NCROPA Papers – 1991


Six additional documents for 1991 can be found here together with additional documents for other years.

I received the file for 1991 on March 8, 2013; it included material from November 1990 to June 1991; there was a lot here like NCCL documents, including its 1990 accounts; this material has not been scanned.

(1) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Lord Rees-Mogg, January 4, 1991
The above letter is actually misdated 1990 – a common mistake at the start of any year. See document (6) below.
(2) Letter Lloyd James of Poole to David Webb/NCROPA, January 4, 1991
The above appears to be the first press release ever issued by NCROPA.
(3) S & M sex ‘illegal’after show trial, January 5, 1991
The above is a press cutting from The Pink Paper, a well-known homosexual newspaper. This and much of the following correspondence concerns the Spanner case.
(4) Letter David Webb/NCROPA to The Director’s Chair – the publisher of a calendar, January 7, 1991
The above letter is misdated 1990.
(5) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Andrew Graham-Yool, Editor of Index On Censorship, January 8, 1991
(6) Letter Lord Rees-Mogg of the Broadcasting Standards Council to David Webb, January 14, 1991
The above letter concerns distortions in a Daily Mail article. It was written in response to document (1) above, and contains an enclosure/attachment.
(7) Letter to NCROPA from The Chelsea Centre, January 14, 1991
The above concerns the play Love Kevin. Two press cuttings were attached, one from The Stage, and apparently a flyer.
(8) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Home Secretary Kenneth Baker, January 15, 1991
(9) Letter Lloyd James to David Webb/NCROPA, January 15, 1991
(10) Success in porn blitz, January 17, 1991
The above is a press cutting from the Kensington & Chelsea Post, see document (11) below.
(11) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to the Editor of the Kensington & Chelsea Post, January 18, 1991
(12) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Bristol City Council, January 19, 1991
My apologies for the poor quality of the above; it is the best copy I can manage.
(13) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to the Chief Constable of Essex Police, January 28, 1991
See document (3) above for explanation.
(14) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Home Secretary Kenneth Baker, January 31, 1991
(15) Letter to David Webb, February 2, 1991
The above missive, from a potential new member, has been redacted because of its content. At this time, raids of the sort mentioned herein – on individuals as well as businesses – were sadly all too common.
(16) Press cutting, February 3, 1991
The above is a somewhat amusing article from the Sunday newspaper the Observer. It is the photocopy paper that is pink rather than the broadsheet itself.
The above is apparently the front page; the article mentions David Webb; see also documents (4), (5), (6) and (7) above.
(17) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Home Secretary Kenneth Baker, February 15, 1991
Re the above, see also document (13).
(18) Letter to David Webb of NCROPA from Dr Bob Wildman, February 6, 1991
(19) ‘Lock them up for boxing’ NCROPA tells police, February 8, 1991
This is a humorous article from the London homosexual freesheet Capital Gay. See document (3) above and the following, related correspondence.
(20) Letter David Webb/NCROPA to New Scotland Yard, February 15, 1991
This letter to the Acting Chief Commissioner is yet another call by the pugnacious Mr Webb to prosecute boxers for assault. See document (3) above and the following related correspondence.
(21) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Chief Constable Roger Birch, February 15, 1991
The above letter to Sussex Police is another attempt to have a boxer prosecuted for assault. See document (3) above.
(22) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Richard Baker of the BBC, February 27, 1991
(23) Copy letter K. Jones of the Home Office to Adrian Parsons of the NCCL, March 1, 1991
(24) Letter Sussex Police to David Webb/NCROPA, [see document (21) above], March 4, 1991
(25) Letter P.W. Pugh of the Home Office to David Webb, March 4, 1991
(26) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to The R.A.F. Club, March 5, 1991
As will be seen from the above, censorship cuts both ways!
(27) SM Gays Programme – 10th Anniversary Celebration, 1991
The above is dated February-July 1991 and was received by NCROPA April 26.
(28) Judgment pierces ‘obscene’ practice, a press cutting from the Guardian, March 8, 1991
(29) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Chief Constable Roger Birch, March 13, 1991
(30) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Acting Chief Commissioner Sir John Dellow, March 13, 1991
(31) Letter David Webb to all NCROPA Committee Members, March 14, 1991
(32) Draft speech by David Webb, March 15, 1991
The above document speaks for itself. See also the dedicated Speeches Page.
(33) Boxers committing ‘assault’ says pressure group, March 15, 1991
The above is another report from the London homosexual freesheet Capital Gay concerning boxing and consensual assaults – see document (3) above).
(34) Court finds book not guilty, March 15, 1991
The above is another article from Capital Gay, this time reporting on a court case against a bookseller who had stocked Modern Primitives.
(35) Letter Tuppy Owens to David Webb/NCROPA, March 15, 1991
(36) Copy letter David Webb to the Daily Telegraph, March 16, 1991
(37) Letter Sussex Police to David Webb/NCROPA, March 18, 1991
(38) Copy Letter David Webb/NCROPA to ITV, March 19, 1991
(39) Letter in the Daily Telegraph from Mrs Mary Whitehouse, March 20, 1991
(40) Letter from the International Freedom Foundation, March 20, 1991
(41) Copy letter Edward Goodman/NCROPA to the Daily Telegraph, March 22, 1991
The above is in response to document (39) above.
