Alexander Baron And The ITMA Label:
A Selected, Annotated, Chronological Bibliography



Two games published in CHESS POST, Issue No. 227, Vol 41, No. 1, January 2003, pages 9-10.

This issue came through my door December 30, 2002.

The games include some very brief comment by Yours Truly.

January 3, 2003: The following were published on this site (and on the Mirror site):

Four limericks

Blair Scandal
On Paul Kurtz
Reply To An Allegation Of Spamming
Screwed Up


and FAN MAIL FROM FLORIDA, a complimentary e-mail I received in November 2002.

January 10: The photographs of Yours Truly winning the Gutshot Poker £50 Freeze Out on January 5 were published apparently today together with a report/comment about the tournament on the Gutshot website. I appear to feature in no less than eight photographs.

I have saved this report [on a disk donated to the British Library], it has been edited very slightly: a spelling mistake in the text has been corrected, and some of the code has been altered. Some picture files have had to be renamed in order to display properly.

January 14: The following were published on SearchlightArchive:

MARK COTTERILL, KEITH THOMPSON AND DAVE ROBERTS Three Disparate Victims Of Gerry Gable’s Technique with Appendix and scans from Searchlight, May and Jul/Aug 1976.

Searchlight Critical Bibliography 1991 & 1992 were added; earlier years were corrected/augmented.

Searchlight Brief Biographies was augmented.

Letter Alexander Baron to Leslie Vaughan dated 26 July 1994 was added

An extract from Gable’s 1991 essay The Far Right In Contemporary Britain was added.

SEARCHLIGHT SPY JAILED FOR MURDER: a scan of this article from TARGET, ISSUE ... NUMBER SEVEN was added.

, published in alternative green, ISSUE 33, pages 16-8.

This publication came through my door January 15.

January 15: One word was altered in the essay/article ...Three...Victims Of Gerry Gable’s Technique on SearchlightArchive; some very minor alterations were also made to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography for 1983.

January 18: MARK COTTERILL, KEITH THOMPSON AND DAVE ROBERTS Three Disparate Victims Of Gerry Gable’s Technique

Re the above article, on January 18 I noticed I’d misdated it January 14, 2002 instead of 2003, so altered this.

January 21: A “fan letter” from someone calling himself CrazyFoEvr was published on this site.

A short explanatory note was also added to a previous (and real!) fan letter from a gent in Florida. These were also published on the Mirror site.

On January 25 I received an e-mail from subject heading “Your website is a joke”.

It read simply: “You should be indicted for the murder of the King’s English”.

I resisted the temptation to reply; I assume he was referring to something on this site, although I can’t possibly imagine what.

And he thinks Britain has a king?

January 28-9: I did some fairly heavy maintenance on SearchlightArchive, but this was purely cosmetic and it was not edited in any way.

January 30: I did some minor editing of SearchlightArchive, in particular the Searchlight Critical Bibliography for 1992.

February 1: The limerick On David Blunkett was published on Usenet, in alt.jokes.limericks.

February 4: A minor amendment was made to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography for 1992 on SearchlightArchive.

February 6: Some very minor amendments were made to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography on SearchlightArchive.

February 9: The limerick On Michael Jackson was published on Usenet.

February 9: A very minor alteration was made to the 1992 Searchlight Critical Bibliography on SearchlightArchive.

February 12: The short article A Paucity Of Paupers and the full transcript of the evidence of Damien Daley (including cross-examination and re-examination) from the second Michael Stone trial were published on IsMichaelStoneGuilty.

February 15: The following limericks were published on this site (and on the Mirror Site):

Grave Offence
Ode To DOS
On D.D. Home
On David Blunkett
On George Adamski
On Michael Jackson.

February 15: A Note On Transcripts was published on IsMichaelStoneGuilty.

I proofed/edited an advertisement that was published on the WorldWideWeb by Quin Gang, he of Cleveland Street Internet Café fame.

The advertisement was first published February 15, 2003.

On February 22, it was augmented with a page describing how the gadget works. I proofed/edited that too.

On February 25, the site was edited/proofed slightly.

On February 26, the site was edited/proofed slightly.

On March 4, the site was edited/proofed slightly.

On March 5, the site was edited/proofed slightly.

On March 8, the site was edited/proofed slightly.

