Alexander Baron And The ITMA Label:
A Selected, Annotated, Chronological Bibliography



Conservative attacked in home with iron bar, published in British Nationalist, January 1995, page 3.

Reports the attack on Mark Cotterill; says also that a certain Alexander Baron was assaulted earlier in 1994. Actually it was on the morning of Sunday, November 28, 1993.


This is a one-sided A4 press release. And a typically Baronesque misleading one. This was mailed out January 10 1995 onwards.

How Nelson Mandela
Went From Working Class Hero
To Well-Oiled Nazi Machine

This is a twelve page pamphlet published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, January 15, 1995.

ONE FEELS BETTER TEMPERED: An Investigation Into The Beneficial Effects Of Smoking, by Judith Hatton, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (January 15, 1995).

An eight page A4 pamphlet by the irrepressible Judith.

Exposed By A Rabbi
Rabbi Yosef Goldstein Of Neturei Karta
Lifts The Lid Off Political Zionism
annotated and with additional notes
by Alexander Baron

Published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (January 1995). 24 pages.

1st Printing. 2nd Printing undated but virtually the same.

A Defence Of Free Inquiry And The Necessity Of
Rewriting History
, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (January 1995). 179 pages. Index. Illustrated.

A proper, full length book, and unlike my first, it has an index!

ITMA and Anglo-Hebrew Publishing – Publications List: January 15, 1995. 6 pages.

The list of 16th January 1994 was one page of A4. We’ve come a long way in a year. We?

APPEAL: Fighting Fund

A fund-raising letter dated January 15, 1995. One page of A4.

Searchlight On A Searchliar
A Critical Evaluation Of “Searchlight” Editor Gerry Gable’s
The Far Right In Contemporary Britain –
His Contribution To “Neo-Fascism In Europe”
And An Examination Of Some Of His Neo-Nazi Fantasies
And His Attempts To Destroy Civil Liberties;
Including A Selected, Annotated, Dissenting Bibliography On Searchlight
, Researched By Alexander Baron And Mark Taha, Edited by Alexander Baron

2nd Edition

This runs to 33 pages, having been reset in 10 point. More or less the same as the first edition but has had one or two of the sarcastic comments removed and the errata sheets incorporated into the body text. No date of publication was give but I finished making up the short print run on the evening of January 16, 1995.

On May 30, 1995, I received a letter from the Whitakers Bibliographic Service which said that the ISBN allocated for this publication 1 898318 36 0, had already been allocated, to the 2nd edition of Jewish Ritual Murder...As indeed it had. According to my records, the latter publication should have been issued with the ISBN 1 898318 50 6. Obviously there was a mix up somewhere down the line.

Click here for the 3rd Edition.

Alexander Baron: Miscellaneous Unpublished Verse, Volume One.

A thirty-three page “non-publication” deposited in the Copyright Libraries. I finished this in January 1995. The following is a comprehensive list of the poems:

Anonymous – 5 poems with this name
Beware, The One-Eyed God!
Two Six Three Hyde Park Road
Two Phantoms
The Judge
The Ambulance Chaser
A Question Of Priorities
Autumn Evening
Birds In The Snow
The Thoughts Of Chairman Al
Cider In Warminster
The Cruel Mistress
Christian Logic
December Days
The Difficult Thing
Don’t Fake It
Don’t Get Mad, Get Even
Echoes Of Spain
Empty Rooms
Eudemonist Man

January 24, 1995: Super Trouper 17 arrived; it’s a tape as per usual, called Right Side of Town.

Andrew gave a brief mention on it to The Gift Of Ramu.

I wrote at the time: “Barry Taylor’s latest Maypole Editions offering arrived January 26, 1995.

This is A CRUSTY TOME, and includes four poems by Yours Truly: Pilgrim, Fox – The Second Phase, Ripples and The Word. In spite of my proof-reading it for him he’s made a few errors, in my contributions at least. Still, I can hardly complain, there are so few people who appreciate anything I write, least of all the verse. Although I haven’t written any verse for yonks. Well, anything either worthwhile or in any meaningful quantity”.

Irving libel prompts no response, published in Searchlight, February 1995, issue 236, page 6.

An unsigned article, it doesn’t name Yours Truly but suggests that The Churchill Papers is a tissue of lies. But Gerry hasn’t seen the “love letters” yet. The book forms part of the theme cartoon on the front cover of this issue.

Gable’s dismissal of these revelations and the controlled media’s silence on them is the best endorsement I could have hoped for. Much better than a big centre page spread in the News Of The World.


A one-sided letter sent out to such persons February 3, 1995, with a short Note to Library Suppliers attached.

These publication concern the three books Yours Truly has published since August of last year. The note to library suppliers was somewhat academic as in the end I didn’t send any to such people.

An Open Letter To Paul Boateng MP, Professor Akbar Ahmed, And The Right Reverend Richard Harries, And A Public Reply To The Ongoing Libels Of Organised Jewry, Including A Critique Of The Gratuitously Inaccurate Runnymede Commission Report On So-Called Anti-Semitism.

Written by Yours Truly, this 15 page pamphlet was published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (February 1995), and mailed out to Paul Boateng and company that same month. I don’t know if they paid any attention to it but certainly it was ignored. I prepared a second printing – with one or two very minor alterations. It was published on Usenet May 3, 1995.

The Myth of Kosher James Bond (PART ONE), by Adrian Brightman, published in BRITISH PATRIOT: UNCENSORED CONSERVATIVE COMMENTARY, March 1995, issue 12, page 4.

An article on Gerry Gable and the Searchlight Organisation; this is based largely on Searchlight On Gerry Gable: Secret State Asset Or Liability? This magazine came through my letter box on March 23.

The vicious attack on him alluded to above – British Nationalist, January 1995, page 3 – and a subsequent attempted attack, gave Mark Cotterill a justified attack of paranoia. Shortly he fled to the United States where he had been offered a job. As a result of this, no more issues of this magazine appeared, although the full article was published later by Troy Southgate.

On page 3 of the same issue is a letter (somewhat edited) from Yours Truly: “First, I am most certainly not Jewish...”

Alexander Baron: Miscellaneous Unpublished Verse, Volume Two.

Thirty-one pages of Al’s doggerel, this one was deposited in the British Library in March 1995. The following list is not inclusive:

A Good Catholic
Autumn Evening
Christian Logic
Eye Of The Beholder
Golden Delicious
I Spit On Your Grave
In Search Of Inspiration
Joe Morley
Mr Brook, I Presume (included twice!)
On Soap Operas
The Asian Grocer
The Feminist
The Tattooed Face
Three Little Words (the first entry in this non-anthology).

ITMA and Anglo-Hebrew Publishing Publications List
March 15, 1995.

Plus ITMA and Anglo-Hebrew Publishing Publications List March 15, 1995, Supplementary List

6 pages and 1 page of A4 respectively.

THE MIND OF MICHAEL A. HOFFMAN II: A Case Study In Talmudic Calumny And Twisted Logic, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (March 15, 1995).

An analysis of Hoffman’s ravings at the Talmud and the men in black hats and caftans. Illustrated.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND THE SHAREWARE CONCEPT: An Exploration Of Human Creativity, The Profit Motive And Alternatives To Financial Reward, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (March 15, 1995). 10 pages.

Anti-Semitic Propagandist or Iconoclast?

The World’s Premier Conspiracy Historian On
the Jews,
the Fed
and the “New World Order”

including notes on “Global Deception”, January 1993

Second, Expanded Edition
By Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (March 15, 1995). 43 pages.

The second edition, expanded and properly typeset. Although it is well expanded, it actually has fewer pages than the first edition!

SEARCHLIGHT ON THE “JEWISH CHRONICLE” How The Diseased Organ Of “British” Jewry Spreads The Fantasies, Paranoia And Poison Of Arch-Liar Gerry Gable, by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, (March 21, 1995). 7 pages.

A detailed critique of a lie-ridden hagiography about the sweepings of the ghetto published in the previous Friday’s Jewish Chronicle.

The second printing was printed March 27, 1995; a couple of typos corrected.

The Sting, issue 18 Spring 1995.

I don’t know exactly when this was published, sometime around the beginning of March, probably. Page 6 refers to “the strange Mr. Baron...[who] also has a book service and writes and publishes against Searchlight...”

Al gets a mention under a sub-heading A DODGY BLOKE in the column BACK CHAT WITH RANTING RON, which was published in the Spring 1995 issue (7) of FINAL CONFLICT, page 19.

Apparently, “Baron is a pro-Talmudic Jew”.


Uncredited but written by Yours Truly and published with a Private Eye style cartoon on the front cover. A4. 4 pages. Printed March 28, 1995, so you could say it was published then as well.

WILD GUESSES AND RUBBER NUMBERS: A critical analysis of statistics on “smoking-related” diseases, by Judith Hatton, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (April 1995).

A 13 page A4 pamphlet researched and written by the irrepressible Judith.

ITMA and Anglo-Hebrew Publishing Publications List
April 12, 1995, Supplementary List

This is a one page supplementary list.

SEARCHLIGHT ON THE BBC: How The Broadcast Media Peddles The Fantasies, Paranoia And Poison Of Arch-Liar Gerry Gable, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (April 12, 1995). 12 pages.

Written by Yours Truly. Who else? This is a minutely detailed critique of arch-liar Gable’s radio broadcast. For all the good it will do.

Alternative link for the audio file of March 16, 1995.

Keep This Poison Out Of Brixton, by B. Grant

This is an A4 leaflet published by Brixton Black People’s Truth In Media Campaign, (April 1995).

