An article by Linda Miller in the May 1994 issue of the British National Party magazine Spearhead referred to the homosexual conspiracy. Some people, including fascists and their fellow travellers, see conspiracies everywhere, or, more accurately, they use an unfortunate malapropism which weakens their case by allowing their detractors to portray them as bigots and cranks. A conspiracy is by definition a plot by two or more parties to carry out something illegal and in secret. There is no homosexual conspiracy because the organised homosexual movement is exactly that, well organised, as well as both legal and overt. Its real agenda, although hidden, is but thinly camouflaged, and will be revealed to anyone who reads between the lines of its hate-filled screeds, in particular the 1979 gay liberation front manifesto and the far more bellicose contemporary pronouncements which emanate freely from the homosexual press and from pressure groups such as OutRage.
As stated, the organised homosexual movement is a legal movement, as indeed it should be in a truly free society. But homosexuals are not content simply to drown in their own poison, they want to poison the minds of their fellow men, and of our children. Your children. And they are not content simply with poisoning their minds, they want their right to do this enshrined in law.
In 1976, a man named Robert Relf fell foul of the law when he advertised his house for sale to an English (white) family only in contravention of the so-called Race Relations Act. He erected a sign on private property – his own – and when he refused to take it down by order of the court, the state threw him into gaol. Exactly how this sort of behaviour is supposed to create “racial harmony” rather than racial hatred remains to be seen. Needless to say the so-called “anti-racist” movement crowed over this “victory” against racism. The “anti-racist” hysteria has gone even farther than that, and ordinary, decent working people have been terrified into towing the line with this increasingly fascistic legislation on fear of not just legal sanction but social ostracism, media harassment, and, on occasion, naked terror.
Give some people an inch and they take a mile, no more so than Organised Jewry whose fascistic representatives the “defence committee” of the Board of Deputies of “British” Jews are constantly clamouring for ever more repressive “anti-hate” legislation in the erroneous belief that by destroying free speech and dissent they will stop people hating Jews. (51) Sinister as this is, far, far more sinister is the prospect of anti-hate legislation enacted to “protect” homosexuals. In April 1992, the current writer attended a Libertarian Alliance conference on the misnamed subject of gay “rights” at which the aforementioned Peter Tatchell demanded special anti-discrimination legislation and monitoring as outlined in the gay liberation front manifesto.
The “race relations” lobby: Organised Jewry, immigrant groups and communist/socialist activists, have used every dirty trick under the sun to impose their agendas on the British people. (52) In particular they have created a problem where there was no problem, and, needless to say, this “problem” grows consistently worse as more and more repressive legislation is passed.
In the not-too-distant future we can expect the organised homosexual movement, using similar tactics, to lobby for the following:
Pervert quotas – demands that a minimum percentage of homosexuals be employed in certain professions and institutions. Nurseries perhaps.
Adoption rights – already an issue.
Anti-hate legislation – making it a criminal offence to use words “in a manner that would be likely to incite hatred against homosexuals”. Such as describing them as vectors of disease and reservoirs of filth, as they surely are. Or perhaps merely suggesting that they are more likely than normal people to spread AIDS. In December 1986, the controversial Chief Constable of Greater Manchester James Anderton referred to promiscuous homosexuals (and others) as swirling around in a cesspit of their own making. As indeed they are. Such phrases used against ethnic minorities are already illegal. (53) Just as words such as “nigger”, “wog” and “coon” have become taboo, even on pain of prosecution, so might words such as “queer”, “faggot”, or even “sodomite”.
More and more repressive censorship.
More and more taxpayers’ and ratepayers’ money to be spent on subsidising and promoting their perversion. Again, this is old hat, but the limits of your money funding their filth are constrained only by their imaginations. Which, as anyone who has studied homosexual practices will realise, put most science fiction writers to shame.
The misnamed anti-fascist movement has succeeded in furthering undemocratic programmes primarily by creating a totally mythical fascist menace, a menace which is so terrible that fascists are denied, on this pretext, any platform, the right to distribute, or to publish their literature, or even the right to hold meetings on private property. In addition to this, fascists are lied about by the press, smeared, traduced in the most shocking manner, singled out for violence by more extremist groups, and hounded from their jobs. All this is justified on the pretext that the “gas chambers” which the fascists have lined up for Britain’s blacks, Asians and Jews must be averted whatever the cost. In reality, the cure – anti-fascism – is worse than the disease.
It should be noted that it is not only fascists but their fellow travellers who have increasingly been victimised by these hate campaigns. The list has been quietly extended to include racists, in reality anyone who is opposed, however mildly, to unrestricted immigration, forced race-mixing or absolute collectivism. An attempt was also made by the misnamed feminist movement to include sexists. And, of course, many people who are branded fascists are in reality neither fascists nor fascist sympathisers. Make no mistake, it is the organised homosexual movement’s primary goal to add homophobes to the list of fascist fellow travellers, and thereby to shut up and shut down the opposition to the spread of their cancer throughout society, in particular, to the young.
Most people who have leant their support to the cause of anti-fascism have done so because they have been wilfully misled by the anti-fascist movement’s skillful propaganda machine, and frightened with lurid stories about gas chambers ad nauseum. Similarly, very many people who are neither homosexual nor sympathetic to homosexuality have leant their support to the concept of gay “rights” simply because they have been misled and frightened by the organised homosexual movement’s equally skillful propaganda. The organised homosexual movement is not fighting for the rights of homosexuals, it is fighting to destroy individual rights. Yours. In short, it is yet another feisty, and at times vicious, minority, which has already gained massive support in a quid pro quo with its equally undemocratic fellow travellers, and by lobbying vociferously. Again, the noisy, tiresome members of the organised homosexual movement are not fighting for their own rights, but to destroy yours. Whether or not they succeed, depends on you.
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