Spearhead, January 2002, No. 395, page 22.
A letter from Al, published verbatim, concerning the fake Rabbi Rabinovich quote. Some comment is included from publisher and editor John Tyndall.
The second edition of this leaflet/pamphlet was published on this site on January 1, 2002.
Happy New Year, Webby!
January 7: The following were published on this site:
ALEXANDER BARON AND THE BRITISH NATIONAL PARTY: A Public Statement, which was first published in Spearhead, January 1996, issue 323, page 15.
A large PDF scan of the original is linked at the bottom of the page.
My letter re ludicrous rape statistics which was first published in South Africa Times UK, November 10 1999, No 37, page 7.
My letter re police racism which was first published in The Big Issue, April 3-May 6 2001, No. 435, page 46.
However, on March 5, I logged onto the letter index page in the Internet café in order to locate, download and print one of the letters on the site when I discovered that to my horror I had somehow uploaded the South Africa Times UK letter to the letter index page. This problem was rectified when I got home just before midnight so although the re-publication date for the South Africa Times UK letter remains the same, the Spearhead advert and the Big Issue letter can only be said to have been re-published on March 6, 2002 rather than January 7.
CHESS POST, Vol 40, No. 1, Issue No. 221, January 2002 came through my door January 9, 2002.
It contains two of my games: a loss and a draw on pages 11-2.
Can We Afford Kosher Crazies
The World Trade Center Atrocity?, by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (January 11, 2002).
This is a 13 page A4 pamphlet directed specifically at Gable. One of Al’s finest if I say so myself!
February 26: The pamphlets Anti-Capitalism From Anti-Semitism To “Anti-Racism” and
THE HOLOCAUST NEEDS A LIBERAL IMAGINATION: A Critique Of Kushner’s Chutzpah were published on this site.
The former has been edited a bit more than usual due to typos, etc.
March 9: The following were published on this site:
The pamphlet Eustace Clarence Mullins (2nd Edition)
Some blurb on the HomePage.
In addition to this the extracts from my novel Orpheus Descending were “unpublished” as I intended shortly to publish the entire novel under a pseudonym. Alas...
March 10: The poem Obscene Language was published on this site.
Leaves was listed originally as published on this site April 8, 2000, but on March 10, 2002 I discovered that it had not been linked, so indexed it on the poetry index page.
However, on October 15, 2001 I advertised it in the newsgroups alt.poetry.doggerel and rec.arts.poems, so this might be considered the actual publication date.
Further confusion is that although the Geocities counter listed 9 visits to the page by May 16, 2001 and the same 9 visits the following month, the counter subsequently returned to zero!
March 13: Re Satpal Ram And The Murder Of Clarke Edward Pearce: A Critical Bibliography Of Printed Sources on satpalramisguilty.
Re the above, I made some minor alterations and augmentations to this on-line bibliography.
March 13: A very minor alteration was made to the text of Anti-Capitalism From Anti-Semitism To “Anti-Racism” on this site.
[Re “For more than a thousand years Europeans had sought to keep the Jews from dominating their various countries. Hitler would never tolerate the control of Germany by non-German aliens, and if the Jews did not like a Germany for the Germans they simply could leave”, in the original, the last four words read, incorrectly, “they could simply leave”].
March 16: The Cruel Mistress and An Antidote To Xenophobia were published on this site.
The latter had not previously been published.
March 30: R.I.P. was published on this site.
The essay Treatment was published on this site; it was written originally as a poem.
April 1: The Busman’s Mentality was published on this site.
April 2: The following poems were published on this site:
The Exile
Rondel Of The Wretched
Ruislip Owl
Ruislip Owl was inspired by an incident circa 1976. I wrote the poem years later, but the incident remains fresh in my mind even now – August 30, 2010.
April 2: A file called Red Indian Joke On Capitalism was added to FinancialReform.
The title is mine but the joke has been floating around in cyber-space for some time, and probably before the advent of the Internet!
April 4: The poems Big Shot, Nihilism As An Art Form and Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? were published on this site.
April 7: A special on-line edition of file Editors! Are You Being Fed A Load Of Bullshit?... was published on SearchlightArchive.
This contains a new Introduction. The pamphlet is listed as updated February 24th, 1995. A few alterations have been made, for example mention is made of the fact that Dr Kitty Little, Lady Birdwood and Ygael Gluckstein are all now deceased.
April 7: Quiet Reason was published on this site.
April 8: The following poems were published on this site:
Anti-Apartheid Movement Official Appeal For The Promotion Of Racial Harmony And Peace In Southern Africa
Policeman’s Logic
Ribblehead And More
The Carrot An’ The Stick
The “Love” That Hides Its Head In Shame
The Righteous One – this was also published on Usenet; it was inspired, if that is the word, by the infamous Lockerbie bombing of 1988.