Zionists And Communists:
Enemies Of Islam, Enemies Of Humanity
A Guide For Moslems To Gerry Gable,
The Searchlight Organisation And
The Popular Front Against “Racism”

This is a five page pamphlet, uncredited but written by Yours Truly and published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, (April 1995).

Al’s book Holocaust Denial... gets a mention under EDITORIAL JOTTINGS: ONE in the April 1995 issue of Free Life, issue 22, page 9.

Sean Gabb claims it is very interesting but libellous. Libellous indeed!

Vote For Your “Gay” Right Candidate

A double sided illustrated (hee hee) leaflet: Published in the Public Interest by someone who has absolutely no connection with Larry O’Hara.

Just another burglary, published in The Big Issue, April 24-30, 1995, issue 127, page 9.

This is a letter from Yours Truly concerning Larry O’Hara and Searchlight, severely edited. The full version (published here for the first time ever) follows:

                                   93c Venner Road,
                                   London SE26 5HU.
                                   081 659 7713.

April 10, 1995


Re your feature on Larry O'Hara in last week's issue, while it is heartening to see someone leaping to the defence of this latter day Don Quixote, this article contains a number of palpable errors. Although it is true that Mr O'Hara does accuse all and sundry of working for MI5 ‐ including, I am informed, myself ‐ it is not true that everybody is out to get him, only Searchlight. Mr O'Hara may well have been burgled three times in the past two years, but when I was burgled in January of last year I was informed that the police had dealt with over 200 burglaries in the area since Christmas, so he is hardly unique. I have three friends who have also been burgled recently, and as far as I know, none of them would be of any interest to MI5.

Robin Ramsay, editor of the highly respected Lobster (the real Lobster as opposed to the pseudo-Lobster), is spot on with his analysis of O'Hara's latest effort: it is indeed highly specula- tive rubbish.

The claim that Mr O'Hara is a target for the far right is simply not true, rather, the far right have been plugging his work heavily on account of his attacking Searchlight, but even here he is wrong. O'Hara's claim that Searchlight is some sort of front for MI5 is not borne out by the facts, indeed, what evidence there is suggests that these arch-liars and pseudo-anti-fascists have done their best to lead both MI5 and Special Branch up the garden path over the years. Since 1975 the magazine has exposed one long series of "Nazi conspiracies" after another, including a supposed plot to bomb the 1981 Notting Hill carnival, which the police totally ignored. In 1976 the magazine was branded scurri- lous and disreputable by a Stipendiary magistrate after it li- belled the British Nazi leader Colin Jordan, accusing him of being behind a series of arson attacks against London synagogues in the 1960s. Notwithstanding that, the magazine's controllers have claimed several times since then that the actual arsonists were a) brought to book by the Searchlight Organisation; and b) that a young Jewish student was killed in one of the attacks ‐ a wicked lie and one which cynically exploits the suffering of Jewish people, whom this "anti-fascist" magazine claims to be defending.

I can't say too much here because I am in litigation with the magazine's publisher, but what O'Hara does have to worry about is the very real possibility of his being the victim of a hammer attack by (hired) thugs. This appears to be an occupational hazard for anyone who is defamed by this magazine, as both myself and at least three other people can testify.

Yours sincerely,
A Baron

HOIST WITH THEIR OWN PETARD: A Moral Tale published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (May 1995).

This is a 9 page A5 pamphlet; a short story with a twist in the end.

Spearhead, May 1995, issue 315, page 20.

Al has two publications advertised here, including the first mention of Liars Ought To Have Good Memories: “An exposure of the lies and crimes of the Searchlight ‘mole’ Ray Hill and a demolition of his ridiculous book...”

The crosses are by Mark Taha, who can never resist mutilating a publication to mark a letter or article, either by writing on it or turning down the corners of the pages – a most annoying habit.

Spearhead, June 1995, issue 316, page 20.

Three advertisements for ITMA/AHP publications in this issue: Holocaust Denial, Liars Ought To Have Good Memories and Searchlight On A Searchliar.

the Rune, issue 10

This issue is undated but came through my door Saturday, June 3, 1995.

Page 5: AND FINALLY... refers to Yours Truly’s libel writ against Gable.

Pages 6-7 publishes an article by Editor Nick Griffin: IMAGINE – or “Just Another Crazy Conspiracy Theory.” which is about Yours Truly’s Irving revelations, although Griffin doesn’t mention either the book or the man.

Page 23: TURNING THE SPOTLIGHT ON SEARCHLIGHT is a review of Liars Ought To Have Good Memories.

INFOTEXT is a short mention of ITMA publications on page 11 of Bypass direct – ISSUE 1 AND ONLY!

This came through my door on Saturday, June 10, 1995. It is part flattering, part insulting.


A one-sided A4 leaflet mailed out June 13, 1995.

ITMA and Anglo-Hebrew Publishing Publications List: June 15, 1995.

This runs to 7 pages. And over sixty publications, most of them pamphlets. I have chopped and changed the list a bit since it was first issued, removing some titles then restoring them, but basically this is the definitive and will, hopefully, be augmented considerably over the coming years. (June 6, 1995).

Oh boy, you really do know how to fuck up, Al. This list includes the following sentence: “This list does not include our latest publications; (see Supplementary List for those).” Well, actually it does. What a fuck up!


This is a ten page A4 pamphlet published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, June 1995. Written by Yours Truly, it is a detailed critique of the latest whining, wailing and totally dishonest book by Dr Anthony Kushner. This and the next two publications were published, officially, June 15.

THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION: Organised Jewry’s Deadliest Weapon by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (June 1995).

This runs to 78 pages of A4 and has one illustration. The first few copies of the above had a green cover. A number of minor corrections were made for the completion of the first printing, which had a yellow cover.

Click here for the HTML version of the 3rd Edition.

THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION And Related Literature: A Selected, Annotated, Chronological Bibliography including precursors and updates, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (June 1995).

This runs to 32 pages and is contained in its entirety in the previous publication.

The first few copies of the above had a green cover. A number of minor corrections were made for the completion of the first printing, which had a red cover. It was also printed on A3 paper (folded); the first few copies were printed on A4 paper, (stapled). I used to sell bundles of these!

Click here for the HTML version of the 2nd Edition.

Accused but not a terrorist yet

Al had a letter published under this title in Crescent INTERNATIONAL, the “Newsmagazine of the Islamic movement”, June 16-30, 1995, Vol 24 No 7, page 5.

They published it almost verbatim (typos excepted!); this won’t have gone down too well with Woburn House.

Libernet press release 29 Jun 1995 12:33:29 GMT
From: (Alexander Baron)
To: libernet@Dartmouth.EDU

This on-line press release also appeared in the following day’s digest.


A one-sided errata sheet for my recent Protocols publications. Dated July 3, 1995.

BRITISH PATRIOT, Subscribers Bulletin, July 1995.

This double-sided A4 sheet came through my door July 5; it mentions the attack on Yours Truly, among other things.

ITMA and Anglo-Hebrew Publishing Publications List: July 15, 1995.

After Millwall

I printed a handful of the 3rd Printing of this pamphlet on July 10, 1995. Which leaves me wondering what happened to the 2nd Printing. This reset issue runs to 25 pages.

Re the 2nd Printing, see entry for November 22, 2024.

A REVISIONIST HISTORY OF PROHIBITION: The True Story Of A Public Servant Named Al Capone And A Gangster Named Eliot Ness, by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (July 15, 1995). 21 pages.

Another A4 pamphlet. This was published on Usenet in text format in November 1995, as have been a number of Al’s publications before and since.

THE LIFE AND “CRIMES” OF JOHN COLIN CAMPBELL JORDAN or WHY AN HONEST NAZI IS BETTER THAN A LYING, SCHEMING JEW, by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (July 15, 1995). 49 pages. Illustrated.

Another A4 pamphlet by Yours Truly.

NOT THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION! Shining A Searchlight On Three Updates Of The Infamous Jewish Master Plan: The Zunder Letter, The Israel Cohen “Racial Program For The Twentieth Century” Hoax And The Speech Of The Non-Existent Rabbi Rabinovich, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (August, 1995). 18 pages.

I ran off a few copies of the 2nd Printing in mid-August. This runs to 18 pages and does not include the picture from the 1st Printing on the front cover. It can be found at the above link.


I did a second printing of this shortly after the first. On August 29, I printed the grand total of four copies of the 3rd Printing.

One of these is my file copy, the other is for the British Library. A few more copies of the 3rd Printing were printed May 21, 1996.

Appeal – Libel Action

A two-sided leaflet written by Yours Truly and mailed out August 30, 1995.

South Africa –
Political Extremism Of The Far Right, And The Future

This is a 7 page report prepared for Chris Tame who was asked to produce it by God knows who. He said it wasn’t quite what was wanted but that he’d pay me for it anyway. And he did.

It was deposited in the British Library in September 1995, and is uncredited.

ITMA and Anglo-Hebrew Publishing Publications List, September 15, 1995.

Seven pages including the latest offerings published the same day. Complete with a howler of a spelling mistake! Page 1 refers to a satiral [sic] document.

Later, this was reprinted with the spelling mistake corrected. Such perfection!

THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION: Organised Jewry’s Deadliest Weapon by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (1995). 2nd Edition. 79 pages.

I printed a few copies of this at the beginning of September; hopefully typo free, [later I realised the name Zahorowski had been misspelt Zahorawksi]. It includes some extra nonsense, from David Icke.