On March 23, the site was edited/proofed slightly.

February 26: The partial scan of the My favourite books column from the January 1995 issue of Socialist Review (which includes a snapshot of Gable’s ugly mug) was published on Searchlightarchive.

It should have been published (with the article What Did You Do In The War, Daddy...) on July 26, 2002 but for some reason wasn’t uploaded.

Two fascinating and highly informative booklets written and published by one of Britain’s leading libertarians, published in Spearhead, No. 409, March 2003, page 19.

This is an advertisement; the publications alluded to are in fact pamphlets rather than booklets. Whatever, this issue of Spearhead came through my door February 28. The title of the ad was not mine! Prior to publication, I received an e-mail from editor John Tyndall who was somewhat concerned over the original wording in case Gerry Gable sued his for libel. I told him there was no chance of that but that he should edit the advert however he saw fit.

[The original title of the ad was based on the sub-title of the third edition of A Revisionist History Of The 1960s Synagogue Arsons – one of the pamphlets advertised].

March 1: The limerick On Ted Bundy was published on Usenet.

March 1: Some minor alterations were made to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography on SearchlightArchive.

March 2: The limerick On Ted Bundy was published on this site; so too was FAN MAIL FROM ARGENTINA.

March 7: Some minor alterations were made to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography on SearchlightArchive.

March 22: The Facts About Rebellion, by Charley Reese, was published on this site.

March 23: Letter to the Times by Ronald Thwaites QC concerning the case of Michael Stone, was published on IsMichaelStoneGuilty.

The letter was published originally in said newspaper on October 29, 1998.

Some minor alterations were also made to the Site Index.

March 23: “Fan Mail” From A Faggot was published on this site.

THE FRAMING OF MICHAEL STONE FOR THE CHILLENDEN MURDERS: HOW PRISON CONFESSIONS HAVE BECOME THE ANTIDOTE TO “PACE”, by Charles Earl, Legal Notes No. 39, published by the Libertarian Alliance, London, March 26, 2003. 8 pages.

This A4 pamphlet – front cover then numbered pages 1-7 – was first published as a PDF.

When I phoned Brian Micklethwait on March 28 he told me hard copy was not yet available, and that there was a problem with the numbering. Hard copy was printed for me April 4, 2003 and mailed out the following day.

Some very minor corrections were made to the PDF version between April 5 and April 10.

The corrected version was published on IsMichaelStoneGuilty, April 12.

April 12: The limerick Judge Macrae was published on Usenet.

April 18: Gerry Gable Loses Another Libel Case was published on Usenet, and on this site later the same day.

April 30: The limerick On SARS was published on Usenet.

May 17: The extract from The Brixton Prison Diary Of Alexander Baron was censored slightly, if that is the word.

On the evening of May 16 I received a phone call from Klaus Benderoth who asked me if I could remove his name as it was causing him financial embarrassment with the banks!

May 21: The Michael Stone website was moved to a new url with a new domain

STAGG’S LIE TEST BOOST FOR KILLER, by Andy Wilks, published in the Sun, May 27, 2003, page 28.

Colin Stagg is quoted thus: “So when one of Stone’s supporters asked me to help I was happy to put him in touch with the polygraph tester.”

The unnamed supporter was Yours Truly. Fame at last, Al makes page 28 of the Sun!

Unfortunately, the polygraph was too deep for my pocket, but these tests are garbage anyway.

May 30: New TARGET, issue no 23 came through my door.

On page 5 (unnumbered) is SEARCHLIGHT LOSES ANOTHER LIBEL CASE! which is based on my press release\article of April 18. It is not true that the costs of Taha v Gable could approach £100,000, but apart from that they haven’t gilded the lily too much.

June 14: The limerick On Nadine Milroy-Sloan was published on Usenet.

June 15: A very minor alteration was made to the chronology on the Michael Stone website.

June 15: My (unpublished) letter to London Metro concerning the Zahid Mubarek case dated July 10 [2003] was published on Usenet.

June 25: A contemporaneous note – I logged onto my Geocities account at home tonight and found it had been deactivated, along with my Geocities site [ie this site].

This came as a big surprise as I had logged onto the account less than two hours previously in an Internet Café uptown.

June 26: The following e-mail message was sent to Yahoo! – and was ignored!