April 9: The following poems were published on this site:
Childhood’s End
Scab: (Durchkomponiert And Ottava Rima)
Tomorrow The World
April 10: The following poems were published on this site:
Belt Up
Scatologinode: To A Fart
The African
The British And The English
April 11: This Age Of Reason was published on Usenet.
April 12: The following poems were published on this site:
Anonymous – first line: Desire,
Anonymous – first line: Somnambulist, where all the Spring have you been?
Anonymous – first line: Steal my good name, but spare my purse:
Anonymous – first line: This morning I shall wear the mask
Aphorism – first line: You’ll jump a lot more fences
Aphorism – first line: Whether in business or in bed
One Way Forward
Only Mugs
Polite Contempt
This Age Of Reason.
April 13: Jeffrey Archer: The Gerry Gable Of Politics was published on SearchlightArchive in HTML format.
April 14: The following poems were published on this site:
British Crows
I Saw A Shooting Star Tonight
The Kremlin’s Vietnam
Odds Against (American Roulette)
Seven Ways To Earn A Life Sentence
What Is A Poem?
Where The Heart Is – this was also published on Usenet.
April 15: The following poems were published on this site:
Ode – first line: I hope you will not take unkind
Ode – first line: Like wasps around a honeypot
Ode: To The Lowest Form Of Life
Satanic Curses
Song Of The Necrophiliac
The Nun
The Positive Alternative
The Somnambulists
The sonnet Ode To A Terrence Higgins Activist was also published here.
I published – or posted – this sonnet to cyberspace once before – many years ago, when I was on CIX I believe; no date available. It didn’t go down at all well with one HIV positive subscriber!
[CIX was a popular (but expensive!) on-line forum before the Internet really took off.]
The poem Temporal Bliss was published in the Libernet Digest, Number 1092, April 15, 2002.
April 17: The following poems were published on this site:
A Good Catholic – inspired by someone I once knew.
Golden Delicious
Malcolm – inspired by a psychopath I once knew.
The sonnet I’ll Never Love Again A Love So Fair was also published here.
April 20: The following poems were published on this site:
Eye Of The Beholder
The Feminist
Where To Now, Saint Brendan?
April 21: The following poems were published on this site:
Autumn Evening
Song Of The Tabloid Hack
The Mood.
April 23: CAN CAPITALISM LIBERATE THE UNDERCLASS?, by Alexander Baron, was published by PRAVDA On-line.
April 28: The following poems were published on this site:
A Woman’s Right To Choose
An Original Insult
Atheist’s Anthem
The Cincinnati Kid
The Difference Between Two Squares
The Fifty States
The London Railway Terminii
The London Underground
Two Social Crediters
April 29: Song For Sharon was published on Usenet.
A scan of this pamphlet was published on this site on April 30.
May 2: Song For Sharon was published on this site.
May 3: A citation for my book HOLOCAUST DENIAL: New Nazi Lie Or New Inquisition? appears on page 288 of Denying History, which was published today. See Bigotry Dressed Up As Science... for the fine detail. I did not realise I had been cited therein until February 2017!
The date above appears to be the official publication date for this book, but as the reader will discern, it had been nearly ready for publication if not actually published nearly two years earlier.
May 3: My novel Game For A Laugh was published on the Virtual Publishing website by Virtual Book World Ltd.
May 3: Vexatious Litigant was opened.
Initially, the site contained nearly a hundred and fifty files but my only meaningful contribution was a bit of blurb on the HomePage.
Immediately prior to opening, the HomePage registered 62 hits; the Site Index registered 74 hits, and the index.html file 45 hits. There were 310 hits altogether. All or the vast majority of these hits were down to me. I began constructing it early in 2000 but the completion and opening was delayed severely because Terry Ewing was busy with other work and I had to push him to send me the material. I am quite please with the way the site turned out.
May 4: The Court Service list of vexatious litigants was added to Vexatious Litigant.
Also added was an extract from Hansard (Commons) from May 25, 2000. As of May 4, 2002, there were 150 files on the site. As of that date too I’ve had a bit of feedback; although extremely specialised this site is another meaningful contribution to the sum total of human knowledge, enlightenment and understanding that I can be proud to have assisted in some small measure.
May 5: The following poems were published on this site:
Slow Horses And Fast Women
Song Of The Learned Elders
The Lucky Ones
May 7: The limerick Pim Fortuyn R.I.P. was published on Usenet.