Click here for the HTML version of the 3rd Edition.

Bringing History Into Accord With The Facts: The Carto Way
A Critique Of “The Barnes Review” by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (September 15, 1995). A 6 page A4 pamphlet.

Click here for the HTML version.

The Exterminationist Guidebook – Autumn 1995 Edition

An 8 page A4 pamphlet written by Yours Truly and published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, (September 15, 1995).

A second printing was done shortly after the first printing; this was because there were some omissions in the paragraph numbering.

The Doll’s House:
Professor Sir William Richard Shaboe Doll –
The World’s Leading Cancer “Expert” –
And Apologist For The Chemical Industry:
An Appraisal Of His Life’s Work
by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (September 1995). 12 pages.

This is the 2nd Printing of this pamphlet; I passed on a few copies to Judith in September.

Click here for a scan of the 1st Printing.

Letters to the Editor, published in The Crusader, issue 4, page 30.

A lengthy (though edited) letter thanking the Editor for the glowing review of my publications which appeared in issue 3. It includes a far lengthier response, which was previously mailed to me personally.

JOURNEYMAN, credited to Al Boran, published in the POETS’ CORNER column of JABS & JOLTS, issue 2.

This publication is subtitled “A fabulous incredible amazing Boxing fanzine”. This issue came through my door October 3, 1995, with a handwritten letter of praise for my contribution from the Editor, so who am I to take issue with its modest claims?

A PDF scan of Journeyman can be found at the bottom of this page.

Advertisement for “Three important revisionist pamphlets...” published in Spearhead, October 1995, issue 320, page 10.

My other publications were still being advertised at the time of publication.

PRESS RELEASE: October 23, 1995: Alexander Baron v Gerry Gable & Others – Libel Actions

This is a double-sided sheet of A4, the text of which was also uploaded to alt.revisionism and E-mailed to selected publications. It was issued in a personal capacity.


Housmans Bookshop Ltd regrets any upset
caused to Alexander Baron by references to
him in the November 1993 and February 1994
issues of Searchlight magazine, which were on
sale at Housmans Bookshop.

The above was published as a full page advertisement in the November 1995 issue of Peace News, page 10. It has been reduced here from A3.

Not Such A Crazy Conspiracy Theory., published in The Rune, issue 11, (undated but published circa early November 1995) page 19.

An unsigned review of my Irving book, written by Nick Griffin. The Rune is now on the Internet.

The Alt.Revisionism Race-Hate Quiz – November 1995

This was uploaded to alt.revisionism at the end of November. I also printed out a few copies (as a two-sided A4 leaflet) in December for distribution with ITMA publications lists.

LIBEL is a small mention in the BN BRIEFING column of British Nationalist, December 1995, page 5.

It mentions my action against Gable and claims that I am “Britain’s leading Holocaust revisionist”.

This ↓ was sent out E-mail only December 10, 1995. I also posted it to the Libernet Digest.


On December 15, ITMA announces the publication of two important new studies

POISON ON THE RATES 1.50 pounds retail 1.00 wholesale

A small pamphlet for mass distribution which reveals the shocking fact that a registered charity in the London Borough of Hackney has been using public money to distribute publications which incite the murders of police officers.

3.99 pounds retail 2.99 wholesale

A seminal study of anti-capitalist conspiracy theories; documents how the evil, manipulative Jew of Nazi propaganda has been replaced by the evil, scheming, racist WASP.

Bulk rates for both on request. All small orders MUST be prepaid

Order from

                                           InFoText Manuscripts,
                                            c/o 93c Venner Road,
                                                London SE26 5HU.
                                               +44 0181 659 7713
                               E-Mail A_Baron@ABaron.Demon.Co.UK                                            

ITMA and Anglo-Hebrew Publishing Publications List:
December 15, 1995.

Now running to eight pages.


A double-sided A4 leaflet issued with the December 1995 list but containing only the new publications.


This is a 24 page, illustrated pamphlet written by Yours Truly and published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing on December 15, 1995.

Venality In Academia: The Case Of Dr Roger Eatwell, And A Public Statement By Alexander Baron

A two-sided leaflet written by Yours Truly and “published, printed and distributed in the United States”. Sure it was, Al. This accompanies the confessions of Dr Eatwell.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Punjab, Translated from the Hindi by J. Enoch Powell. Abridged and with an introduction by Robert Maxwell, Published by InƒoText Manuscripts, (December 15, 1995). 6 pages.

An A5 publication. Hmm, yes. This was sitting on my hard disk for about three years before I got round to publishing it. It’s authentic, of course.

DENYING THE HINDUCAUST: The Growing Assault On Miracles And Religion, by Deborah A. Cowpat, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (December 15, 1995). 10 pages.

An A5 publication.

Click here for the HTML version.

A letter sent out with my December 15, 1995

Dear ITMA Supporter...

POISON ON THE RATES: What the people of the London Borough of Hackney should know about the Centerprise Trust, by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (December 15, 1995).

An 11 page A5 pamphlet. One illustration.

Click here for a scan of the 2nd Edition.
The inside front and back covers as well as the 12th page are blank so have not been scanned.


A double sided leaflet which accompanies the anti-Centerprise Poison On The Rates. For Moslems.


The shocking truth about how public money is used to incite the murders of policemen with the approval of Gerald Kaufman MP, Bindman & Partners (solicitors), “Searchlight” magazine and the “Jewish Chronicle” newspaper, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (December 15, 1995).

This is a 34 page illustrated pamphlet written by Yours Truly.

Click here for a scan of the 2nd Edition, 2nd Printing.

Anti-Capitalism From Anti-Semitism To “Anti-Racism”, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, (December 15, 1995).

An A4 pamphlet written by Yours Truly. A second printing was issued at an unspecified later date. Same ISBN, etc.

Click here for the HTML version.

A scan of the original was uploaded to the Internet Archive on September 3, 2024. Here is an alternative archived link. The inside front cover and inside back cover are both blank so have not been scanned.

Spotlight advertisement: December 25, 1995.

I was sent a copy of the following advertisement which appeared in the Spotlight, December 25, 1995, page 16. The wording is more or less what I sent to Carto. [For more information on Spotlight publisher Willis Carto – and his methodology – click here].

The block words are in bold in the ad; “Zionist David Irving” should read “Zionist agent David Irving” and “expose” should read “exposé”. And, of course, “Infotext” should read “InƒoText”. Yes, I did claim to be a “Revisionist Scholar”.

This advertisement also appears to have been placed in the January 1, 1996 issue, and definitely appeared in the February 5, 1996 issue (page 16). It brought in a few orders but wouldn’t have paid its way.

Click here for a scan of the February 5, 1996 insertion.


This is a long and grossly defamatory article posted to the Internet. Dated Berlin, 30 January 1995 it was apparently posted 1995/12/31. The author was Graeme Atkinson, European Editor of Searchlight magazine. In it, among other things, he accuses a certain Alexander Baron of being “the largest anti-Jewish pamphleteer ever in Britain” and says of Mark Taha that “as well as being a nazi, [his background] involves sexually propositioning young children”.


ALEXANDER BARON AND THE BRITISH NATIONAL PARTY A Public Statement, inserted in Spearhead, January 1996, issue 323, page 15 as a “Paid Advertisement”.

Spearhead, January 1996, issue 323, page 20 contains a large advertisement for Liars Ought To Have Good Memories, which is described as “A well-researched book by a controversial seeker of truth.” That’s me, folks.

Spotlight advertisement: January 1, 1996.

See entry for December 25, 1995.

Bookshop denies funding right-wing pamphlet, by Robert Bevan, published in The Big Issue, January 15-21, 1996, issue 164, page 24.

This is a grotesquely inaccurate report on Poison On The Rates and the Baron v Gable & Others libel actions. I wrote to the Press Complaints Commission about this.

Searchlight stockists facing libel actions launch support campaign, by Lorraine Kirk, published in the Jewish Chronicle, January 26, 1996, page 8.

The above entry and scan was added August 14, 2014.

The HILL STREET NEWS column published in Searchlight, February 1996, issue 248, page 14 mentions the libel action brought by Yours Truly against Gable but doesn’t go into detail. It also denies the BNP’s claim that Mr Baron is Britain’s leading Holocaust Revisionist and says this accolade should be reserved for David Irving!

According to this article, the above claim has been posted to the BNP’s website. I will generally omit such on-line publications from this bibliography because there is so much of it and it is impossible to keep track of. I am informed that many of my supposedly demented ravings about the Holocaust can be found in the Nizkor archive. [A quarter of a century on, this claim holds no water!]

Apology to Alexander Baron was published in Peace News, No 2399, February 1996, page 10 as an advertisement.

The wording is as follows:

Central Books Limited and Russell Press Limited
deeply regret any upset caused to Alexander Baron
by references to him in the November 1993 and
February 1994 issues of Searchlight magazine.

Spotlight advertisement: February 5, 1996.

See entry for December 25, 1995.

The letter below was posted snailmail as dated, and published on Usenet February 24 as titled.

Baron Exposes Zionist Slimeballs’ Collaboration With Anti-Semite Options

To the Editor,                             93c Venner Road,
Jewish Chronicle                           Sydenham,
                                           London SE26 5HU.
                                           0181 659 7713

February 6, 1996,

Hello Temko, you slimeball,

On page 16 of the January 26, 1996 issue of the un-Jewish Chroni-
cle you published an article called Anti-race drive is launched 
by one Estelle Beninson, which refers to an "information pack" 
published by the Searchlight Educational Trust which is to be 
freely available in Manchester. Shouldn't that really be a disin-
formation pack? Are we to learn from this, for example, that in 
1965, "Searchlight investigators" brought the non-existent mur-
derers of a yeshiva student to justice? Or that Column 88 has "an 
underground army of three hundred men and women" which is poised 
to bomb, burn and take over the country at the drop of a hat? Or 
that Combat 18 is run by the international Nazi conspiracy, or by 
MI5, or by both? 

