Alexander Baron And The ITMA Label:
A Selected, Annotated, Chronological Bibliography



Is There Intelligent Life On Earth?
Inside the Whacky World
of the Aetherius Society
by Alexander Baron DTP., WP., PQB45., Metropolitan Exposer of Terrestrial Wind Ups.

A twenty page A4 pamphlet published on the ITMA label, 1992. A piss take/exposé of the Aetherius Society.

Jewish Cemeteries Under Threat published in Londra Sera, N. 7 ANNO XVI 1992, page 8, (unnumbered).

I can’t remember the exact date of this issue, the paper doesn’t appear to be dated and in any case it’s in Italian; it contained an art supplement so the page number may not be correct. Although this was only a small piece, I had to badger the publisher to put in.

Satan, the police and Mossad published in Topical BOOKS, Spring 1992, Number 7, pages 19-20.

My contribution is a review of three books: In Pursuit of Satan, Presumed Guilty and By Way of Deception.


This article is credited to Rosemary Plum, but I’m not so sure I didn’t write it. Some of the people credited with writing for “this throwaway” (as the judge called it) didn’t exist, but I think I met Rosemary Plum once.


I definitely wrote this.


I’m half certain I wrote this.


I definitely wrote this. It was credited initially and erroneously to page 3.

CITY LIMITS, page 10.

I think I wrote this too. It was initially entered erroneously as page 4.


I may have written this. Not only was it credited initially as page 4 but on this page the wrong article was linked!

Snippets, page 12.

I don’t think I wrote all of this column.

Sign Up For Disneyland, page 12.

The Write Stuff, page 12.

Touch Of Class, same issue, page 12. (I may not have written this).

Appointments In Brief, same issue, page 12. (I wrote some, though perhaps not all of this column), [scroll down].

WOMAN OF THE WORLD published in TRAVEL DAYS, VOL. II – ISSUE No. 5 – FEBRUARY 1992, page 1.

I think I wrote this copy, but I’m not sure.

ANYTHING TO DECLARE, SIR?, same issue, page 2.

I’m 95% certain I wrote this.

Duty-Free Limit To Be Raised?, page 2.

I’m fairly certain I wrote this, too.

Good News For City Airport, page 2.

I did write this.

An Offer You Can’t Refuse, page 3. [or page 5, the pages are unnumbered].

I think I wrote this, too.


Yes, I did write this.


I’m not sure about this piece.

More Time Share Rip Offs, page 12.

I wrote this for sure.

To Russia With Books, page 12. [Scroll down]

I wrote this and the paragraph below it.

UP IN SMOKE, page 15.

A signed article.

Appointments In Brief, page 16.

I’m fairly certain I wrote most if not all this column.

VIRGIN TERRITORY published in Travel Days, VOL II – ISSUE No. 6 – MARCH 1992, page 2.

I might have written this, sounds like the sort of title I would have used.

Prestwick up for Sale, page 4.

I think I wrote this and the next piece; I think I typeset them as well.

Birmingham to Chicago?, page 4, [scroll down].

Tourism Facts and Figure [sic], page 16.

Again, I can’t be absolutely certain, but I think I wrote this piece too.

PC User, the Tale PCs column, 25 March – 7 April 1992, page 176:

I contributed the following acronyms, the last of which I am extremely proud.

IBM – Intel’s Biggest Moneyspinner
MICROSOFT – Most Interfaces Can’t Resist Our SOFTware
VENTURA – Very Expensive Nutty Typesetter Users Really Admire
WINDOWS – Wonderful Interface No Dos Operator Would Sanction

(Capitalised thus in the original. The above is the best scan possible).

Security survey confirms fears published in PC Plus, issue 67, April 1992, page 170.

A short news piece, rewritten, I believe. This magazine and its scumbag editor and assistant editor left a very bad taste in my mouth over what followed.

Letter published in Third Way, issue 12, undated, issue, circa May 1992, page 6.

This was written in defence of the Libertarian Alliance. I should point out that the Libertarian Alliance did not have members but subscribers.

Everything You Always Wanted To Know About City Airport published in Travel Days, VOL. 2 – ISSUE No. 9 – MAY 1992, pages 8-9.

A credited feature.

SNIPPETS, published in the same issue, page 9.

I think I may have written the entire column but am not sure about the last paragraph, Recession Afloat.

It’s possible that I also wrote FLORIADE on page 15 but I don’t think so.

Demand for IT
Products Increase
, a signed article, page 16.

Computers, same page, [scroll down].

Compute-A-Car, same page. I’m fairly certain that I wrote this paragraph too.

Buy cheap, pay twice published in the LETTERS section, PC Week, May 12, 1992, page 24.

An unedited letter complaining about Stacker compression software.

The above has been scanned as two JPGs – here and here.

A YOUNG MAN’S FANCY? published in Pensioners’ Voice, June 1992, page 7.

Credited to Alex Baron, this article on pensioner poet Bob Cobbing of ALP waited about eighteen months to go in.

Poems In QuickBASIC 4.5 was published on disk, June 1, 1992.

COLUMBUS RETURNS published in Travel Days, VOL. 2 – ISSUE No. 12 – JUNE 1992, page 2.

Click here for the index to Travel Days articles.

Health fascism & other diseases published in Topical BOOKS, Summer 1992, Number 8, pages 14-5.

Reviews of four books including Health, Lifestyle & Environment: Countering the Panic, the editorship of which is misattributed by the magazine to James Le Fanu. Not that it matters because this issue – the last – was not distributed.

DEPRESSION SOFTWARE published in Computer Buyer, June 1992.

I don’t know the page number because although I saw this letter at the time and was promised a comp copy. I didn’t obtain the photocopy until May 1995.

And at the time the above scan was added – August 21, 2015 – I still don’t know on what page it appears because this particular issue of the magazine is not held by the British Library.

Feeling the squeeze with Stacker published in pc user, ISSUE 186, 3 — 16 June, 1992, page 12.

A letter attacking this piece of infernal software that I was given to review, and that screwed up my computer.

A lengthy letter by one Robert Jones published in Third Way, issue 13, pages 4-5, attacking my letter in the previous issue.

This issue was undated as magazines of this nature often were, to preserve shelf life.

Limericks On-Line was published September 1, 1992.

It includes all the limericks from A Book Of Limericks, nine limericks by Mark Taha, and the source code for The On-Line Poets’ Non-Programmers Templates.

DENNIS BARDENS, Writer Extra-ordinaire:
Still Going Strong At Eighty
Interviewed for Pensioners’ Voice by ‘Alexander’
, published in the September 1992 issue, page 6.

Includes my photograph of the man.

SOFTWARE REVIEW published in The Pentatette, Volume XI, Number 12, September 1992, pages 3-4.

A favourable review of my Limericks On-Line program. My apologies for the inelegant scanning; the text on the second page of the above file is the same as on the first.

September 11, 1992: The Friday Rock Show, excerpt.

Click here for explanation.

“A RISING TIDE LIFTS ALL BOATS,” says DR. SIR RHODES BOYSON, M.P., published in Pensioners’ Voice, November 1992, page 3.

An uncredited half page article based on interview with Sir Rhodes at the 1992 Conservative Party conference.

Freeware for on-line poets published in Writers News, Vol 3, No 11, November 1992, page 8.

A report of a press release of my On-Line poets’ program. With a photo of yours truly, disk in hand.

(the strange life and mysterious death of Robert Maxwell)
composed and illustrated by the I.T.M.A. Team, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (1992).

A thirty page A5 booklet, an epic poem illustrated with some excellent cartoons by a guy called Andy Fisher, whom I never met. I was promised two reviews for this publication. I never saw them either, although Andrew Savage published one – see below.

