Notes And References

(1) Also known as the Lachout Document or Müller-Lachout Document (or Dokument).
(2) The Holocaust ON TRIAL: THE CASE OF ERNST ZUNDEL, by Robert Lenski, published by Reporter Press, Decatur, Alabama, (1990), page 274.
(3) The wailing and gnashing of teeth theoretical journal of the London-based Institute of Jewish Affairs, (recently renamed Jewish Policy Research).
(4) Ernst Zundel was dragged into court by Organised Jewry in 1985 and was convicted of “spreading false news”. In spite of his conviction, both Zundel and Holocaust Revisionism emerged from the trial clear winners, and at least one leading Jewish mischief-maker lamented publicly that the trial had ever taken place. Because of errors of law in the first trial, Zundel was retried in 1988, and again convicted. Undaunted, he appealed, and in 1992 his conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court of Canada.
(5) THE LACHOUT “DOCUMENT” ANATOMY OF A FORGERY, by Brigitte Bailer-Galanda, Wilhelm Lasek, Wolfgang Neugebauer and Gustav Spann, published by the Austrian Resistance Archives, Vienna, (1990). Presumably this was published as a pamphlet or research paper, but to the best of my knowledge it is available in English only on-line from The Nizkor Project, a grandly titled Electronic Holocaust Educational Resource (Anonymous ftp: Nizkor Web:
(6) I will not name them for obvious reasons, but anyone who is familiar with the Zundel trials will know who they are.
(7) The Lachout Document has already found its way into the Revisionist literature in Britain. The 30th September, 1995 issue of On Target [the bulletin of the British League of Rights] contains a lengthy article called A PERSPECTIVE OF THE HOLOCAUST, by Dr Kitty Little, * which cited this, and much other, nonsense. Dr Little is a highly intelligent and extremely erudite woman, but she is also a fellow traveller of Lady Birdwood * and is cut from the same cloth. To date I have written to the publisher of On Target no less than three times asking him to disown the Lachout Document; all my letters have been ignored.
* Now deceased.
(8) The original phrase is “Individual liberty has been put on a higher plane than the sensitivities of those who have suffered some of the worst abuses of the twentieth century”, and comes from the book The Holocaust and the Liberal Imagination (subtitled A Social and Cultural History). Its author, Dr Anthony Kushner, is a Director of the so-called Searchlight Education Trust, and perhaps the most vile of all the current crop of whining and wailing Jewish academics.
(9) UFOs The Public Deceived, by Philip J. Klass, published by Prometheus Books, Buffalo, New York, (1983), page 282.
(10) The original quote is “no scientist should discard data simply because he doesn’t like it.” This was written - apparently - by J. Allen Hynek in the August 1976 issue of UFO Report [cited by Philip Klass in UFOs The Public Deceived, page 270, (ibid)].
(11) In Germany, challenging the perceived wisdom of the Holocaust is now a criminal offence punishable by up to five years in prison, thanks mainly to the influence of those poor, persecuted, POWERLESS people.
(12) I say poorly researched not in a deprecatory sense; the author(s) Richard Harwood (ie Richard Verrall - and his collaborators?) were forced to work from mainly secondary material: no research fellowships, bursaries and university presses for them. Or us!
(13) Aka Joseph Ginsburg. Burg gave evidence for the defence at the aforementioned second Zundel Trial.
(14) Anne Frank may not have inked that famous diary, by Al Fredericks, published in the New York Post of October 9, 1980.
(15) Its full title is THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK The Critical Edition, Prepared by the Netherlands State Institute for War Documentation Introduced by HARRY PAAPE, GERROLD VAN DER STROOM AND DAVID BARNOUW With a summary of the report by the State Forensic Science Laboratory of the Ministry of Justice compiled by H.J.J. HARDY Edited by DAVID BARNOUW AND GERROLD VAN DER STROOM Translated by Arnold J. Pomerans and B. M. Mooyaart-Doubleday, published by Viking, London, (1989). It runs to 719 pages.
(16) DENYING the HOLOCAUST: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, by Deborah E. Lipstadt, published by the Free Press, New York, (1993), page 231.
(17) DENYING the HOLOCAUST: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, by Deborah E. Lipstadt, published by Penguin, London, (1994). 2nd Edition “with a New Preface by the Author”, page 232. [For some bizarre reason - which now eludes me - I have used both the hardback and the second (paperback) edition of this book here].
(18) It is a great pity that most survivors’ “memoirs” do not show such editorial restraint; many of them are full of the most outrageous calumnies and inventions.
(19) Lipstadt, Denying The Holocaust, [2nd edition], pages 230-1, (op cit).
(20) Lipstadt, Denying The Holocaust, [1st edition], page 235, (op cit). This refers to all the Revisionists’ claims.
(21) Lipstadt, Denying The Holocaust, [2nd edition], page 230, (op cit).