(42) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Chief Constable John Burrows, Essex Police, April 8, 1991
The above is a chaser for a letter that had got lost in the system. Yeah, right.
(43) Letter Assistant Commissioner R. Hunt to David Webb/NCROPA, April 9, 1991
A letter concerning boxing matches and consensual assaults.
(44) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to George Russell of the Independent Television Commission, April 10, 1991
(45) Press cuttings from the Daily Mail and the Guardian re lingerie advertisements, April 10, 1991
(46) Letter Michael J. Todd to David Webb, April 12 1991
More correspondence re boxing, this time from a Detective Chief Inspector of Essec Police.
(47) Writer champions seized lesbian videos from Capital Gay, April 12, 1991
(48) Letter Andrew Ferguson to David Webb/NCROPA, April 12, 1991
(49) Pornography: a two page article about a Galop report, (received) April 13, 1991
(50) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to the Editor of the Daily Telegraph, April 18, 1991
(51) Summons by Uxbridge Magistrates Court issued to David Webb, (received) April 20, 1991
The above was apparently issued March 8, 1991, and relates to the case R v Webb.
(52) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to the Guardian, May 1, 1991
(53) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Canon Hill, Vicar of Croydon, May 2, 1991
(54) Programme on censorship may face charge for obscenity, May 3, 1991
The above is a cutting from the Guardian newspaper, an article by Duncan Campbell and Georgina Henry.
(55) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to the Guardian, May 4, 1991
(56) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to the Croydon Advertiser, May 7, 1991
(57) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to the Daily Mirror, May 7, 1991
The above letter is addressed to the columnist Ann Robinson, and contains a cutting from Screw magazine of March 4, 1991.
(58) Letter to David (ie David Webb) from a NCROPA supporter named John, May 8, 1991
The above has been redacted.
(59) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to David Carnell (address redacted), May 10, 1991
(60) Letter from Andrew ? to David Webb, May 13, 1991
(61) Letter to David Webb/NCROPA (redacted), May 13, 1991
The above letter is from someone who fell foul of the porn police.
(62) Letter from Index On Censorship, circa May 15, 1991
The above was apparently sent to renewing or potentially renewing subscribers.
(63) Letter to all NCROPA Committee Members from David Webb, May 16, 1991
(64) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Lindi St. Clair, May 24, 1991
(65) Letter from the Lesbian & Gay Freedom Movement, circa May 24, 1991
The above and below are one document; it appears to have been sent to these sexual degenerates, their supporters, and anti-censorship campaigners (like NCROPA, etc). Note what they say about sexual liberation for all ages, ie to lower or abolish the age of consent so they can get their hands on, especially, young boys.
(65a) Newsletter from the Lesbian & Gay Freedom Movement, circa May 24, 1991
(66) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Andy Ross of The Switch Club, June 3, 1991
(67) Copy letter NCROPA member Derek Roberts to Angela Rumbold, June 3, 1991
(68) NIGGAS LP IS BLACKED OUT, by Andy Coulson, from the sun newspaper, June 5, 1991
(69) Notice of NCROPA Members General Meeting, June 12, 1991
The above was obviously sent out some time before June 12.
(70) NCROPA General Meeting, signatures of members present, June 12, 1991
(71) NCROPA General Meeting, signatures of potential volunteers, June 12, 1991
(72) NCROPA General Meeting, Director’s Report, June 12, 1991
(73) Minutes of the NCROPA General Meeting, June 12, 1991
(74) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Mark Taha, June 14, 1991
(75) Letter to David Webb/NCROPA from a former and then renewing member (redacted), June 15, 1991
(76) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to the Police Commissioner, June 17, 1991
(77) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Island Records, June 18, 1991
Re the above, see the article NIGGAS LP IS BLACKED OUT, document (68). And no David, that is not the way they spell the dreaded N word.
(78) Copy letter NCROPA member Alexander Barrie to the Sunday Telegraph, June 24, 1991
(79) Letter Derek Roberts to David (ie David Webb/NCROPA), June 29, 1991
(80) CENSORSHIP Current Writing, June 30, 1991
The above is a short CAC publication; David Webb has highlighted the NCROPA listing.
(81) Letter from Tim Woodward of Skin Two to NCROPA, July 1, 1991
(82) Letter David Webb/NCROPA to the Daily Mail, July 2, 1991
The above is re Superintendent Michael Hames, was unpublished, and is the best copy possible.
(83) Letter Jennifer Clifford to Mr Webb (address redacted), July 7, 1991
(84) Letter P.W. Pugh for the Home Secretary to David Webb, July 11, 1991
There is another copy of the same letter in the file; it is exactly the same except the Dear Mr Webb at the beginning and the signature at the end are both missing. Obviously some sort of mix up at the Home Office. Untypically!
(85) Letter from a NCROPA member in Leeds (redacted), July 15, 1991
(86) Letter David Webb/NCROPA to Jennifer Clifford, July 15, 1991
The above is a reply to document (83). A copy of this letter as sent is on the file, on headed notepaper.