Dear Sir,

I logged onto my account yesterday afternoon but when I logged on last 
night I received an error message. I have today been informed by your 
London office that my account has been shut down by the US team for 
“harassment on Geocities”. I do not understand this term; I have never 
harassed anyone, and in any case my website has had over 70,000 page views 
since November 1999 and not been updated for over two months. Most of the 
material on the site is non-controversial, including a bibliography and 
several scans of legal documents. It would appear that the person who 
closed down this account takes a very liberal view of the word 
“harassment”, it may be that he disliked something I have written about on 
the site.

That being said I can relocate the website elsewhere but my Yahoo mailbox 
and in particular my Yahoo briefcase contain a large number of documents 
that I do not have copies of. I would like – if possible – to retrieve 
these and trust you will permit this.

Although it is of course your right to shut down any account without reason 
I feel that you should give reasonable notice before closing down an 
account which leads to people losing irreplaceable documents.

Thank you.
In practice, the term “harassment” means probably that some politically correct prick working in Yahoo’s! American office took umbrage to something I had written. As this is a totally free service there is nothing that can be done to avoid this sort of thing, but I was really annoyed that the entire account had been deleted, including a large number of e-mails and my Yahoo! Briefcase, which contained a lot of documents which although admittedly were not important were also not duplicated elsewhere.

July 20: After nearly a month, this site went back on-line, this time on

I also deleted the Mirror Site on, which included the original Michael Stone website.

Cause célèbre of the anti-hanging lobby, published under LETTERS EXTRA in Camden New Journal, Thursday July 31 2003, No 1103, page 20.

This is a letter about Evans and Christie relating to a review published in the July 10 issue. It has been edited minimally.

August 4: The article/essay Drugs Not “Racism” The Scourge Of Black Britain was published on this site.

A supplementary note. After consulting two barristers with whom I am on first name terms, I wrote to the girl alluded to in this essay, and one of them filed an appeal for her. Yours Truly spent a lot of time running around with legal papers, etc.

The appeal was rejected on the papers, so we renewed it to the full court, who gave us the bum’s rush. Two things really annoyed me about this case:

In spite of her not guilty plea (her own father told me he thought she was guilty), she had a lot of mitigation. For one thing, she was pregnant when she was arrested, and miscarried in prison. She had a young daughter who was in the custody of her ex-husband, whom her original barrister said was not a fit person to bring up a child; he smoked ganja and apparently flaunted his girlfriends in front of his daughter. One would have thought that any judge would have shown a morsel of compassion, if only for the miscarriage. Alas not.

The other thing that really pissed me off was that three months earlier at this very court – in the same courtroom for all I knew – a street thug who gutted a young man like a fish was sentenced to eight years imprisonment. Clinton Noel mugged 25 year old Glyn Darkin for his mobile phone. The victim had both his lungs punctured, damage to his intestines, and other injuries. He told the court that one blow “nicked the casing of my heart”.

I remember thinking as I heard this young woman sentenced by Judge Macrae: who the fuck is the real menace to society – her, or Noel? When he said “twelve years” I nearly fell off my seat; my surprise was exceeded only by my anger.

September 16: SearchlightArchive was augmented: the bibliography for 1993 was added, and minor augmentations were made to a number of other pages, especially the bibliography.

September 17: RILEY v GABLE & OTHERS... was published on SearchlightArchive.

September 19: The year 1994 was added to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography on SearchlightArchive.

September 26: The year 1995 was added to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography on SearchlightArchive.

Also added was Alexander Baron’s letter of April 10, 1995 to The Big Issue.

September 29: While setting the 3rd Edition of A Revisionist History Of The 1960s Synagogue Arsons in HTML I noticed that footnote number 50 was missing, (see entry below).

How Searchlight Head Honcho
And Former 62 Group Activist
Gerry Gable
Fabricated A “Hate Crime”

3rd And Definitive Edition

The Internet version was published on SearchlightArchive on October 1, together with my letter to the St Pancras Coroner of October 9, 2000.

October 2: HOLOCAUST REVISIONISM AFTER IRVING v LIPSTADT was published on this site.

October 10: My letter of September 16, 2003 to the Attorney General concerning allegations of ritual murder alluded to in the Voice newspaper was published on Usenet.