(22) Gies made this claim in Anne Frank Remembered, an Oscar winning documentary shown on BBC2 on Easter Monday, 1996. Doubtless this account is both truthful and accurate. A while ago I received an E-Mail from Bradley Smith who claimed that Gies had lied in this documentary, (about something else). I asked him to be more specific but Smith - a notoriously unreliable correspondent - failed to reply.
(23) The Murderers Among Us, by Simon Wiesenthal, Edited, with a profile of the author, by Joseph Wechsberg, published by Heinemann, London, (1967), page 165.
(24) Lipstadt, Denying The Holocaust, [2nd edition], page 232, (op cit).
(25) The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century, by A.R. Butz, published by Historical Review Press, Brighton, Sussex, Second Edition, (1977), page 37.
(26) See entry for FRANK, ANNE, in the ENCYCLOPEDIA of the HOLOCAUST, published by Macmillan, New York, (1990), Volume 2, pages 519-24.
(27) Zlata’s Diary: A Child’s Life in Sarajevo, was first published in France in 1993.
(28) Author casts doubt on Sarajevo’s ’Anne Frank’, published in the Times, March 28, 1994, page 1.
(29) FLASHPOINT: Kristallnacht 1938 Instigators, Victims and Beneficiaries, by Ingrid Weckert, Foreword by Wilfred Oven, published by the Institute for Historical Review, Costa Mesa, California, (1991), page 7. (This quote is actually attributed to Wilfred Oven, an old Nazi).
(30) Degrelle’s obituary appeared in the London Times on April 2, 1994; the first issue of The Barnes Review is dated October 1994.
(31) I have dealt with this “Hitler was the Jews’ best friend” nonsense in considerable depth elsewhere; the interested reader is referred to my pamphlet Bringing History Into Accord With The Facts: The Carto Way..., published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, (September 1995).
(32) Called UNLAWFUL GOVERNMENT RAIDS, they are dated September 5 and September 10, 1995 respectively.
(33) It never ceases to amaze me that people find it necessary to lie about Organised Jewry when the unvarnished truth is so grotesque.
(34) In 1994, in a letter to the current writer, a South African politician made the point that “It is standard leftist practice in South Africa to associate nationalism with fascism and from there with anti-semitism, and to present this as the argument against which there is no argument.” He hit the nail bang on the head; this is in fact standard leftist practice the world over, although for some reason the “nationalism” of the IRA and other Marxist murderers always seems to be exempt from the far left’s hate campaigns.
(35) There are innumerable examples of this, the sickest of which is probably still THE CASE AGAINST IMMIGRATION CONTROLS - SOCIALIST WORKER POCKET PAMPHLET NO. 6, published by Socialist Worker, London, (c1978). According to this pamphlet, Britain has been on “the road to Dachau” since 1962.
(36) The German Empire was founded as recently as January 18, 1871, but I am referring here to the perversion of constitutional law in general rather than to the laws of a particular state. The British system of individual rights has its origins in Magna Carta, (1215); the perversion of the rule of law in Britain under pressure from noisy, vociferous “minority” pressure groups in recent years is a wonder to behold.
(37) The police held onto his property for eighteen months. Because they carried out a search and seizure far beyond the terms of the (outdated) warrant, and because he is a persistent type, Jordan was able to sue the police, (and settled out of court for a five figure sum). Most people wouldn’t be able to do this.
(38) Another good example is that of the Public Order Act; originally introduced in 1936, allegedly to combat the “fascist menace” of Sir Oswald Mosley, this and other provisions against “public disorder” have targeted young people organising “raves”, football fans, and an increasingly broader spectrum of leftist activity, including legitimate public protests and demonstrations.
(39) See the lengthy article A Second American Revolution? by Anthony Furlong, published in Free Life, April 1995, issue 22, pages 4-6, which contains an analysis of this and related horror stories.
(40) I saw this report. This guy undoubtedly deserved all he got and more, but that is hardly the point. Curiously, I could find no mention of this important case in either the Times or the Financial Times.
(41) Halsbury’s Statutes of England and Wales, Criminal Law, Volume 12, Fourth Edition, published by Butterworths, London, (1994 Reissue), page 1044.
(42) For a concise discussion of financial tyranny and other Orwellian practices in place now and in the pipeline, the reader is referred to the excellent pamphlet A LIBERTARIAN CONSERVATIVE CASE AGAINST IDENTITY CARDS, by Sean Gabb, published by the Libertarian Alliance, London, (1994). The author is the editor of Britain’s leading Libertarian journal, Free Life.
(43) This actually dates back to the Bank Secrecy Act of 1972. “Banks must file a Currency Transaction Report (CTR) with the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) relative to each cash transaction of $10,000 or more, except when the transaction involves another financial institution or a customer with an account where such an amount was commensurate with the customary conduct of the business.” [TRACING NARCO-DOLLARS: THE EVOLUTION OF A POTENT WEAPON IN THE DRUG WAR, by P. O’Brien, published in INTER-AMERICAN LAW REVIEW, 21:3, (1990), pages 637-77. This quote appears on page 641].
