Notes And References
(1) The END of RACISM “Principles for a Multiracial Society”, by Dinesh D’Souza, published by The Free Press, London, (1995), page 15.
(2) Or institutionalised racism.
(3) THE STEPHEN LAWRENCE INQUIRY, Cm 4262 - I & 4262 - II (Revised), published by HMSO, London, (February 1999).
(4) The definitive source on the origin, development and definition of most words in the English language.
(5) THE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY, Second Edition, published by Clarendon Press, Oxford, (1989), Volume XIII, page 74.
(6) A favourite quote of mine from a liberal academic, Professor Quigley: “British rule in the period 1858-1947 tied India together by railroads, roads, and telegraph
lines. It brought the country into contact with the Western world, and especially with world markets, by establishing a uniform system of money, steamboat connections with Europe by the Suez Canal,
cable connections throughout the world, and the use of English as the language of government and administration. Best of all, Britain established the rule of law, equality before the law, and a
tradition of judicial fairness to replace the older practice of inequality and arbitrary violence.”
(7) The earliest citation in the CD-ROM version of the Times Index which I consulted in November 2000 is actually for October 2, 1907, but this is a typo.
(8) Trotsky is sometimes portrayed by his Jewish detractors as a self-hating Jew (and by right wing cranks as something far more sinister). Whether or not the former is true, he certainly had no time for anything Jewish; as with most Communists, he was defined by ideology rather than by race.
(9) THE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION, by Leon Trotsky, Translated from the Russian by Max Eastman, published by Victor Gollancz, London, (1932).
In Volume 1: THE OVERTHROW OF CZARISM, the word “Racists” appears on page 27, a passing reference, spoken like an epithet, although the context is unclear, it is apparently not in a white/non-white context. The word Negro does not appear in the index and probably not in the entire treatise. The book’s index contains three references to Jews, and none at all to anti-Semitism.
(10) Oxford English Dictionary, Volume XIII, page 75.
(11) RACISM, by Magnus Hirschfeld, Translated and Edited by Eden and Cedar Paul, published by Victor Gollancz, London, (1938). The book was published in English; it was reprinted by Kennikat Press in 1973.
(12) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF Homosexuality, Edited by Wayne R. Dynes, published by Garland, New York and London, (1990), Volume 1, page 536.
(13) The above information was extracted from the INTRODUCTION (pages ix-xi) of WOMEN EAST AND WEST: IMPRESSIONS OF A SEX EXPERT, by Magnus Hirschfeld, published by William Heinemann (Medical Books), London, (1935).
(14) The Institute Of Sexual Science was ransacked by the Nazis on May 6, 1933, see Hirschfeld, Women East And West..., page xi, (ibid), also Jewish Chronicle, April 28, 2000, page 4.
(15) Dynes, Encyclopedia Of Homosexuality, Volume 1, page 538, (op cit). According to Hirschfeld’s book Women East And West..., page ix, (op cit), he started his “world tour” in 1930.
(16) The Times, October 6, 1920, page 9.
(17) The Times, October 12, 1920, page 9.
(18) The Times, October 13, 1920, page 9.
(19) Hirschfeld, Racism, page 57, (op cit).
(20) There is a question mark at the end of this sentence in the original.
(21) Or perhaps one should say their rhetoric is remarkably similar to his, as he preceded them by several decades.
(22) RACE AND REALITY: A SEARCH FOR SOLUTIONS, by Carlton Putnam, published by Public Affairs Press, Washington D.C, (1967), pages 23-4.
(23) SOUTH AFRICA WHITE AND BLACK - OR BROWN?, by Colonel P.A. Silburn, published by George Allen & Unwin, London, (1927).
(24) PROF. FRANZ BOAS, SCIENTIST, DIES, 84, published in the New York Times, (LATE CITY EDITION), December 22, 1942, page 25.
(25) Boas did in fact make outstanding contributions in his chosen field, in particular to the study of native American tribes, including the Esquimaux. He was also the founder of the International Journal Of American Linguistics.
(26) Putnam, Race And Reality, page 20, (op cit).