October 11: Graeme Atkinson’s grossly defamatory Internet essay (in English and German) was published on SearchlightArchive.

October 12: The pamphlet The Man Who Invented “Racism” was published on this site (in HTML) together with a supplementary note about Damilola Taylor and some blurb on the HomePage. My bibliography of the Protocols Of Zion was also reformatted and a few very minor alterations were made.

I also added two e-mail letters: Fan Man From An American Lawyer and Fan Mail From An Islamic Academic.

October 13: The Great “Gay” Racket, by Joseph Sobran, was published on this site.

October 15: A note was added to the essay BOXING, MEDICINE, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS AND FREEDOM, Part One, on this website.

October 22: The limericks On Frank Bruno and Saddam On Blair were published on Usenet.

October 31: Some very minor editing was made to the on-line version of the pamphlet Searchlight On The BBC, on this site.

Mind Sports Olympiad 2003 by Alexander Baron, published in Chess Post, Vol 41, No. 5, November 2003, Issue No. 231, pages 29-33.

This is my article about the August event, which was held in Manchester this year. Two of my games are given in full, including my game against David Knox, pages 32-3. Some of the comment in this game is by me, and some of it by the editor.

The second and third sentences of the article should be one sentence – they don’t make sense as edited, and the diagram on page 30 is inaccurate; white’s king’s bishop’s pawn should be on the fourth rank, not the second. This was my error.

November 11: The Gift Of Ramu was published on FinancialReform.

This was subject to some very minor editing.

November 11: My letter to the Camden New Journal re Evans & Christie was published on this site, (the original as well as the published version).

Judith Hatton’s polemic It Can’t Happen Nowadays – Can It? was edited very slightly, in particular the citations to some of the footnotes were amended and one or two corrections were made in addition to the notes being linked individually.

November 12: My previously unpublished letter of October 23, 2003 to the Independent re Winston Silcott was published on this site.

November 19: A (deficient) footnote was added to Bringing History Into Accord With The Facts... on this site.

Some text was removed from Victim Wanted. I had recently realised that I had made a cut and paste error when setting it in HTML.

A letter published in the Daily Mail, December 4, 2003, page 68.

This – severely edited – letter, was one of two published under the heading Ribbon to develop in the correspondence column.

December 6: The following limericks were published on this site:

Judge Macrae
On Frank Bruno
On Nadine Milroy-Sloan
Saddam On Blair

They had all previously been published on Usenet.

December 9: My letter of July 23, 2003 to the US Ambassador was published on this site.

This is entitled Letter To The US Ambassador Re September 11 although it is mainly about the Guantánamo Bay detainees.

Also published was a scan of the letter to Judy girls’ comic with a photograph of the writer and her pet pony “Nigger”. This is linked from the relevant article O To Be Thirteen Again.

Circa December 10, 2003: Hoist With Their Own Petard appears to have been published on this site in HTML format about this time.

Its omission from my bibliography did not come to my attention until February 3, 2012.

December 11: I did some major editing of this site; this included adding the blurb on the inside cover of the pamphlet Victim Wanted.

I appear to have missed this when publishing the cyber-version. Various other pages – relating to my own publications – were corrected and/or augmented, but these alterations were more of form than substance.

December 16: Some very minor alterations were made to the article/essay Satan Wants You... on this site.

December 23: Some heavy editing was done to this site but this was more form than substance.

Two pamphlets in particular were edited. Some citations to Jewish Ritual Murder... were expanded, and an error or two were corrected in the pamphlet Intellectual Property...

December 26: Some blurb was added to the HomePage, and some publications were edited minimally.

December 29: The article/essay Satan Wants You – Or Does He? was linked.

This was uploaded to this site as long ago as April 8, 2000, but I appear to have omitted linking it to the Articles Index Page. Or to any other. Doubtless it was picked up by search engines, and I did plug it here and there.

December 30: The following were published on FinancialReform duplicated from this site:

Letter To Ken Livingstone Re Free Public Transport
Open Letter To The Richest Man In The World
The Money Question, The Race Question, And...Poverty...


