Debbie Holmes
Model Agency, published in Model Journal, No. 11 Dec/Jan 89/90, pages 16-7.
An interview with a former model then running her own agency. Not my photo of course.
alternative link for above article. CHILDSPLAY published in the same issue as above, page 18.
I think the photos of the Director and P.A. are miscaptioned.
Click here for all my contributions to Model Journal
Dick Whittington lives again published in Outlook, Dec/Jan 1989-90, issue 7, page 10.
Not my title or photograph. About some builders I met – great guys – while doing cash-in-hand “security” work.
The following articles were published in Briticism, December 1989/January 1990, Volume 1, Number 4:
Originally, the first of the above was entered erroneously as pages 1 & 16.
The second has been edited right down – the full article was very long. The full version was published in United Europe: Divided Britain.
Page 16 includes both articles, but for continuity purposes the two have been scanned individually.
My contribution to the annual report. Edited. Click here for PDF.
Green sheep of the family published in INVESTORS CHRONICLE, 12-18 January 1990, page 15.
Sir James Goldsmith’s elder brother explains how growth is bad for the economy, why nuclear power is a white elephant, and why it makes sense to insulate your loft.
The opening words: a suitably witty introduction for this slightly irreverant article/interview. Their photo page 14.
THE HIDDEN COST OF NUCLEAR POWER published in Peace & Freedom, Late, late SUMMER & AUTUMN issue 1990, VOLUME 6, NUMBER 5, page 12.
An in-depth interview with Edward Goldsmith edited down to a quarter of an A5 page.
FENELLA IS A WINNER! published in Model Journal, FEB. 90, page 2.
I think I wrote this piece but can’t be absolutely certain; I certainly interviewed her, so it may have been rewritten in house style.
LONDON also page 2. I did write this.
Pages 10-1. I wrote most if not all the copy for these pages, I especially remember WATCH OUT FOR THE NORMAL PEOPLE
Pages 16-7, credited article/interview, Profile: SACHA LILIC International Make-Up Artist
Click here for all my contributions to Model Journal
A NEW KIND OF KEYBOARD published in New Computer Express, 24 February, 1990, page 49.
This was my first article for NCE. I think it was probably rewritten in house style as were most of my pieces for this sorely missed journal. Luv on yer, Andy Storer.
Edited by Alexander Baron, published by ITMA, London, (1990).
This contains the original Story of Bonnie and Clyde and The Story of Suicide Sal, both by the gangster herself and my own Bonnie and Clyde. I tidied up the Bonnie Parker poems but didn’t rewrite them significantly. Lew Louderback, referred to in the introductory essay, was/is not a judge.
Network: Kentucky
Fried Style, by Al Baron, published in Outlook, FEB/MAR 1990, issue 8, page 41.
Peace and freedom, by Al Baron, published in the same issue, page 49.
LONDON’S HOMELESS AND THOSE WHO PRETEND published in Briticism, February/March 1990, Volume 1, Number 5, pages 8-9.
This is an article about homelessness in the capital. Sympathetic in spite of the title, which was not my choice. The old man in the photo on page 8 is Mick rather than Nick. I borrowed the photos from Shelter and, I’m afraid, never did get permission from the photographer.
DEREK’S published in Model Journal, March 1990, page 10.
Alternative link for the above article.
An uncredited article about a specialist model agency. More professional photos on page 11.
Click here for the above and all my contributions to Model Journal
A letter published in ALP NEWSLETTER, vol. 24 no. 4, april 1990, page 3.
The little runt referred to therein as Tom Cockin is actually Tim Cockin.
A QUESTION OF JUDGEMENT published in Model Journal, issue 14, April ’90, page 3.
An unsigned article.
I believe I also wrote ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS GET AHEAD on page 1 and possibly NEW MODEL AGENCY OPENS IN KNEBWORTH on page 6.
GARY STRETCH – The Punch Perfect Model, page 9, a signed article/interview with The Gifted One.
Alternative link for the above article
I believe I also wrote the entire article Absolute Beginners
Where are they now? on page 22.
Click here for the above and all my contributions to Model Journal except Absolute Beginners... and New Model Agency...
Freedom of
Information Awards, published in the NEWS & NOTES column of Index On Censorship, April 1990, Vol 19, No 4, pages 31-2.
A news piece, credited to A. Baron.