May 10: The following poems were published on this site:
Hard Times To Come
Join A Pressure Group
Snooker Balls
The Raven
May 12: The following poems were published on this site:
A Poseur Laments
Joe Morley
Long Weekend
Nobody Else’s Man
On Conspiracy Theories and The Ultra-Left
Pause For Thought
Raleigh’s Revenge
The Word
May 14: The following poems were published on this site:
A Call For Humaneness
O Lord, My Vanity, It’s Killing Me
On Accidental Plagiarism
The Tattooed Face
Three Little Words.
May 17: The article/essay Can Capitalism Liberate The Underclass? was published on FinancialReform.
It has been slightly expanded/updated from the original Pravda On-Line version.
May 17: A scanned version of The Special Branch Searchlight Report was published on SearchlightArchive.
May 18: A scan of the pamphlet The Mysteries Of The Federal Reserve System, by Jerry Voorhis, was published on FinancialReform.
May 20: The following were published on this site:
The article MEDIA MANUFACTURED MONSTER Ilse Koch And The Lampshade Libel
A World Of Difference (2)
Four Reasons I Won’t Do Another Lap Tonight
Inner City
Ode To Desperate Dan
Wishful Thinking
Unpublished Correspondence
Letter To Socialist Worker Re Police Racism, March 17, 2002
Letter To The Evening Standard Re “Statistical Racism”, dated April 18, 2002
Letter To Various Newspapers Re Proposed Rape Law Reform, dated April 26, 2002
As far as I recall, Ode To Desperate Dan was first published around mid-November 1997, in the newsgroup alt.revisionism. For some reason it does not seem to have been archived.
May 22: The extracts from Nanny Knows Best were removed from this site. Unpublished!
May 23: The following poems were published on this site:
The sonnet Honour Is Lost was published here the same day.
May 26: The poem Days Of The Week was published on this site.
May 29:
The pamphlets A Goy Pries Into The “Talmud” Second (Internet) Edition and Holocaust “Revisionism” And Fraud (HTML format) were published on this site.
Also published was the article/essay In Defence Of George W. Bush, and
some blurb on my HomePage, re the latest news for May 2002.
I stand by this essay as far as intelligence and espionage are concerned, and all the nonsense that was being
peddled then and has been peddled since by these self-styled 9/11 Truthers. It goes without saying that I have very
different views abot the invasion of Iraq, secret renditions, etc.
May 31: Some extremely slight amendments of a cosmetic nature were made to footnote 7 of A Goy Pries Into The “Talmud” on this site.
June 1: The article/essay O To Be Thirteen Again was published on this site.
See also entry for December 9, 2003.
June 3: The poem Jubilee was published on Usenet.
June 4: I was flitting round this site when I noticed that the poem
A Few Words Of Encouragement For Those Who Deserved Better
had apparently received a large number of hits. When I checked it I found that the file
had been overwritten by my letter to the Metropolitan Police complaining about the incident on the train
with DS Chainey. I rectified this problem the same day. It appears then that the above
poem was published as dated then “unpublished” three days later, and republished today, June 4.
June 7: The HTML version of the pamphlet SEARCHLIGHT WATCHING FOR BEGINNERS: How Not To Do It was published on SearchlightArchive.
A PDF scan of the original artwork was added August 30, 2015.
June 12: The following were published on SearchlightArchive:
The article No, Don’t Bomb De Car-Ni-Val!
June 16: I made a slight, cosmetic alteration to a footnote in Baron’s Guide To Gay Sex on this site.
Lying Liberal Lawyers Want Your Money
An 18 page illustrated A4 pamphlet.
June 19: The following were published on SearchlightArchive:
A scan of a photocopy of the final consent order in Baron v Gable.
Some blurb on the HomePage and elsewhere.
June 28:
The article THE MYTH OF SONIA GABLE – NAZI “MOLE” was published on SearchlightArchive
along with a scan of the READER RESPONSE section of League Review, August 1978,
issue 21, (page 20).
Following the judgment in Baron v Housmans on July 2, 2002, there were numerous reports on the case in cyber-space, and doubtless in many publications far and wide. Most of these reports were based uncritically on a press release issued jointly by Housmans and Bookmarks.
BOOKSHOP FACES CLOSURE OVER NINE-YEAR OLD LIBEL by Gibby Zobel, published in THE BIG ISSUE, JULY 1-7 2002, NO. 495, page 4.
This is under the LAW column and is a slanted report, as might be expected, which quotes Albert Beale thus: “Astoundingly, British law allows anyone who claims to have been libelled to sue a shop, distributor or library as well as or instead of suing the author, editor and publisher”.
Housmans are said to be backed by the Booksellers Association, union branches and top authors.