January 1, 2004: I added an Image Gallery to this site on New Year’s Day. It contained the following:

Three photographs of Tom Caldwell, taken by me
Some additional photographs of Lady Birdwood at the Notting Hill Carnival
A scan of a humorous postcard of Jesus as a reactionary
A humorous photomontage of Michael Jackson
A cartoon of a Zionist dictionary
Three cartoons related to Al-Qaeda, Dubya and the War on Terror

One of these and the listed photograph of Morris Riley had already been published here. The Birdwood photographs were taken my me.

January 6: A photograph of Mark Taha with Muhammad Ali was published on this site.

Also published here was my letter to the Daily Mail re Benjamin Zephaniah – the original and the letter as published.

January 6: A major overhaul of satpalramisguilty was completed today.

A few typos were corrected but basically nothing new was added.

January 8: Some major revamping was done to SearchlightArchive although this was mostly cosmetic.

Additionally, the Conclusion to Jeffrey Archer: The Gerry Gable Of Politics was added; incredibly I missed this when I published the pamphlet on the site in April 2002. An addition was also made to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography for 1962-74.

January 17: The poem Kilroy Was Here was published on Usenet.

January 18: The Charity Commission Report on the Searchlight Educational Trust was published on SearchlightArchive.

January 18: I noticed the HTML format pamphlet Denying The Hinducaust hadn’t been linked via the pamphlet index, although it had been advertised and indeed published on Usenet as well as in hard copy, of course. It would also have been picked up by search engines.

January 19: We Owe The Jews Nothing, by Robert Shrillgoy-Pillock was published on this site.

This is a satire on an article by Robert Kilroy-Silk, We Owe Arabs Nothing. Kilroy’s article was published originally in April, 2003; when it was republished, it led to his being dropped by the BBC.

January 22: Four cartoons of Michael Jackson were added to the Image Gallery on this site.

January 22: The Tainted Silk Of Michael Mansfield QC was published on satpalramisguilty with a brief introduction. This HTML version includes some new photographs.

January 22: The years 1996-8 were added to the Critical Bibliography on SearchlightArchive.

January 23: Some minor alterations and additions were made to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography on SearchlightArchive.

January 24: Searchlight On The BBC was published on SearchlightArchive, and some minor alterations/additions made to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography.

January 27: A scan of my Spearhead advertisement of January 1996 was published on this site as was a scan of my letter published in the Sunday Telegraph, July 16, 2000 re Siôn Jenkins.

January 28: The Legend Of Ratpal Sham was republished on Usenet.

February 2004: Date not specified – City & Guilds IT pass level 1.

Level 2 was enormously complicated, so I decided to give it a miss. A decade and more on, at the time of writing, I have to wonder what use it would have been the way computers have developed.

February 12: Satpal Ram: Achiever Or Loser?

This article/essay was published on on the Asian website reality Magazine as dated. Ram had been listed therein as number 4 in the list of Asian achievers for 2002. This piece put the facts straight!

February 14: Click Here To Become A PAEDOPHILE was published on this site.

This consists of a letter to the CPS, a letter from them, some introductory comment (with the aforementioned title) and a note. It was published in total as an article although it might be argued that it belongs in the correspondence section.

Circa February 14: The Baron Makes His Pitch

I cannot remember when the above was published but the first archived page is March 14, 2004. Neither the title nor the date were added by me. I believe around that time I was in conversation with Bryant, who died in 2009.

February 15: A minor alteration/note was added to the On-Line Introduction to the pamphlet The Tainted Silk Of Michael Mansfield QC on satpalramisguilty.

February 19: Of Marshalls, Morra Gambits And Mind Sports was published on this site.

This is the unedited text of my November 2002 article for Chess Post. There is also an Image Gallery entitled Images From A Lost Summer; it contains some blurb and photographs of Holly Wells, Jessica Chapman and (now convicted child killer) Ian Huntley.

February 20: A scan of the 2nd Printing, 2nd Edition of Why Britain’s Police Aren’t Worth A Jewish Fingernail... was published on this site together with an Introduction To The On-Line Edition.

This pamphlet includes the poem A Song For Slime.

February 21: This site was down at some point today.

February 24: This site went back on-line at

This was originally set up as a Mirror Site but I deleted it July 20, 2003, leaving in place a notice in the index.html file to the effect that the site was now closed, though it had not been de-activated.

