The photographs below were in two boxes – one inside the other – that were delivered to me on March 17, 2013. The smaller box was marked DAVID WEBB – CASTING PHOTOGRAPHS

Some are dated but others are not, so they are published here in (a reasonably accurate) chronological order. There is some overlap with the personal photographs, which are indexed on a separate page.

Supplementary to the above, later some more photographs were delivered to me in various containers. Again, there is some overlap. The early stage appearances of David Webb – in school plays – do not really qualify as casting photographs, so they will for the most part be found in the other section.

The James Dean look – a young David Webb
Rear of above
The James Dean look – a young David Webb
A young David Webb, apparently from the same shoot
A young David Webb, apparently from the same shoot
A young David Webb, apparently from the same shoot
A young David Webb with cigarette
A young David Webb with cigarette
A young David Webb with cigarette
A young David Webb with cigarette
David Webb, the rebel look with cigarette
A young David Webb
David Webb – dance routine or some such
David Webb, the rebel look
David Webb, the rebel look
David Webb, the rebel look
David Webb, the rebel look
David Webb
David Webb – a shoot as a young man
David Webb – a shoot as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man
David Webb as a young man, apparently in a photobooth
David Webb – a young David Webb in the make-up chair

Whacko, apparently Luton, late 1940s

A play, apparently Luton, late 1940s

A school play, apparently Luton, late 1940s
A school play, apparently Luton, late 1940s

Pygmalion, December 1948
Pygmalion, December 1948, see credits on back

A school play, apparently at Luton circa 1948
A school play, apparently at Luton circa 1948
A school play, apparently at Luton circa 1948
A school play, apparently at Luton circa 1948
A school play, apparently at Luton circa 1948
A school play, apparently at Luton circa 1948
A school play, apparently at Luton circa 1948
A school play, apparently at Luton circa 1948

Rope, Harpenden Public Hall, Community Theatre Move

Housemaster, March 1950, Luton Grammar School Dramatic Society
Housemaster, March 1950, Luton Grammar School Dramatic Society
Re the above, see caption on back. These photos could easily have been placed under either Luton or Personal Photographs.

A play, early 1950s

The Winter’s Tale, April 1953, see caption on back
The Winter’s Tale, April 1953, see caption on back
The Winter’s Tale at RADA, April 1953, see credits on back

Luton Coronation Pageant, June 1953

A play, 1960s? I cannot make out who or what this is!

David Webb – the Marlon Brando look

David Webb, apparently early 1950s, from a framed photograph
David Webb as a young man in a 1950s play
David Webb, circa mid-1960s-70s

Beer And Flowers, 1950s?

Apparently from a play, 1950s?

A play? Girl in a club?, 1950s?

A play?, 1950s?

A play?, 1950s?
A play?, 1950s?

A line – if I had to guess I would say this was taken at Luton for the 1953 Pageant

Theatre Royal, York, 1954
David Webb with co-star, see above
Theatre Royal, York, 1954; see back of photo for credits
David Webb - period drama, possibly Theatre Royal, York
Theatre Royal, York - apparently!, 1954
Love’s A Luxury, 1956
A young David Webb at work
A young David Webb at work

Apparently 1956, see caption on back and also the press cuttings page

A play, 1960s?
A play, 1960s?

The Life And Death Of Sir John Falstaff, BBC TV, 1959, see back of photo for credits
The Revolver, from the BBC TV series Maigret, screened November 21, 1960
The Revolver, from the BBC TV series Maigret, screened November 21, 1960
In a 1960s play
In a 1960s play

His And Hers with Joan Sims; film released January 24, 1961 in the UK. David Webb appears to have had only a bit part
The scans immediately above may come from exactly the same negative but if you look very closely you will see they are very slightly different, due to wear and tear, or whatever.
His And Hers

Pioneers Of Social Change, screened apparently by BBC Television for schools, October 8, 1962

The BBC play A Game – Like – Only A Game, with Susan Richards, broadcast February 16, 1966, (see caption on back).

David Webb as a military officer, 1960s?
David Webb as a military officer, 1960s?
The Battle Of Britain, 1969
Dr Who TV series, 1971

A play?, 1970s?

Thames Television, 1970s?

Bizarre triple photo of David Webb, undated

Dramatisation?, 1970s?

David Webb probably late 1970s/early 80s
David Webb probably late 1970s/early 80s
David Webb probably late 1970s/early 80s
David Webb probably late 1970s/early 80s
David Webb probably late 1970s/early 80s - this was found in the NCROPA files
David Webb - this is apparently a different edit of the above. It was published originally on the first anniversary of his death.
David Webb in polo neck jumper
David Webb as a police sergeant

David Webb as a police sergeant - from a comedy
David Webb as a police sergeant

David Webb, older
David Webb, older
David Webb, older
David Webb, older
David Webb, older
David Webb, older
David Webb, older with glasses
David Webb, older with glasses
David Webb, older with glasses
Cast of a play
Cast of a play
David Webb in collar and tie
David Webb apparently in TV play
David Webb as a cyclist

Holding shades

In the 1996 play Nuremberg
In the 1996 play Nuremberg
In the 1996 play Nuremberg
Another apparenlty from the 1996 play Nuremberg
Dressed for the 1996 play Nuremberg, a colour shot
In the 1996 play David Webb - Anglia TV

From the TV Times maybe, 1990s?

Click Here For Scans Of Personal Photographs
Click Here For Additional Scans Of Personal Photographs
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