A PDF of this magnificent ode was uploaded here on January 9, 2025. When it was entered originally, it was said to contain 29 pages. I forgot page 30, which is a cartoon. There are of course technically 32 pages (because of the way pamphlets are generally formatted), the last two are blank as is the inside back cover, so they have not been scanned.

Windows 3.1 and the END
WAR or (George Weiss/World Peace)
, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (1992).

A small A5 pamphlet, a fun piece. I met this guy George sitting on the steps of the London School of Economics one night and...

I did a second printing of this, mailed out a few, and gave a few to George. The first batch was printed with the wrong ISBN (for Libertarian Verse). I also published an on-line version which I wrote in QuickBASIC 4.5.

One other thing, I found a couple of minor typos when I was rechecking some material for my bibliography of the Protocols Of Zion; they relate to the Goldwater book.

See below for a scan of the 2nd printing.

Windows 3.1 and the END
or George Weiss/World Peace
, 2nd printing.

A shouted review (yes shouted!) of The Ballad of Captain Bob, recorded on Super Trouper 10.

This is undated, but was put out in 1992 at some unspecified date.

Includes a reading of an extract from the poem, the authorship of which was credited to me. It was uploaded to the Review Section here on January 9, 2025.

BYTELAND: The PC Poetry Anthology, Volume 2, Number 1, Edited by Terrence A. Lynch of Montgomery, Alabama, published December 15, 1992.

This is an on-line anthology which was published on an old, large format floppy disk. In alphabetical order my seven contributions were:

A Poem Should Be Fun
Ottava Rima
The Cuckoo (given as The Cuchoo)
The Exile

A letter concerning Social Credit plus lengthy reply, published in SOCIALIST STUDIES, No. 7, undated but sometime in 1992.

This pamphlet was published by the Socialist Party of Great Britain, London.

Pages unnumbered but letter pages 12-3 printed verbatim as CRITICISM FROM A FOLLOWER OF MAJOR DOUGLAS. Pages 13-6 is the REPLY.

If You Believe Everything You Read, Best Not Read: A Potted History of Anti-Jewish Fabrication From The Blood Libels To The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion, by Alexander Baron, (September 1992).

A 73 page draft typescript. Not a bad effort but very inadequate. This was deposited in the British Library. I have expanded on it considerably since in sundry publications.

Libertarian Verse:
on paper and on-line

A small A5 pamphlet of Libertarian verse! I received a few compliments as I recall.

The Hunter And The Bear and Anarchist Poem are included from We’re Coming For Your Telecom Shares but retypeset! The former is actually based on a joke/fable I read somewhere some years ago.

First Printing, September 1992.
Second Printing, November 1992.

, Researched and written by Mark Taha, Edited by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (1992).

According to Whitaker’s Books In Print 1997, Vol 5, page 11326, this was published “10.92”, ie October 1992.

COMPUTER PUBLISHING, published in alp newsletter, vol 26, no 5 october/november 1992, page 3.

A report of an ITMA press release concerning on-line publishing, specifically the Poets’ Templates, Libertarian Verse and Windows 3.1 and the END of War.

Circa November 1992: InƒoText Manuscripts publications list.

Undated. One-sided A4.



My excursion into the world of software development was shortlived, though rewarding in its own small way. I began programming at the end of November 1990 soon after purchasing my first computer. In 1992 I developed a number of programs which I attempted to foist onto the world as freeware. All were written in QuickBASIC 4.5. The On-Line Poets’ Templates will also run under GWBasic.

I developed the following programs:


A tutorial for MS-DOS 3.3. Well, my friend’s daughter used it. This program actually took months to compile because of a technical problem which was eventually solved with a little help from a real programmer!

The On-Line Poets’ Non-Programmers Templates

This is a program for non-programmers! The idea is that you import it into your word processor in non-document mode, type over the asterisks, and when you run the program it displays your text on the screen. I got two mentions of it in magazines – see main section – and, most rewarding, two people wrote to me asking for the upgrade, both complimenting me warmly on it. Mr Nadeem Azam, an author, wrote to me on 7 March 1993, “It was a most remarkable program and I am very grateful for it. Who knows, it could help pioneer a new art form?” Which was precisely my intention. Well, sigh, at least he noticed.

Version 2, the upgrade, was released about the end of the year or early in 1993. This is the same program but with a greater capacity for text.

All the above can be found at this link.


A one-sided A4 letter that was mailed out circa November 1992, or perhaps a bit later. (Note, this document was listed here originally and erroneously as INTRODUCING ANGLO-HEBREW PUBLISHING – see the entry for circa August 1993 below for that letter).

Press release for A Goy Pries Into The “Talmud”, dated 26th November 1992.

This is a one-sided A4 leaflet. See also next entry.

Anglo-Hebrew Publishing donation form

The entry and PDF for the above donation form was added August 12, 2014. I cannot be absolutely certain but believe this date is correct.

A Goy Pries Into The “Talmud” The Six Million Reconsidered By The Light Of Four Small Candles by Alexander Baron in collaboration with Rabbi Cohen comprising an investigation into Talmudic forgeries and an examination of the true nature of the “Torah”, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (1992).

A 59 page A4 pamphlet, the definitive refutation of anti-Talmudic fabrication this century, and I hardly sold a copy in the first year or two. There were a few minor typos which were corrected for the Second (Internet) Edition. See above entry for the relevant press release.


SEGREGATION – NO, IT’S DISINTERGRATION [sic] published in Scallywag, January 1993, issue 12, page 19.

A report on the Aaron Silvers leaflet featuring yours truly. The above is scanned from a poor photocopy.

Grandma Moses
, published in Pensioners’ Voice, February 1993, page 7.

This is a small piece on the American painter, credited to ‘Alexandra’.

Press release for Scatoligicus Eroticum [sic].

Undated but due for release 4th February 1993. Large print, one-sided A4. with typos! (See entry below).

Press release for Scatologicus Eroticum

Undated but due for release 4th February 1993. Large print, one-sided A4. Apart from the title? typo free! One-sided A4 “normal” font.

A scan of this press release was found in the NCROPA files at the beginning of June 2013.

Forget the bit at the bottom alluding to The Sex Panic, what appears to have happened is that I gave this release to Mark Taha, who photocopied the two and gave them to Ted Goodman, or he gave it to Goodman, who photocopied both on one sheet and passed them/it to David Webb.

At that time I had not met Goodman. I am a bit surprised the title is spelt correctly, ie Scatologicus Eroticum, unlike on the front cover! I really cannot remember at this distance but it may be that I realised my error and corrected it with a second printing, though unfortunately I did not do the same to the actual publication.

A second scan of the above can be found here.

Scatoligicus Eroticum, Compiled by Eugene Phillip Rix and Edited by Anthony William Anka, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (February 1993). 36 pages.

An A4 pamphlet of some of the most obscene verse ever written. It was only when I compiled the entry for this bibliography that I realised that I’d spelt the title wrong! It should read Scatologicus Eroticum. What the fuck!

Publications price list for InƒoText Manuscripts.

Undated but headed with The Ballad of Captain Bob..., followed by Scatologicus Eroticum [sic].

The Shape Of Libraries To Come:

The British Library, On-Line Databases And The
Future Of Electronic Research
including Notes and Suggestions on Bibliography and Legal Deposit

By Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London (March 1993).

An A4 size pamphlet. The Second Printing has page numbers and is side stapled, ie A4 rather than folded A3.

