Alexander Baron And The ITMA Label:
An Annotated Chronology


My apologies if in places this Chronology and the Bibliography generally read more like a diary! I have tried to include things that are relevant only to ITMA and/or my publishing activities generally. Most of my other trials and tribulations since 1990 have been thoroughly documented by myself and occasionally by others in sundry publications including on-line. When reading what other people have written, please always bear in mind caveat emptor; anything from Jewish sources should be immediately suspect, ditto “anti-fascist” sources, and at times “far right” sources even more so.

At times I have published thoroughly documented rebuttals of some of the more grotesque lies, but there is no pleasing some people.


August 2: Alexander Baron is born in Dulwich Hospital, London.


February 13: Mark Taha is born in London.


July 10: Mark Taha graduates from Essex University with a degree in History & Government.

August 8-22: My first letter ever in print, in the ultra-creepy left wing Leeds Other Paper

August 20: I have a letter read out on Radio One.

December 10-16: I have my first ever letter in a national weekly magazine published.


October 22: A letter so dated is posted to Yours Truly from West Yorkshire. Its contents trigger something in my psyche, and I begin writing poetry. Tons of it. The rest is history.


Al wins the Koestler Prize for Poetry.

One of the winning poems is The Gambler, which is written in the new metre Gamblemeter.


December: My first anthology is published: A Purpose Strong And Bright

This includes The Gambler and another poem in another new metre, City Kid, which is written in the modestly titled Baronmeter or Baronmetric Stanzas.


May 26: I contribute two riddles to the Voice newspaper through an agency, the first of many.

Sadly, in spite of the initial promise, nothing comes of this.

At some point I also devise Chainwords and Linewords (also known as Mixwords), simple puzzles. A few of these are also published in the Voice, but...

September 4: My first ever letter in a national weekly trade paper is published.


May: Al contributes to The Comedy Bulletin, a short-lived publication put out by an Irish comedy writer.

October: I injure my neck in a freak accident, exacerbating a congenital weakness, and guaranteeing me a lifetime of pain. (Some would say it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy).

December 30: I appear on Pete Murray’s LBC Radio programme as a caller, slagging off one of his guests, a psychic or similar nut.


August/September: I begin freelancing for magazines, with mixed success.

October: I become a regular contributor to Model Journal. This turns out to be another dead end, and an expensive one.


November 22: Most people of a certain age remember this date twenty-seven years earlier because of the Kennedy Assassination. I do, I even remember what I was doing, vaguely, at the time. This date in 1990 would be remembered by most Britons of a certain age – if at all – as the day Margaret Thatcher announced her intention not to stand for the second ballot in the Conservative leadership contest. Although she did not resign until November 28 – the day after John Major became leader – her tenure as Prime Minister was effectively over.

Mark Taha remembers November 22 for a very different reason – it was the day he met me! I had been given his phone number by Chris Tame who told me he was an idiot. Later, when I found out this “idiot” had a university degree and was one point short of MENSA, Chris told me he was an intelligent idiot. Sigh.

I would rather not go into the reason I needed the services of someone like Taha, suffice it to say it can be found at this link.


November: I contribute to Travel Days, another disaster like Model Journal.


April 13: Al is admitted to the NUJ as a full member of London Freelance Branch.


November 28: Al is assaulted by three mallet wielding thugs on his doorstep after opening the front door to a “courier” who is delivering a parcel at 8.30 on a Sunday morning.

December 8: Al serves a libel writ on Gerry Gable at the House Of Lords.

December 13: I am found to have been in contempt of Parliament, and a special issue of Hansard is published just for me!


August 2: Al publishes a seminal biography of Searchlight “mole” Ray Hill.

October 15: Al publishes an exposé of Zionist agent David Irving; it is met with a press blackout except for a report in Searchlight, which claims it is a tissue of lies. High praise indeed!



And sell the first three copies to...Gerry Gable...through his lawyer!


June 24: Although we are not named, Mark and I are accused in Parliament by the left wing MP Jeremy Corbyn of practising “selective terrorism against radical bookshops”.

November 1: Al is arrested by Bent Filth, fitted up on ludicrous charges and thrown into Brixton Prison for six months.


May 1: Al is acquitted on the day Tony Blair is elected Prime Minister.


April 8, 2000: The ITMA website opens on Geocities.