Honest Al isn’t mentioned by name but there is a reference to Baron v Housmans as well as Taha v Gable & Others, although neither my colleague nor Gable are mentioned by name either.
July 2: An endearing ballad, The Legend Of Ratpal Sham, was published on Usenet.
It was reposted – with minor grammatical amendments – July 7.
Seven-year libel case ends in £14 fine for bookshop by Dan Carrier, published in Camden New Journal, Thursday 4 July 2002, No 1048, page 4.
A grossly inaccurate report on the libel case. See the (previously unpublished) letter below.
Bookshop loses landmark libel case by Richard Lewis, published in The Bookseller, 5 July 2002, page 5.
Honest Al is described as an “extreme right-wing, anti-gay author”.
This is said to be the first time a bookseller has been sued for libel “through the courts”, presumably meaning the first time a plaintiff has gone to trial against one. It is also said to be the first attempt to use the defence of “innocent dissemination” under the 1996 Act.
Anthony Metzer is referred to as a QC. The jury is said to have taken 45 minutes to reach its verdict, which is about right.
Albert Beale said the outcome was “not bad” for Housmans, but that it was bad for the state of the law.
July 7: The Legend Of Ratpal Sham was published on Usenet. (See also entry for July 2, above).
Libel alarm for bookshops published in the Financial Times, July 8, 2002, page 11.
This article appears under the ON THE CASE column and although unsigned appears to have been written by Nikki Tait.
Al is described as “a rightwing, anti-gay author”. The article says libel actions against small bookshops are not rare, but they are usually settled out-of-court. This was the first such action to go to trial. This is believed to be the first time a defence of innocent dissemination has been used under the 1996 Act.
The G2 supplement to the Guardian, July 9, 2002, page 16 has a mention of my case against Housmans, and Taha’s case against Housmans and Bookmarks in the Marcel Berlins law column.
According to this, I was branded a plagiarist by Searchlight!
July 10: Zionism Is Slowly Losing Its Grip On The Western – And On The Jewish – Mind was published on this site.
July 10: The article Gerry Gable Lies For His Hero was published on SearchlightArchive.
Also published was Gable’s letter in Private Eye, March 2, 1991, page 14, and a scan of the letter I received from Mr S.G. Brough of the General Office, Central Criminal Court dated 18 January 1995.
July 11: The Searchlight Critical Bibliography (introduction) and the Bibliography itself (1978-81 only) was published on SearchlightArchive.
Also published was a scan of Ray Hill’s letter of expulsion from the British Movement.
The bibliography for 1979 includes full reviews of Michael Billig’s Psychology, Racism & Fascism, and Vron Ware’s Women and the National Front.
A bit of blurb was also added to the HomePage.
Book libel published in Camden New Journal, Thursday July 11, 2002, No 1049, page 10.
This is a correction to the previous week’s report, perhaps due to my letter. They still report that the bookshop was fined £14, and give its name as Housemans!
Bookshop faces ruin over libel case costs published in the ISLINGTON Gazette, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2002, page 6.
“The shop was sued by a man currently using the name Alexander Baron”. This report appears to be based uncritically on a press release issued by Housmans.
£14 damages may put bookshop out of business published in the CAMDEN Chronicle, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 2002, page 5.
This article is obviously based on the press release put out jointly after the case by Housmans and Bookmarks. Bookmarks is said to face closure because of “the massive legal bill it racked up helping to defend itself”. And the shop was sued by “a man currently using the name Alexander Baron”.
A spokesman for the Bookshop Libel Fund is quoted, probably Albert Beale.
BARON BOOKBURNER published in SchNEWS, Friday 12th July 2002, Issue 364.
This publication consists of a single A4 sheet. The article about Yours Truly is published on the back page.
There was no error of judgment published in Tribune, 12 July 2002, page 23.
This letter was published much to my surprise and more or less verbatim under Tribune Letters.
My postcode is given as London SE21. I only discovered it had been published by accident. I had a telephone conversation with someone whose name now eludes me, and he mentioned it.
July 12: Some additions were made to the introduction to the SearchlightArchive bibliography, and a few very minor alterations were made to the 1978 and 1979 bibliographies.
An E-mail game of mine, black against Walter Allum, was published in CHESS POST, Vol 40, No. 4, Issue No. 224, July 2002, pages 12-3.
This magazine came through my door on July 13, 2002.
July 14: The Song Of George Michael was published on both Usenet and this site.
July 15: Two letters from a homosexual (together with some explanatory comment) were published on this site.
I received these E-mails in March 1998.
On doing some site maintenance I realised that the essay Black Lawyers, Slavery, And Inutterable Weariness... by Frederick Reed had a paragraph omitted (due to an HTML error); this was rectified the same day.