Searchlight on a Searchliar:
The Evil Of Exploiting Anti-Semitism And Racial Bigotry
A Critical Evaluation Of “Searchlight” Editor Gerry Gable’s
The Far Right In Contemporary Britain –
His Contribution To “Neo-Fascism In Europe” –
And An Examination Of Some Of His Neo-Nazi Fantasies
And His Attempts To Destroy Civil Liberties;
And A Message To All, Left And Right,
Who Wish To Preserve Them
Including A Selected, Annotated, Dissenting Bibliography On “Searchlight”
, Researched By Two Independent Researchers, Edited by Alexander Baron, Published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (September 1993). 54 pages.

Exactly what it says. Proves, among other things, that Gable doesn’t really understand what fascism is.

Click here for the HTML version of the 3rd Edition.

Trading with the Enemy

An anonymous, scurrilous, two-sided A4 leaflet published by the non-existent British Brothers League, North London Branch. A likely story. Features two photographs of yours truly posing with skull cap.

Incidentally, this is the only time I have ever visited a synagogue, and for those of you au fait with what was still the most bizarre encounter of my life some time before this, the inspiration should be obvious.


A Sideways Look At The
Lunatic Fringe Opposition To
Kosher Meat
from the “Jew-wise”
to the “Animal Rights” Lobby

written and illustrated by the I.T.M.A. Team, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (1993).

A 32 page A4 pamphlet examining the ravings of Arnold Leese and the likes of Animal Liberation author Peter Singer who finds the mythical disease of specieism every bit as offensive as those equally mythical diseases racism and sexism. The other half of the team was an artist I found through Loot.

Chris Tame thought this was hilarious and phoned me to tell me so; Sean Gabb called it a devastatiing attack on British National Socialism. Gerry Gable claimed it was “anti-Semitic” – I kid you not.

Smokers’ Writes
Four Short Stories
by a Non-Smoker
, Published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (1993).

A 19 page A4 pamphlet containing four “moral tales” relating to the repression of smoking and the oppression of smokers.

A fund-raising letter sent out circa April 1993.

Headed ANGLO-HEBREW PUBLISHING, this letter is variously addressed “Dear Sir”, “Dear Madam”...

Each was mailed out with a copy of The Murderers Of Christ?, (see below).

The Murderers of Christ?, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (1993).

An 8 page A4 pamphlet published in what was intended to be a series: Responses to Anti-Semitism.

This is No 1. An atheist, rationalist examination of the Christ-killers crap plus a dig at Gerry Gable.

A 12 page A4 pamphlet. Uncredited, but written by Yours Truly.

A one-sided A4 leaflet headed
, undated but issued at the beginning of the project.

A mention – literally only the title – of Windows 3.1 And The End Of War.

Also, an extract read from Anarchist Poem from Libertarian Verse on Super Trouper, number 11. This is also called Bamboo and was recorded in London on February 20, 1993.

The War Against Halahkah, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (1993).

A 4 page A4 leaflet. This was the one that started all the trouble, or rather the one the Board of Deputies of British Jews used to start all the trouble, which they were eventually to regret. Halakhah should be transliterated thus; there are other variations as well.

I can’t remember exactly when it was mailed out but the first copies must have gone in the post around the beginning of April.

A press release embargoed for 20th April 1993 announcing Eustace Clarence Mullins...

One-sided A4. My apologies for the apparent poor quality of the scan; if I recall correctly, this press release was produced on a far from state of the art photocopier at CCU.

A press release embargoed for 20th April announcing the publication of Shechita Barbaric!

Two pages of A4.

Eustace Clarence Mullins:
Anti-Semitic Propagandist or Iconoclast?

The World’s Premier Conspiracy Historian On
the Jews,
the Fed
and the “New World Order” including notes on “Global Deception” January 1993

By Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (1993).

A 55 page A4 pamphlet. Issued initially with lots of typos due to software incompatibility.

Click here for the HTML version of the Second, Expanded Edition.

Judith Hatton makes health fanatics fume An interview by “Alexander”
, published in Pensioners’ Voice, May 1993, pages 4-5.

My interview with the lovable Judith. Includes photograph by yours truly.

A JPG scan of this article can be found on this page.

A glowing review of Shechita Barbaric... published in Free Life, No. 18, May 1993, pages 22-3.

Written by editor Sean Gabb under the pseudonym Howard Perkins. The first printing of this contained a number of errors, most of which were corrected for subsequent printing(s).

Anti-Semites ask for cash in latest sophisticated forgery by Julian Kossoff, published in the Jewish Chronicle, May 14, 1993, page 9.

This is the article that started all the trouble.

Is The “Jewish Chronicle” A Diseased Organ?
A point by point reply to, and refutation of, Julian Kossoff’s smear article.

Published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (May, 1993).

A 9 page A4 pamphlet reproducing and refuting Kossoff’s May 14th 1993 smear. Written by Yours Truly.

1st Edition.
2nd Edition has minor textual alterations.
3rd Edition – Updated

Letter from Mary Seal dated 6th May 1993

Eustace Clarence Mullins;
the World’s Premier Conspiracy
on the Jews, the Fed and the New
World Order

A favourable review of the same published in Lobster, June 1993, issue 25, pages 23-4. It even sold me a few copies!

Here is the review as published. In 2022, Lobster was still being published and available on-line through subscription.

In November the same year I found the entire issue 25 floating around in cyberspace, so here is an archived link.

The page layout of the virtual copy is different from the hard copy.

Undated letter (circa June 1993) headed Anglo-Hebrew Publishing (Current titles) advertising four publications. One-sided A4.

Police arrest man over hoax letter after raid, by Julian Kossoff, published in the Jewish Chronicle, June 4, 1993, page 40.

A cagey report of my arrest; I’m not named but that little shit Chainey did pass my name on to Kossoff.

Several poems contributed to Neon-Lilly Tiger: AN ANTHOLOGY OF MODERN VERSE COLLECTED BY BARRY TAYLOR published by Maypole Editions, Ilford, Essex.

According to Whittaker’s..., this book was published in June 1993.

Song Of Trafalgar, The Dating Agency, No Chemistry and a few others from the Wrong Side Of The River anthology. I was actually chuffed that this guy – or anyone – should want to publish any of my verse.

July 1, 1993: Letter Robin Ramsay, Editor of Lobster addressed To Whom It May Concern re Yours Truly.

Request rejected published in the South London Press, July 23rd, 1993, page 3.

A report of my failed Judicial Review.

Letter (Dear Editor) dated 17th August 1993 sent out with review copies of Smoking And Something Else...

Smoking And Something Else: Professor Simon Wolff, Toxicologist, Explains How Diesel Can Give Smokers Lung Cancer, And A Biologically Ignorant But Numerate Layman Dissects The Specious Claptrap Of The World’s Most Eminent Cancer Specialist, Professor Sir Richard Doll, And Explains Why He Received The General Motors Cancer Prize In 1979, by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (1993). 23 pages.

According to Whitaker’s Book List 1993, page 133, this was published “8.93”, ie August 1993.

Jewish Ritual Murder:
Anti-Semitic Fabrication or Urban Legend?
published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (August 1993).

Click here for the HTML version of the Second Edition.


I can’t remember when the above letter was mailed out; I think it may have been somewhat earlier than August.

Letter dated 16 August 1993 addressed “To Whom It May Concern”.

Current publications list: InƒoText Manuscripts and Anglo-Hebrew Publishing. Undated.

Letter to Simon Wolff dated 22nd August 1993.

One-sided A4.

A Question Or Ten
From The Floor
To The “Searchlight”

A four page A4 anti-Searchlight pamphlet, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, dated 6 September 1993.

Charity Begins At Home:
How To Help Your Fellow Jews – And Combat Anti-Semitism

An Anglo-Hebrew Publishing Information Pamphlet, published, of course, by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (1993). 6 pages, A4.