MATERIAL GIRL published in Professional Secretary, April 1990, pages 4-5.
“What should the professional secretary wear? How much should it cost? Where can you buy it? Alexander Baron, fashion journalist, has the answers.”
Was I? Did I? No, I didn’t take these photos of Madonna.
Shapes Of Brains from the tape The Big Mouse 4, put out by Andrew in 1990.
I wrote the backing track for this and played it, and Andrew dubbed his vocals (and words) and some music of his own on top of it. Considering that this guy is a total headcase, his equipment incredibly primitive and own our talents non-existent, this, and most of the other stuff he has produced over the years, comes over incredibly well. Credited to the two of us.
The Funny Farm from the same tape.
This was a song I wrote; Andrew’s arrangement, recording and performance. It sounds very good. Lyrics at this link.
Grinning People from the same tape.
This is another backing track of mine to which Andrew put some words, together with some music of his own. Credited to the two of us.
Walking The Giraffe from the tape Glojjunipidnops, recorded by Andrew Savage on the Tapeworm Tapes label, (1990).
Andrew took a rather poorly recorded classical guitar solo of mine and put some vocals and sound effects over it. Like most of his stuff it sounds a lot better than it should.
The above can be found on the Music Page.
You can’t beat a used Ford published in Auto Express, April 17-23, 1990, issue 81.
A severely rewritten article submitted on spec’ to the magazine.
CRIMINAL TENDENCIES published in New Computer Express, May, 19, 1990, Issue 80, pages 52-3.
A fairly unedited version of my article – unusual for NCE. Credited to Andrew Baron!
CAUSE published in Model Journal, May ’90, page 1. Also in the next issue. A small, uncredited piece.
MODELS AND THE STAGE, page 7. A credited feature, the first of two on the theme.
Fenella – Face of the Nineties, page 8.
NINETIES?, page 8.
I think I wrote this paragraph. I may also have written the Cadbury’s Flake piece above it.
Click here for the above and all my contributions to Model Journal.
DON’T BE CONNED! Sound Advice from the Metropolitan Police published in Pensioners’ Voice, May 1990, pages 4-5.
Credited to Alex Baron. Based on an interview with a senior police officer.
BOOK REVIEW of A Book of Limericks, published in The Pentatette, Volume IX, Number 8, May 1990, page 3.
A review by Arthur Deex, Editor of this MENSA Special Interest Group publication. All the way from California! On the front page is Unrhymed Limerick, which is actually called An Unrhymed Limerick: The Young Fellow Named Hunt; several others appear on page 3 with the flattering review.
Jokes contributed to The Comedy Bulletin, May 1990.
I’m not absolutely sure I contributed any jokes to this issue, much less which ones. I think this was Dermot’s second ill-fated attempt and he sent me this as a taster.
Alternative link for the above publication.
Two appearances on Radio Free London, Sunday, May 20, 1990 and Sunday, May 27, 1990.
RFL went out on 101.3 FM at the time. I won the RFL Rock Quiz on Nigel Grant’s programme which went out on Sunday, May 20, 1990. Nine out of ten!
The following Sunday I took part in the quiz again, as defending champion, and scored one out of eight! Actually, the last thing I expected was to win the first one because my knowledge of rock isn’t that good, except that I know what I like. I was also expecting it to be all about thrash.
Alternative link for the May 20, 1990 clip (WMA file).
MP3 version of the same clip.
A brief excerpt from The Story Of Suicide Sal taken from The Story Of Bonnie And Clyde, published in Palpi, June 1990, issue 25, page 16.
CAUSE, published in Model Journal, June ’90, page 1. An uncredited article.
Our Cover Girl, page 2. A story about model Chelci. Credited.
A major feature. Credited.
LIGHTER SIDE, page 14. A credited feature.
Click here for the above and all my contributions to Model Journal.
The above was added to the Internet Archive on September 8, 1990. I cannot be sure how many of the jokes therein I wrote, not many, that is for sure.
The David Rockefeller joke is mine, and probably all those from the England/Holland football joke to the one at the bottom of that page. If you are wondering what is so funny about the last one, it was written during the BSE crisis.
Alternative link for the above publication.
THE SECRETARY AND SECURITY published in Professional Secretary, June 1990, pages 9-11.
“Alexander Baron investigates security in the office. It’s not just a matter of locking the odd door.”
