Notes And References


(1) IN FOR A PENNY The Unauthorised Biography of JEFFREY ARCHER, by Jonathan Mantle, published by Hamish Hamilton, London, (1988).
(2) According to Jonathan Mantle, the costs of Archer’s libel action against the Star (excluding the half million pounds damages) were estimated at £670,000. This was not the first time Archer had resorted to litigation.
(3) Relentless searchlight on hunting the hated, article/interview by David Winner, published in the Jewish Chronicle, October 23, 1987, page 10.
(4) In September 2001, I came across three further files which have only recently been declassified and which shed further light on the arsons campaign and on the actual role of Harry Bidney; they are DPP 2/4078-80.
(5) Neo-Fascism in Europe, Edited by Luciano Cheles, Ronnie Ferguson and Michalina Vaughan, published by Longman, London and New York, (1991), page 247. Gable’s contribution to this book is the essay The Far Right in Contemporary Britain, pages 245-63.
(6) Gable, The Far Right in Contemporary Britain, page 247, (ibid).
(7) Which was settled to my satisfaction when he paid me £5,000 and published a retraction.
(8) Issue 24, (undated but published circa June 1977).
(9) Larry O’Hara has claimed to have unearthed the truth about Sonia Gable’s past: he did not; I did.
(10) Including the current writer, who was at one time a member of the British Movement. It should also be borne in mind that people’s political views often change as they grow older or simply become wiser (or less wise!). Sir Oswald Mosley, the acknowledged kingpin of pre-World War Two British Fascism, began his political career in the Conservative Party, and was briefly a minister in the Labour Government. Adolf Hitler, the arch Jew-hater, was revolted by his first encounters with anti-Semitism. Douglas Hyde, a leading British Communist, converted to Catholicism, and lectured and wrote extrensively against Communism, and so on. Indeed, as I write these very words a Labour MP has defected to the Liberal Democrats.
(11) The Weekly Law Reports, 1986, Volume 1, page 149.
(12) Probably all businessmen are a bit dodgy in some sense; it is an old joke that all businesses keep two sets of books: one for the taxman, one for the owner. And in his classic The Wealth Of Nations published as long ago as 1776, the great free market economist Adam Smith wrote: “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.”
(13) Hansard is available on the WorldWideWeb; a search of the Parliamentary database throws up a number of references to Roberto Fiore, all of them in similar vein.
(14) Including Gable himself!
(15) As happened to eleven year old Rana Abu Tuyur on December 19, 1992.
(16) Perhaps in view of his incessant hatemongering Gable’s column should be renamed Jews from the sewers?
(17) It is true that if Morris had settled at the court door he would have made a lot more money out of the case, but as things turned out he would not have lived to spend it. Morris did not bring this action for money though, nor even to punish his former friend Gable, who strangely he still liked, but as a matter of principle. In his closing speech, Leading Counsel Nigel Ley suggested that the jury award Morris fifteen to twenty thousand pounds. It is well known that civil litigation is always expensive and that the only people who are guaranteed to profit from it are the lawyers, but sometimes people feel obliged to take a stand regardless of the cost.
(18) Further documentation about both Baron v Gable and Riley v Gable can be found on my website: *
(19) Although Gable draws the line at actual murder there is strong direct evidence that he attempts to incite the more violent, evil and gullible members of left wing hate groups to commit illegal acts of a violent nature.
(20) The Atlanta Youth Murders and the Politics of Race, by Bernard Headley, published by South Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville, (1998), page 202.
(21) THE SECRET STATE: British Internal Security in the Twentieth Century, by Richard Thurlow, published by Basil Blackwell, Oxford, (1994), page 326.
(22) FASCISM IN BRITAIN A History, 1918-1985, by Richard Thurlow, published by Basil Blackwell, Oxford, (1987), page 306.
(23) Thurlow, Fascism, page 286, (ibid).
(24) Thurlow, Fascism, page 288, (ibid).
(25) The cover of the 1983 Pan paperback edition of The New Fascists refers to the book as THE ACCLAIMED SURVEY OF THE RESURGENCE OF THE ULTRA-RIGHT IN THE 1980s.
(26) Gable has to my personal knowledge received such information from two bent coppers, albeit officers junior to Grieve.

Some very minor alterations were made to the on-line version of this pamphlet on January 3, 2023.

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