(44) O’Brien, TRACING NARCO-DOLLARS, pages 641-2, (ibid). This does not apply to financial institutions or to “common carriers”; the amount was raised from $5,000 to $10,000 in 1984.
(45) In the early days it was far from obligatory for the courts to rubber stamp Nazi Party decrees, and the courts often gave decisions in favour of Jews in financial and other disputes. For proof of this the reader is referred to the study of contemporary reports in the Jewish Chronicle in the current writer’s book HOLOCAUST DENIAL: NEW NAZI LIE or NEW INQUISITION?, pages 17-22.
(46) In 1939, an anonymous author wrote that “It is claimed that the Jewish refugees who have arrived in this country have not displaced British workpeople, but by setting up new industries here have actually given jobs to 15,000 British workers. If this is so, then those who have arrived here could not have been as poor as refugees are usually described.” [Britain’s Jewish Problem, by M.G. Murchin, published by Hurst and Blackett, London, (1939), page 48. Murchin is actually a pseudonym; even at the height of the Nazi persecution, many people were afraid of being smeared as “anti-Semitic”].
(47) Ironically, the Jewish-led Socialist Workers Party is known less for its love of Israel than for its equating Zionism with Nazism.
(48) Ever the small ‘d’; one particularly stroppy Jewish Exterminationist insists on calling us “revisionazis”.
(49) The full credits are TRUTH PREVAILS: Demolishing Holocaust Denial: the end of “The Leuchter Report”, Edited by Shelly Shapiro, published by the Beate Klarsfeld Foundation and Holocaust Survivors & Friends in Pursuit of Justice, New York & Albany, (1990).
(50) Shapiro herself confirms the witch hunt of Leuchter when she boasts that a group of “survivors” and assorted riff-raff had turned up to jeer at a court appearance in which Leuchter had been charged with the fraudulent practice of engineering. This court appearance was also arranged by Shapiro and her ilk.
(51) The book’s title promises far more than it delivers, but Shapiro is extremely candid about the harassment Leuchter suffered at the hands of these poor, persecuted, powerless people. For a more objective assessment of Fred Leuchter, including his supposedly fraudulent practice of engineering, the reader is referred to THE EXECUTION PROTOCOL, by Stephen Trombley, published by Century/Random House, London, (1993).
(52) Spin time for Hitler..., by Gitta Sereny, published in The Observer: the Review, April 21, 1996, pages 1-2. By ‘we’, presumably she means herself and her husband. Sereny is married to a photographer; her real name is Honeyman.
(53) Sereny is actually one of the more honest of the Court Historians, and has - albeit for largely pragmatic reasons - taken to task both other historians and Jews for being, respectively, gullible, and liberal with untruths about the Final Solution. See in particular her excellent (Revisionist?) article The men who whitewash Hitler, which appeared in the New Statesman as long ago as November 2, 1979.
(54) Butz, Hoax Of The Twentieth Century, page 173, (op cit).
(55) Belzec, Sobibor, and - the most notorious - Treblinka.
(56) AUSCHWITZ: A Report on the Proceedings Against Robert Karl Ludwig Mulka and Others Before the Court at Frankfurt, by Bernd Naumann, Translated by Jean Steinberg, With An Introduction by Hannah Arendt, published by Pall Mall Press, London, (1966), page xiii.
(57) Naumann, Auschwitz, page xiv, (ibid).
(58) Naumann, Auschwitz, pages 416-7, (ibid).
(59) The testimony of Gentile survivors is every bit as unreliable - and in many cases as unbelievable - as that of Jews.
(60) Not the Nazis. Make sure though that you never use the word Jews when referring to the Zionists!
(61) THEIR CRIMES SHALL NOT GO UNPUNISHED, by M. Michalowska, published in The Polish Review, VOL IV. No 40. OCT. 25, 1944, page 3. The Polish Review was published by Polish Review Publishing Co, with the assistance of the Police Government Information Center, New York. It was a big, glossy, bi-weekly magazine and was obviously heavily subsidised.
(62) GERMAN CRIMES IN POLAND, published by the Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, Warsaw, VOL I. (1946), page 96.
(64) Sehn, Concentration camp OSWIECIM-BRZEZINKA..., page 147, (ibid).
(65) For documentation on this and on the lies about Dachau spread by Organised Jewry in Britain the reader is referred to the current writer’s pamphlet WHY BRITAIN’S POLICE AREN’T WORTH A JEWISH FINGERNAIL..., published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, Second Edition, (May 1996).
(66) There are different translations of the name of this Commission, [see also 62 & 63 above].
(67) AUSCHWITZ: Technique and operation of the gas chambers, by Jean-Claude Pressac, Translated from the French by Peter Moss, Preface by Beate and Serge Klarsfeld, published by the Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, New York, (1989), page 49. LICRA is the self-styled International League against Racism and “Anti-Semitism”.

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