Who better to advise on security than a convicted felon?
Amnesty in Crisis published in the NEWS & NOTES column of Index On Censorship, Vol 19, No 6, June/July, 1990, page 35.
A small, signed news article.
ON THE HOOF published in Professional Secretary, July 1990, pages 12-3.
“Alexander Baron looks at feet, their needs and remedies for problems.”
At one time I was so desperate to get into print that I’d write almost anything. The photographs are not mine. The front cover was added August 8, 2015.
ADVANCED BOOKING published in New Computer Express, July 21, 1990, issue 89, pages 45 & 47.
“Books already outnumber people by five to one. Al Baron discovers how the British Library is using Archimedes computers to track down printed information.”
Originally called The Shape of Libraries to Come, this was rewritten in house style so completely as to be virtually unrecognisable. Editor Andy Storer said he received a long letter from Robin Alston pointing out the added errors! I used the original article as a basis for the pamphlet The Shape of Libraries to Come which I published in March 1993 on the ITMA label.
OSTEOPATHS AND THE BRITISH SCHOOL OF OSTEOPATHY NEW HOPE FOR RELIEF FROM THE PAINS OF AGEING by Alex Baron, published in Pensioners’ Voice, July/August 1990, pages 7-8.
With a photograph of BSO Principal Sir Norman Lindop. Not one of mine. Alex Baron – yuk!
THE SAVAGE WORLD OF MR TAME published in INVESTORS CHRONICLE, 13 July-19 1990, page 19, (magazine’s photo page 20).
An interview with Chris Tame.
A review/mention of Wrong Side Of The River in Factsheet Five, issue 37, page 83.
The issue is undated but probably July 1990. The full page can be found here.
A review/mention of We’re Coming For Your Telecom Shares in Factsheet Five, issue 37, page 85.
Leeds Other Paper, August 3, 1990, issue 644.
After an article called Monday Club investigates neo-nazi infiltration on page 5 appears the following report:
An anonymous caller alleged that British National Party press officer Geoff Brown - identified by Leeds Other Paper as Adam Black ‐ also uses the name Alexander Bar- on although his real name is 'Paul'. Geoff Brown said the anonymous caller may have been a member of a rival neo- nazi group. (Leeds Other Paper would like to thank Anti-Fascist Action for their assistance in this research.)
The above is an amazing example of how Chinese whispers operate. I left Yorkshire in 1983, although a fellow British Movement member named Geoff Brown lived in the same house as me at 13 Chestnut Avenue, Leeds, for a while. I actually moved to Bradford while he was still living there. My thanks to an anonymous gent from Yorkshire who forwarded me a photocopy of this article.
Scan added September 2, 2015.
Circa August 1990: A limerick!
I don’t know if this was ever published as such, nor can I remember the date I was notificed. Actually, this was part of a limerick which had to be completed for a competition for a wall clock. Closing date for the Vesta competition was 31.7.90. And the limerick?
There was a young man from
Who always had time to eat
Which I completed thus:
He ate it at home
In Paris and Rome,
In London, New York,
Cork and Chester.
And I won a clock, which I gave to Mike Weller’s wife, Yvonne!
I’m not sure, but I have a feeling that the layout above is correct, rather than the usual five lines.
HOW TO LOOK LIKE A TOP MODEL published in Professional Secretary, August 1990, page 5-7.
“Alexander Baron reveals the secrets of the glitzy and the glamorous.”
Does he, indeed? This is more of a PR piece for a lady photographer and her sister. The photos are theirs, obviously. The scan includes the front cover of the magazine and the contents page, which is actually the third page (unnumbered) followed (logically) by page 2.
A mention of yours truly under a sub-heading in HOW NOT TO DO IT published in alp newsletter vol. 24 No. 6, AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 1990. page 3.
FANTASY NO ONE by M.J. Weller, published by ITMA, London, (1990).
Pronounced Fantasy Number One. An A4 illustrated, quasi-pornographic weird fantasy from the weird – and unquestionably sick – mind of Mike Weller. I had nothing at all to do with this bar providing the ISBN. Amusingly, some considerable time later I received a request from the British Library Bibliographic Section asking me to send them number two! This was a one off, of course.
An extract from Basil recited by Andrew Savage on Super Trouper issue 7, undated, (the first version to go out on tape). At the time, he didn’t realise I wrote this.