(27) THE BIOLOGY of the RACE PROBLEM, by Professor Wesley Critz George, published by Historical Review Press, Chapel Ascote, Ladbroke Southam, Warwickshire, (1980), page 60.
(28) NOT FREE TO DESIST: “The American Jewish Committee 1906-1966”, by Naomi W. Cohen, Introduction by Salo W. Baron, published by The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, (1972), page 176.
(29) Cohen, Not Free To Desist, page 181, (ibid).
(30) THE MYTH OF THE NEGRO PAST, by Melville J. Herskovits, published by Harper & Brothers, New York, (1941), page 30.
(31) The American black Libertarian Larry Elder calls this blaming the Great White Bigot.
(32) Race, Class, and Gender in the United States: An Integrated Study, Edited by Paula S. Rothenberg, Third Edition, published by St Martin’s Press, New York, (1995), page 66.
(33) The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry, Volume 1, page 20, (op cit).
(34) Ironically, “street blacks” especially in the United States, have long taken to calling each other nigger, a term which causes hysteria when used overtly by whites.
(35) Rothenberg, Race, Class, and Gender in the United States, page 67, (op cit).
(36) Rothenberg, Race, Class, and Gender in the United States, page 67, (ibid).
(37) Rothenberg, Race, Class, and Gender in the United States, pages 67-8, (ibid).
(38) Rothenberg, Race, Class, and Gender in the United States, page 68, (ibid).
(39) Rothenberg, Race, Class, and Gender in the United States, page 66, (ibid).
(40) ECONOMICS OF RACISM U.S.A. Roots of Black Inequality, by Victor Perlo, published by International Publishers, New York, (1975), page 9. The Foreword to this book was written by Henry Winston, National Chairman of the Communist Party U.S.A.
(41) Along with prostitution, slavery is one of the world’s oldest institutions. Although it often had a tribal basis, race has never been a necessary element of slavery; for example, blacks have owned black slaves, including in the United States.
In Britain and its colonies, slavery has often gone by other names; many indentured servants were little more than slaves, and up until fairly recently large numbers of human beings were in effect chattels who could be disposed of according to a master’s or the state’s whim. This applied even in England, Magna Carta notwithstanding. Finally, although slavery has long been officially outlawed in the white world, it still exists in many non-white nations to this day; white people have long been in the forefront of the fight against slavery, and remain so.
(42) The report is dated 4 July 1961 and can be found in file CO1031/3452; the citations are from document 1/E1 and document 1/E2 respectively.
(43) ARE YOU Politically Correct? “Debating America’s Cultural Standards”, Edited by Francis J. Beckwith & Michael E. Bauman, published by Prometheus Books, Buffalo, New York, (1993), page 10. On page 12 the source for this definition is given as Are You Politically Correct?, by John Taylor, published in the New York magazine, January 21, 1991, page 34.
(44) More accurately, this reference should be to the individual members of such a group, because groups - racial or otherwise - do not have beliefs, although many, most or all members of a group may share the same belief(s).
(45) THE DEATH LOBBY How the West Armed Iraq, by Kenneth R. Timmerman, published by Fourth Estate, London, (1992), page 27.
(46) D’Souza, The End Of Racism, page 544, (op cit).
(47) In 1998, the Pakistan Welfare Association warned against the continuing influx of “asylum-seekers” into the country because “Britain cannot sustain such huge burdens of public spending for so long, and it will have serious impact on race relations in the country...” The organisation’s secretary Mohammed Khokhar opined thus: “Many of us believe that this country is being taken advantage of...” *
The following year, in a national tabloid, a correspondent opined that “OUR Government should be tough with illegal immigrants who are spoiling relations between locals and legally-settled immigrants in Britain.
Let the people who settled here under the previous and present Government live with dignity and respect.” **
Although opinions such as the above seldom find their way into print, they are not infrequently heard in ordinary conversation.
* Ethnic group urges curb on immigration, published in the Croydon Advertiser, July 17, 1998, page 11.
** Time to crack down on UK’s Balkan refugees a letter from Dharam Sahdeve, published in the Sun, August 23, 1999, page 28.
