Leroy Cool Meets The SWP At The London Riots


The racist, fascist capitalist system is in crisis.


Hmm, he doesn’t look like a wigger.


Comrades, we must all of us unite against the Tories and the bosses...


Oh, of course, a red.


...in the spirit of international solidarity.


Ah, a Trot.


The racist stop and search policies of the British police...


Just in case you wondered what I was doing in London, I’ve been back researching at Kew like last Summer.


...have led to the alienation of our black brothers.


Black brothers? Shit, those motherfuckers scare the crap out of me. Like I’m glad this isn’t my shop.



Or my car.



Let us all stand firm in solidarity with the oppressed minorities of Britain...


Hey Chris, I don’t think they heard you.



...to fight for a living wage for all, and full employment.


Sure thing, dude. I guess you’ve never heard of Major Douglas and Social Credit, huh?


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