An incomplete archived version can be found at*/


April 21: satpalramisguilty opens on Geocities

The latest version of this site is linked from here

Archived version at*/

September 28: SearchlightArchive opens on

Archived version at*/

November 23: FinancialReform opens for business on

Archived version at*/


May 3: Vexatious Litigant website opens on Geocities.

July 2: Baron v Housmans Bookshop ends at the High Court with judgment for the Plaintiff of £14.

This was the first libel case held under the new rules in which the defence of innocent dissemination was used – and failed.

July 27: My Demon website opens.

Actually, this was not so much a website as a redirection point for my other websites, although I used it to advertise some of our publications. Archived version here.

December 4: IsMichaelStoneGuilty opens on


May 21: The Michael Stone website moves to its own domain; it is now located at

Archived version at*/

The domain and webspace are sponsored by an anonymous businessman from the London area.

May 27: Al is mentioned in the Sun, although not by name.

June 25: The ITMA website is closed by Geocities for some unspecified reason.

July 20: ITMA re-opens, on FreeHomePages.Com.

Archived version at


February 21: The ITMA site on FreeHomePages is closed.

February 24: ITMA goes back on-line on

July 17: I delete my Demon website.

I left Demon after ten years because I was being inundated with spam. Unfortunately, I moved to NTLWorld!

December 15: Vexatious Litigant is back on-line, at Angel Towns (not archived).


April 16: Apparently shortly before this date, both FinancialReform and SearchlightArchive were deleted.

SearchlightArchive is back on-line at Great.Now

April 20: FinancialReform is back on-line, at Bravenet

May 16: the Michael Stone domain expires, but nobody tells Al, and he doesn’t notice.

May 31: Vexatious Litigant reopens, on 2hot2cool

I gave out the following url, which has not been archived –

I gave out the following url, which has not been archived –

Mid-June: The first of many submissions to the Songfacts website; they are published shortly.

June 21: The Michael Stone website goes back on-line on

August 1: SearchlightArchive re-opens, on Redrival

August 3: The old SearchlightArchive is deleted from Great.Now

October 18: Vexatious Litigant is deleted by 2hot2cool

October 22: Vexatious Litigant is back on-line.

October 30: The Michael Stone website is down.

November 21: The Michael Stone website is back on-line.


February 10: Apparently sometime prior to this date, Vexatious Litigant was down again.


January 23: This site is upgraded to remove pop ups.

February 15: Outrageous_Cartoons opens on Geocities.


May 16: The domain for IsMichaelStoneGuilty expires. Of course, no one tells Al.

June 14: I check IsMichaelStoneGuilty – it isn’t there.

June 21: IsMichaelStoneGuilty is back on-line, at

August 17: SearchlightArchive moves to its own domain.

November 18: Al opens his YouTube account.

December 3: Al purchases the following domains:

December 8: ITMA is moved to its own domain.

FinancialReform is moved to its own domain, although the existing site on Bravenet is not deleted.

IsMichaelStoneGuilty is moved to its own domain.

A redirection point similar to my former Demon webspace is opened on BT Geocities.

Vexatious Litigant is transferred to its new domain either today or shortly afterwards.


February 13: Finally, Mark Taha gets his own webpage on this site; later it is expanded to a full directory, in effect his own website.

August 13: My first ever YouTube video is published.

October 13: I sign up with Find-A-Grave and publish my first memorial: for Chris.

October 15: satpalramisguilty moves to

October 26-7: Geocities is closed.

At this time, the only site I had on Geocities was OutRageous Cartoons, which only half counts.


May 12, 2010: Alexander Baron signs up with Digital Journal

June 2010: Alexander Baron signs up with IMDb

August 4: SearchlightArchive is moved to a new sub-directory on this site, here:

This was in view of the imminent expiration of the domain. There was so little traffic that I couldn’t justify renewing it.


April 22: The Venables File is published by Digital Journal, Al’s first article since signing up with the site in May last year.

October 27: With the Vexatious Litigant domain due to expire in December, the site is closed and moved to a sub-directory on this site, here:


Circa 2012: I join Twitter for the first time. I did not keep a note of the actual date I joined, but the page was first archived May 9, 2013.

February 9: I realised the old FinancialReform site at Bravenet had not been deleted; I e-mailed them the following day, and it was deleted forthwith.

December 16: The David Webb Virtual Archive opens.


February 18: I published my first report on AllVoices.