July 16: The year 1977 was added to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography on SearchlightArchive, and a few very minor alterations were made to both the 1978 bibliography and the introduction.
The full text of The Gable Memorandum is included under 1977.
Damages would have been higher published in the CAMDEN Chronicle, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 2002, page 14.
This is a letter by Yours Truly, published more or less verbatim. It was actually sent to the Islington Gazette, but this newspaper is an edition of same. See also the entry for July 25 below.
The Housmans case
A letter published under this title in the Review supplement of the Guardian in the Letters column, July 20, 2002, page 15.
This is signed Judith Orr of Bookmarks and Albert Beale of Housmans. Although I am not named I am referred to as a member of a group of people (ie myself and Mark Taha) who are engaged in an extant action against Housmans and Bookmarks.
Not only are these subversives still campaigning for a change in the law but they are still holding out their hands.
Don’t believe all of what you read, published in the Viewpoints column of the ISLINGTON Gazette, JULY 25, 2002, page 14.
This is my letter in response to the July 11 report of Baron v Housmans. See also entry for July 18 above.
July 26: The essay WHAT DID YOU DO IN THE WAR, DADDY, AND WHY DID THE JEWS KILL JESUS? was published on SearchlightArchive.
It was intended that three supplementary documents be published with this: two pages from Gable’s witness statement in Baron v Gable (pages 4&5); an extract from Gable’s article under the My favourite books column in the January 1995 issue of Socialist Review (including a snapshot of his ugly mug!); and the letter I received from RAF Innsworth dated 6 March 1995 in reply to a query about Gerry’s dear old departed Dad. On checking the site sometime later I found that for some reason the partial scan of Socialist Review column hadn’t been uploaded. This was finally rectified on February 26, 2003.
1976 was added to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography. Some minor alterations were also made to 1977 and 1979.
No victor, no vanquished, published in Tribune, 26 July 2002, page 23.
A reply to my letter re Ram’s release in the Tribune Letters column of July 12.
The author, Duncan Mayhew, says that although he does not approve of Alexander Baron (who does?) “...I reluctantly share some of this concerns about the Satpal Ram case and the quashing of his sentence. It was a clear code of homicide which was tried fairly and impartially.”
A pity about the errors in the above.
Alexander Baron, the reader is informed, is “not his real name” – that’s news to me.
He then goes on to make some bizarre suggestions about Baron v Housmans. He has obviously been misinformed (either that or he has not done his homework) because he seems to think that at the time of writing I was in litigation with Bookmarks as well as Housmans. In fact, I had sued Housmans only, and obtained a judgment against them on July 2.
July 27: My Demon website was opened.
I say website, but this was principally a redirection point to all my websites. I joined Demon in 1994 and stayed with them until 2004; in common with many ISPs they gave subscribers a certain amount of free webspace. I can’t remember how much it was at the time but I never intended to use it as a website primarily because I could access it only by FTP.
I published some blurb here, in particular a file advertising RILEY v GABLE & OTHERS... which was basically the text from the back cover of the soon-to-be-published pamphlet, and another file headed THE ITMA PROJECT.
It has been preserved by the Internet Archive and can be found here.
July 28: A Natural History Lesson was added to the short story section of this site.
This was written originally as a poem.
July 28: On SearchlightArchive, a couple of very minor alterations were made to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography in particular to the 1976 and 1977 files.
Also added was
This 42 page A4 pamphlet written by Yours Truly includes a photograph of Morris on the last page. The pamphlet goes into considerable depth about related issues and personalities.
The article PERJURY BY DOCUMENTS Gerry Gable Trapped By His Own Words was published on SearchlightArchive on the evening of July 31.
Also added were page 27 of Gable’s witness statement in Baron v Gable & Others; page 10 in Riley v Gable & Others; an explanatory note to the main article; and the Searchlight Critical Bibliography 1975.
Let the facts speak for themselves.
This is a letter from William Hetherington published in the ISLINGTON Gazette, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2002, page 14.
As well as slagging me off he admits – not for the first time – that the first two actions were settled simply to save legal costs. And thereby exposing Housmans’ apology as totally vacuous.
This material is not immaterial published in Tribune, 2/9 August 2002, page 23.
This is a letter signed Judith Orr and Albert Beale in reply to Duncan Mayhew’s letter of July 26.
Apparently, Alexander Baron is “not interested in freedom of speech” and his aim is “to intimidate socialist and independent bookshops into removing anti-fascist material from our shelves.”
August 9: Searchlight Critical Bibliography 1962-74 was added to SearchlightArchive.