Uncredited but written by Yours Truly with Rabbinic approval.

2nd Edition with a small amendment after yet another Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

Click here for the HTML version.

On January 21, 2025, it was also uploaded to the Internet Archive
Here is an alternative archived link.

ABOUT “Searchlight”

Three “former Nazis” but no Blacks on its staff
Black leaders called “worms” and “wankers”
Black journalist hounded
Free speech denied
Son of publisher oppresses Palestinian people

This is a four page A4 anti-Searchlight leaflet written by the pseudonymous Brian Grant, published by Brixton Black People’s Truth In Media Campaign, distributed by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, (1993).

When it was rescanned in August 2015, the inside front cover and inside back cover (both of which are blank) were omitted.

Alternative link for the above file.

Letter dated 25th August headed Anglo-Hebrew Publishing and addressed “To all our Readers”.

This is a double-sided (and unfortunately ver poor copy) A4 document, an undated letter headed Anglo-Hebrew Publishing addressed to “Dear Subscriber”. (We didn’t have even one!). Also contains an “URGENT APPEAL”, which was likewise ignored.

Two letters sent out together dated 30 August 1993 and 31st August 1993, two pages and one respectively.

These were sent to Barbara Mills to complain about my case and to draw her attention to a claim in the Independent On Sunday relating to alleged gas chambers in Belsen.

Letter to Barbara Mills dated 14th September 1993 reporting Mike Whine and a fellow Jew for incitement to racial hatred against the Palestinian people. Two pages.

Letter to Gerry Gable, dated 21st September 1993.

Undated letter advertising Searchlight, A Documented Exposé...

Letter dated 23rd September 1993 advertising Searchlight in a Searchliar.

Press release dated 20th September re Ode To Sweet Sonia.

An undated letter headed Anglo-Hebrew Publishing sent out with Ode To Sweet Sonia by Alexander Baron – who has no connection with Larry O’Hara, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, (1993).

Searchlight on a Searchliar Errata

An undated A4 sheet making four minor corrections to this publication.


A two paragraph letter sent out with ...The Homosexual Plot...


Aided and Abetted by the “Jewish Chronicle” and the Board of Zionist Deputies


By Gerry Atkinson and Graham Gable
Edited by A Rabbi, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (1993).

Yes, quite a mouthful, isn’t it? This is basically a satire on the destruction of individual rights, one up the bum for the organised homosexual movement, and one in the eye for Organised Jewry. The front cover was printed in three colours: white, yellow(ish) and pale green.

Ode To Sweet Sonia by Alexander Baron – who has no connection with Larry O’Hara, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (September 20, 1993).

Actually, some copies were mailed out before the official publication date. This is my tribute in verse to Mrs Sonia Gable née Hochfelder. 4 pages.

Are You Being Fed A Load Of
You Are If You Subscribe To Searchlight:
A Documented Exposé' Of Gerry Gable’s
Error-prone, Lie-ridden, Mischief-making Magazine
, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (September 1993).

A 26 page A4 pamphlet, the second of Yours Truly’s exposés. The first tranche was printed without the ISBN on the back; the second tranche with the ISBN.

2nd printing, with minor textual alterations, was printed with British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data but with the ISBN on the back. Confused? Printed in various colours, many copies mailed out free to the media, academics, rightists and “anti-fascists”.

3rd Printing with a couple more textual alterations on the insistance of Chris Tame.

Click here for the 2002 HTML version.

Anti-Israel pamphlet referred to law officer, by Julian Kossoff, published in the Jewish Chronicle, September 10, 1993, page 12.

That little piece of slime Mike Whine is said to have referred Charity Begins At Home to the Attorney General.

A letter dated 5th October 1993 sent out with Searchlight...A Documented Exposé...

Letter to TV magnate Michael Green, dated 5th October. An identical letter was sent out to four other top media Jews.

Letter from Hans Eysenck dated October 14, 1993.

The enclosure to which he alludes is not included in the above scan.

Letter to Gerry Gable, dated 15th October 1993. One-sided A4.

Letter to Mrs Gold of the Spiro Institute dated 21st October 1993, asking her to cancel the Institute’s forthcoming booking with Searchlight. One page.


A three sided A4 info sheet dated 21st October 1993 sent out to clarify my relationship with Larry O’Hara.

ITMA/Anglo-Hebrew Publications List, October 27, 1993

An undated letter sent out end of October 1993 with ...The Homosexual Plot To Destroy Orthodox Judaism...

“...We are a Libertarian/Orthodox Jewish publishing house.” etc.

The Hypocrisy Of Zion

A three page letter of support for Lady Birdwood and statement of intent issued 5th November 1993.

Alexander Baron – A Clarification published as APPENDIX 2 to AT WAR WITH THE TRUTH by Larry O’Hara.

Yes, I get an entire appendix to myself, about a third of page 25 of this anti-Searchlight pamphlet which was published by Mina Enterprises in November 1993. Mr O’Hara finds my homophobia “not just unpleasant, but deeply sickening.”

I get a mention in an article Jewish community targeted, published in Searchlight, November 1993, No. 221, page 4.

This libel suggests I should be in prison and that I am a buddy of Patrick Harrington.

Actually, the “buddy” reference is in the HILL STREET NEWS column. On page 15, without being named, it is said that I am “one of the biggest distributors of antisemitic material in Britain”.

Al Baron and Freedom of Speech: An Argument in Two Parts by Chris R. Tame and Sean Gabb, published in FREE LIFE: A JOURNAL OF CLASSICAL AND LIBERTARIAN THOUGHT, November 1993, Number 19, pages 15-8.

It’s nice to have friends but I can’t help thinking they were sailing close to the wind with the first part of this article which comes close to validating Holocaust Revisionism. Perish the thought.

Searchlight on a Searchliar Errata

An A4 sheet making additional corrections concerning Colin Jordan. Updated 4 November 1993.

Press Release: Anglo-Hebrew Publishing Editor-in-Chief issues summons against Zionist Occupation Government by proxy. Vows to restore free speech in Britain.

Two pages. Dated 5th November 1993.

Two paragraphs on A4 sent out with press release beginning “Enclosed you will find copies of my letters to the Attorney General’s office.”

This was an error, this should have been sent out with my letters of complaint re the non-existent Belsen gas chambers and complaint about Mike Whine, but who would ever notice?

Police alerted over anti-Zionist hate pamphlet, published in the Jewish Chronicle November 12, 1993, page 7.

They’re getting wise, they didn’t refer to this as a hoax and there was no talk of referring it to the Attorney General, merely to hand it in to the police. Who would do what, exactly?

The Truth About “Searchlight’s” Information Network

An uncredited six page pamphlet, written by me, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, (November 1993).

The second printing has a couple of minor textual alterations.

Click here for the HTML version.

All Jews Are Zionists – Nailing The Lie, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (1993).

This is Responses to Anti-Semitism: No 2, a twenty-six page A4 pamphlet.

According to Whitaker’s Book List 1993, page 133, this was published “12.93”, ie December 1993.

The “Searchlight” Organisation, Racial Attacks And Freedom is a double-sided A4 leaflet published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, (December 1993).

Before You Take The Searchlight Organisation’s Advice On Racial Attacks, There Are a Few Questions You Should Ask Mr Gable And The Other Liars, Hatemongers And Secret State Narks From His Error-prone, Lie-ridden, Mischief-making Magazine, published by Brixton Black People’s Truth In Media Campaign, (December 1993).

A four page A4 exposé which was earmarked for distribution at the Home Affairs Committee meeting on racial attacks. I gave a copy to an Asian journalist but it went undistributed due to the nature of the meeting. I mailed a few of them out and passed a the rest on to a white nationalist for distribution by other means.