February 26: The articles and essays index was uploaded. This appears not to have uploaded properly when I uploaded the entire site on February 24, so the articles and essays listed therein can be said to have been (re)published only today.

February 29: Also missing from publication on the site was my letter published in the Sunday Telegraph, July 16, 2000.

This was uploaded today.

March 10: I did a major update of satpalramisguilty. Details as follows:



“ANTI-RACISM” – The Betrayer Of The White Working Class (published originally in issue 33 of Alternative Green, January 2003).
BRITISH JUSTICE: Colour Blind But Not Dumb
CIVIL “RIGHTS” – UNCIVIL LIES (a previously published article/essay).
SATPAL RAM: Achiever Or Loser? (as published on the Asian Barfi Culture website/noticeboard (incorporating reality Magazine), February 12, 2004).


Letter from convicted murderer Satpal Ram: dated 11/11/99, this was originally published on LabourNet UK.

Letter from the Criminal Cases Review Commission: a standard letter, apparently issued in 1998 to people who had been duped by the Free Satpal Campaign.

Letter from Alexander Baron published in The Tribune (Chandigarh) ONLINE EDITION, Wednesday, October 23, 2002.

Unpublished letter to Asian Xpress and the Independent, June 23, 2002.

Letter to Simon Hattenstone of the Guardian, December 8, 2003.

Scans of two published letters, in particular There was no error of judgment, by Alexander Baron, from Tribune, 12 July 2002, page 23, and No victor, no vanquished, by Duncan Mayhew, from Tribune, 26 July 2002, page 23.

Other Cases:

The Other Cases index file

The other cases – listed chronologically – are as follows

REGINA v U (N) [1999]
REGINA v TONY MARTIN [2001] (ie Anthony Edward Martin)
THE QUEEN and SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT and PAROLE BOARD (Interested Party) [2004] (There are two versions of this: the HTML version and a Word Rich Text Format version which includes legal argument regarding costs after the judgment was handed down.


Official mugshot of convicted murderer Satpal Ram
Wounds inflicted on an innocent white victim by black mugger Clinton Noel (scanned from the Evening Standard)

Press Articles:

No justice for racial abuse victims in UK, by Reeta Sharma, published originally in The Tribune (on-line) of Chandigarh, India, October 24, 2001.
Incorrect Reports, my reply to the above article, published in The Tribune (on-line) of Chandigarh, India, October 23, 2002. (This includes a couple of other, irrelevant articles on the web page).
Compensation Blocked for on-the-Run Killer, by John Aston. (Reprinted from the website of The Scotsman newspaper.
Satpal Ram- 16 years in jail: I kept fighting to win freedom, by Leoni. (Reprinted from the website of “independant media center”).
Johnson and Ram free at last, by Fern Lane, reprinted from An Phoblacht/REPUBLICAN NEWS, Thursday 4 July 2002, (on-line edition).
Man Cleared Of Road Rage Murder, reproduced from the on-line Ealing Times.
Satpal Ram Parole Hearing, downloaded from LabourNet UK.
Top 10 Achievers And Losers Of 2002: Number 4 Satpal Ram [achiever], reproduced from reality on-line magazine on the Barfi Culture website. It includes various comments by site visitors AND SATPAL RAM: Achiever Or Loser? (see above).


DAMILOLA TAYLOR: Supplementary Note: a note concerning this case.
MINUTES OF SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ UNION relating to the Satpal Ram Learing Centre.
SATPAL RAM (VISIT): an appeal I found floating in cyber-space – with some added comment.
The Legend Of Ratpal Sham: a poem, published originally on Usenet; a minor correction or two has been made to the original.

Augmented Files:

The Satpal Ram Bibliography and the Chronology were augmented.
Satpal Ram And Winston Silcott...: a one paragraph update was added.
THE AUTOPSY ON CLARKE PEARCE – Comment By A Doctor: a lengthy note was added regarding autopsy photographs in American courtrooms.
The Autopsy On Clarke Pearce, And Ram’s Second Appeal: Some Critical Comment: some minor textual were alterations.
...1300 Word Precis...: one very minor note added.
Two Conversations With Lesley Naylor...: one paragraph was added.

Minor corrections and alterations were made to numerous other files, especially with regard to layout.

March 14: The Righteous One was (re)-published on The England Project website.