August 20: A very minor correction was made to OPEN LETTER TO LOONY LARRY O’HARA on this site.
A triumph that cost us dear
This is a typical misleading article; Craig Liddle is pictured; ironically in the magazine rack behind him are copies of An Phoblacht – the mouthpiece of the IRA!
The damages are said to be “derisory”.
Metzer is quoted.
The action is said to be one of a series dating back to 1996.
“Other shops have been threatened and settled out of court over people criticised in Searchlight”, etc
The article finishes with a typical whine from Albert Beale.
August 23: The 3rd Printing of my 1993 pamphlet After Millwall, was published on this site in HTML format, with suitable amendments for cyberspace.
August 25: The Internet Edition of The Shape Of Libraries To Come... (with some introductory blurb, ie ...Introduction To The Internet Edition) was published on this site.
The Internet Edition of The World Zionist Conspiracy Exposed By A Rabbi was published here the same date.
MAKING MONEY IS NOT CREATING WEALTH published in PRAVDA On-line, August 26, 2002.
This article was submitted in the morning and by the time I logged on in the afternoon it had been published. Nice one, Justin!
August 28: Shechita Barbaric?... was published on this site.
I also added a bit of explanatory blurb to the HomePage.
September 1: A very minor alteration/addition was made to SearchlightArchive: the bibliography for 1962-74. I also removed one of the counters from the site.
September 4: Company Accounts file was added to SearchlightArchive.
Quid pro quo and vice versa by Duncan Mayhew, published in Tribune, 6 September 2002, page 35.
Duncan Mayhew goes into bat in the Letters column again, more for himself this time. He says he is “well aware what Alexander Baron represents” and talks of something called “A principled anti-fascism”
Obviously he has no idea what Baron v Housmans was really all about.
September 10:
The poem Heroes! was published on both Usenet and on this site.
September 10:
My essay/article
The following additions were made to SearchlightArchive:
Searchlight Critical Bibliography 1982-3
A very slight correction was made to Searchlight Company Accounts
September 17: The limerick An Ode To Michael Barrymore was published on Usenet.
September 19: On this site, the limerick Save Then Spend was edited very slightly (a word removed) to make it scan. I’m surprised I missed this.
A typo was corrected in the limerick Burmese Days.
And the following three limericks were added:
An Ode To Michael Barrymore
September 21: The essay On Reasonable Assumptions was published on this site.
September 23: The limerick The Doctor Named Phoebe was published on Usenet.
September 29: SearchlightArchive was updated as follows:
Searchlight Critical Bibliography 1984-6 was added
The bibliography for 1981 was augmented, and some text was added to both the bibliography introduction and the HomePage.
September 30: The poem Jenny Lives With Eric And Martin was published on this site.
And not a day before time!
How Searchlight Head Honcho
And Former 62 Group Activist
Gerry Gable
Fabricated A “Hate Crime”,
3rd And Definitive Edition by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (October 1, 2002). 38 pages.
An illustrated A4 pamphlet; this was printed September 30 and advertised the same night so I can call October 1 the official publication date. An advertisement based on the back cover blurb was posted to my Demon website and (linked through Usenet) on September 30.
October 1: The poems Jubilee and Morbidity were published on this site.
October 3: The limerick The Doctor Named Phoebe and the poem What’s In A Face? were published on this site.
October 12: Searchlight Critical Bibliography for 1987-8 was added to SearchlightArchive.
1986 of same was augmented significantly, and a bit of text added to the bibliography introduction.
October 12: A review of Holocaust Affirmers (the same one posted in the Reviews Section on this site) was published on my Demon website.
October 14: The limerick The Young Man From Al Qeida was published simultaneously on Usenet and on this site.
This is probably not the definitive spelling of Al Qeida, but as the organisation does not exist anyway...
October 16: A few minor alterations were made on SearchlightArchive to two or three of the bibliography files, nothing major or important.
October 18: Thanks to recent correspondence with Whitakers, I noticed that HOLOCAUST REVISIONISM AFTER IRVING v LIPSTADT which was published in May 2001 and RILEY v GABLE & OTHERS... which was published in July 2002 have been issued with the same ISBN. Oh boy.
October 20: Some alterations/additions were made to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography for 1982.
October 20: Some text and advertising material was added to my Demon website.
This included a short list of ITMA publications for sale and some blurb, mostly from the covers of said publications. These include scans of the front and back covers of The Churchill Papers and the blurb off the back cover of The Tainted Silk Of Michael Mansfield QC.
October 21: Some very minor alterations were made to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography.
October 23: Again, some very minor alterations were made to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography.
I noticed here that at least one file did not upload the way it should have, in particular a word was split; it was not in a long sentence either.
