To The Women’s Page (additional images)
African magic – sadly, not a cartoon. I believe this was forwarded to me by Tony Hancock.
I thought about adding this to the Cartoon Gallery, but it belongs here as a life lesson.
The above is the last of my photos from the burial service of Terence DuQuesne. More with the accompanying article can be found here.
Al Stewart & Peter White, Dominion Theatre, March 29, 1992
Al Stewart, Jazz Cafe, February 28, 2001
Brian Micklethwait (1947-2021)
Brandon ‐ a ticket for a play I saw with the CCU crowd.
Al on Brighton Pier, July 21, 2016
Al on Brighton Pier, July 21, 2016 (unedited)
Archiving request from the British Library.
Bawla Grading Award ‐ not the only award I received at Highpoint!
Boarding pass for the Tehran Holocaust Conference
Three of the photographs below were published originally on Facebook:
Brighton Pier – Jimmy Page marker.
With the Max Miller statue in the centre of Brighton; it has been moved temporarily to accommodate building works.
The same banana milkshake – I had two with this meal.
On the beach.
King Canute!
British UFO Society meeting, November 1, 1981.
The above ticket is slightly larger than A7. Yes, I am not ashamed to admit that I was a member. I must have been enthusiastic too because I was living in Leeds at the time.
Above: The website of the Radio Times republishes my description of the False Rape Timeline video on compulsive liar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from IMDb.
I cannot claim to have known Charles well. He died in March 2024 after a long struggle with cancer – just like Goodman. I was informed of his death on April 24. Among his many talents he was a technician, and more than a decade ago installed a new computer for me. I found the above photograph on his Facebook account; it is an accurate representation of his character.
Chris Tame and the Libertarian Alliance
[These three practically identical photos of Chris were taken by myself at his FOREST office. I can’t remember the date but I should imagine it was circa 1992.]
Chris R. Tame – 2
Chris R. Tame – 3
[I was fairly certain the three photos below were taken at a meeting held at the Institute Of Economic Affairs; this was confirmed by Sean Gabb, who dated them circa 1991.]
Chris R. Tame – 4
Chris R. Tame – 5
Chris R. Tame – 6
[An additional photo, taken if I recall correctly at a different meeting at the IEA.]
Chris R. Tame (in background) with Lord Harris – 7
See also memoir
Jake Hornberger – American Libertarian – at an LA meeting, circa 1994
Jake Hornberger (2)
Jake Hornberger (3)
Jake Hornberger (4)
Jake Hornberger with Chris Tame
James Le Fanu at a Libertarian Alliance meeting
Professor Antony Flew (1923-2010) – 1
Professor Flew – 2
I was saddened to learn of the death of Professor Flew on April 13; I received the news in a routine mailing from Sean Gabb; he died on April 8. I can’t profess to have known him well but he was probably the only Englishman I ever met who had actually visited Nazi Germany, which was qualification enough for him to be targeted on one occasion by the odious Searchlight gang.
I can’t remember when or where precisely I took the two photographs above, probably the early 1990s and definitely at a Libertarian Alliance conference in London. I had the odd correspondence with him over the years but hadn’t seen him for some considerable time before his death. I can’t say his conversion from lifelong atheist to a form of deism shocked me; he was not only a philosopher but an honest man, and would have had no hesitation at all in changing his mind if he realised (or believed in this case) that something he believed in was incorrrect.
Robert Whelan at a Libertarian Alliance meeting, circa 1994
City & Guilds IT pass level 1.
The comments below were published in 2016. Pick a date.
Dennis Bardens (1911-2004), photographed by Alexander Baron circa July 1992.
I won’t go into the reasons for that here, but it became an issue again, of sorts, this week, after some on-line banter with that creep and moron Larry O’Hara. Suffice it to say, I hope it gives him considerable pleasure to know that I have not had a day entirely free from pain since October 1988. That is the only bona fide reason he and his ilk have ever been or will ever be able to laugh at my expense.
June 27, 2012
I was given this drawing by mistake while scanning a large tranche of unrelated drawings. The person who gave it to me said he didn’t know or couldn’t remember who had drawn it; he used it while he was learning. It was added here February 5, 2022. It is probably at least forty years old.
Edward Goldsmith (1928-2009), photograph by Alexander Baron
Eh? This is the cover of a tape put out by Andrew Savage in 1989. For the full background to this and the sad story of my music non-career, the reader is referred to the Music Section.
Eurasian Collective Guild London, January 2019
Eurasian Collective Guild
Re the above, these are screengrabs from YouTube channels. I found the second one on May 26, 2020 when I was surfing, looking for nothing in particular. It is included here simply because it has no views at all, something I found difficult to believe. I can see no reason for it to have been shadow banned.
I found the first one in July 2020. A young white kid named Ethan Hagler in the Deep South was the victim of a gratuitous attack by a thug, literally for no reason. I wrote an article about the case, and found this channel. Is this kid the Ethan Hagler? Probably not. Like the second image, it is included because of the appallingly low views. And because it makes me feel good!
I found the two amazing photographs below in a UK newspaper, June 2016. The first especially looks like a crocodile. In London? No!
