January 3, 2005: The short story Dead Cert was published on this site.
January 23: The Michael Stone website was updated:
A bit more blurb was added to the site index, the BBC news report Stone judges explain case, and five pages of scans entitled “Damien Daley Phones His Dead Mother” together with some introductory blurb.
January 23: The limerick On Akena Adoko was published on this site.
February 2: The press release/essay The Continued Denial Of Justice For Michael Stone by Mark Metcalf was published on the Michael Stone website, corrected and edited by Yours Truly.
February 9: My letter to the Home Secretary of January 29, 2005, was published on both Usenet and in the Libernet Digest.
The original letter was actually posted January 31.
February 9: The judgment in Regina v Stone, January 2005 was published on IsMichaelStoneGuilty.
February 15: The article Killer deemed a vexatious litigant by Jewel Topsfield, was published on Vexatious Litigant.
I also published the judgment and order in State of California v Berry.
February 21: A very minor update was made to the chronology page of the Michael Stone website.
February 22: I added a links page to IsMichaelStoneGuilty.
March 5: Some minor, mostly cosmetic alterations were made to the chronology page of IsMichaelStoneGuilty.
March 8: I added a note to the press release/essay The Continued Denial Of Justice For Michael Stone to IsMichaelStoneGuilty.
March 14: I added a humour page/section to IsMichaelStoneGuilty; as well as a little bit of blurb this section includes a scan of an envelope I sent Stone and a related prison envelope; a scan of an adult literacy certificate, and my letter to the Home Secretary – A Modest Proposal – concerning Damien Daley and the Belmarsh detainees, who have, ironically recently been freed.
Later in the day I added too An Alternative Closing Speech For Michael Stone’s Second Trial
March 14: I added a cartoon featuring Michael Jackson (then currently on trial in California) Home Alone to this site.
March 23: A thirteen page document “R v MICHAEL STONE ADMITTED FACTS” from the Nottingham Crown Court retrial was added to the IsMichaelStoneGuilty.
Also added was a scan from Private Eye, February 2005, issue 1125, in particular the article Putting the lie into unreliable, together with a bit of blurb prefixing the two.
March 26: I added a Map Page to IsMichaelStoneGuilty.
This includes a map of Kent, three similar maps of the Goodnestone/Chillenden area, and one of Skinner Street, Gillingham.
April 16: When I checked FinancialReform and SearchlightArchive, they’d been deleted.
I don’t know when they were pulled, but obviously I needed a new free host.
SearchlightArchive was back up and advertised the same night, on a new host, Great Now.
April 20: FinancialReform was back up, this time on Bravenet, and advertised the same night.
April 30: Wow, when I logged onto Kwickee tonight I found I’d actually sold one: Live Fast, Die You – Who’d Be A Rock Star?
That’s what I wrote at the time, in fact I was never paid for any of these articles, and in retrospect, Kwickee was an insane idea in a world of free Internet access.
Also published on April 30, on the National Anarchist Terra Firma website were three articles:
The Evolution Of RACISM
All three are credited to Alexander Baron; the first two were written originally as Kwickees; the third was written for the new Oxford Dictionary Of National Biography but was, sadly, rejected. Well, not formally, it just wasn’t included, that’s all.
May 7: When I tried to log into Vexatious Litigant website today I received a message from the site owners that all their free sites have been deleted due to “phishing”.
That didn’t last long!
May 26: Mr Justice Treacy’s order of March 1, 2004 was published on IsMichaelStoneGuilty.
May 28: I delivered a speech Is There Really An Islamic Threat? to the 3rd meeting of the New Right, in the City of London.
May 29: Troy Southgate posted two photographs of me at this meeting to the New Right Yahoo! Group.
They were reposted, suitably lightened, on September 30.
May 30: Is There Really An Islamic Threat? was published on this site; a bit of blurb was also added to the HomePage.
May 31: Vexatious Litigant website was re-opened, this time on a freehost called 2hot2cool.com.
I thought I advertised this at the time, but a later search of Usenet seems to indicate not, so I plugged it again on July 8, which might be taken as the new relaunch date. Yet another relaunch date!
May 31: I removed the guestbook from the Michael Stone site because some people were posting garbage.
I lost the password for it, and had no reply from the provider.
Around 11pm, I added a new guestbook.