This article claims too that a certain Henry Guterman of the so-
called "Jewish representative council" called for laws against 
Holocaust Revisionism ‐ with typical Jewish tolerance. Is this 
the same Henry Guterman who appeared in the November 1987 issue 
in an article called Put war criminals on trial? What happened to 
these so-called war criminals? I seem to recall that this was yet 
another witch hunt by self-styled Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal 
and his goons. Even the Board of Deputies would have no truck 
with it. 

Finally, and most interestingly, the same article quotes a cer-
tain Ray Hill of Searchlight who "warned that while racist groups 
did not have the membership levels of 20 years ago, they were now 
more violent."

Is that indeed the case? I seem to recall that in its July 13, 
1979 issue the un-Jewish Chronicle reported that a certain Mr Ray 
Hill pleaded guilty to common assault on a Jewish cafe owner. 
When he assaulted Mr Josephs, Hill was alleged to have shouted 
"Bastard Jew!" Was this the same Ray Hill?

In March 1984, a certain Ray Hill told the News of the World 
newspaper that "It all started as a bit of a game ‐ the odd night 
out attacking a few Pakis. I even desecrated a synagogue." Was 
this the same Ray Hill?

In its March 26, 1988 issue, the Lincolnshire Echo newspaper 
reported the case of a Mr George Lewis, a Jewish businessman and 
convicted sex offender. The star prosecution witness against Mr 
Lewis was an unnamed man who had accused Mr Lewis of indecently 
assaulting his sons. Mr Lewis was cleared because, in spite of 
his antecedents being known to the jury, the jury believed him 
rather than his accuser and the two alleged victims. In the July 
1988 issue of the British National Party's magazine Spearhead the 
name of Mr Lewis's accuser was given as Ray Hill. This wouldn’t 
be the same Ray Hill, would it?

Would this also be the same Ray Hill who, during his sojourn in 
South Africa ‐ where he had fled while on bail for the above 
assault on a Jewish cafe owner ‐ made a virulently anti-Semitic 
speech at an HNP rally while he was, at the same time, rubbing 
shoulders with influential South African Zionists? 

Would this also be the same Ray Hill who incited fascists to bomb 
and murder innocent people, who boasted in his lie-ridden book 
that he had announced to FNE leader Marc Frederiksen that "'Bolo-
gna' was the way forward" ? 

And would this be the same Ray Hill who to this day puts his name 
to a column in Searchlight magazine? 

So what do we have here? A virulent "Nazi" anti-Semite and the 
diseased "Organ of British Jewry" (read international Zionism). 
Birds of a feather flock together.

Yours sincerely,
A Baron


Alexander Baron: InFoText Manuscripts

"He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself
the accomplice of liars and forgers." ‐ Charles Peguy

Copies of the only play I had ever written – and thought I ever would at the time ie – were deposited in the Copyright Libraries in early March 1996

As of September 2010, I have written three in total (excluding short comedy sketches)

Click here for the HTML version of The Waiting Room

Click here for Play Section.


This collection of slightly amusing correspondence by Mike Newland together with the odd press article was bundled together by Yours Truly and deposited in the Copyright Libraries in March 1996.

Three important studies for students of world conspiracy, published in Spearhead, April 1996, issue 326, page 17.

This is an advertisement, and boy do you flatter yourself, Al!

The following is the wording of an advertisement placed in the same issue, page 23: “Independent researcher requires information on the Searchlight Organisation. Small payment possible. SAE to Box 88, Spearhead for details.” The first two words were in bold.

PORN PEDLAR published in FINAL CONFLICT: AGAINST CAPITALISM & COMMUNISM, issue 8, undated but published (apparently) mid-April 1996.

Al gets a mention under the above sub-heading on page 19; I’m still said to be “Talmudic”.

Newsgroups: alt.revisionism
Subject: AUSCHWITZ: Revisionnist FAQ (1)
Date: 19 Apr 1996 02:23:49 GMT

Thanks to Alexander Baron, who revided the text (my english is not perfect) and gave me several suggestions for this FAQ and the 2 pages that follow. This FAQ is a response to the usual scr... FAQ that Nizkor is posting. [sic, sic, sic!]

Newsgroups: alt.revisionism
Date: 19 Apr 1996 02:27:03 GMT

THE TRAGEDY OF HEROL GRAHAM published in JABS & JOLTS: A fabulous incredible amazing Boxing fanzine, issue 3 (undated but published late April 1996), pages 22-5.

No byline for this, although on page 31, I am credited as a contributor to the magazine.

Alternative link for the above article.

A new version of The Funny Farm appears on the cassette tape LEAPING, which is Super Trouper, issue 21, Spring/Summer 1996.

This came through my door April 27, 1996, the same day as issue 3 of Jabs & Jolts.

The song was recorded by Andrew Savage. Who else?

The full tape can be found at the Internet Archive

Here is an alternative archived link.

LEGAL NOTICE, published in Searchlight, May 1996, issue 251, page 24.

An appeal for information about Yours Truly and Mark. Gable appears to have found out my previous name. I had intended to write to him about this but have decided not to. Any such “information” will not he admissible in evidence at trial, assuming that is that the case comes to trial. At the time of writing – April 29 – I am confident of winning at least part of both cases in chambers.

Shelve the Defamation Bill, published in the Guardian, May 1, 1996, page 16.

This is from the Guardian letters page; two letters were published under this title: one from Neal Smith of Bookmarks and the other from Albert Beale of Housmans, the former protesting against “political censorship”, the other against “a spiteful impoverished litigant pursuing people peripheral to his...complaint.” I wonder who that was!

Brought to book, published in the Guardian (Outlook) section, May 4, 1996, page 24.

Below is the full text of the letter, published for the first time

                                                93c Venner Road,
                                                London SE26 5HU.
                                                   0181 659 7713
                               E-Mail A_Baron@ABaron.Demon.Co.UK

May 1, 1996


Your correspondent Albert Beale protests too much, Guardian Letters today). For legal reasons I cannot comment on my libel action against the editor of Searchlight magazine, but I would point out that for the likes of Mr Beale to carp on about "poli- tical censorship" is crass hypocrisy; Housmans Bookshop is in the forefront of the movement to deny fascists their democratic rights (fascists are anyone Housmans and their ugly friends call fascists).

On the totally separate subject of defamation, innocent dissem- ination is a total defence at law to libel, though in view of some of the grossly inflammatory "literature" Housmans and similar bookshops stock, it remains to be seen if a jury would consider them innocent of anything. When I visited Housmans early last year I found offered for sale at their premises two publications that carried direct incitements to murder, one of them, Class War, bore the legend "execute these scumbags" right across its front page. These "scumbags" were a group of High Court judges!

Other people singled out for extermination included racist police officers, Richard Branson and the government minister Michael Portillo. I forwarded copies of these publications to the Police Commissioner, and I gather that some sort of report was sent to the Attorney General, but no action appears to have been taken, either against Housmans or any of the other purveyors of this filth ‐ one of them a registered charity which is funded by public money. Mr Beale should thank his lucky stars that he is facing nothing more serious than a large legal bill. If the British National Party had been caught purveying such grossly inflammatory "literature" directed at blacks and Jews they would have been raided and whisked into court before their feet could touch the ground.

Yours sincerely,
A Baron

* This was sent E-mail; I omitted the first bracket! It was not Albert Beale but Neal Smith of Bookmarks who referred to “political censorship” but the sentiment of Beale’s letter is the same. I hadn’t actually seen these letters when I sent my E-Mail letter to the Guardian; a friend had telephoned me and read them out to me over the phone. I sent my letter immediately but it is wishful thinking to even suggest that such a letter would be published.

** Or maybe not! See Searchlight Critical Bibliography, May 4, 1996.

ITMA and Anglo-Hebrew Publishing Complete Publications List:
May 16, 1996.

This publications list now runs to ten pages; this one was done on five A4 sheets stapled together. A few of these were mailed out prior to May 16.

FREEDOM UNDER SOCIALISM?, by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (May 16, 1996). 219 pages. Index. Illustrated.

Al’s political magnum opus.

HOW THE SEARCHLIGHT ORGANISATION INCITES HATRED AGAINST JEWS: A Fresh Look At The Scapegoat Theory Of Anti-Semitism And The World Zionist Conspiracy – with the full text of the “Gable Memorandum”, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, 2nd Edition, (May 16, 1996). 21 pages.

This edition is properly typeset and has several corrections and textual improvements.


A double-sided leaflet mailed out to selected prominent Christians along with the second edition of Poison On The Rates, see below.

POISON ON THE RATES: What the people of the London Borough of Hackney should know about the Centerprise Trust, by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, 2nd, (May 16, 1996).

Searchlight on a Searchliar

A Critical Evaluation Of “Searchlight” Editor Gerry Gable’s The Far Right In Contemporary Britain – His Contribution To Neo-Fascism In Europe And An Examination Of Some Of His Neo-Nazi Fantasies And His Attempts To Destroy Civil Liberties;

Including A Selected, Annotated, Dissenting Bibliography On Searchlight, Researched By Alexander Baron And Mark Taha, Edited by Alexander Baron, 3rd Edition, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (May 16, 1996). 36 pages.

THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION: Organised Jewry’s Deadliest Weapon by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (May 16, 1996). 3rd Edition. 80 pages.


A Documented Exposé Of The Communist-Zionist-Feminist-Homosexual Conspiracy Against Islam published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (May 16, 1996). 19 pages. Illustrated.

It was only after I had run off the first half hundred that it came to my attention that footnote 38 on page 18 was “mangled”, to put it mildly. This was corrected for the (simultaneous) Second Printing.


An A4 leaflet mailed out to selected police stations with the second edition of Poison On The Rates.

THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION And Related Literature: A Selected, Annotated, Chronological Bibliography including precursors and updates, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, Second Edition, (May 16, 1996). 34 pages.


The shocking truth about how public money is used to incite the murders of policemen with the approval of Gerald Kaufman MP, Bindman & Partners (solicitors), “Searchlight” magazine and the “Jewish Chronicle” newspaper, 2nd Edition, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (May 16, 1996). 36 pages.

SKEPTICANA: TEN SKEPTICAL ESSAYS (1991-6), by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (May 16, 1996). 42 pages. An A5 pamphlet.

This pamphlet actually contains eleven essays if you count the first one, Why I Am A Skeptic.

GLOBAL SELF-DECEPTION: A Critique Of Milton William Cooper’s “Behold A Pale Horse”, by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (May 16, 1996). 16 pages.

This pamphlet was printed with the wrong ISBN! Not the first time I’ve done this sort of thing. It was printed with the ISBN 1 9512052 5 0 instead of 0 9512052 5 0. This ISBN was allocated originally to Barber Publications.

The Gift Of Ramu, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (May 16, 1996). 3rd Edition. 30 pages.

Another A5 booklet.

On the censorship debate, published in the Guardian, May 22, 1996, page 14.

A letter from Malcolm Mitchell of SE20 in support of William Heatherington of Housmans Bookshop. It mentions Yours Truly.

In Defense of Smokers by Vincent Gilmore, published in Free Life, May 1996, issue 25, page 17.

This is a review of Larry Colby’s In Defense of Smokers, published under a pseudonym. On page 2, Mr Gilmore is said to be “a legal practitioner who specialises in the law of libel.”

On page 6 of the same issue in the EDITORIAL JOTTINGS column I am said to be one of the few Revisionists whose scholarship does not proceed from “a fairly obvious anti-semitism”.

Al’s advertisement for Searchlight On A Searchliar, published in Spearhead, June 1996, issue 328, page 20, has been somewhat expanded.

From: Jean-Francois Beaulieu 
Subject: A revisionist FAQ (2)

Date: 28 May 1996 01:38:26 GMT

Thanks to Alexander Baron, who revised the text (my English is not perfect) and gave me several suggestions for this FAQ and the 2 pages that follow.

GREEN WORLD, SUMMER 1996, No. 14 came through my door on Friday, June 14.

Under LUNG CANCER in the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING section on page 2, it contains an advertisement for my “Doll studies”.

Anti-fascist articles prove rich pickings, by Patricia Wynn Davies, published in the Independent, June 22, 1996, page 5.

This is an extremely biased polemical article which contains a number of errors. I refused to speak to this bitch when she phoned me (for legal reasons).

The full text of the offending article is below. This was added September 30, 2012. It is made up for 4 screengrabs pasted together, which accounts for the slightly strange looking layout.

The Searchlight libel actions were covered by Hansard (House of Commons) for June 24, 1996, columns 117-20 – Defamation Bill [Lords].

Needless to say, this is a not entirely accurate exposition of the circumstances surrounding the case.

Yours Truly is mentioned – but not named – here. As is Mark.

The full credits are Defamation Bill [Lords] 24 JUNE 1996, columns 117-20, published in PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES (HANSARD) SIXTH SERIES – VOLUME 280 HOUSE OF COMMONS OFFICIAL REPORT SESSION 1995-96 COMPRISING PERIOD 24 JUNE – 4 JULY 1996, published by The Stationery Office, London, (1996).

I’m not sure how I should italicise this title so please excuse any errors of form.

Searchlight stockists facing libel actions launch support campaign, by Lorraine Kirk, published in the Jewish Chronicle, June 28, 1996, page 8.

These scumbags finally mentioned me by name!

Searchlight, July 1996, issue 253, page 24

A repeat of the LEGAL NOTICE.

Left bookshops under legal attack by the right, published in Statewatch, July-August 1996, page 7.

A not entirely accurate report on the Searchlight libel actions.

BRITAIN – Gable pressured, is a sub-heading in a news feature published in Spearhead, July 1996, issue 329, page 5.

This reports on the libel actions. Uncredited but written by Nick Griffin.

FIGHTING TALK, July ’96, issue 14:

Al gets a mention under the sub-heading BOOKSHOPS in the AFA ROUND-UP column on page 4.

SNORTING MUSTARD TWO: MAYPOLE EDITIONS ANNUAL COLLECTED ANTHOLOGY EVEN MORE POETS FEATURED 1996-1997, Compiled and Edited by Barry Taylor, published by Maypole Editions, (1996). 189 pages. No index.

The copyright notice to this book is dated April 15 1995, although it came through my door July 4, 1996. I think SNORTING MUSTARD TWO is title enough.

Al made three contributions to this: Mad (As A Midnight) Fox on page 97; Eye Of The Beholder on page 98; and Maid Of Valhalla on page 99. My section begins on page 95 (my name) followed by a blank page.

Mad (As A Midnight) Fox has been mistitled (MAD AS A MIDNIGHT FOX) and Maid Of Valhalla as THE MAID OF VALHALLA.

These are not the only typos, but it’s the thought that counts.

Actually, I’m a little embarrassed by Maid Of Valhalla. It has no value as poetry and I don’t know why I sent it to him. I wrote it several years ago about a Swedish Wimbledon competitor whom I found absolutely delightful, although I can’t now remember her name.

“A real live girl
To make hearts whirl:
Fairest of Scandinavia’s daughters.”

Oh boy!

The following article was posted to the British Nationalist Web Page by Mike Newland, pre-empting my leaflet.

The previous week, Wednesday, July 10, I had gone up to his place to print out a court order on his computer. He also typeset the leaflet for me. When I logged on, on Tuesday, July 16, Jeff Roberts sent me this. I phoned Newland at once and he apologised. Sincerely -:(

Anti-fascist organisation denies Holocaust

July 13 1996

The well-known anti-fascist Searchlight organisation, publishers of Searchlight magazine, has issued a new publication, When Hate Comes To Town, which denies some aspects of the Holocaust.

Anti-racist campaigners will be shocked to learn that the organisation now denies that Jewish victims of the war were turned into soap, denies that gas chambers existed at the Dachau camp, and also says that the loss of life may not have been six million.

The shock news follows the admission by leading Jewish Holocaust expert David Cesarani that the ‘gas chamber’ at Auschwitz was built after the war with a symbolic chimney added. Newspapers and TV are now also following the lead given by the Auschwitz museum and quoting a figure for deaths reduced by almost three-quarters from 4 million to 1.3 million. Some experts put the figure far lower at under 100,000, and say most of the deaths were caused by starvation and disease, particularly at the end of the war.

The whole matter has long since been largely disconnected from a genuine memorialising of the war dead, and become more of a political and financial affair with huge grants of money at stake – as well as being used to justify obliquely the ill-treatment of Palestinians.

IN PRAISE OF TICKET TOUTING by Charles Earl, published by the Libertarian Alliance, London, (July 1996). 4 pages.

Hurray! Only my second LA paper. This was sent out with an LA mailing dated 14 July, 1996. The piece was originally called The Ticket Tout Reconsidered but it has been published unedited or virtually unedited. Sean chose the pseudonym.

It was published on this site, July 31, 2012.


This issue contained extensive coverage of the latest Gable/Searchlight nonsense plus references to Messrs Baron & Taha.

EDITORIAL, page 2: Scurrilous Allegations. covers Searchlight and mentions the libel actions.

Page 12: Left-Wing Groups Boycott Searchlight. mentions that Anti-Fascist Action and the Green Leaf Bookshop Co-operative of Bristol are now boycotting Searchlight. It is claimed here, erroneously, that Bookmarks are no longer stocking Searchlight.

Left bookshops under legal attack by the right, published in Statewatch, July-August 1996, vol 6, no 4, page 7.

A not entirely accurate report on the Searchlight libel actions.

Bookshops fight back, published in Peace News, No 2405/2406, Aug/Sept 1996, page 3.

This is a reference to the principled stand (snigger, snigger) then being taken against the libel action launched against Housman’s Bookshop by Mark Taha. Yours Truly isn’t mentioned by name, but it’s the thought that counts.

Searchlight, August 1996, issue 254, page 24: A repeat of the LEGAL NOTICE.

LEFT BOOKSHOPS FACE LIBEL THREAT published in Red Pepper, August 1996, page 7.

A grossly inaccurate report. Yours Truly is not named but I am said to be one of “Two far-right propagandists”.

Holocaust-Denial Literature: An Additional Bibliography by John A. Drobnicki, published in Bulletin of Bibliography, Vol. 53, No 4., December 1996, pages 359-68.

On page 367 under EXAMPLES OF HOLOCAUST REVISIONISM is Holocaust Denial: New Nazi Lie Or New Inquisition...