A letter published in The Tribune ONLINE EDITION of the Chandigarh, India, newspaper, October 23, 2002.
This letter appears in the MAILBAG column under the heading Incorrect reports. It was sent by snailmail October 16, and is published here more or less verbatim. It covers the disinformation spread by the National Civil Rights Movement about the Reel alleged murder case and particularly the Satpal Ram/Clarke Pearce case.
October 26: The limerick On Ulrika Jonnson was published on Usenet and on this site.
October 26: Some very minor alterations were made to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography.
October 27: I did some work on the Searchlight Critical Bibliography including rearranging/deleting text on the introductory page more than anything else, but made no major alterations and no additions.
October 27: Of Marshalls, Morra Gambits and Mind Sports, by Alexander Baron, published in CHESS POST, Issue No. 226, Vol 40, No. 6, November 2002, pages 30-33.
Page 33 is taken up with a game I lost to Jo Wharrier in the BCCS ACT 2001.
This magazine came through my door November 6, 2002.
Click here for the unedited version and the version as published in CHESS POST – link to PDF at bottom of page.
November 3: The limerick On John Leslie was published on Usenet.
November 4: The following limericks were published on this site:
Forget Me Not, Scot
I also corrected a couple of typos, including an omission from the limerick Cunt In Disguise.
November 6: The Birdwood Tapes was published on this site.
Although it is actually more of a book (or would have been if I could have found a publisher), it was published under the pamphlet section. It includes a photograph of the Lady with caption.
I also added a bit of blurb to the HomePage.
The Organised Homosexual Movement: Its Methods And Its Goals by Alexander Baron, published in Common Sense: The official Islamic Party Newsreport, Autumn 2002, Ramadan 1423, Issue number 36, pages 2-9.
This is my in-depth exposé of this vile perversion. It came through my door November 9, 2002 in an envelope postmarked November 7. It was also published (simultaneously) on the party’s website; the publication date was given as November 2002.
November 10: The limerick On Iain Duncan Smith was published simultaneously on Usenet and on this site.
November 16: Lines On The Death Of Myra Hindley was published simultaneously on Usenet and on this site.
December 3: The limerick On David Blaine was published on Usenet and on this site.
December 4: An advert was placed on my Demon site for The Ballad Of Captain Bob...
Having received two orders from Gardners recently (totalling 5 copies), Robert Gertner told me there was a new book out which claims Maxwell was murdered.
December 4: ismichaelstoneguilty opens for business on 150m.com as a seperate directory on a new ITMA mirror site.
This (lower case throughout) was the original format, in May or June 2009 it was changed to IsMichaelStoneGuilty; the latter will be used here. There is no questionmark because the question is rhetorical. It will also be referred to in this bibliography as the Michael Stone website.
The urls for both sites (archived February 6, 2003) can be found at this link
On the new Michael Stone site were the following:
Index file
December 7: A limerick called Reply To An Allegation Of Spamming was published on Usenet.
December 8: SearchlightArchive was augmented as follows:
Searchlight Critical Bibliography: 1989-90 added.
December 10: The limerick Blair Scandal was published on Usenet.
December 21: Some minor alterations/augmentations were made to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography on SearchlightArchive.
December 21: A short article called The “Daily Mirror” (Note) was published on IsMichaelStoneGuilty.
December 25: Two formerly unpublished letters were published on this site (duplicated to my Mirror Site); my letter of April 12, 2001 to the Camden New Journal concerning its recently published review of David Cesarani’s book Justice Delayed, and my earlier letter, November 18, 2000, to London Jewish News re a letter by Morris Beckman.
December 29: The limerick Screwed Up was published on Usenet.
Bookshop libel fund, published in bookmarks “review of books”, Winter 2002/issue 19, page 1.
I have no idea the date this publication was actually issued; my colleague Mark Taha drew it to my attention sometime in 2003. The article is a small thank you and further begging letter re the Bookshop Libel Fund which was set up on account of “someone criticised in an issue of Searchlight...”
Who could that be?
Two games published in CHESS POST, Issue No. 227, Vol 41, No. 1, January 2003, pages 9-10.
This issue came through my door December 30, 2002.
The games include some very brief comment by Yours Truly.
To Bibliography (1980-89)
Back To Introduction
Letter from Special Branch dated 28th October 1993 re the Notting Hill Carnival “bomb plot”.
Searchlight set-up, originally published in Ulster Nation, volume 2; Issue 8, 1994,
plus an introductory note by Alexander Baron dated June 11, 2002.
David Kerr’s letter to Housmans Bookshop dated July 31, 1996.
Morris Riley: Explanatory Note.