Spearhead, No 436, JUNE 2005, page 22.
A contribution to the letters page by Yours Truly pointing out that the May issue had recycled – not for the first time – a Eustace Mullins fabrication as fact. Among other things.
Editor John Tyndall published the letter more or less verbatim with some lengthy editorial comment.
June 24: When I logged onto the Kwickee website I found I’d “sold” another one: What To Do If You Are Emailed Child Pornography.
One poxy sale!
July 2: An undated press release concerning the publication of Lord Of Lambeth was posted out today.
July 6: Ode To The Great White Bigot was published on this site.
August 1: SearchlightArchive re-opens on a new host, Redrival.Com.
This was because I completely forgot about setting it up on Great.Now after 20m.com deleted it.
August 2: LORD of LAMBETH: The Extraordinary LIFE and TIMES of Donald A. Clifford, published by Londinium Press, Uckfield, Sussex. 154 pages. Index. Illustrated.
The book was written by Donald Clifford and myself, edited, subbed and DTPd by Yours Truly.
August 3: In the evening I deleted SearchlightArchive from Great.Now.
August 29: The guestbook on the Michael Stone website was reactivated.
It had been down for some time due to some sort of technical glitch with “old code”. It appears to be functioning properly now.
On September 4: I logged on to the Songfacts website and found four of my commentaries had been published:
Al Stewart’s Old Admirals,
Running Man
The News From Spain,
and my critique of AsianDubFoundation’s Free Satpal Ram.
I can’t say for certain when they were published but the Ram Songfact was submitted sometime after June 9, 2005, and I think the Al Stewart articles were too.
The urls for this website are numbered sequentially; Running Man has the lowest number 4905, but they were probably all published together.
These were the first of many!
On September 17, I gave a speech to a meeting of the New Right in London called SATPAL RAM: A Case Study In “Anti-‘Racist’” Brainwashing.
A photograph of me speaking at this meeting was published on the Yahoo New Right Group on September 24 and after Al lightened it up, Mr Southgate reposted it on September 25.
Re the speech, see also entries for February 16 and May 27, 2006 below.
Circa October 18, 2005: My Vexatious Litigant website was pulled by 2hot2cool.com on or before October 18, 2005, thanks to that cunt Ewing, no doubt.
I managed to get it back on-line on October 22 when it was advertised on Usenet – and thence published – at just after 11pm.
October 30: When I checked the Michael Stone website, it was down.
I contacted the host, Olm.Net, because I thought initially that Ewing might have had something to do with this, but it turned out to be for a prosaic financial reason.
October 31: An E-mail sent out by Kwickee on this date said basically that the project was stuffed, at least in its present form.
On November 2, I logged in to Kwickee Bitesize and saw that I’d now sold a total of seven Kwickees – still one for Live Fast, Die Young – Who’d Be A Rock Star? but a total of six for What To Do If You Are Emailed Child Pornography.
Whatever I “sold”, I never received a penny from this venture. Sigh.
November 5: The Great Tosspot Trial ends in farce was an on-line press release published on Usenet by Londinium Press, (ie me).
A suppose you might call this satire; it was published on Usenet.
November 23: The Michael Stone website was re-advertised on Usenet.
According to the host, it was restored in full on November 21, presumably Eastern Standard Time.
Al gets a mention in the book:
Nationalist Myths and Modern Media
‘Contested Identities of the Age of Globalization’, Edited by Jan Herman Brinks, Stella Rock and Edward Timms, published by Tauris, London.
The essay HOLOCAUST DENIAL IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, by Michael Whine, pages 69-81 contain a reference to “An eccentric individual”, although he gets his chronology wrong. My first book on the Holocaust – from the Revisionist perspective – was published way before 2001.
The scans can be found here and here.
This book appears to have been published November 25, 2005 although the edition I consulted – in the British Library – is dated 2006.
The above entry was added May 24, 2013.
January 14, 2006: Drop Dead Doreen Lawrence! is a speech Al made at the fifth meeting of the New Right in the City of London on said afternoon.
The transcript was published on this site on May 20.
INTERNATIONAL Searchlight, No 367, January 2006
I get a mention on page 5 of an uncredited article called Searchlight stops sale of nazi books. Apparently the Tesco website had been selling The Protocols Of Zion. I am not accused of hawking The Protocols, but am referred to as “an antisemite and convicted criminal”.