MR O’HARA AND THE “RADICALS”: The Refutation Of A Conspiracy Crank

This is a double-sided A4 leaflet published late August 1996 in a personal capacity. It contains three minor typos, in particular it refers to Larry O’Hara as “the self-styled numbe one enemy” of Searchlight and says too “As if the ‘Secret State’ didn’t know, or couldn’t find obtain, his banking details if it so desired.” I noticed these before the leaflet went to print but let it go because I wanted to get it out as soon as possible and was having DTP and photocopying/printing problems at the time. Later, Mark Taha found another!

The link (in the title above) is to the HTML version of the Second Edition (corrected).

Advertisement published in the Books for Sale column in the Bookseller, 30 August 1996, page 8.

Two new pamphlets from Britain’s leading independent researcher: Holocaust “Revisionism” and Fraud and The History of the “Protocols of Zion”, £2.99 each from ITMA, 93c Venner Road, London SE26 5HU. (Modest he ain’t!)

HOLOCAUST “REVISIONISM” AND FRAUD: Why Revisionists Must Never Place Ideology On A Higher Plain Than Truth, by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (September 1996). 22 pages.

This was published officially September 1st although some copies were sent out earlier. They can smear Al as an anti-Semite but they’ll never write him off as a liar.

(How Not To Write) The History Of The “Protocols Of Zion”, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (September 1996). 10 pages.

No sooner had I collected this from the printers than I noticed a typo (on page 5, line 3). This is unforgivable for a pamphlet which sets out to expose this sort of thing.

free choice, September/October 1996, issue 57, page 5.

This newsletter came through my door on September 7, 1996. At the bottom of page 5 is an (uncredited) photograph I took of a no smoking sign on a building site in the Temple.

The original is posted in the Image Gallery captioned Rauchen Verboten! – arguably it should go in the Cartoon Gallery.

Searchlight, September 1996, issue 255, pages 2 & 23.

Al gets a mention in the Editorial on page 2 and in the LEGAL NOTICE, repeated this month on page 23.

There is also a particularly vicious oblique mention on page 11; it contains the usual distortions but Gable has obviously been given some information by the police.

Advertisment published in Spearhead, September 1996, issue 331, page 9.

The text of this ad has been slightly amended by a certain Nick Griffin!

My Open Letter To The British Left was published on-line with some added comment by Harold Covington. I downloaded my copy on September 20, 1996.

For Rat Catchers published in RESISTANCE! THE REVOLUTIONARY VOICE OF THE NSWPP, September 23rd, 1996, page 6.

An article praising Yours Truly for his efforts to expose “a particularly repulsive little Jew in England named Gerry Gable.”

Al’s book HOLOCAUST DENIAL: NEW NAZI LIE or NEW INQUISITION? gets a large advertisement in BOOKS section in Spearhead, October 1996, issue 332, page 19.

Searchlight On A Searchliar is also listed on page 20.

MR O’HARA AND THE “RADICALS”: The Refutation Of A Conspiracy Crank, Second Edition (corrected).

A few of these went out in mid-October, hard copy and via the Internet.

Spearhead, November 1996, issue 333, page 19 contains a nice advertisement for Freedom Under Socialism? complete with photograph of front cover.

Nanny Knows Best: A Tale Of Political Correctness Gone Mad

This is the title and is a review thereof of the book of the same name, published in Free Life, December 1996, No. 26, page 26. The reviewer’s name is given as Iti Saflaia, who on page 2 is described as “Chairman and founding member of Americans for a Free Market Economy”.

Funny, this review bears a striking resemblance to the blurb on the back cover of the book!


Whitaker’s Books In Print 1997, Volume 1, page 839.

This edition contains nearly a full column listing of my publications.

antisemitism world report 1997, Sixth edition, General editor Antony Lerman, published by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research and the American Jewish Committee, London and New York, (1997). 380 pages. Index. Illustrated.

Al gets two mentions here!

Page 298: “Alexander Baron, whose books have been publicized by the BNP, sent antisemitic leaflets to members of the Jewish community and to police stations, and posted thousands of pages on the Internet, including antisemitic booklets (see LEGAL MATTERS).”

This came straight from Gable; he wrote the same rubbish in his letter to that little whore Broadway.

Page 301: “Alexander Baron (see PUBLICATIONS AND MEDIA) was remanded in custody in November awaiting trial for threats to kill a social security (DSS) officer and threats to witnesses in the DSS case against him for wrongfully claiming benefit.”

Bile, paranoia and collaboration The life and times of Larry O’Hara, published in Searchlight, January 1997, pages 14-5.

This refers to Yours Truly as “an antisemitic propagandist”. Perish the thought!

February 1997: SEARCHLIGHT FICTION PULPED is a 16 page A5 pamphlet published by loony Larry O’Hara.

Yours Truly gets a mention or two!

A scan of this pamphlet was uploaded to the Internet Archive on August 30, 2024.

Here is an alternative archived link.

The inside front cover and inside back cover are blank so have not been scanned.

How to (virtually) empty the prisons overnight by Alexander Baron, published in PIPELINE, February 1997, pages 9-10.

An article for the prison magazine which calls for, inter alia, the legalisation of drugs.

[Shortly after I was acquitted I was informed by Sahib Mustaqim Bleher, Editor of the Islamic Party Of Britain’s theoretical journal Common Sense, that he had seen this article reprinted in Time-In At Woodhill, the magazine of Woodhill Prison, for which he is a Moslem visitor.

Subsequently he sent me the MAR/APR 1997 issue of this magazine which contains this article – see entry for March/April 1997 below.]

The following were also published in this issue of Pipeline, both on page 14:

BIRD – a poem
URBAN FOX – a sonnet.

What the papers “didn’t” say, published in Spearhead, February 1997, issue 336, page 3.

This is some comment in the WHAT WE THINK pages on the arrest of a certain Alexander Baron and the libel actions against Gerry Gable. It contains an appeal for donations and letter of support to be sent to Brixton Prison.

The scan immediately above is from page 23 and the one immediately below from page 24 of the same issue. It gives me a real sense of pride to see my magnum opus listed immediately below that of Professor Butz, and my biography of Ray Hill above that of a Major Douglas fan!

LETTER FROM AN IMPRISONED WRITER, published in RESISTANCE!, February 10th, 1997, Issue #104, page 3.

This is a letter I wrote to Harold Covington; it begins here “Dear Winston”; I actually began all my correspondence to Covington “Dear Harold”.

The above was added September 7, 2019. R.I.P. Harold.

THE ‘SEARCHLIGHT’ HATE QUIZ, published in Patriot, Spring 1997, Issue No. 1, page 28.

Published as a TEASER, this didn’t come to my attention until October 1999. It truly is flattering that my work has been ripped off, plagiarised and republished with and without permission, with and without attribution all over the world. In a letter dated 26th October 1999, Tony Lecomber pointed out that he had added one of the questions himself, the one about Turkey being inhabited by a conglomerate of different races...He said he saw first this the previous year and that it was something that tended to get faxed about. More flattery!

OVERCROWDING! How to empty our prisons, by Alexander Baron, published in time-in At Woodhill, MAR/APR 1997, pages 18-9.

An unauthorised – but most welcome – reprint of my February 1997 Pipeline article How to (virtually) empty the prisons overnight. It has been edited very slightly.

Press Statement re my forthcoming trial.

The above was sent out by Nick Griffin some time prior to April 21.



A double-sided A4 leaflet I received while in Brixton Prison. It arrived April 15, 1997. It is credited to “the Searchlight victim support group and Black Consciousness”.

It is actually based on my text and researches, and I am more than a little flattered that it should have been produced in this fashion!



This is a double-sided A4 leaflet produced on behalf of Yours Truly for the trial R v Baron, 1997. The trial actually started April 22nd; the incorrect starting date was due to my enthusiastic but not always extremely competent legal team. However, the leaflet does state that the prosecution will open its case on the Tuesday.

The text was written by Nick Griffin (on my directions) while I was on remand in Brixton Prison. A few copies were produced by Griffin and mailed out early shortly before the start of the trial. The artwork I received from Griffin has Mark Taha’s address crudely blacked out. I think it may have been whited out originally. Griffin couldn’t remember who he’d sent them out to but he only did about a dozen, to various leftists, for all the good this will have done.

I mailed out a few later, on August 11, 1997.

April 22 at 17.57: Press Association report by Melvyn Howe, click here for full text and comment.

April 23 at 16.12: Press Association report by Melvyn Howe, click here for full text and comment.

‘Stalker threatened to slit woman’s throat’, published in the Evening Standard, Wednesday, 23 April 1997, page 23.

The above was not entered into this Bibliography until December 17, 2010, when the scan was published. I actually went to the Evening Standard delivery depot to purchase a back number at the time.

I find it difficult to believe that I actually apologised to that contemptible little whore for the vile (but factually accurate) things I said about her in court, but that was on the advice of Sean Gabb, and it may just have been one of the things that saved my life. And hers, because as I sat in my cell the night before my acquittal, I drew up a death list of the scum I was going to target the day I was released from whatever sentence that sick, twisted, bigoted old cunt of a judge passed. Her name was third on the list; his was first; a certain bent copper was number two.

Due to the layout, the scan also includes a short but irrelevant article about a bomb hoax.

[See also this compilation].

The Tory hard Right marches on, by David Rose and Nick Lowles, published in the Observer, April 27, 1997, page 27.

The alternative title of this article is Hidden agenda; Rose too has an agenda, but it’s not particularly well hidden in this article, oy vay. It’s basically a smear on a number of far right Conservatives, so-called far right. One of these is Gerald Howarth; Gable gets a mention and so too does Al, although not by name. I’m flattered to hear that I was once a “leading member of the neo-Nazi British Movement” and am an “author of virulent anti-Semitic literature”.