(48) And even truly fabulous wealth may not be sufficient in some cases, as a certain Mr Al-Fayed found out. While the British government dishes out passports left, right and centre to all manner of supposed asylum-seekers and refugees, many of whom bring their host nation nothing but trouble, it has stoically refused to bestow British citizenship on this flamboyant and colourful entrepreneur.
(49) See for example Asian Times, March 16 1999, No. 826, page 12 which reports that Bangladesh is being ruined by some 450,000 refugees and is attempting to repatriate them to India and Pakistan, but with no luck.
(50) Two examples will suffice from Socialist Worker, the newspaper of the rabidly Trotskyite Socialist Workers Party.
According to the April 20, 1996 issue: “The notion that there are different ‘races’ of people has no basis in scientific fact.” Just as fantastically the paper claimed that “In the Middle Ages Cairo and the African city of Timbuktu were greater centres of learning that the tiny universities of Western Europe.”
And in the June 22, 1996 issue in an article ‘Races’ do not exist, we are told that “The absurdity of dividing humanity into ‘races’ on the basis of skin colour is
best seen by looking at other, often greater, differences between people” and that “Race is a political and ideological notion, not a scientific one. Steve Jones has written, ‘A race as defined by skin colour is no more a biological entity than is a nation.’”
This is a typical piece of leftist sophistry; race, of course, is not defined by skin colour any more than it is by nationality.
(51) I am loathe to use that term because there are often other factors behind such disturbances which are equally important. At the time of writing the far right is making a lot of political capital out of supposed race riots and racially motivated attacks (Asian-on-white) in the Northern town of Oldham. These disturbances and attacks are real enough, but they appear to be the work of street gangs made up largely if not exclusively of Asian youths.
(52) With a few exceptions.
(53) John Tyndall, who had been an overt Nazi in the early to mid-sixties, joined the National Front and was for many years its Chairman. Tyndall is still around today, and although he has his faults, an examination of his policies and his rhetoric over many years can only lead one to conclude that he is no Nazi. A far more sinister character than Tyndall is his one-time fellow traveller and (now overt) homosexual Martin Webster.
(54) The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry, Part 1, page 20, (op cit).
(55) The Racist Mind: Portraits Of American Neo-Nazis And Klansmen, by Raphael S. Ezekiel, published by Viking, New York, (1995), page 322.
(56) D’Souza, The End Of Racism, page 116, (op cit). [D’Souza attributes this quote to black sociologist Troy Duster].
(57) This was the cry during the Battle of Cable Street in October 1936, although it has a somewhat older provenance.
(58) This is by no means a modern phenomenon; the inaugural meeting of the British Fascisti (the first British Fascist organisation) was disrupted by “anti-fascists” as far back as October 1923.
(59) Much more information about the Ram case - and the hate campaign waged by Ram and his supporters - can be found on a website set up by the current writer in
April 2001:
A website giving information about the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal (including court transcripts) can be found at
(60) Although a miscegenist, D’Souza is detested by the far left; the magazine CARF described him as a bigot with credentials. If anything he adheres to Libertarian principles.
(61) D’Souza, The End Of Racism, page 11, (op cit).
(62) The Limits of Tolerance, by Paul Kurtz, published in NEW Humanist, March 1992, Volume 107, No 1, pages 4-6. This is said to be an edited version of a speech.
(63) Comment: Poor? Stupid? Racist? Then don’t listen to a pampered white liberal like me..., by Andrew Marr, published in the Observer, [CD-ROM version], February 28, 1999, page 26. At the time of writing, Marr is political editor for the BBC.
(64) Known in the United States as affirmative action and in Britain as positive discrimination.
(65) TAKE YOUR CHOICE: SEPARATION OR MONGRELIZATION, by Theodore G. Bilbo, 2nd Impression, published by Historical Review Press, Decatur, Georgia, (1980). This information is extracted from the PREFACE, page unnumbered; Bilbo was quoting Columbia University professor of anthropology Dr Ralph S. Linton, speaking apparently in 1946.
(66) TWO MILLION SILENT KILLINGS: THE TRUTH ABOUT ABORTION, by Dr Margaret White, published by Marshall Pickering, Basingstoke, Hants, (1987), page 108.