I am in good company then, or maybe not good company, as many convicted criminals have contributed to Searchlight including Gerry Gable and Michael Cohen, and Ray Hill – a convicted criminal who at one time had arrest warrants out for him simultaneously on two Continents(!) and a notorious anti-Semite to boot.
As to my being an anti-Semite, who isn’t?
INTERNATIONAL Searchlight, No 368, February 2006, page 12.
Al gets a mention in MPs to intervene in Nazi books row in the News in brief column which refers to “the turgid and libellous papers by the British antisemite and convicted criminal Alexander Baron”. Gerry Gable – who probably wrote this unsigned article – is obviously miffed that Amazon refuses to bow to his attempts to censor the on-line bookstore. Of course, if they had, this would be further proof in the eyes of some people that “the Jews” control the media. As if he didn’t realise that.
February 10: It was brought to my attention that Vexatious Litigant website has disappeared again.
This was obviously the work of a certain Terence Patrick Ewing.
Februry 16: SATPAL RAM: A CASE STUDY IN “ANTI-RACIST” BRAINWASHING, By Alexander Baron, published in NEW IMPERIUM: Metapolitical Journal of the New Right, Issue Two, pages 4-9.
Al’s Satpal Ram speech was published in this photocopied black and white magazine. The photographs have been omitted, but not the captions! The publication date was confirmed by publisher Troy Southgate.
Circa February 18: The following were published by Songfacts on or slightly before this date:
Baby The Angels Are Here
Ballad Of The Beacon
Blowin’ Free
Lady Jay
Ships In The Sky
Stand And Deliver
You See Red
All the above are by Wishbone Ash.
At the same time, the songfacts I submitted previously appear each to have been augmented with my full name.
February 20, 2006: The screengrab below (from http://www.thephora.net/forum/showthread.php?t=4220) was added August 11, 2012:
Al is dishonest and quite possibly bonkers, says the man who gives his location as Antarctica.
March 16: On or before this date my Songfacts entry for Free Satpal Ram was amended slightly.
April 19: Searchlight magazine needs your money to fight the BNP – or does it?
This short essay was published on Usenet. [I found a very minor typo in it which was subsequently corrected.]
May 12: Al was interviewed at length on the iamthewitness.com radio station by Daryl Bradford Smith; the broadcast appears to have gone out live during the evening.
May 13: Daryl Bradford Smith broadcasted an apology for interviewing me!
Apparently, I follow “the Company line” on the Kennedy Assassination, September 11 and July 7, and am therefore a subversive. Unreal. Some related blurb was also published on Smith’s website.
Circa May 13: Although this is dated May 12, 2006, it must have been published sometime after. I found this July 21, 2012.
Here is an archived link.
May 19: In the evening, this site was updated, with some difficulty. The update was mostly Target London which includes:
An Address On Behalf Of The Association Of Chief Police Orifices: The Police Commissioner Explains The London Bombings Of July 2005
Letter From Germaine Lindsay
Letter To My Father (By Shehzad Tanweer)
A large number of photographs relating to the July 7, 2005 atrocities lifted from the web.
A scan of the warrant issued for the notorious “Titty Fart”.
A scan of the notorious “Titty Fart” poster.
A photograph of the murdered policewoman Sharon Beshinivsky.
A scan of a letter from the Metropolitan Police to that nice Mr Hancock (The Print Factory) explaining why they are sending him a cheque for £493.15.
The poem Why Evil?
A bit of blurb was also added to the HomePage together with a Paypal donate button.
May 20: The speech Drop Dead Doreen Lawrence! was published on this site, in HTML format as well as WORD; the latter was replaced with a PDF version in October 2016.
May 27: The speech Satpal Ram: A Case Study In “Anti-‘Racist’” Brainwashing was published on this site, in HTML format as well as WORD; in August 2014, a PDF file was substituted for the latter.
June 2: The Robert Edwards cartoon of Martin “Tosspot” Cray was added to the Image Gallery on this site.
July 28: I added a recent photograph of Jessie Gilbert I found on the web to this site.
I also replaced the Martin “Tosspot” Cray cartoon with a better quality scan lifted from the website of Robert Edwards. I’d just noticed the original version had been accidentally cropped.
August 3: Nineteen was published on Usenet.
