Harbinger Of The Coming Repression

Selected Bibliography


All England Law Reports, (selected).
Allen, Gary with Abraham, Larry: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, published by Concord Press, Seal Beach, California, Third printing, (April, 1972).
Baron, Alexander: Freedom Under Socialism?, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (May 1996).
Baron, Alexander: GLOBAL SELF-DECEPTION: A Critique Of Milton William Cooper’s “Behold A Pale Horse”, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (May 1996).
Baron, Alexander: POISON ON THE RATES: What the people of the London Borough of Hackney should know about the Centerprise Trust, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, 2nd Edition, (1996).
Baron, Alexander: WHY BRITAIN’S POLICE AREN’T WORTH A JEWISH FINGERNAIL BY THE RIGHT HONOURABLE GERALD KAUFMAN MP AND THE LEADERS OF THE ANGLO-JEWISH ESTABLISHMENT: The shocking truth about how public money is used to incite the murders of policemen with the approval of Gerald Kaufman MP, Bindman & Partners (solicitors), “Searchlight” magazine and the “Jewish Chronicle” newspaper, 2nd Edition, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (1996).
Barry, Dave: A Retiring Sort of Guy, published in the International Herald Tribune, March 8-9, 1997, page 22.
Bevan, Robert: Bookshop denies funding right-wing pamphlet, published in The Big Issue, January 15-21, issue 164, page 24.
British Medical Journal, August 31, 1996.
Birn, Ruth Bettina (principal author): REVISING THE HOLOCAUST, published in THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL, published by Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (March 1997), pages 195-215.
Broers, Alec: Choices for tomorrow’s chips, published in the New Scientist, No 1817, 18 April ’92, pages 23-7.
Bullock, John, and Morris, Harvey: SADDAM’S WAR: “The Origins of the Kuwait Conflict and the International Response”, published by Faber & Faber, London, (1991).
Butz, A.R: The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century, published by Historical Review Press, Brighton, Sussex, Second Edition, (1977).
Clay, Lucius D.: DECISION IN GERMANY, published by William Heinemann, London, (1950).
Cohn, Norman: WARRANT FOR GENOCIDE: The myth of the Jewish world-conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, published by Eyre and Spottiswoode, London, (1967).
Cole, George F.: The American System Of Criminal Justice, Seventh Edition, published by Wadsworth Publishing Company, London, (1995).
Cooper, Milton William: “BEHOLD A PALE HORSE”, published by Light Technology, Sedona, AZ, (1991).
Delgado, Jose M.R.: PHYSICAL CONTROL OF THE MIND “Toward a Psychocivilized Society”, paperback edition published by Harper Colophon Books Harper & Row, New York, (1971).
Dunelm, Herbert, Bishop of Durham: (Introduction by): THE YELLOW SPOT: the outlawing of half a million human beings..., published by Victor Gollancz, London (1936).
Encyclopedia Americana, (selected).
Evans, Timothy: CONSERVATIVE RADICALISM: “A Sociology of Conservative Party Youth Structures and Libertarianism 1970-1992”, published by Berghahn Books, Oxford, (1996).
Fraley, Oscar, (see under Ness, Eliot).
Gabb, Sean: Against Identity Cards, Political Notes No. 105, published by the Libertarian Alliance, London, (1995).
Gilbey, Emma: THE LADY: The Life and Times of Winnie Mandela, published by Jonathan Cape, London, (1993).
Ginsberg, Benjamin: The Fatal Embrace: JEWS AND THE STATE, published by University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, (1993).
Gleick, Elizabeth: Police Forces Stand Accused: Scandalous disclosures in Philadelphia and Los Angeles focus attention on charges of corruption and brutality, published in TIME INTERNATIONAL, September 11, 1995, VOL. 146, NO. 11, pages 40-2.
Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah: Hitler’s Willing Executioners “Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust”, published by Little, Brown, London, (March 1996).
Halsbury’s Statutes of England and Wales, Fourth Edition, published by Butterworths, London, (1994 Reissue).
Hansard (House of Commons), June 24, 1996.
Icke, David: “and the truth shall set you free: The most explosive book of the 20th Century”, published by Bridge of Love, Ryde, Isle of Wight, (1995).
Icke, David: In The Light of Experience: The Autobiography of DAVID ICKE, published by Warner Books, London, (1993).
Inquire Within, (pseudonym): The Trail of the Serpent, published by Boswell, London, (1936).
Jackson, Linda: Anti-theft chip will foil TV burglars, published in the Sunday Telegraph, July 13, 1997, page 13.
Jewish Chronicle, London, (selected issues).
Mansfield QC, Michael, and Wardle, Tony: PRESUMED GUILTY: The British Legal System Exposed, published by Heinemann, London, (1993).
Morris, Harvey: (see entry for Bullock).
Mosse, W.E.: Jews in the German Economy: The German-Jewish Economic Elite 1820-1935, published by Clarendon Press, Oxford, (1987).
Naeslund, Robert: BRANDED BY THE SECURITY POLICE, (undated, uncredited).
Naeslund, Robert: SAVAGES, SCIENCE and citations of BRAIN-COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY, (undated, uncredited).
Ness, Eliot (and Fraley, Oscar): THE UNTOUCHABLES, published by Pan, London, (1960).
New Catholic Encyclopedia, published by McGraw-Hill, San Francisco & London, (1967).
No Mercy for Racists, published in American Renaissance, September 1992, page 10.
O’Hara, Larry: Turning up the Heat: MI5 after the Cold War, published by Phoenix Press, London, (1994).
Orwell, George: Nineteen Eighty-Four, published by Penguin Books, London, (1990).
Quigley, Carroll: TRAGEDY AND HOPE: A History of THE WORLD in Our Time, Second Printing, Angriff Press, Los Angeles, (1974).
Regina v Baron, Southwark Crown Court, April 22-May 1, 1997, (selected papers).
Roize, Ron: HERSCHEL GRYNSZPAN: THE FATE OF A FORGOTTEN ASSASSIN, published in HOLOCAUST AND GENOCIDE STUDIES: An International Journal, Volume 1, Number 2, 1986, pages 217-28.
Searchlight magazine, London, (selected issues).
Sereny, Gitta: Spin time for Hitler..., published in The Observer: the Review, April 21, 1996, pages 1-2.
Stalker, John: Stalker, published by Harrap, London, (1988).
Sun newspaper, London, (selected issues).
Supple, Carrie: From Prejudice To Genocide Learning about the Holocaust, published by Trentham Books, Stoke-on-Trent, (1993).
Times including Sunday Times, (selected issues).
Wardle, Tony: (see under Mansfield).
Wynn Davies, Patricia: Anti-fascist articles prove rich pickings, published in the Independent, June 22, 1996, page 5.

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