German blonde Felisa Westermann at the 2022 World Series Of Poker shows a woman can be enchanting without taking her clothes off.
I found the two adverts below in early July 2019. Nice to see my magnum opus is being traded. Even though it has been available for free download since November 2009!
Galahad at the Marquee.
Gary Stretch, photograph signed to Alexandra ‐ great boxer, and a nice guy. I really would have liked to see him become world champion, but he went on to carve out a career in films, so I doubt he is too bothered the way things turned out.
Gary Stretch at the London Arena.
George Weiss with friends/supporters (1)
George Weiss at home (1)
George Weiss – Captain Rainbow poster
George Weiss circa 1993
George Weiss – Captain Rainbow
George Weiss with a supporter (1)
George Weiss with a supporter (2)
George Weiss with friends/supporters (2)
George Weiss with friends/supporters (3)
George Weiss with friends/supporters (4)
George Weiss with friends/supporters (5)
George Weiss at home (2)
George Weiss at home (3)
George Weiss at home (4)
Google Visitor’s Pass, January 15, 2020
Great White concert, September 4, 1991
Halley’s Comet certificate, December 18, 1985
Harris Suite, Stamford Bridge, January 31, 2014
Helen Chamberlain’s Ladbrokes profile
Although I’ve always liked blondes, this small photograph and related profile appeals to me for aesthethic rather than sexual reasons.
Hospital visit, October 20, 2015 ‐ 1
Hospital visit, October 20, 2015 ‐ 2
Re the above, I don’t usually grin like this, like Ritchie Blackmore I think smiling once a day is enough, but unlike him I’m not married to the most beautiful woman who ever lived, so for me once a day is clearly far too often. However, the guy I was visiting – one of my site sponsors – had just suffered a stroke; he is also five years younger than me and didn’t want his kids to know where he was. Whether or not I brought a little sunshine into his life, he would shortly discharge himself against medical advice. At the time of writing – November 2015 – he appears to be holding up.
The two photographs below are of Yours Truly visiting the same guy in a different hospital. The exact date eludes me but it was early February. I keep telling him to slow down, but will he listen?
Hospital visit, February 2019 ‐ 1
Hospital visit, February 2019 ‐ 2
The two photographs below were taken as dated. We took one of the two of us together, but he was in such a shocking state I decided not to publish it. This is getting beyond a joke; I’ve actually visited him in four different hospitals now, and he has been in more than that.
Wexham Hospital, February 20, 2020 ‐ 1
Wexham Hospital, February 20, 2020 ‐ 2
Re the above comment, see entry for Paul Todd below.
Hugo Cornwall (1)
Hugo Cornwall (2)
Hugo Cornwall (3)
Hugo Cornwall (4)
Hugo Cornwall’s bookshelf
Click here for photos related to the poem In Snowdonia
Iran ‐ USA (comparison re involvement in war)
Jekyll by Hyde (All you need to know is it was taken March 19, 2019)
Jekyll by Hyde (A big improvement, April 30, 2019)
Jessie Gilbert (1987-2006)
See also memoir
Joe Satriani concert ticket.
Jonathan Bowden (1962-2012)
See also obituary
Joyce Singha-Ghosh
I found the above image on October 11, 2016, filed it away, and forgot about it. I found the image below on April 27, 2020. This time I archived the page. The speech in question can be found here. Suffice it to say I have never heard from the complainant.
Click here for the Birdwood interviews
Morris Riley (1945-2001)
Click here for Morris Riley obituary
Outside the bank The above photograph appeared in the May 1991 issue of Management Today; it was given or sold to the magazine by a fellow NUJ member without my knowledge, and probably without knowing who took it. There is a long story behind this, but even today this affair is something that leaves a bad taste in my mouth, like so many of my journalistic/researching and publishing misadventures. It is published here solely because it is the first and most likely only photograph I have ever had published or will ever have published in a major national magazine.
Metro Cars ‐ opposite Penge Library
Maple Road, Penge circa 1992
Penge Library ‐ opposite Metro Cars
The Fat Controller
Mark Taha at a demonstration.
The above is actually a screengrab from a news video. The demonstration was held outside Pentonville Prison in March 2014.
Mark Taha at the London Old Boys’ Book Club ‐ 2008 (1)
Mark Taha at the London Old Boys’ Book Club ‐ 2008 (2)
With Mark Taha (includes explanatory text)
Mark Taha, February 9, 2024
The above is Mark looking his usual elegant self. Sadly, this photograph was taken en route to our visiting Goodman in a Redhill hospice.
This woman has a fairly large YouTube channel where she does some excellent analysis. I love her accent, and her facial expressions. I think number 5 below is my favourite. She actually looks better in the wig.
Melanie King (1)
Melanie King (2)
Melanie King (3)
Melanie King (4)
Melanie King (5)
Melanie King (6)
Melanie King (7)
Melanie King (8)
Melanie King (9)
Melanie King (10)
Alexandra Palace ‐ one of the poker tournaments at the Mind Sports; Harold Lee is nearest the camera; Yours Truly is in green with hands on hips.