“Searchlight” again, published in Lobster, December 1993, issue 26, pages 19-20.

One of several publications reviewed here is ...A Documented Exposé..., (page 19). “Mr Baron’s work should be approached with care by those of a sensitive, politically correct sensibility.”

I also get a mention on page 20 under Errors, corrections, apologies.

“Searchlight” Monitoring Racial Attacks Or Inciting Them?

One side of A4 I intended to give out at the Home Affairs Committee hearing on 8th December 1993. I ended up mailing a few of them out.

First Special Report

Report, together with the
Proceedings of the Committee
“Ordered by” The House of Commons “to be printed”
13 December 1993
, published by HMSO, London. 4 pages.

Yes, I actually got a whole Hansard devoted to me for serving a writ on Gable at the House Of Commons.

Commons writ server in contempt by Jerry Lewis, published in the Jewish Chronicle, December 31, 1993, page 8.

A brief report of Yours Truly held to be in contempt of Parliament when I served my writ on Gable. I wasn’t named.


Barren Leaves published in Casablanca, Midwinter 1993-4, issue 8.

This refers to A Documented Exposé which is erroneously described as the effusion of Anglo-Hebrew Publishing. Actually, she appears to be confusing two or more publications here.

An interesting aside here; after reading this article I phoned the magazine and spoke to the Editor.
“Are you Alexander Baron?” she asked, and I could feel her literally tremble with fear, it was as though by merely talking to me she would be tainted. Unreal. Anyway, I trust that over the past two decades she has obtained all the new information on the notorious Alexander Baron she sought, and then some.

The Doll’s House:
Professor Sir William Richard Shaboe Doll –
The World’s Leading Cancer “Expert” –
And Apologist For The Chemical Industry:
An Appraisal Of His Life’s Work
by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (February 1994).

This is the text of my interview with Professor Doll together with some comments from leading academics.

A VERY LIGHT SLEEPER: THE PERSISTENCE AND DANGERS OF ANTISEMITISM by the Runnymede Commission on Antisemitism, published by the Runnymede Trust, London, (January 1994). 63 pages. Large format.

I had a nasty surprise one day in November 1994 when I was reading a publication on so-called anti-Semitism in the North Library Gallery at Bloomsbury, and, surprise, surprise, on page 30 I found reproduced a lengthy tranche from Charity Begins At Home. On page 29 the text refers to this extract as “demonising the Israelis as Nazis” which is “an example of anti-Zionist discourse which is plainly also antisemitic”.

Those damned liars Nagler and Whine really shouldn’t have done that. This was the result!

A trade notice in The Bookseller, under the DISTRIBUTION, January 14, 1994, page 14.

“ITMA is now sole distributor for Anglo-Hebrew Publishing. Orders should be sent to ITMA at 93C Venner Road, London SE26 5HU (tel 081-659 7713). Customers should note that no trade discount can be given on single copies and that these orders must be prepaid.”

ITMA and Anglo-Hebrew Publishing – Publications List – 16th January 1994

This is a one page A4 list.

February 1994: Re below, see the entry for August 1993.

At the time I received a letter from a guy who said he had or was going to submit a review to this publication, although I thought no more of it. I discovered this in late August or September 2012. Nice to know someone is making money off my publications, maybe, especially as this one has been downloadable free from this site since August 28, 2008.

Exploding The “Psychic Detective” Myth by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (February 1994).

The definitive exposé of psychic nonsense. Click here for the HTML version.

A Collection Of Documents
Relating To “Smoking And Something Something Else” And
The “Doll’s House”
including correspondence and the “Gudrun Greunke Report” to Edward Goldsmith

Compiled by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (1994). Literally a short collection of documents in Honest Al’s usual A4 format.

Anger as magazine promotes anti-Semitic pamphleteers by Ruth Rothenberg, published in the Jewish Chronicle, February 4, 1994, page 5.

See also entry for January 14, 1994.

I was libelled in Searchlight, February 1994, issue 224, page 7, the HILL STREET NEWS column and page 13.

What the “Jewish Chronicle” did not tell you about Anglo-Hebrew Publishing and “Searchlight” editor Gerry Gable.

This was my response to the February 4, 1994 Jewish Chronicle libel. I delivered copies to staff of The Bookseller and mailed out a few copies here and there.

ITMA and Anglo-Hebrew Publishing: Publications List – 16th February 1994

The latest publications list spills over onto a second page!

An Examination Of The Evidence On Passive Smoking
And Environmental Tobacco Smoke
by Judith Hatton, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (February 1994).

I wrote the following blurb on the inside front cover of this excellent 23 page study.

“Judith Hatton is a seventy-four year old smoker and part-time researcher for FOREST. A staunch defender of individual liberty, Miss Hatton, the widow of a former KGB operative, says she smokes because she is not afraid of cancer but is afraid of going senile. Not that there’s much chance of that. Although she is a woman of undoubted literary talents, she hasn’t had that much in print, her most notable effort to date being the publication of a novel in 1956, under the pseudonym Sheila Kuban. This short monograph is entirely her unaided work, and while it was desktop published by myself, any errors of fact or inference or spelling are entirely hers!”

Alexander Baron Series Editor

March 1: A CRUSTY TOME is published by Barry Taylor of Maypole Editions.

This includes four poems by Yours Truly in this order: Pilgrim (a sonnet), Fox – The Second Phase, Ripples and The Word

They can all be found on this site in the Poetry Section.

On August 22, 2024, they were uploaded to the Internet Archive

Here is an alternative link.

This book was apparently published with two slightly differently coloured dustcovers.

Press Release, one-side A4, dated March 1, 1994, a typically witty flyer advertising The Special Branch “Searchlight” Report.

THESE MEN ARE NOT HELPING POLICE WITH THEIR ENQUIRIES BUT MAYBE THEY SHOULD BE: The Special Branch “Searchlight” Report Prepared by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (March 1994).

This is a meticulously referenced 8 page report distributed to Special Branch officers et al.

“This report has been prepared by Alexander Baron, an independent researcher into the far right, anti-Semitic propaganda and Zionist-inspired subversion.” In some versions the phrase “Zionist-inspired” reads simply “Zionist”. I got the artwork mixed up. After it had been published I was advised by Sean Gabb that the wording relating to my court case against Gable could be held as contempt of court; I therefore rewrote the offending passage but a few copies had already been sent out. I advised a few people, including Steve Sargent and David Oderberg, but didn’t think it a good idea to chase up the police!

I stated here that “The Searchlight organisation was established sometime between 1962 and 1964”; in fact the Searchlight broadsheet didn’t appear until Spring 1965 and its papers filed with Companies House also date to that year, but the mistake (or lie) is Gable’s rather than mine.

Searchlight On Gerry Gable And His Bosom Pal Ray Hill:
The Strange Case Of The “No Platform For Fascists” Jewish Anti-Fascist And The Convicted Thug, Thief, Racial Bigot And Unreconstructed Anti-Semite
, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (1994).

I think this was put out at the beginning of March.

In Serving The Wicked Expect No Reward: A Belated Obituary For The Forgotten Hero Of British “Anti-Fascism” Richard David (Dave) Roberts (1949-82), “Searchlight” Agent Provocateur And Instigator Of The Column 88 Nazi Underground Hoax, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (March 1994).

Uncredited but written by Yours Truly. An eight page tribute to fantasist and shabbos goy Dave Roberts. The second printing of this pamphlet was produced in April 1994.

EYSENCK AND THE NAZIS: Another “Searchlight” Smear Exposed And Refuted by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (1994).