August 4: Nineteen was published on this site.
August 5: This evening, I published a very slightly amended version of Nineteen both on this site and Usenet.
Circa August 8: An unsourced quote from me appeared on the Jessie Gilbert website tribute page.
This appears to have been published on or before August 8, 2006. The quote – one in million – was sent originally in an e-mail to Coulsdon Chess Club.
Circa September 15, 2006: Hard Rock Hallelujah and John Doe No. 24 were published by Songfacts, apparently before September 16, 2006.
Al gets a mention in WAS IT HIS FINGER ON THE TRIGGER?, which was published in the Sunday Times Magazine, October 29, 2006.
On page 37 (unnumbered) the wanker who wrote this drivel, David James Smith, can’t get even the simplest facts right.
‘Ross’s Joke Was Disgusting’, published in the Letters To The Editor column in Disability Now, December 2006, page 20.
A scan of this (which includes a letter on the same subject by another correspondent) was published on this site soon after the original publication.
On December 11-12, I attended the now infamous Holocaust Conference in Tehran.
I was buttonholed a few times by journalists and may have had a soundbyte on a radio or TV station or two. It’s quite likely that I am also on film, especially on the 12th when I presented my paper.
Circa December 13: my photograph was published on Fredrick Töben’s Adelaide Institute website.
December 13, 2006: The screengrab below was added December 7, 2020. It warms my heart to know that some of the nicest people regard me as an expert!
My Mathaba article on the Conference was republished on the same board, December 18, (see entry for December 16, below).
December 16: The Truth About The Tehran Holocaust Conference – By One Who Was There.
This was published on Mathaba; it was edited and illustrated by Sahib Bleher.
This article would subsequently appear on or be linked to literally hundreds of websites across the entire political and religious spectrum, and it is my sincere belief that it was one of the factors that stopped these lunatics bombing Iran and starting World War Three.
December 29: I updated the Michael Stone website adding:
a bit of blurb to a December 2006 update page
a properly indexed correspondence page
an E-mail to S. Hendry of the Sun newspaper from July 2006
a letter to the Governor of HMP Full Sutton dated October 16, 2006
a scan of Governor Godber’s reply of October 20
my reply of October 30
an unpublished (E-mail) letter to the newspaper (London) Metro dated November 1, 2006
an E-mail dated November 4, 2006 to Paul Hackett of the Forensic Science Service (to which I received no response).
January 1, 2007: While setting my unedited Tehran speech in HTML I noticed that I’d omitted a footnote and had numbered two notes (26). I informed Dr Töben the same night.
On January 6, it was brought to my attention that the first page of Colin Godber’s letter of October 20, 2005 on the Michael Stone website, was not displaying.
This was corrected in the small hours of January 7.
January 15: I was faffing about on this site in the small hours when I noticed the link to the poem Love Song (beginning “Good love is pure, fresh as the mountain stream”) was not linked properly. So this may be the first time this poem has actually been published!
January 19: This site was updated with Tehran Diary as follows:
A paragraph was added to the HomePage.
TEHRAN DIARY: Commentary And Critique (This includes a number of scans including of fake photographs)
The Nazi Holocaust – One Researcher’s View (a synopsis)
Rumours, Lies And Reality
- One Researcher’s View
(Edited Version Without Footnotes)
Rumours, Lies And Reality
- One Researcher’s View
(This includes a number of scans)
Over Their Shoulder – This is Major Winwood’s paper; this three page scanned document is prefixed with an explanatory paragraph.
Tehranosaurus Rex – my tribute to the President of Iran.
And the original, unedited text of The Truth About The Tehran Holocaust Conference – By One Who Was There.
January 22: Over the past couple of days I made some very minor alterations to Tehran Diary.
January 23: The limerick To Lady Renouf was published on this site.
I also upgraded the site – still on 150m.com – to remove the pop up advertisements.
January 26: I noticed yesterday that the Michael Barrymore “swimming” cartoon on this site wasn’t linked, so I linked it today.
January 29: ‘Ross’s Joke Was Disgusting’
A scan of the above letter was published on this site.
February 1: Dr Töben corrected the footnote errors in my article on his Adelaide Institute website.
February 15: The Outrageous_Cartoons website was opened on Geocities.