May 1 at 16.18: Press Association report by Melvyn Howe, click here for full text and comment.


This is the BNP Book Service Catalogue No. 1 for MAY 1997. Al has the odd entry, including on the front cover!

Court finds rightwinger not guilty of attack, published in the Morning Star (Communist newspaper), Friday, May 2, 1997, page 3.

This is a fair accurate report of my acquittal at Southwark Crown Court, apart from the quote at the end; actually I told the jury they were wonderful people “all of you”, as indeed they were.

‘Slit throat’ author cleared of threat charge, published in the Shropshire Star, May 2, 1997, page 43.

A short report, obviously rewritten from the wire service report. This was sent to me by Griffin. I have no idea how many other papers this syndicated report appeared in.

Man cleared after threat to kill claims, published in the South London Press, Friday, May 9th, 1997, Edition No. 10,553, page 25.

This is a grossly inaccurate report of my acquittal. It claims not only that I was 44 at the time – I was 40 – but that the trial took place at the Old Bailey! There are many other errors and distortions. Arch-liar Gable gets a mention. I wrote a long letter to the paper in response to this, but it was ignored.

An Open Letter To All My Friends And Supporters
In The Wake Of Regina Versus Baron And My Spectacular Acquittal

At Southwark Crown Court, April 22nd To May 1st 1997

by Alexander Baron

This is a seven page letter dated May 16, 1997. It was mailed out from May 27 onwards to various people. The title is self-explanatory. A few were also sent out by E-Mail.

On March 8, 1998, while referring to this document in connection with writing a speech, I noticed that it contained a trivial factual error:

“On May 14, 1993, after a malicious complaint by one of these enemies – whose name has since become known to me – my flat was raided and I was arrested by an equally malicious police officer named Detective Sergeant Martin Chainey.”

The police raid was actually May 26; May 14, 1993 was the date the Jewish Chronicle ran an article about the Anglo-Hebrew Publishing mailing.

KEREN ON THE COUCH: A Dissertation On Selective Righteous Indignation, by Alexander Baron.

This article was posted to alt.revisionism on May 22, 1997. A copy has since been deposited in the British Library and the Copyright Libraries.

Spearhead, June 1997, issue 340 contains advertisements for Al’s publications, including a big one on page 24 for his Ray Hill biography.

June 17, 1997: Letter from Brent Chess Congress Association

My favourite ever tournament, I entered it four years in a row and won it all four times, including once outright!

A REPLY TO MR BARON’S ARTICLE (“Pipeline, February”)
, by Mrs Belinda Southwell, Board of Visitors, published in Pipeline, Spring 1997, page 8.

This came through my door on the Solstice. Needless to say, Mrs Southwell disagrees. With the exception of page 9 and the front cover, this issue is dated Spring 1977 at the foot of each page!

Searchlight, published in Lobster, Summer 1997, issue 33, pages 35-8. This is in a column called Notes on contamination and includes a sub-heading Alexander Baron, Mark Taha, Morris Riley and “Searchlight”, on pages 36-7.

This issue of Lobster came through my door on June 26, 1997. Most of the article is taken up with an attack on Gable & co’s smear by association technique. Among other things, author Ramsay reports that Andrew Bell is a former editor of Searchlight. His coverage of the trial could be better.

In the same issue, page 46, it is mentioned that passing reference to Yours Truly is made in the Washington published magazine Surveillant.

Spearhead, July 1997, No. 341, page 22 publishes a letter from a certain Alexander Baron expressing his thanks to the BNP for the tremendous support he received from this organisation during his time on remand in Brixton Prison. He also has a few comments to make about the evidence given by a certain Gerry Gable at his trial.

Historical Review Press Revisionist Booklist 1997.

This came through my door on Saturday, July 5, 1997, with others, although I gather it was issued in June. My book HOLOCAUST DENIAL: NEW NAZI LIE or NEW INQUISITION? is advertised on page 1. It is underpriced!

The strange case of Gerry Gable and his fascist benefit snoop.

This is a one-sided photocopied A4 leaflet “Published in the Public interest”, which came into my possession on August 4, 1997. It is a not entirely accurate account of some of the revelations concerning Yours Truly’s trial at Southwark Crown Court.

Letter from Eleanor Rands of Oxford University Press, July 7, 1997.

The above, from the Assistant Editor of the Oxford English Dictionary concerns the word meme among others. There is an obvious typo in the letter; I realise Richard Dawkins is even more ancient than me, but I don’t think he was around in 1876!

MEDIA LIES AND THE SECRET STATE, by Dr Mark Deavin, published in Spearhead, August 1997, No. 342, pages 10-1.

At the end of this article – bottom of page 11 – appears the following note: “The masthead of Searchlight’s regular, highly-selective report from France – note how the artwork shows Gable’s support for violence...If you do come across a local shop trying to sell copies, don’t buy one. Instead, pass a note of its name and address to ITMA Researchers, 93c Venner Road, London, SE26 5HU, as ITMA’s Alexander Baron regularly helps individuals who have been libelled by Searchlight to bring court actions against both Gerry Gable and any shop foolish enough to continue stocking his disreputable rag.”

The cartoon of French politician Jean Marie Le Pen being pelted (stone the Aryan) is reproduced here. This comment has clearly been inspired by Yours Truly!

Common Sense: The official Islamic Party Newsreport, Summer 1997/Rabi’ 1418, Issue number 21 came through my door on Monday, August 18, 1997.

There is a mention of Yours Truly and his contributions on the first page in the Editorial, Partial Justice.

My articles are Out of Prison on pages 3-5 and On Drugs – an Evil That Threatens Us All on pages 5-6.

These two articles were originally written as No Islamophobia In Britain’s Prisons; Young Black Men In British Prisons: Why So Many? and An Evil That Threatens Us All; the first two have been amalgamated as Out of Prison; these articles have been edited minimally.

The unedited text of An Evil That Threatens Us All was posted to MSANEWS Islamic on-line digest on Fri, 12 Sep 1997 16:23:46 GMT; I downloaded the article when I logged on the following Thursday.

Two of Al’s publications get a listing in Surveillant: ACQUISITIONS AND COMMENTARY FOR INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY PROFESSIONALS, Volume 4, Numbers 4&5, page 156.

These are mere listings: for Liars Ought To Have Good Memories and Eustace Clarence Mullins (1st Edition).

I don’t know when this issue was published; Morris Riley forwarded me the photocopy in August 1997 so it was sometime before that.

OLYMPIAD NEWS, Tuesday 19 August, Issue 1:

This is the newsletter of the Mind Sports Olympiad which was held at the Royal Festival Hall from August 18-24, 1997.

On the back page – page 4 – of this publication appears the following:

Backgammon Beginners
Final results and medals)

1 R. Biddle (USA) gold
2 A. Baron (England) silver
3 P. Martin (England) bronze

I scored 24 points losing one of my five point matches – to the bronze medalist.

OLYMPIAD NEWS, Sunday 24 August, Issue 6.

The back page – page 4 – lists the following under Day Six Medal Winners: Backgammon (Placings and medals) 1 J. Clark (England) gold 2 M. Barkwill (England) silver 3 M. Barron (England) bronze

OLYMPIAD NEWS, Sunday 24 August, Issue 7 (Final Results), page 2.

Backgammon Championship

1 J. Clark (England) gold
2 M. Barkwill (England) silver
3 M. Barron (England) bronze

TV cameras were present at the Mind Sports Olympiad; at the major prize giving ceremony many photographs were taken, including group photographs of all the prize winners present. This had worldwide coverage so it is not impossible that Al could have ended up in every newspaper from the New York Times to the South China Morning Post.

As well as my listing as M. Barron, when he awarded me my bronze medal, Grandmaster Ray Keene introduced me as Arex Baron!

Mr Alexander Baron published in Searchlight, September 1997, page 24.

This is a (rather expensive!) retraction published on the back page of Gable’s hate sheet. This issue of the magazine came through my door – addressed to Mark – on September 1st.

A flyer for National Backgammon’s “THE MIDLAND’S CUP” came through my door on the morning of September 9, 1997, and on the back it proclaims that:

“MARTIN BARKWILL, the 1994 British National Champion received SILVER; and the BRONZE went to ALEX BARON...The Beginners tournament GOLD Champion is RICHARD BIDDLE. ALEX BARON this time got SILVER (the only player achieving two medals) and PAUL MARTIN received BRONZE.”

Yeah, tell it!

Let’s Hate Hitler

This review/essay was posted to alt.nswpp on Saturday, September 20, 1997. It was originally written for Free Life but was never used. A copy has since been deposited in the British Library and the Copyright Libraries.

October 1, 1997: According to the Amazon UK website (consulted April 18, 2016), Soul Searching was published today; my poem Where The Heart Is appears on page 28.

KEENE on CHESS published in the Times, October 1, 1997, page 45.

My second round game against Timothy Woodward from the September 6-7 Kensington Congress was published in Ray Keene’s chess column! Chris Hyde pointed this out at the chess club the following Monday.

[Briefly, competitors can submit games of interest to the controller for possible future publication. I was told on this occasion that they were looking for games to be published on Teletext. Though I submitted this one I didn’t for one moment think it would end up on Teletext, and less still in the Times].

Free Life, Number 27. I received a copy of this on the evening of Wednesday, October 15, 1997.