This is my February 1993 interview with Eysenck: the part dealing with race. Contains a review of Michael Billig’s Psychology, Racism & Fascism as an appendix.

In August 1996 this pamphlet was posted to the British Nationalist Web Page, after some editing, I gather.

COME AND GET AN EIFFEL, published in PENSIONERS’ Voice, March 1994, pages 8 & 7.

The above includes two photographs I took on my Paris holiday in 1992.

ITMA and Anglo-Hebrew Publishing: Publications List – 3rd March 1994.

A REVISIONIST HISTORY OF THE 1960s SYNAGOGUE ARSONS: “Searchlight” Editor And Arch-Liar Gerry Gable Caught With His Trousers Down Telling Bare-Faced Kosher Porkie Pies To The “Jewish Chronicle” – The Truth About Harry Bidney And The 62 Group Laid Bare by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (March 1994).

A thoroughly referenced 25 page exposé of Gable’s lies and the truth about what happened in the 1960s arsons. Illustrated. (The above link is to a scan of the Second and Third Editions, the latter in HTML format).

Open Letter To The “Jewish Chronicle” from Alexander Baron, Editor-in-Chief, Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, published by same, (March 1994).

A four page document sent out with the 1960s Arsons pamphlet.

The “Searchlight” Hate Quiz.

A double-sided leaflet published by Brixton Black People’s Truth In Media Campaign.


A short press release dated March 17, 1994.

After Millwall:
Time To Abolish
Britain’s Premier Race-Hate Organisation
A Real Case
Against the
Board of Deputies of “British”
“defence committee”
published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (March 1994).

This 26 page pamphlet was notified as published May 1, 1994 to The Bookseller but appears on my March 22, 1994 publications list.

In this publication I state that it is probably more likely Home Secretary Michael Howard serves first and foremost his country and may not be aware of the way the slime of Organised Jewry exploit Jews in high places. In the dedication to the synagogue arsons pamphlet I say that he probably is. The reason for this apparent inconsistency is that ...A Real Case... was actually written first. By the time I got round to researching the synagogue arsons it was becoming clear to me that Howard, and other Jews in high places, are almost certainly aware of what goes on. The Jewish Chronicle was particularly blatant in its coverage of racial matters in this period and took swipes at Howard on more than one occasion.

The 3rd Printing was run off July 10, 1995.

Re the 2nd Printing, see entry for November 22, 2024.

Four New Publications For Libertarians, Smokers’ Rights Activists And Skeptics

An undated double-sided leaflet advertising some ITMA and Anglo-Hebrew publications. Sent out with an LA mailing circa early March 1994.


A two-sided leaflet published with an Anglo-Hebrew Publishing ISBN, March 1994.

ITMA and Anglo-Hebrew Publishing: Publications List – 22nd March 1994.

This is a double sided A4 leaflet. (It was not added to this Bibliography until February 10, 2011).

Letter to the editor of the Guardian newspaper, March 22, 1994, pointing out the lies and distortions of a certain Ray Hill who was interviewed by the paper March 16th.

An annotated version of the same letter was sent to the Press Complaints Commission.

Letter to the Press Complaints Commission dated April 6, 1994.

This adds that as well as the lies itemised in the March 22 letter to the editor of the Guardian, Hill also (claimed) to believe in the Jewish conspiracy.

Are You Being Fed A Load Of
You Are If You Subscribe To Searchlight:
A Documented Exposé Of Gerry Gable’s
Error-prone, Lie-ridden, Mischief-making Magazine

by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (1994). Second edition.

This is basically the same as the first edition but with an additional appendix apologising to Tim Hepple for inadvertently libelling him. 23 pages. Later, a 20 page version was produced.

Searchlight On Gerry Gable And His Bosom Pal Ray Hill:
The Strange Case Of The “No Platform For Fascists” Jewish Anti-Fascist And The Convicted Thug, Thief, Racial Bigot And Unreconstructed Anti-Semite
, 2nd Edition, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (April 1994).

Almost the same as the first edition.

EYSENCK AND THE NAZIS..., (April 1994). Second printing.

Not that I sold out of the first printing; this has one or two typos corrected.

In Serving The Wicked..., (April 1994). Second printing.


And They Aren’t Educating Anyone –
What You Should Know About The
Searchlight Educational Trust
And Why You Shouldn’t Give Them A Penny:
A Guide For Charities And Trusts
, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (April 1994).

An eight page, illustrated exposé by Yours Truly. Mailed out free to charities and others.

Anti-Smoking Fanatics Are Frightening People To Death Says Britain’s Most Distinguished Psychologist, And The Medical Profession Is Playing God Says FOREST: Smokers’ Rights And Doctors’ Wrongs – The Background To The Harry Elphick Case

A 24 page pamphlet by Yours Truly published on the ITMA label May 1, 1994, although advertised prior to this.

YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! published in Candour, May 1994, pages 6-7.

Uncredited but written by Nick Griffin. A report of the attack on Yours Truly and the BNP’s press officer and the attempted attack on Larry O’Hara.

Open Letter To The British Right

Literally that. A seven page explanation of the whys and wherefores of Alexander Baron. Dated 9th May 1994 and published on the ITMA label.

May 15: Al appears on Mike Allen’s Nightline

Click here for more.

A large advertisement for some of my publications published in the May 1994 issue of Spearhead under the Steven Books logo. Nice one, Keith.

A one-sided A4 sheet headed “Errata” and dated 10th May 1994 for the 2nd Edition of Editors! Are You Being Fed A Load Of Bullshit?...

The Parapolitical World of Anti-Fascism by Mike Hughes, published in the Dorril Lobster, (issue 27!), (dated 1994, but published circa May), pages 33-5. This is a series of reviews including of O’Hara’s two anti-Searchlight pamphlets and my Editors!... The review of the latter, extremely unflattering, appears on pages 34-5.

The “Searchlight” saga contd, published in Lobster, June 1994, issue 27, page 5.

Comment on Larry O’Hara, the current writer and Searchlight.

Gerry Gable: A Reputation Slowly – And Deservedly – Being Tarnished

A four page leaflet published anonymously (in the Public Interest) in June 1994. Mentions O’Hara and myself not unflatteringly. I wonder who was responsible.

The Shape of Libraries to Come, Dr R. Alston, British Library, Interviewed by A. Baron, published in LIBRARY REVIEW, Volume 43 Number 3, 1994, pages 24-31.

Undated but probably published July; I receive my (delayed) copy mid-August. At last, I’ve been published in an academic journal! This was of course an edited version of the pamphlet of the same name.

July 1994: TAKE IT LIKE A MAN! The ITMA Book Of “Gay” Verse was published by InƒoText Manuscripts; it was Compiled by Ann R. Soul and Edited by Phil T. Rimmer.

I’m not entirely sure of the actual publication date, but I believe it was July 15.

Don’t judge this one by its title!

An advertisement in Capital Gay, June 24th, 1994, issue 650, page 19.

YOUNG? GAY? For new free
guide to the gay scene from ITMA.
93c Venner Road, London SE26.

This was the actual wording of an advertisement for Baron’s Guide To “Gay” Sex, (see July below).

I think it should have read “Send for new free guide...”

I had a couple of replies. Hee hee.

Click here for a scan of the ad.

Searchlight, July 1994, page 7:

In the HILL STREET NEWS column it is reported that “The Morning Star has recently carried an advertisement for a publication produced by an antisemitic former supporter of the extreme nazi British Movement, who was convicted of a hold-up and resisting arrest with an imitation firearm.” To whom could he be referring, I wonder?

How The Searchlight Organisation Incites Hatred Against Jews: A Fresh Look At The Scapegoat Theory Of Anti-Semitism And The World Zionist Conspiracy – with the full text of the “Gable Memorandum”, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (July 1994). 27 pages.