This was basically just a bit of blurb advertising various cartoons for sale, to date all of them drawn by Robert Edwards. I did this at the behest of Anthony Hancock – it was one of his whims.
Circa April 1: The following were published by Songfacts before April 1, 2007:
Jailbait, by Wishbone Ash (submitted March 11, 2007)
Lady Whiskey, by Wishbone Ash (submitted March 11, 2007) [Listed initially as Wishone Ash]
Me And My Guitar, by Wishbone Ash (submitted March 11, 2007)
Rock ’N’ Roll Widow , by Wishbone Ash (submitted March 11, 2007)
The King Will Come, by Wishbone Ash (submitted March 11, 2007)
Paul McCartney, by The Scissor Sisters (submitted December 9, 2006)
Rehab, by Amy Winehouse (submitted February 21, 2007).
April 11: The article/essay
JESSIE: A Young Girl I Once Knew
A Personal Memoir Of Jessie Gilbert (1987-2006) was published on this site.
Circa April 12: Suffer The Little Children and Too Long A Soldier by Pat Benatar were published by Songfacts between April 12 and May 31, 2007.
Circa April 25: Long Hot Summer was published by Songfacts sometime prior to April 26, 2007.
It has been edited so drastically that it gives the impression I endorse homosexual propaganda!
April 28: A Songfacts section was added to this site.
In the first instance, the unedited Songfacts for Long Hot Summer, Rock ’N Roll Widow and (Sing If You’re) Glad To Be Gay were published therein.
Circa May 23: F.U.B.B. by Wishbone Ash was published by Songfacts between May 23 and September 13, 2007.
Circa June 1: The following were published by Songfacts between June 1 and June 11, 2007:
Come In From The Rain
Cosmic Jazz
Lost Cause In Paradise
All three are by Wishbone Ash.
Circa June 2: The following were published by Songfacts between June 1 and June 12, 2007:
One In A Million by Guns N’ Roses
Spare Parts by Bruce Springsteen.
Circa June 8: The following were published by Songfacts sometime between June 8 and July 10, 2007.
John Lennon’s Guitar
The Great 1974 Mining Disaster
They were almost certainly published before the end of June. All are by Barclay James Harvest.
Circa June 9: Strange Affair and Why Don’t We were published by Songfacts between May 23 and July 10, 2007.
My name was appended to the songfact for Strange Affair sometime prior to September 14, 2007.
Circa June 13: My songfact for Spare Parts was amended slightly, apparently sometime between June 13 and October 21, 2007.
July 11: A number of cartoons were published on this site:
Liberated Zimbabwe
The All Men Are Bastards Knife Block
The Guv’nor
A photograph captioned African Magic was added to the Image Gallery, and all the cartoons were shifted to the new Cartoon Gallery.
August 15: Three nearly identical photos of Chris Tame were published on this site.
I can’t remember exactly when I took them but it was about 1992.
Circa August 16: Living After Midnight by Judas Priest was published by Songfacts between circa August 16 and September 8, 2007.
Circa August 17: The following were published by Songfacts between August 17 and September 7, 2007:
I Want My Baby Back by Jimmy Cross
All The Way From Memphis by Mott The Hoople
Ballad Of Mott by Mott The Hoople
Death May Be Your Santa Claus by Mott The Hoople
Honaloochie Boogie by Mott The Hoople
Hymn For The Dudes by Mott The Hoople
Rock And Roll Queen by Mott The Hoople
Sweet Angeline by Mott The Hoople
The Journey by Mott The Hoople
The Moon Upstairs by Mott The Hoople
Thunderbuck Ram by Mott The Hoople
Violence by Mott The Hoople
Walkin’ With A Mountain by Mott The Hoople
Waterlow by Mott The Hoople
Whizz Kidd by Mott The Hoople
Birmingham by Randy Newman
Dixie Flyer by Randy Newman
Carol by Al Stewart
Electric Los Angeles Sunset by Al Stewart
Love Chronicles by Al Stewart
Modern Times by Al Stewart
Terminal Eyes by Al Stewart
The Coldest Winter In Memory by Al Stewart
Come Again by Sting
Greensleeves by Henry VIII (listed as “traditional”).
The following were published by Songfacts between August 17 and September 12, 2007:
Both the above are by Al Stewart.
The following were published by Songfacts between August 17 and September 13, 2007.