Mind Sports Candidate Master, August 29, 1999.
Click here for the above
No Parking By Order Of God
The three photographs below were taken in Paris by Yours Truly on June 27, 1992 with my £99 camera at some French institute, the name of which I have long since forgotten
Laura Pérez ‐ 1
Laura Pérez ‐ 2
Laura Pérez ‐ 3
Outside the Bibliothèque Nationale ‐ the National Library of France
The Bibliothèque Nationale
Eiffel Tower ‐ near distance (1)
Eiffel Tower ‐ near distance (2)
View from the Eiffel Tower ‐ 1
View from the Eiffel Tower ‐ 2
View from the Eiffel Tower ‐ 3
View from the Eiffel Tower ‐ 4
View from beneath the Eiffel Tower
I thought the pyramids were in Egypt!
Sooty and Sweep take the Metro!
Taken en route to the Eiffel Tower
We may look like a couple of queer lovebirds in the above photograph but it was taken with his mobile phone on his hospital bed. I met Paul through his father, who died in 2015 at a fairly advanced age.
This photograph, which I believe is the only one of the two of us together, was taken at Wexham Hospital on March 6, 2020. This was the fourth hospital in which I had visited him in the past few years, the other three were all in London, and he spent at least one night in another one up north. Paul was my first site sponsor, in particular he registered and paid for the Michael Stone website domain from May 2003. (I would later pick up another sponsor who although considerably older than me is still alive).
I was informed of his death last night by his devoted son this morning. My thoughts with Oliver and his sister.
March 9, 2022.
Two more photographs below added April 12, 2022
Paul with his dog who predeceased him
Paul Todd, obituary.
Piers Merchant – one of the very best – with his loyal wife. Click here for more about Piers.
Reservoir Dog (1)
Reservoir Dog (2)
Reservoir Dog (3)
My favourite photograph of the legendary Ritchie Blackmore; more can be found in The Candice Night Gallery
Shocking Bad Beat – for background (and a happier story) click here.
Simon Wolff was Senior Lecturer in Toxicology at University College London. I can’t remember the date I interviewed him, but my slightly whimsical Smoking And Something Else – which was based on this interview – was published in 1993. I ran into him again sometime later at Victoria Station. In the Summer of 2008 I had dug out some old photographs to scan for this site, including these three. I had intended to send him the originals, but a search on Google revealed – to my shock and horror – that he had died as long ago as 1995. I can’t profess to have known him at all well but he was a genuinely nice guy whose work lives on in the Simon Wolff Charitable Foundation. (The Foundation was wound up on March 30, 2017).
I asked him to pose for these photographs; in the second two, his computer is switched off!
Simon Wolff – 2
Simon Wolff – 3
Spell Number 7 – I remember going to a play about this time, but nothing about either the subject matter or the venue.
Songfacts Calendar
Over the years I have contributed probably hundreds of entries to the Songfacts Calendar. Those below were published precisely as they were submitted.
These are photos of Yours Truly speaking.
Click here for December 18, 2010
The Extremists Club – April 26, 2016
Addressing the Club
Facebook announcement for the above.
The Greatest, from Fab 208, August 13, 1966, page 18
The Balfour Declaration (see this article).
THE LAW SOCIETY IS BENT – taken outside the High Court
The Louvre – from my 1992 visit
Tehran – Alexander Baron, the one and only
Tehran – someone called Barron!
The Trees – I could have added this to the Cartoon Gallery but it seems more appropriate here.
Tom Caldwell and his colleague Kate Millson (see below) worked for Catford Centre for the Unemployed, which I used for a number of years from the mid-80s. I found it by chance while I was fly pitching in Catford (the things I’ve done to try to make a crust). An obituary of sorts for Tom can be found in my magnum opus beginning at page 137.
Tom Caldwell obituary
Click here for my contribution to the CCU 1989-90 Annual Report (PDF).
Tom Caldwell – 2
Tom Caldwell – 3
Tom Caldwell – 4
Kate Millson – friend and colleague of Tom Caldwell.
The above photograph was taken on Sunday, November 10, 2024 – don’t ask me about the venue! The event was to celebrate the eightieth birthday of Tuppy Owens (on November 12) and the launch of her autobiography. She was suffering from dementia, and Emma co-wrote the book with her. Emma Buckett suffers from Friedreich ataxia, a truly horrible condition which keeps her confined to a wheelchair, among other things. Fortunately, it has not affected her mind, and she has letters after her name.
Not the most amazing of selfies but this is a guy I had to meet. Nicolas Leroy is a Paul McCartney superfan. Check out his amazing website The Paul McCartney Project. He lives in Grenoble, a 2,000+ km round trip, but when he told me he would be in London on business for several days in May 2022, I suggested we meet up at the British Library. This was taken on May 19 in the Newsroom where I was going through Melody Maker for 1972. The paper ceased publication at the end of 2000, but his research is ongoing. And fortunately, he speaks the lingua franca of the Universe like a native, which made communication easy.
Why The Slut Shaming Double Standard Exists...
Wishbone Ash concert ticket
World Title Fight ticket, July 19, 1986 – the less said about this, the better.
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