Also on Super Trouper issue 7, Shapes Of Brains, a strange “duet” between Andrew and myself.
Also on here, Grinning People, another of our “duets”. Andrew actually put two versions of Grinning People on this tape. Both Shapes Of Brains and Grinning People also appear on The Big Mouse 4.
An archived version of the full tape can be found at this link.
Be Good To Yourself from the tape Is God A Dropout?, put out in 1990.
This went out under the logo Peace & Freedom Band, which was a sort of ad hoc recording project. The song is mine but the arrangement (and performance) is by Andrew Savage.
Lyrics and recording (by Andrew) at this link.
HH/BUR’s TALE by Mike J. Weller, published by ITMA, London, (1990).
One of Mike Weller’s weird sci-fi things. A4. It’s actually a sort of comic strip.
Kobald, The First Showdwortian by Mike J. Weller, published by ITMA, London, (1990).
An A4 sci-fi tale by Mike Weller. Illustrated.
UNITED EUROPE/DIVIDED BRITAIN published by ITMA, London, (1990).
A collection of essays including the unedited version of The Real North-South Divide...I had a real thrill in July 1992 when I met a young French girl in the British Library North Library Gallery who was checking this out!
August 1990: Pirates of the Airwaves:
The Story of Radio Free London
as told by Nigel Grant and others
to Al in Sydenham, published by ITMA, London.
A 26 page A4 pamphlet. The introduction is dated August 1990. I cannot remember the precise date it was published.
Initially I wrote here “Not my biggest failure but certainly one of the most disappointing. The folly of idealism.”
Having said that, it was uploaded to the Internet Archive on October 27, 2009 and by September 23, 2024 had been downloaded 554 times in spite of being labelled Fringe and consigned to the Deemphasized Collections.
PIRATES OF THE AIRWAVES published in Metal Hammer, August 28-September 9, 1990, page 85.
My article on RFL. I never got paid for it!
Stephenie Robinson TRANSSEXUAL, published in Forum: The International Journal of Human Relations, September 1990, Vol 23, No 12, pages 32-41.
This is an in-depth interview, with a few additional questions by Editor Elizabeth Coldwell. I’ve always had the greatest sympathy for trans-sexuals, as opposed to homosexuals, for while the latter are clearly swirling around in a cesspit of their own making, the former are prisoners in a body not their own.
A brief mention of/quote from United Europe/Divided Britain published in PALPI, OCTOBER 1990, No. 26, page 30.
A Long Way Down For Stephenie published in TV Scene, issue 9, pages 42-3.
Credited to A. Barron! The title is taken from the Al Stewart song, but Stephenie in this case used to be Steven, and the TV stands not for television but transvestite! Undated but published circa 1990. The photos are not mine.
A letter published in alp newsletter, OCTOBER NOVEMBER 1990, vol. 24 no. 7, page 8.
My projected publication mentioned in the above – Small Publishing: How Not To Do It – did not materialise; if you study this site in particular the bibiography, you will understand why. I did not though let anyone down, unlike Mr Cockin.
Chief Opposition Spokesman on
Health & Community Care,
THE LABOUR PARTY CONFERENCE published in Pensioners’ Voice, November 1990, page 2.
An uncredited article. I was in Blackpool for the Labour Party conference and asked editor Robert Stansfield if he wanted any politicians interviewed. I interviewed a couple and he used this piece. It may have been edited down.
COMPUTER CRIME! published in New Computer Express, issue 110, 15 December 1990, pages 15-6.
“What is it, who does it and why? Al Baron talks to author Buck Bloombecker about a book which explodes the myths and exposes the true cost.”
Actually I did only interview him; the transcription and editing were done by someone at the magazine.
For the Sake of THE CHILDREN published in TV SCENE, issue 10, pages 16-9.
An excellent and well-reasoned polemic against censorship, if I say so myself. The photos are not mine. Undated but published late 1990 if I recall.
the real mysteries of the world are
in people’s heads published in Topical BOOKS, Number 1, Autumn 1990, pages 19-20.
Favourable reviews of three skeptical and debunking books plus The Freedom of Information Handbook. Article credited to A BARRON.
Who’s reading your dossier now? published in Topical BOOKS, Number 2, Winter 1990, pages 20-22.
Three books reviewed. My title.
Also an advertisement on page 27.
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