Under EDITORIAL JOTTINGS on pages 7-8 is a brief report on Yours Truly saying how wonderful is British justice and what a wonderful person that little shit of a judge was and wasn’t I lucky to have been born an Englishman. Yeah, wasn’t I just.

On pages 25-6 is a review of the Mike Hutchinson co-authored Bizarre Beliefs. The review is by Vincent Gilmore, who is described on page 2 as “a legal practitioner, specialising in defamation”.

A leaflet headed Information Wanted was written by Yours Truly and posted around Sydenham, Newlands Park and Lennard Road on the evening of October 17, 1997. The text of this leaflet was posted to the Internet earlier in the week.

A letter published in the Guardian on October 17, 1997, page 20, under the heading For Mr Merchant, with thanks.

It has been edited somewhat, eg the phrase “after a police frame-up” has been replaced with “on a false charge”.

The same letter, edited more severely, was published in the London Evening Standard on October 20, (see below).

Race And The Jewish Question No Longer Taboo In The Cinema:
Two Remarkable Films

[Posted initially to alt.nswpp on Saturday, October 18, 1997.]

London Evening Standard, CITY PRICES, October 20, 1997, page 65.

This is another edit of my letter in defence of Piers Merchant (see October 17, above). It appeared with several others under the heading BRIEFLY. I presume it appeared in other editions also.


This runs to 226 pages. The manuscript was deposited in the British Library on October 21, 1997.

BOGUS PAEDOPHILE ALERT published in British Nationalist, November 1997, page 4.

This is a report on the Taha Paedophile Alert sticker; Al get’s a mention, so does Suchshite! It really is flattering to be referred to as the standard bearer in the battle of truth over evil!

A flyer for the Sunday, December 14th Kensington Rapidplay Tournament came through my door (with a letter from Barry Gale dated 26 October 1997). It contains my game against Timothy Woodward, in which I castled queenside as black in the Modern Defence! It won the Best Attack Prize; I chose a book on the Sicilian Defence). But I do wish people wouldn’t address me as Alex!

Chess by Antoine Clarke, published in Tanstaafl Times, No. 13, Sunday 9 November 1997, page 11.

[Actually, pages 1-4 of this issue are dated Sunday 2 November 1997, and pages 5-12 are dated Sunday 9 November 1997].

Twenty Things Every Black And Asian Anti-Racist Should Know About Gerry Gable And The Searchlight Organisation

This is a double-sided A4 leaflet which was distributed by Troy Southgate’s gang on Wednesday, November 12, 1997, at Gable’s failed Lewisham meeting. It is said to be “Published by someone who has no connection with Larry O’Hara and distributed in the public interest”, ie it was written by Yours Truly. Troy did the DTP. CATALYST: THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE ENGLISH NATIONAL MOVEMENT, NO 4.

This was published in November 1997 and my copy was delivered by hand on November 18. I picked it up the following morning.

This issue – a single A4 sheet – is headed “GABLE GETS SHAFTED” SEARCHLIGHT: THEY DON’T LIKE IT UP ’EM!

It contains the lowdown on Troy Southgate’s recent “Jews Against Searchlight” spoof. The back page contains a large advertisement for Yours Truly’s forthcoming publications. Al gets a credit in the main story too.

The following press release (as printed here) was E-mailed and faxed out from November 23, 1997.

[After I’d sent out the first tranche, Morris Riley phoned to say that I’d left the price off the Griffin pamphlet. This was corrected forthwith].

Four New Publications Available From ITMA From December 1, 1997

Libel Actions Of The Decade (And Related Legal Actions) ‐ £2.99

A report on the Searchlight libel actions and the accompanying 
criminal trial. Includes the full text of the consent order 
between the author and Gerry Gable.

Expose Of Nick Griffin's Plans To Subjugate The British National 
Party, The United Kingdom, The Planet And The Universe As Fanta-
sised By The Searchlight Organisation's Arch-Liar And Hatemonger 
Gerry Gable And Promulgated By "The Cook Report" ‐ £1.99

A slightly whimsical report on the machinations of Gable's shab-
boz goy Roger Cook and his expose of supposedly arch race-hater 
Nick Griffin, who goes on trial soon for the insidious crime of 
inciting white women to have more babies!

THE FINAL TABOO A Dissertation On the Jewish Question & Holocaust 
Revisionism ‐ £1.99

A polemic against the Exterminationist Lobby. Poses the question, 
why is it that anyone who refuses to kiss their arses must be 


A satire on political correctness and the lunacy of "quotas".

Important: All titles may be ordered from ITMA, 93c Venner Road, 
Sydenham, London, England, SE26 5HU. All cheques payable to ITMA.

USA and overseas, add 10% for surface mail; 20% for airmail. 
Sterling cheques only or dollars cash at sender's risk. (£ = 
pounds sterling).

Letter from Oxford University Press, November 25, 1997

The above, by Susan Ratcliffe, concerns a certain book title! Page 148 was also included with the original enclosure.

Your verse is worse than e’en your chess,
It doesn’t scan, and it’s a mess.

The above was posted to the newsgroup on November 28, 1997 in reply to some awful doggerel (limericks) posted to the group.

THE MENACE OF SEXISM IN CHESS by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (December 1, 1997).

This A5 pamphlet runs to 11 pages and is uncredited. I suppose you’d call it satire.

THE FINAL TABOO A Dissertation On the Jewish Question & Holocaust Revisionism, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (December 1, 1997). 12 pages.

An uncredited polemic against the Exterminationist Lobby.

THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF CYMRU: Being A Documented Expose Of Nick Griffin’s Plans To Subjugate The British National Party, The United Kingdom, The Planet And The Universe As Fantasised By The Searchlight Organisation’s Arch-Liar And Hatemonger Gerry Gable And Promulgated By “The Cook Report”, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (December 1, 1997). 7 pages.

A slightly whimsical report on the machinations of Gable’s shabboz goy Roger Cook.

The above scan does not include the inside front cover nor pages 8 & 9, which are blank.

ALEXANDER BARON v GERRY GABLE AND OTHERS: Summary Of One Of The Libel Actions Of The Decade (And Related Legal Actions) by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (December 1, 1997). 16 pages.

A concise summary of the libel actions and the Southwark trial. Includes the full text of the consent order and my letter of complaint about that slime Judge Watts.


A double-sided A4 flyer written by Yours Truly and desktopped by Troy Southgate. It advertises the new early December publications, among other things.

Searchlight news, published in Lobster, Winter 1998, issue 34, page 24. This publication was put out by Editor Robin Ramsay at the beginning of December 1997!

This short article reports on the Baron v Gable settlement and on the Taha paedophile leaflet. Ramsay sarcastically comments that it is a “curious coincidence” that Taha is also in litigation with Searchlight.

Bindman & Partners: Shysters to the World – How a leading London law firm screwed one of its former clients, Published by Alexander Baron of 93c Venner Road, Sydenham, London SE26 5HU, who is not an agent or in any way associated with Caul Silford Grant.

This article was posted to and to other newsgroups and parties on the morning of December 7, 1997. It was reproduced in the MSANEWS on-line journal.

December 22, 1997: Crystal Palace & Croydon Chess Club 1997 dedicated Christmas Handicap Blitz Tournament – results.

No prizes for guessing who won it!


This is the programme for the Congress 29 DECEMBER 1997 TO 11 JANUARY 1998 and was published on or after December 15, 1997. Yours Truly is listed as a competitor on two consecutive (unnumbered) pages.

JEWISH ANTI-RACIST EXPOSES GAS CHAMBER FRAUD DACHAU GASSINGS A TISSUE OF LIES claims RUTH LEVIN Director of the SEARCHLIGHT EDUCATIONAL TRUST Zionist Hoaxers Exposed by Head of Britain’s premier anti-racist organisation, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (December 31, 1997).

This double-sided A4 leaflet was finally mailed out at the beginning of January 1998. It has a long and tortous history. If I recall, I wrote it in late 1995 and took it to a certain Mike Newland, who desktopped it for me. Without my knowledge he then uploaded the text to the British National Party’s HomePage, and somebody downloaded it and printed it out as one side of text without the illustrations; this meant of course that it was totally meaningless. [I had some correspondence with this person]. At some point I sent the artwork to a certain Mr Hancock, who with typical Nordic efficiency, proceeded to lose it.

Nick Griffin then printed it out again – at least twice – and what with my sojourn in Brixton, and other problems, it finally saw the light of day some 15 to 18 months behind schedule. It was printed December 2, and was published officially (officially indeed) on December 31, 1997.

SEARCHLIGHT WATCHING FOR BEGINNERS: How Not To Do It A Reply To Conspiracy Crank And Plagiarist Larry O’Hara, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (December 31, 1997). 5 pages.

THE COMPUTERISED IDENTITY CARD: Harbinger Of The Coming Repression, by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (December 31, 1997). 56 pages.

This is a substantial pamphlet and although not my magnum opus to date, something of which I am extremely proud.

This is the version of the press release that was faxed and E-mailed – including to Gable – on Christmas Eve.

Three New Publications From ITMA The following publications are available from ITMA from December 31, 1997, but owing to the time of year please allow up to 14 days for delivery. JEWISH ANTI-RACIST EXPOSES GAS CHAMBER FRAUD – 60p Incredible but true, a member of the Searchlight Organisation comes out of the closet and supports the Revisionists! Published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing. Illustrated. SEARCHLIGHT WATCHING FOR BEGINNERS: How Not To Do I ‐ £1.95

A refutation of the nonsense of Larry O'Hara and a reply to his incessant whining.

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