(67) D’Souza, The End Of Racism, page 552, (op cit).
(68) Bilbo, Take Your Choice..., page 65, (op cit).
(69) THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF SIR HARRY JOHNSTON, by Alex. Johnston, published by Jonathan Cape, London, (1929), page 272.
(70) And when there are no whites left to tyrannise, others will be targeted.
(71) By which I mean the chroniclers of Jewish history rather than historians of Jewish extraction; the former are by no means exclusively Jewish.
(72) ESAU’S TEARS Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews, by Albert S. Lindemann, published by Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (1997), page xv.
(73) This is the now notorious case of Damilola Taylor; this ten year old son of an African civil servant was stabbed in the leg in South London in November 2000. He bled to death within minutes. The police launched an immediate murder investigation but to date no one has been brought to book. The person who wielded the knife was almost certainly a slightly older black boy although of Caribbean rather than African extraction.
(74) Reader’s letter published in New Nation, Issue 218, Monday 26 February 2001, page 11.
(75) A few examples will suffice:
“No sane black man really wants integration! No sane white man really wants integration!...The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches that for the black man in America the only solution is complete separation from the white man!” [The Autobiography of MALCOLM X, by Malcolm X with the assistance of Alex Haley, FOREWORD by Alex Haley, published by Penguin, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, (1968), pages 347-8.]
Many successful blacks, especially black women, view so-called celebrity miscegenation with disdain. One black TV presenter said that “Black people in the public eye are expected to set an example”; clearly she felt they weren’t. [Mixed marriages put black celebrities ‘on trial’: Rising criticism accuses stars of ethnic betrayal, by Lesley Thomas, published in the Sunday Times, March 6, 1994, (NEWS page 1.5).]
The father of tennis aces Venus and Serena Williams has some forthright views on miscegenation. [Sunday Times, July 9, 2000, page 1.19.]
Abdul Hoque kidnapped his daughter “to punish her for moving in with a black man.” She was held for seven days; he was convicted of conspiracy to kidnap and false imprisonment. [Time Out, No. 1367, Oct 30 - Nov 6 1996, page 13.]
FORBIDDEN LOVE, a BBC1 documentary in the Inside Story series screened on the evening of February 3, 1998, gave an insight into the ostracism from their own communities faced by Asian girls who had taken up with white men.
And finally, the Chief Rabbi asks his brethren “Will we have Jewish grandchildren?” (This is the title of his 1994 book). Yes, of course, he was talking about religion, not race or ethnicity; the Hell he was!
(76) THE TEN THINGS YOU CAN’T SAY IN AMERICA, by Larry Elder, published by St Martin’s Press, New York, (2000).
(77) The Encyclopedia Americana, International Edition, entry for SCOTTSBORO CASE, Volume 24, page 435, (1977).
(78) SCOTTSBORO A Tragedy of the American South, by Dan T. Carter, Revised Edition, published by Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge and London, (1979), page 118.
(79) Carter, Scottsboro ..., page 50, (ibid).
(80) A man of previous good character might have expected less, certainly in Britain. Tyson was not of previous good character, and has since served a further gaol sentence after a “road rage” incident.
(81) In Your Face (interview in Esquire magazine, October 1992).
(82) See for example the article Black Women and RAPE SHOCKING SECRET NO ONE TALKS ABOUT, by Kelly Starling, which appeared in the November 1998 issue of the American black interests magazine Ebony.
(83) Curiously, in the 1930s, American Communists proposed a black republic in the Deep South, something most blacks were distinctly lukewarm about.
(84) CARF, October/November 1997, No 40, pages 8-10 in a big feature on Interactive anti-racism.
(85) New York Times, LATE CITY EDITION, February 27, 1964, page 34. At this time he was still Cassius Clay.
Although he has mellowed over the years, Ali’s views on race have not changed one iota. The fact that he is an overt and proud racist has won him the admiration
of countless millions, including of many whites on the “far right”.
(86) New York Times, LATE CITY EDITION, February 28, 1964, page 22.
(87) Playboy interview, November 1975, page 78.
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