March 1: The NCROPA Virtual Archive opens.

July 19: I published my third article on AllVoices. I had to set up a new account in order to do this.

August 10: The David Webb Virtual Archive is renamed The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site

December 19: Al signs up with Sickidepia and submits his first joke.

I am not 100% certain about the date I joined but my first joke (which was soon deleted) was definitely posted on the above date.


April 21: Al is promoted to Reporter status on AllVoices.

June 15: Al signs up with Wikipedia and publishes his first article, a biographical entry for David Webb. I had contributed the occasional edit and correction sometime before signing up.

July 21: Al signs up with Wikinut July 22: Al publishes his first article on Wikinut

Although UK-based, this website runs on American time, so the date of publication may differ on the actual site from that given here. For example, the article Rape Controversies In The News which is dated November 2, 2014 was actually published in the small hours of November 3.

The same may apply to other websites. August 18/9: the AllVoices news website is totally revamped; existing articles are deleted (all mine have been archived) and contributors are told they need to reapply. I did but was ignored. I decided not to push it as writing 2,000+ news articles (mostly for Digital Journal) in a shade under 3 years is more than enough for this lifetime. I looked for the site in June 2016 and it was long gone, domain included.


February 11: Al publishes his first article for The Latest News by invitation. Apart from the two guys who run it – old friends in a manner of speaking – he becomes the first contributor, and shortly, Chief Editor.



April 2: Al publishes his 429th and final article for The Latest News; sadly the two guys who started the site were unable to make it pay.

June 13: Al publishes An International Timeline Of False Rape Allegations 1674-2015 – really a website in itself. A promo video is also uploaded to Vimeo – my first contribution to that site. (The video is dated June 12, ie American time).

The above is an archived link; see entry for October 24, 2019 below for the Timeline.



January 16: My YouTube channel hits 100,000 pageviews late morning/early afternoon. Hopefully it won’t take another 8+ years to run up the next hundred thousand. At present I have 108 subscribers.

January 24: As of 1.06pm, my YouTube views were down to 98,542. Go figure.

February 11: My YouTube views top 100,000 again, 100,077 to be precise, which is pathetic considering when I posted my first video. The screengrab below will explain why the total oscillates.


September 19: I held my first live hangout on YouTube tonight, for the False Rape Timeline. This was preceded by a very short test broadcast on September 12 and another on September 14.


June 17: I signed up with BitChute

June 22: My first BitChute video is uploaded.

October 24: The domain is registered.
The site is uploaded overnight and goes live – ie is advertised – the following day.

November 2: The British Prudery Archive is opened on this site. See also below.

December 13: Al signs up with The Duran and submits his first article which goes live the following day.

All my articles for The Duran have been archived and are linked from this page.


November 8: I deactive my Twitter account due to the absurd extent of the shadow banning. I rejoin in November 2022 after Elon Musk buys the company.


August 18: Al signs up with Locals and uploads three files: a short introductory video, The Framing Of Andrew Cuomo and a transcript of (my narration only) the latter.

September 2: Al opens a Substack account and publishes two articles.


January 29: Al joins Gettr.

March: Paul Todd dies. He was my first site sponsor and is sadly missed.

November 10: Two years and two days after leaving, I rejoin Twitter now that it is under new management.


February 15: Ted Goodman dies in a Redhill hospice.

February 26: The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE is set up.

March 6: The British Prudery Archive is renamed The Ted Goodman Prudery Archive

After some difficulty signing up, I send my first message on Truth Social.

June 6: Al signs up with MINDS.

To Bibliography (1980-89)
To Bibliography (1990)
To Lorrain Osman Campaign (1990-91)
To Bibliography (1991)
To Bibliography (1992-4)
To Bibliography (1995-7)
To Bibliography (1998-9)
To Bibliography (2000)
To Bibliography (2001)
To Bibliography (2002)
To Bibliography (2003-04)
To Bibliography (2005-07)
To Bibliography (2008)
To Bibliography (2009)
To Bibliography (2010)
To Bibliography (2011)
To Bibliography (2012)
To Bibliography (2013)
To Bibliography (2014)
To Bibliography (2015)
To Bibliography (2016)
To Bibliography (2017)
To Bibliography (2018)
To Bibliography (2019)
To Bibliography (2020)
To Bibliography (2021)
To Bibliography (2022)
To Bibliography (2023)
To Bibliography (2024)

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