A Spaceman Came Travelling by Chris De Burgh [Traveling is spelt the American way, thus].
Circa August 18: The following were published by Songfacts between July 8 and September 12, 2007:
New York Mining Disaster 1941 (Have You Seen My Wife, Mr. Jones)
This partial Songfact is attributed to me; I wasn’t the first to submit this song. I can’t be certain but I think my contribution was added late August/early September. Originally I added that this relates solely to The Great 1974 Mining Disaster; I noticed later that it doesn’t but am not sure if it was augmented at a later date. Probably.
The following were published by Songfacts between August 17 and September 8, 2007:
Burning Bridges, by The Mike Morton Combination. [Later this was altered to The Mike Curb Congretation, then changed back, then changed again. When I bought the record shortly after seeing Kelly’s Heroes, it was by the Mike Morton Combination].
Face The Fire, by Dan Fogelberg.
Circa September 10: The Songfact for One In A Million was amended sometime prior to September 11, 2007.
September 17: Al Qaeda in Britain: helped by the state? By Alexander Baron was published by Mathaba.
On the site it says “Posted: 2007/09/15”, but I’m fairly certain this is not correct – software or no software. Probably like Wikinut the date of the article is the date it was uploaded (probably incomplete or unedited) rather than the date it was published.
Circa October 15: The following were published by Songfacts apparently between October 15 and October 20, 2007:
Apple Cider Reconstitution by Al Stewart
Post World War II Blues by Al Stewart
April by Deep Purple
Blind by Deep Purple
Chasing Shadows by Deep Purple
Fault Line
The Painter by Deep Purple
Why Didn’t Rosemary? by Deep Purple
The six Deep Purple songs above were originally dated 1963 instead of 1969. This error was corrected by October 23. I didn’t bother to save copies of the originals.
Cherokee by Europe
Nice Man Jack by John Miles (with song image – not quite sure when this latter was added but almost certainly at the same time).
The Ballad Of Lucy Jordan by Marianne Faithfull. [I contributed the third paragraph to this Songfact which was already published on the site but the credit gives the impression that I contributed the lot].
Bring Me Sunshine by Morecambe & Wise. This appears to be Songfact number 9000. Quite a small database really, and Al is responsible for over .75% of it!
Circa October 16: The following were published by Songfacts, apparently between October 16 and October 25, 2007:
Joe The Georgian
Laughing Into 1939
Night Train To Munich
All by Al Stewart.
Circa October 17: The following was published by Songfacts, apparently between October 15 and October 20, but definitely by November 8, 2007:
45 Days by Eric Schwartz
Circa October 26: Nineteen by Grand Slam was published by Songfacts, apparently between October 16 and October 26, 2007:
Circa October 26: Al Stewart was published by Artistfacts, apparently between October 26 and November 1, 2007.
Circa October 28: The following were published by Songfacts, apparently after October 26 but no later than November 5, 2007:
Got Mine! Got Yours! by Controversy
All American Alien Boy by Ian Hunter
Bastard by Ian Hunter
Irene Wilde by Ian Hunter
Once Bitten Twice Shy by Ian Hunter
Ships by Ian Hunter
Jack And Diane by John (Cougar) Mellencamp [augmenting the original]
Black Rose by Thin Lizzy [a very minor correction was made to this on or before November 17]
Dancing In The Moonlight (It’s Caught Me In Its Spotlight) by Thin Lizzy
Dear Lord by Thin Lizzy
Mama Nature Said by Thin Lizzy
Saga Of The Ageing Orphan by Thin Lizzy
King’s Call by Phil Lynott
Errors Of My Way by Wishbone Ash
Hold On by Wishbone Ash
Insomnia by Wishbone Ash
Mystery Man by Wishbone Ash
Number The Brave by Wishbone Ash
Phoenix by Wishbone Ash
Queen Of Torture by Wishbone Ash
Wings Of Desire by Wishbone Ash
This appears to have been a major update. At this point in time the database held between nine and ten thousand songs, and Al has written in whole or in part the Songfacts of over a hundred of them, which means that I am responsible for more than one percent of the titles, a simply awesome contribution, if I say so myself.
November 1: A second edition of The Gift Of Ramu was published by Steven Books. I discovered this only on February 4, 2023. The first edition was published in 1994 and can be downloaded from FinancialReform in HTML format.