The Dark Side Of Chess by Alexander Baron, published in CHESS POST, Vol 42, No. 2, Issue No. 233, March 2004, pages 34-42.

In note 19 on page 42, this is a reference to Central YMCA; this should actually read International Students’ House. The magazine came through my door March 17.

March 18: On satpalramisguilty, some material was added to the bibliography.

March 27: On satpalramisguilty, a minor addition was made to the bibliography.

March 28: The year 1999 was added to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography on SearchlightArchive.

Spearhead, No. 422, APRIL 2004, page 22.

This magazine came through my door on April 2. The letter on this page is attributed to me, even though when I e-mailed it to editor Tyndall I made it clear that it was downloaded from the Internet.

April 8: IsMichaelStoneGuilty was updated as follows:

Michael Stone’s criminal record – up until the time of the Chillenden murders – was added. This consists of five large format scans and some introductory comment on a separate page.

The judgment in Benedetto & Labrador v The Queen, [2003] was added. This consists of three documents: the full judgment, a summary by a barrister named Paul Magrath, and a separate judgment relating solely to costs. There is also a very short introductory paragraph. The introductory ABOUT MICHAEL STONE – IN BRIEF was augmented/updated; A Chronology Of The Chillenden Murders was augmented very slightly; and a paragraph was added to SITE INDEX (Chronological).

April 10: Two pictures were added to the Image Gallery on this site under the title The mentality of the ADL.

May 11: Re IsMichaelStoneGuilty: Kent On Sunday, April 4, 2004, page 3 was published here (in PDF), in particular the article Stone witness convicted, by Catherine Harker and Sam Relph.

This is preceded by some introductory blurb also called Stone Witness Convicted.

May 15: A short essay, The Face Of A Killer? was published on IsMichaelStoneGuilty

It includes three photographs of Stone taken from the Web.

May 16: On satpalramisguilty website: a paragraph entitled “Further Update” was added to “MUMIA ABU-JAMAL: A Précis”.

May 21: The judgment in Pringle v The Queen, [2003] was added to IsMichaelStoneGuilty along with a sentence referring to this under “THE CASE OF BENEDETTO AND LABRADOR”.

May 24: The poem A Word Of Caution was published on this site.

I think I wrote it sometime in the mid-90s!

May 28: I made a minor alteration to Searchlight Critical Bibliography, 1997 on SearchlightArchive, at the request of Troy Southgate.

May 31: A Dramatis Personæ was added to satpalramisguilty.

When I checked this on September 5, 2010, I found it entered as DRAMATIC PERSONAE.
As I have often said, proof-reading requires two pairs of eyes!

May 31: The poems If A Man Be Mad and Owl were published on this site as was the limerick On Amanda Dowler.

June 4: The poem The Thoughts Of Chairman Al was published on this site. Twenty years after I wrote it!

June 10: Bitten, the Kwickee Bitesize on-line newsletter for June 2004 published Bitesize of the Month – The Prosaic Truth About the Kennedy Assassination – by the_dark_man.

This includes the full text of the article, together with a couple of illustrations, and some flattering comments by Editor Nick Hurst.

DOES THE JURY SYSTEM REALLY WORK? REFLECTIONS ON TWO DISPARATE TRIALS HELD AT CROYDON CROWN COURT, by Charles Earl, Legal Notes No. 45, published by the Libertarian Alliance, London, (2004). 4 pages.

This came through my door, on disk in PDF, on June 12, 2004.

June 13: £1 is pay-back time
Drug dealer’s token confiscation order

A scan of this uncredited article was published on IsMichaelStoneGuilty.

It was published originally in the Medway Messenger, June 4, 2004, page 24.

June 25: Added to IsMichaelStoneGuilty was Jo-Ann Goodwin’s article of January 29, 2001 Doubts over Stone conviction (lifted from the Daily Mail website with a photograph of Stone), and my unpublished e-mail letter of July 28, 2003 to the Daily Mail re cell confessions.

July 17: I deleted my Demon website.

August 5: I installed a guestbook and a counter on the Michael Stone website index.html page.

The first three visits recorded by the counter were mine.

August 13: The following were published on this site:

Public Reply To The Lies Of Fredrick Töben
Letter to Nick Griffin dated January 3, 2003
A cartoon at the expense of Michael Barrymore I found on the web.