MORRIS RILEY (1945-2001), my obituary of Morris from Final Conflict, issue 27, (and later published on this site).
To Exculpate Murderer, And Destroy Your Rights, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (June 18, 2002).
A scan of a photocopy of the cheque paid to Yours Truly by Gable’s solicitors in full and final settlement of Baron v Gable.
A scan of the letter dated 8/5/96 and signed Brian Moseley explaining why Housmans is no longer stocking Searchlight magazine.
Letter to Longman Publishing dated January 17, 1996 concerning Gerry Gable.
93c Venner Road,
London SE26 5HU.
020 8659 7713
E-Mail A_Baron@ABaron.Demon.Co.UK
July 5, 2002
Dear Sir,
The article "Seven-year libel case ends in £14 fine for bookshop" by
Dan Carrier in yesterday's "Journal" is a comedy of errors. To
begin with, this action did not last for seven years; I issued
the writ in 2000. The pamphlet concerned was published only in
October 1999. The defendant was Housmans Bookshop Limited, NOT Book-
marks; this action had nothing whatsoever to do with Book-
marks. Housmans did not claim they were distributors; they denied
distribution and claimed they were simply retailers.
The judge was Mr Justice Morland, not Moreland. The damages awar-
ded did not represent the cost of seven pamphlets; they represen-
ted the profit on the seven pamphlets Housmans claimed to have
sold between April and October 2000. The bookshop, or more accur-
ately the company, was not fined. Damages are not a fine.
Finally, I did not tell the court that I could not afford to pay
the legal fees; I disputed the cost order, and this will go to
the Court of Appeal.
You may wish to publish an apology to Bookmarks as they may
consider your ill-researched article to be defamatory.
Yours sincerely,
A Baron
A report on proceedings in the High Court, London
February 17 to February 23, 2000
by One Who Was There
including the background to the Searchlight libel actions, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (July 29, 2002).
Bookshops are celebrating a moral victory over right-wing activists they claim are using the libel laws as a form of ’legal intimidation.’ But it could be at a high price, says Jon Robins, published in the Times, T2 supplement under the law column, August 20, 2002, page 19.
How The Stock Market Makes Parasites Of Us All was published on FinancialReform.
Searchlight Brief Biographies
Searchlight Critical Bibliography for 1962-74, 1976 and 1978-81 were augumented significantly.
Moscow Manoeuvres
Pim Fortuyn R.I.P.
THE OTHER FACE OF TERROR – A Critique Of The Film was added; this was originally published as an appendix to Liars Ought To Have Good Memories; a few minor textual alterations have been made to this version.
On An Anonymous Nigerian
On John Leslie
Site Index
ABOUT MICHAEL STONE – IN BRIEF (an explanatory note)
A Chronology Of The Chillenden Murders (With Acknowledgments To BBC Online)
Court of Appeal Judgment, February 14, 2001
Court of Appeal Judgment, February 14, 2001 (summary by Clare Barsby, barrister)
A scan of Michael Stone’s questioning by the police re the statement of Damien Daley (with a short explanatory note)
A scan of the witness statement of Damien Daley of September 26, 1997 plus explanatory note
A scan of the evidence, cross-examination and re-examination of Damien Daley at the first trial (with two sentence explanatory note).
Two scans from the Daily Mirror of September 23, 1997 together with an introductory note called Damien Daley And The “Daily Mirror”
Is Michael Stone Innocent of the Two Russell Murders?, by Jo Ann Goodwin, from the Daily Mail, March 13, 1999, pages 18-9.
Stone trial witness ‘lied’, by Audrey Gillan, from the Guardian, (G2 supplement), March 15, 1999, page 4.
Fair trial is impossible argue Stone’s lawyers, by Ian Colbain, Steve Bird and Frances Gibb, from the Times, February 9, 2001.
Searchlight Critical Bibliography, various corrections and additions made to earlier years.
Searchlight Brief Biographies augmented.
The Other Face Of “Searchlight”: A Critique added; this was published originally Appendix C to Liars Ought To Have Good Memories.
To Bibliography (1990)
To Lorrain Osman Campaign (1990-91)
To Bibliography (1991)
To Bibliography (1992-4)
To Bibliography (1995-7)
To Bibliography (1998-9)
To Bibliography (2000)
To Bibliography (2001)
To Bibliography (2003-04)
To Bibliography (2005-07)
To Bibliography (2008)
To Bibliography (2009)
To Bibliography (2010)
To Bibliography (2011)
To Bibliography (2012)
To Bibliography (2013)
To Bibliography (2014)
To Bibliography (2015)
To Bibliography (2016)
To Bibliography (2017)
To Bibliography (2018)
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