Circa November 5: Philby by Rory Gallagher was published by Songfacts, apparently between November 5 and November 8, 2007.
Circa November 8: The following was published by Songfacts, apparently between November 8 and November 11, 2007.
Streets Of Shame by Wishbone Ash
Circa November 11: The following were published by Songfacts, apparently between November 11 and November 18, 2007.
Old Compton Street Blues by Al Stewart
Pretty Golden Hair by Al Stewart.
Circa November 18: Gun Control by Ian Hunter was published on Songfacts, apparently between November 18 and November 22, 2007.
Circa November 24: The following were published by Songfacts, apparently between November 24 and November 26, 2007.
If You Go Away by Shirley Bassey
Ne Me Quitte Pas by Jacques Brel
Pour Que Tu M’aimes Encore by Celine Dion
My Boomerang Won’t Come Back by Charlie Drake
If There’s A God In Heaven (What’s He Waiting For?) by Elton John
Solar Prestige A Gammon by Elton John
Where To Now St. Peter? by Elton John
Ha! Ha! Said The Clown by Manfred Mann
Pretty Flamingo by Manfred Mann
How High The Moon by Les Paul & Mary Ford
Mockin’ Bird Hill by Les Paul & Mary Ford
The Dancer by Leo Sayer.
Circa November 24: Wishbone Ash was published on Artistfacts, apparently between November 24 and November 28, 2007.
When it was published initially, a sentence or part of a sentence was omitted; this was corrected by November 29.
Circa November 29: The following were published by Songfacts, apparently between November 29 and December 8, 2007:
Problem Child by AC/DC
She’s Got Balls by AC/DC
Denise At Sixteen by Al Stewart
Trains by Al Stewart
Better Off Dead by Elton John
Curtains by Elton John
Grimsby by Elton John
Gulliver by Elton John
It’s Me That You Need by Elton John
I’ve Been Loving You by Elton John
Lady What’s Tomorrow? by Elton John
Levon by Elton John [augmenting the original]
Regimental Sergent Zippo by Elton John
Roy Rogers by Elton John
Scarecrow by Elton John
Tell Me When The Whistle Blows by Elton John
Watching The Planes Go By by Elton John
I’ve Got A Monster by Ivor Biggun [this was augmented sometime between early 2009 and May 17, 2010.]
Brighton Rock by Queen
Lights Out by UFO.
Circa December 9: The following were published by Songfacts, apparently between December 9 and December 11, 2007:
Down Payment Blues by AC/DC
George Jackson by Bob Dylan
Give Ireland Back To The Irish by Wings
Nutbush City Limits by Ike and Tina Turner [augmenting the original.]
Circa December 11: Delilah by Tom Jones was published by Songfacts apparently between December 11 and December 19, 2007.
December 14, 2007: According to the Amazon UK website (viewed July 14, 2016) Ahmadinejad: The Secret History of Iran’s Radical Leader was published today; the book itself is dated 2008.
Al gets a mention on page 173. I will not comment on this except to say that the contrived Malicious Communications Act prosecution to which he alludes had absolutely nothing to do with anti-Semitism – real or imagined – nor with any sort of leaflet, political or otherwise.
Circa December 19: The following were published by Songfacts, apparently between December 19 and December 25, 2007:
Let’s Have Another Party by Winifred Atwell
Down Bound Train by Chuck Berry
No Money Down by Chuck Berry
Too Much Monkey Business by Chuck Berry
Working Man’s Café by Ray Davies
Shang-ri-la by The Kinks
Icy Heart by Bill Haley
Rock The Joint by Bill Haley
Rose Of My Heart by Bill Haley
Thirteen Women by Bill Haley (with Song Image)
Point Me At The Sky by Pink Floyd
Traffic Jam by James Taylor
Flipper composed by Henry Vars and By Dunham.
Circa December 22: Merlin’s Time by Al Stewart, was published by Songfacts, apparently between December 22 and December 25, 2007.
Circa December 25: The following were published by Songfacts, apparently between December 25 and December 28:
Answer Me by Frankie Laine
Singing The Blues by Guy Mitchell
Every Man A King by Randy Newman
Men In Black by Will Smith
Watermelon In Easter Hay by Frank Zappa.
To Bibliography (1980-89)
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