Olympiad News
The news bulletin of the 8th Mind Sports Olympiad
, Issue number 7: Friday, 27th August 2004

Al gets a mention on page 1 of this double sided A4 sheet, for my silver medal in the second 7 Card Stud tournament.

Olympiad News The news bulletin of the 8th Mind Sports Olympiad, Issue number 9: Sunday, 29th August 2004

Al gets a mention on page 2 of this double sided A4 sheet, for the bronze medal in the London Lowball tournament.

September 2: The poems Snuffed! and The Perfect Crime were published on this site.

September 6: A PDF file of the front page, and one of page 2 of KENT ON SUNDAY, September 5 edition were published on IsMichaelStoneGuilty, in particular the article RUSSELL KILLER BIDS FOR FREEDOM Josie’s anxious wait as Michael Stone back in court, by Gary Wright, which covers both pages.

Four limericks published in CHESS POST, Issue No. 235, Vol 42, No. 4 September 2004, page 43 under Readers’ Letters

This issue of the magazine came through my door September 9, 2004. In order, the limericks are

On The Marshall Attack
On Alekhine
The Good Knight
Caro Can’t.

Part one of a two-part article
by John Roycroft, published in British Chess Magazine, October 2004, No. 10, Volume 124, pages 544-9.

Al gets a mention as a researcher on page 546.

Weekend Chess, October 2004, page 17

This page from this short-lived magazine (which was added December 6, 2014) includes some results from this year’s MSO, and a mention of Yours Truly.

October 15: Scans of four letters were published on the Michael Stone website, chronologically:

letter to Stone’s solicitor from the CPS, September 10, 2003
letter Stone’s solicitor to the CPS, January 19, 2004
letter to Stone’s solicitor from the CPS, April 29, 2004
letter Stone’s solicitor to the CPS, May 27, 2004

A correspondence index page containing some blurb links the above letters.

Part two – A Chronological Conjecture
by John Roycroft, published in British Chess Magazine, November 2004, No. 11, Volume 124, pages 603-08.

Al’s name is mentioned under Acknowledgements on page 608.

November 1: I removed Terry Ewing’s name from

And Some Comment
on satpalramisguilty.

This was a sop to his paranoia/mania over the Sainsbury/POW affair.

November 4: I added an Image Gallery to the Michael Stone website.

Initially, this consisted of the three photographs he sent me from Full Sutton, and a number of photographs lifted from the Web, in particular, two of Josie Russell, one of her with her father, one of him alone, and one of Dr Lin Russell and Megan.

November 15: An Address By The Police Commissioner To The Officers Of SO19

Some might call this satire; it was published simultaneously on Usenet and this site.

Mind Sports Olympiad 2004, by Alexander Baron, published in CHESS POST, Vol 42, No. 5, November 2004, pages 29-32.

This issue came through my door November 18.

THE REAL STORY: REVIEW by Alexander Baron, published on NHS EXPOSED website on November 24, 2004 under the Media section.

This is basically a review of a recent TV programme with some added material on the theme of doctors who abuse their patients, sexually and otherwise.

November 30/December 1: “Michael Stone Replies To His Accusers” was published on the Michael Stone website on November 30 shortly before midnight, and an advertisement was posted to Usenet at the same time.

December 15: The Vexatious Litigant website went back on-line at a new host, Angel Towns.

I added a lengthy introduction “The Background To VEXATIOUS LITIGANT: EXPLANATORY NOTE” which covers very fully my relationship with Peter Sainsbury, POW Trust, how I met Terry Ewing, and set up the site, etc. Apart from that the only new material added is the judgment in Attorney General v Adoko, and the order in the same case. And the list of vexatious litigants has been updated. I have made quite a few changes to the site apart from that, but they are all purely cosmetic.

December 16: The following were added to Vexatious Litigant:

Attorney General v Alexander, Badibanga, Fradkina, Mensah, Purvis (2) and Ratra.

The “ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VEXATIOUS LITIGANTS” [from the UK Court Service website] was added; I appear to have missed it yesterday.

December 17: A very slight amendment was made to the satpalramisguilty essay: Two Genuinely Controversial Cases Of Ram’s Trial Judge

December 20: The limerick On Blunkett’s Downfall was published on Usenet.

And on this site on December 27.

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