(87) Letter to David Webb/NCROPA from a dissatisfied former member, July 15, 1991
(88) Letter to David Webb/NCROPA from Assistant Commissioner R.A. Hunt re NWA, July 18, 1991
(89) Copy letter Lesley Sawyer to Liberty, July 22, 1991
David Webb has highlighted some text in the above, but what is NACROPA?
(90) Letter to David Webb/NCROPA from Barbara Wickham of the British Council, July 29, 1991
The above contains a copy of a letter dated July 18, 1991 from the Korean Ethics Committee.
(91) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA apparently to two supporters (name and address redacted), August 6, 1991
(92) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Chong Won Kwak of the Korean Ethics Committee, August 9, 1991
(93) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Chris Hardman, August 15, 1991
(94) Letter from Belfast apparently to NCROPA (redacted), received August 20, 1991
(95) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Antony Grey, August 22, 1991
(96) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Index On Censorship, August 22, 1991
(96a) Re the above letter, see this article from said magazine, the August-September 1991 issue.
(97) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Sun columnist Sue Evison, August 22, 1991
(98) Letter to David Webb from a NCROPA supporter, August 30, 1991
The above has been redacted, and apparently contained a donation.
(99) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Peter Bremner, September 4, 1991
(100) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Martin L. Hayton, September 5, 1991
Apparently this guy is a publisher.
(101) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to David Haden, September 5, 1991
(102) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to the Independent, September 24, 1991
The above letter was also sent to the Guardian and THE TIMES.
(103) Memorandum re Feminists Against Censorship meeting, September 25, 1991
The above is actually dated October 29, 1991.
(104) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to The R.A.F. Club, September 27, 1991
(105) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Tom Adams in Amsterdam, September 30, 1991
(106) Press release from Savoy Books, October 1, 1991
The above relates to the Lord Horror comic controversy; it included two recent press cuttings: from the Guardian and New Statesman & Society, NCROPA also received a copy of the same press release dated 25/9/91 – there were no cuttings attached to this but a blank sheet of headed paper on which was written With Compliments.
(107) Letter Peter N. Owen of the Royal Air Force Club to David Webb/NCROPA, October 1, 1991
(108) Letter undergraduate student Rachel Smith apparently to NCROPA, October 8, 1991
(109) An article, CLEAN SWEEP, by Denis Campbell from Time Out, October 9-16, 1991
(110) Flyer for NVLA fringe meeting, October 9-10, 1991
The above is typically alarmist nonsense. For more NVALA nonsense, check out the dedicated page.
(111) Letter Michael Butterworth of Savoy Books to David Webb, October 10, 1991
(112) Flyer for the 1991 Sex Maniac’s Ball, received October 15, 1991
Re the above, the apostrophe appears to be in the wrong place.
(113) Letter from D.V. Teed a law student, apparent to NCROPA, October 15, 1991
(114) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Andrew Wright (address redacted), October 15, 1991
(115) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Sir Richard Attenborough, October 16, 1991
(116) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to the Police Commissioner, October 21, 1991
(117) A draft sexually explicit images bill by Peter Tatchell, November 1, 1991
(118) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to The Pink Paper, November 4, 1991
(119) Notice of NCROPA Committee meeting, November 5, 1991
The above – for the November 21 meeting – is addressed to Ted Goodman but was sent to all Committee members, (see below).
(120) Notice of NCROPA Committee meeting, November 5, 1991
(121) Letter Colin Leventhal of Channel 4 to David Webb/NCROPA, November 5, 1991
(122) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Lord Orr-Ewing, November 5, 1991
Re the above, see also document (125) below and compare the last paragraphs.
(123) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Lord Hailsham, November 5, 1991
(124) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Viscount Tonypandy, November 5, 1991
(125) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to Lord Orr-Ewing, November 5, 1991
Re the above, compare with document (122).
(126) Postcard apparently to David Webb/NCROPA re the BBC, November 6, 1991
(127) Niggaz court win marks changing attitude by Paul Myers, from the Guardian, November 8, 1991
(128) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to the Guardian, November 11, 1991
(129) Letter Peter Tatchell to NCROPA, November 13, 1991
Re the above, see document (117).
(130) Letter Commander David Stevens to David Webb/NCROPA, November 13, 1991
(131) Copy letter David Webb/NCROPA to 20MPs, November 15, 1991
The above letter received a number of responses, all politely negative, apparently.
(132) Letter David Webb/NCROPA in The Pink Paper, week ending November 16, 1991
(133) Order form for NCROPA submission to the Royal Commission on Criminal Justice, November 29, 1991
The above was priced £3.00, but your (slightly lop-sided) copy will cost you nothing.
(134) Letter David Webb/NCROPA to David Bowe MEP, December 3, 1991
(135) Letter Anita Willey (address redacted) to David Webb/NCROPA, December 3, 1991
(136) Letter David Bowe MEP to David Webb/NCROPA, December 17, 1991
(137) Copy letter Chris Smith MP to P. Jefferson Smith, December 23, 1991
The above concerns a customs seizure.

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