To the people of Britain, of England, and most especially to the people of London...
In the name of Allah, the Benificent, the Merciful...
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
We thank you England for giving the world William Wilberforce, the man who abolished slavery.
We thank you British Empire for bringing the rule of law to your colonies, for stamping out ritual murder in Africa, and thuggee in India.
We thank you for fighting leprosy and malaria, and for educating the great unwashed.
We thank you Britain for selling White Rhodesia down the river to the Marxist thug Robert Mugabe, and for giving asylum in your country to those of our black brothers he has tortured and oppressed.
We thank you Britain for giving us asylum, for granting one of our brothers British citizenship after he had served a five year gaol sentence for mugging your white trash in the streets so that he could repay your kindness and stupidity by planting a bomb on a London bus which unfortunately failed to explode.
We thank you Britain for giving us free healthcare.
We thank you Britain for awarding us housing benefit, and other benefits.
We thank you Britain for passing more and more repressive and Draconian laws making it a criminal offence for ordinary white Britons to speak out against the unwanted colonisation of your country, or our cohabiting with your women and diluting your gene pool while at the same time we bomb, maim and murder in order to rid our countries of you.
We thank you Britain for subsidising our breeding while at the same time you stupid people are quietly breeding out your own accursed race by birth control and mongrelisation for fear of being branded racist.
We thank you Britain for sending your troops to Bosnia to protect our brother Moslems.
We thank you Britain and London for protesting against and marching against Bush and Bliar’s invasion of Iraq and for organising the Stop The War Coalition.
We thank you Britain, Ireland and Bob Geldof for giving the world Band Aid, Live Aid, and Live 8.
We thank you Britain for giving us Major Derek and Mrs Pamela Cooper, the founders of Medical Aid For Palestinians. We thank you Britain and London for housing its headquarters and base.
We thank you Britain for founding Oxfam.
We thank you Britain for your enormous contribution to the Boxing Day Tsunami appeal.
We thank you England for giving the world Tim Berners-Lee, so that we may use his invention the WorldWideWeb to transfer funds and transmit instructions on the production of explosives to our brothers who will slaughter your kind in Britain, Europe and the Great Satan.
We thank you for all this and much more.
Click here to see an expression of our eternal thanks and gratitude.
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