the 30th Meeting of the New Right. Because the other two scheduled speakers couldn’t make it due to yet more heavy snow, I was in effect the keynote speaker. (See entry for December 22, below).

December 20: The following, all by Johnny “Guitar” Watson, were published by Songfacts:

A Real Mother For Ya
Ain’t That A Bitch
Doing Wrong Woman
Gangster Of Love
Space Guitar
Three Hours Past Midnight

And these two:

Mandela Is A Kaffir by Shane Die Vark

Nkosi Sikelel’ lAfrika credited to Enoch Mankayi Sontoga.

Circa December 20, 2010: The following were published by Songfacts, probably on this date and with the eight listed above, whatever, I missed them until January 4, 2011.

1958-2008 by Tashi Dhondup
No Regrets by Tashi Dhondup

Batuka by Santana
Stone Flower by Santana.

December 22: The following were published on this site:

My speech The Biggest Liar Who Ever Walked The Earth, prefixed with some Preamble.

I added some notes and references; in this section were linked three PDFs of my correspondence with the Guardian re Gable’s lies about Colin Jordan, in particular my E-Mails of April 16, April 27, and their (muted) response of April 16, all of 2009. Scans of two paragraphs from Gable’s witness statement in Baron v Gable & Others were also included.

One extremely minor correction was made to a limerick; I added a T to Jarrett as in Cynthia Jarrett.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for December 18-22, 2010 was added.

December 23: The HomePage was updated.

December 24: On this site:

Some very minor alterations were made to The World Zionist Conspiracy: Exposed By A Rabbi, ie the introductory page.

Re my speech The Biggest Liar Who Ever Walked The Earth – published December 22, above:

A scan of paragraph 41 & parts of paragraph 95 were added to note 4 together with some text; notes 17 & 18 were added.

December 24: The Song Image for Do Anything You Wanna Do was (finally!) linked correctly.

December 2: Plod and Whose Age Of Austerity? were duplicated from YouTube to the Internet Archive.

Target, issue 3, was uploaded there in PDF.

December 27: On this site:

My letter to Jack Straw of September 22, 1997 – in both HTML and WordStar formats together with some explanatory blurb.

Mark Thatcher’s Song To The Unemployed was published, together with some comment.

I wrote this poem in 1985 or 1986.

Some blurb was added to the Site Corrections Page re Dr Tim Healy and LPayne, and also re “Mr”. (!) – see under Poetry.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for December 23-7, 2010 was added.

December 30, 2010: An article Britain’s Longest Running Miscarriage Of Justice was published on this site; this includes a PDF scan of a letter from British Telecom dated 20 July 2009.

The above article is in both HTML and WORD formats; it concerns – of course – Michael Stone.

To Bibliography (1980-89)
To Bibliography (1990)
To Lorrain Osman Campaign (1990-91)
To Bibliography (1991)
To Bibliography (1992-4)
To Bibliography (1995-7)
To Bibliography (1998-9)
To Bibliography (2000)
To Bibliography (2001)
To Bibliography (2002)
To Bibliography (2003-04)
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