Burn in Hell!


Die white bitch!


This young woman is said to have been beautiful; still think you’re beautiful under that burns mask, white trash?


Blonde and smiling, not smiling now, is she?


Another white bitch burns in Hell.


This one was a Jewess; two for the price of one!


Victim number 38, only fifty million to go.


That was one hell of a bus ride, eh Honky?


A real live Israeli – well, she was when this was taken.


You won’t be siring any white trash now, young man.


Bye, bye, white bird.


Smile for the camera, now die!


Eye, eye. Next time you won’t be so lucky.


Why so sad? Is it cos you is dead?


Don’t spill that drink, white bitch; it might be your last.


The four martyrs on camera.


Your host. That stupid white slag I married still doesn’t realise how much I despised her and her race.


Young man, the virgins await you in Heaven after you’ve sent the white trash to Hell.


This brother really had them fooled.


This was one of your tube trains; next time it will be an aircraft.


This is what we did to one London bus; pity you weren’t inside, Whitey.


Our humblest and sincerest apologies to all the innocent non-white peoples who died in these four acts of martyrdom and those that will surely follow, but in any war there will be collateral damage, and in this war it just happened to be you. Tough.

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