Another A3 pamphlet with Honest Al’s alternative to esoteric conspiracy theories.

BARON’S GUIDE TO “GAY” SEX: A Primer For Children And Young People, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (July 1994). 15 pages.

According to Whitaker’s Books In Print 1997, Volume 1, page 839, Baron’s Guide... was published July 1994.

“Gay” Rights – Rhetoric And Reality: A Libertarian Analysis Of The Organised Homosexual Movement’s Hidden Agenda, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (July 1994). 20 pages.

This was put out at the same time as Baron’s Guide... It was praised by none other than Professor Flew!

According to Whitaker’s Books In Print 1997, Volume 1, page 839, “Gay” Rights... was published July 1994.

On December 26, 2024, a PDF of the Second Printing of this pamphlet was uploaded to the Internet Archive. Here is an alternative archived link.

Jews And The Spread Of AIDS

A four page essay sent out with Baron’s Guide To “Gay” Sex.

July 3, 1994: THEY WANT YOUR CHILDREN: The Organised Homosexual Movement And The War Against The Black Family by B. Grant was published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing in collaboration with Brixton Black People’s Truth In Media Campaign. 48 pages. A4 format.

NOT THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION! Shining A Searchlight On Three Updates Of The Infamous Jewish Master Plan: The Zunder Letter, The Israel Cohen “Racial Program For The Twentieth Century” Hoax And The Speech Of The Non-Existent Rabbi Rabinovich, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (July 1994). 18 pages.

THE PRESS WE DON’T DESERVE: How The “Guardian” Gives Aid And Comfort To The World’s Master Liars And Thereby Perpetuates The Nazi Underground Myth – Yet More “Searchlight”-Inspired Disinformation Exposed, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (July 1994). 12 pages.

A refutation of Hill’s lie-ridden Guardian interview of March 16th. I misspelt Mike Newland as Newlands, because it was spelt thus in Searchlight!

A second edition of this pamphlet was prepared shortly, no specific publication date. This is because of errors in the first edition, in particular, the two press cuttings reproduced should have been on opposite sides of the page – ie the one on the right on the left and vice versa. I still misspelt Newland’s name!
The inside front and back covers are blank, so have not been scanned.

The Shape of Libraries to Come, Dr R. Alston, British Library, Interviewed by A. Baron, published in LIBRARY REVIEW, Volume 43 Number 3, 1994, pages 24-31.

Undated but probably published July; I receive my (delayed) copy mid-August. At last, I’ve been published in an academic journal! This was of course an edited version of the pamphlet of the same name.

Searchlight, July 1994.

I get three mentions here, on page 4 in an article Old nazis and lunatics resurface in Spearhead, and twice on page 7 in the HILL STREET NEWS COLUMN. All three times without being named!

The Gift Of Ramu published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (July 3, 1994).

A 34 page A4 short story on the theme of financial reform. Uncredited but written by Yours Truly. Such modesty!

No, I didn’t make up the name Ramu, but here is a clue.

Kiss Me Dead, Lee: The Official AIDS Joke Book Edited by Gay Slaughter, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (July 3, 1994).

I made a complete hash of this. I lost the front cover and because of software problems I was forced to hand write it. Then I omitted the last page, which was a poem in praise of HIV. Hopefully this will be included in the second edition.

(Second edition indeed – October 2011).

A review of The Gift Of Ramu published in the BLACKSTONE’S CHIPPINGS column (by Leonard Blackstone) in WITANA GEMOT, Autumn 1994, issue 3, page 5.

I actually received my copy in mid-July, which is hardly Autumn!

I uploaded the full issued to the Internet Archive on August 8, 2024. Here is an alternative archived link.

Erratum for How The Searchlight Organisation Incites Hatred Against Jews...

A one-sided erratum sheet. I believe I issued this late July 1994.

Public Reply To The Ongoing Libels Of Gerry Gable.

A double-sided A4 reply to the July issue of Searchlight. This is dated 29 July 1994, but didn’t go in the post until the evening of August 1.

The Only Good Fascist Is A Dead One, uncredited but written by yours truly and published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (August, 1994). 35 pages.

This is a collection of five short stories, in this order:

Justifiable Homicide
Judgment At Nuremberg
Chamber Of Horrors
The Good Samaritan
The Evil Of This Ignorance

Searchlight On Gerry Gable: Secret State Asset Or Liability? A Critique Of Larry O’Hara’s Flawed Conspiracy Theory, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (August 1994).

Another A4 pamphlet, illustrated. Covers the Gable memorandum and O’Hara’s nonsense.

Help Me Bury Ray Hill

A one-sided flyer advertising Liars Ought To Have Good Memories.

“Extensively and irrefutably referenced, with a comprehensive bibliography and five appendices...” This should actually read “Extensively and irrefutably referenced, five appendices, including a comprehensive bibliography...”

Later (September), I published two more slightly different versions of this. One corrects the error regarding bibliography – ie five appendices including rather than as well as; the other is a cut down A5 version, which was requested by Keith Thompson.

LIARS OUGHT TO HAVE GOOD MEMORIES: The True, Unsanitised Story Of “Searchlight” Mole Ray Hill with a critique of The Other Face of Terror, by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (August 2, 1994). 129 pages.

Billed as the book that will bury Ray Hill.


A six page spoof, uncredited, but published by Brixton Black People’s Truth In Media Campaign.

IT CAN’T HAPPEN NOWADAYS – CAN IT? by Judith Hatton, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (August 1994).

Click here for the HTML version.

A twelve page polemic by the lovable Judith against the cancer industry.

Al gets a mention in the August 1994 issue of FREE LIFE, page 10, under EDITORIAL JOTTINGS

This Man Survived Auschwitz, But Can He Survive “Searchlight”?

I can’t remember the exact date I published this four page leaflet but it must have been mid to late August 1994. It was put out on my own name.

A four page open letter to the media et al concerning the attacks on Mike Newland and myself, the attempted attacks on Taha and O’Hara and the brick through Leon Greenman’s window. Gerry couldn’t have had anything to do with them, could he? Published by Alexander Baron, Independent Researcher, (July 1994).

Orpheus Descending

A long unpublished novel; deposited in the British Library in early September 1994.

Alexander Baron: Miscellaneous Unpublished Shorter Non-Fiction, Volume One

Such modesty! This is a collection of articles which I’d hoped to sell to various magazines. In particular:

Computer Age Technology And Its Implications For The Travel Trade And Travellers, an essay written for a competition.

An Essay On Gluttony

Three short articles about psychic nonsense.

One slightly amusing piece called Stolen Property.

Twenty Ways To Save Petrol And Money.

One about acronyms, and an interview with the ASA’s press officer.

This volume was deposited in the Copyright Libraries during September 1994.

Spank Manager

An unpublished, pornographic novelette. This was deposited in the British Library during September 1994.

now showing at a cinema near you

This was published anonymously and “in the Public Interest” at the end of September 1994.

YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! published in Final conflict, issue 6, undated but circa October 1994.

This article appeared on page 7; it is a reprint of the Candour article (by Nick Griffin) which appeared earlier in the year. Again uncredited.

HELP EXPOSE GABLE’S LIE MACHINE published in the RUNE, issue 9, undated but circa October 1994, page 5.

A small piece, more of an advertisement really, plugging Yours Truly’s Searchlight exposes. Written by Nick Griffin.

‐ The Truth About Harry Bidney And
The 62 Group Laid Bare
Further Documentation On The Lies And Libels Of
“Searchlight” Head Honcho Gerry Gable

2nd Edition
Revised, Expanded And Updated

Published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (October 15, 1994). 19 pages.

This covers Gable’s ongoing libels against Colin Jordan up until August 1994. Doesn’t the little twat ever read any of my publications?

Four undated press releases for the Irving exposé:

Revising Irving for the far right
Unmasking Irving for the mainstream press
and Local author exposes Nazi historian; David Irving perjury allegations in Canada, and linked to mysterious sex attacks in London for the local press.

All are one-sided A4 and the first three are illustrated with a pornographic cartoon of the aspiring Führer. All these were mailed out Friday, October 14, 1994. Undated press release for the Searchlight exposé Jew-haters...; a one sided sheet A4, headed New, indispensable guide to racism and fascism in schools

Jewish Ritual Murder:
Anti-Semitic Fabrication or Urban Legend?

Published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (1994).

Second Edition published October 15, 1994.

This is not much different from the First Edition.

The Menace Of “Anti-Fascism”:
Behind The Rhetoric Of AFA
, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, (October 15, 1994). 22 pages.

Uncredited but written by Yours Truly.

JEW-HATERS, BLACK-HATERS, VIOLENT CRIMINALS, HYPOCRITES, AND LIARS CONDEMNED OUT OF THEIR OWN MOUTHS: A Guide For Teachers And Educators To The Criminal Conspiracy Known As The Searchlight Organisation, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (October 15, 1994). 26 pages.

Another of Yours Truly’s diplomatically titled exposes of the sweepings of the ghetto.

Click here for a PDF scan of the 2nd Edition (on the Internet Archive).

Baron v Gable, High Court, Appeal Against Decision Of Master Trench To Strike Out Better Part Of Writ And To Award Costs Against The Plaintiff Forthwith, Heard By Mrs Justice Smith, Court 14, Wednesday, September 14, 1994. 8 pages.

I decided to preserve my pleading for posterity. This was deposited in the Copyright Libraries.

Al’s publications get three mentions in Spearhead, No. 308 OCTOBER 1994, page 14

Herein appears an advertisement for Steven Books which includes The Gift Of Ramu, while on page 17 appear two advertisments for anti-Searchlight publications, one of which comments: “...after this exposure of Gable’s lies, the author was assaulted at his home by a group of thugs – what an amazing coincidence!”

The cross on the above scan is down to Taha, one of his unfortunate trademarks.

The Gift of RAMU, by Alexander Baron, Second edition 1994, Printed and Published by Steven Books, ISBN 1-899435-00-X.

This runs to 43 pages and has a front cover which is not attributable to me. On the back page are some advertisements for other Steven Books publications.

The exact date of publication is unknown but see the entry for the Spearhead advertisement above.

ITMA And Anglo-Hebrew Publishing Publications List dated October 15, 1994. Now running to five A4 pages.

Also an “abridged” version of the above running to a mere three pages.

THE GREAT COMBAT 18 HOAX: Six months ago, “Searchlight’s” Gerry Gable created a bogus Nazi paramilitary group with which to frighten the tabloids and enhance his own tarnished image among the British Left. At the time, “Combat 18” was a figment of Wee Gerry’s paranoid imagination....but today? American National Socialist HAROLD A. COVINGTON analyzes the evolution of a daring hoax and the bizarre motives of the man behind it

A four page article covering Gable/Combat 18 and myself. Full of errors – and probably a few lies – but much more believable than the dross Gable churns out. Gable is not of the Jewish faith, he is older than suggested, and Yours Truly was not raided by Special Branch. When and where this article was published is yet to be established.

THE CHURCHILL PAPERS: Revising The Revisionists, Unmasking Irving, by Alexander Baron and Mark Taha, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (October 15, 1994). 150 pages.

This is actually two books in one; the second written entirely by yours truly.

Errata slip for The Churchill Papers, dated October 21, 1994.

Turning up the Heat: MI5 after the Cold War, by Larry O’Hara, published by Phoenix Press, (1994). 96 pages. No index.

More of Mr O’Hara’s nonsense. According to a press release by his publisher dated 24 October 1994, this book claims that Harold Covington may be (not is) an FBI asset. And that MI5 are trying to turn Combat 18 into a pseudo-gang. (There is a question mark on the end of this). Not a few mentions of the Searchlight team in the book itself, but although he makes a few interesting points, O’Hara refuses point blank to face the facts either about Gable or those wonderful people who gave you Sabra and Shatila.

Yours Truly gets a mention in a footnote on page 73. For the record, I was not raided by Special Branch.

Eysenck And The Nazis gets a glowing mention in a list of recommended publications in the Oct/Nov. 1994 issue of Liverpool Newsletter.

The Gift Of Ramu gets a very brief mention in Liverpool Newsletter, December 1994, issue 415, page 3.

This issue arrived with the issue for October/November!

The entire issue was uploaded to the Internet Archive on August 22, 2024.

Here is an alternative link.

The Postman only knocks...

This is a report in issue 17 of Sting, from (apparently) the centre pages. I presume it was published October 1994.

JEW-HATERS, BLACK-HATERS, VIOLENT CRIMINALS, HYPOCRITES, AND LIARS CONDEMNED OUT OF THEIR OWN MOUTHS: A Guide For Teachers And Educators To The Criminal Conspiracy Known As The Searchlight Organisation, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (November 1994). 2nd Edition. 28 pages.

This is not much different from the first edition but has a minor correction in a footnote and a bit more information on the first incarnation of the Searchlight Organisation based on Companies House documents.

Think Right, Leftie: Don’t Pay For Gable’s Libels

This is a sheet of A4 sent out to left wing bookshops, apparently, and published by “Someone who has no connection with Larry O’Hara...” Published mid-November 1994. Couple of minor typos in it: ie a comma in the wrong place and “county” instead of “country”, but who am I to correct somebody else’s bad grammar?

Al’s anti-Gable literature gets a lengthy mention in the Book Reviews column on page 12 of The CRUSADER, issue 3. Apparently undated but my copy arrived mid-November 1994.

According to Searchlight, December 1994, page 6, the HILL STREET NEWS COLUMN, 1 “Back in London an even nastier surprise awaited the Holocaust revisionist. A libellous and untrue booklet that accuses him of all sorts of sexual misdemeanours is being circulated far and wide. I expect Irving to take immediate legal action upon his return from North America.”

In the first place, it’s not a booklet but a book. In the second place, if only it were being circulated far and wide. In the third place, some of the acts described therein are hardly misdemeanours. In the fourth, would I lie to you?

BRUTAL ATTACK ON ‘PATRIOT’ EDITOR, by Alex James, published in British Patriot, December 1994, issue 11, page 5.

Al gets a mention here as a “Jewish libertarian and free-lance”; also quotes from the Sting, Autumn 1994 issue, which is itself a reprint from Candour.

Al gets a mention or two in Lobster, December 1994, issue 28.

This is the real Lobster.

On page 1 Ramsay mentions that I ended up in hospital after attacking Searchlight.
On page 27 in an article “Searchlight” yet again, Editors! Are You Being Fed A Load Of Bullshit? is cited (page 32 – which doesn’t exist!) and my name is misspelt!

Alexander Baron: Miscellaneous Unpublished Shorter Non-Fiction, Volume Two

Deposited in the Copyright Libraries, December 1994. This one runs to 27 pages and is mainly computer-orientated. It includes a feature on the Fast Fiction Network, my interview with Hugo Cornwall, and a feature on the PC Independent User Group.

THE WHITE BROTHERS LETTERS is a collection of documents received from Michael Newland in 1995 and deposited in the Copyright Libraries by Yours Truly the following year. It is not an ITMA publication as such and has never been either offered for sale or distributed.

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