(1) OUR ENEMY THE STATE A plea for an Unarmed Commonwealth of Friends, trained to live by Reason, Love and Freedom, by Gilbert T. Sadler, published by C.W. Daniel, London, (1922); and OUR ENEMY, THE STATE, by Albert Jay Nock, published by William Morrow, New York, (1935).
(2) From the essay Man’s Rights, in THE VIRTUE OF SELFISHNESS: A New Concept of Egoism, by Ayn Rand, with additional articles by Nathaniel Branden, published by Signet, New York, (December 1964), page 98.
(3) Privacy: How To Live A Private Life Free From Big Brother’s Interference, by Stuart Goldsmith, published by Medina, Reading, (1997), page 188.
(4) And continues to do so, in Britain and elsewhere.
(5) Whatever its racial policies, the National Front was never a fascist much less a Nazi party; it was ruled by a directorate and had a thoroughly democratic structure.
(6) In 1921, Trotsky personally ordered the suppression of a revolt by the sailors of Kronstadt. When several Red Army regiments mutinied and refused to fight the sailors, the Cheka shot every fifth soldier. Trotsky personally ordered the murders; men were shot “like ducks in a pond.” [LENIN, by David Shub, published by Penguin, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, (1966), pages 409-10].
(7) To its shame, the United States, alone among supposedly civilised (ie predominently white) nations continues to impose the death sentence often compounding this with the psychological torture of keeping inmates on Death Row for years until their appeals are exhausted. In December 1998, Andrew Lavern Smith was executed for a double murder in 1983;
he was the 500th person to be executed since 1977.
(8) See for example Smile, you’re on 300 candid cameras..., by Dipesh Gadher, published in the Sunday Times, February 14, 1999, page 1.5. According to this report, in urban areas the average denizen can be recorded on 300 CCTV cameras daily. Although any or most of these are privately owned, “Many have zoom lenses powerful enough to read a newspaper headline at 100 yards”, and some can be connected to vehicle and face recognition software.
(9) Rand was born Alice Rosenbaum.
(10) The Jew In American Politics, by Nathaniel Weyl, published by Arlington House, (1968), page 119.
(11) In the early eighties when I lived in Leeds – which had a strong “feminist” element based in and around the Corner Bookshop – I recall seeing a slogan which read something like “Warning to women – 100% of all rapists are men”.
For the record, women have occasionally been convicted of rape, usually by aiding and abetting the act. In 1999, Nora Wall, formerly known as Sister Dominic, became the first nun to be convicted of rape in Ireland. She was said to have held down the victim – a ten year old girl – while a homeless man raped her. (This was part of a long running scandal concerning the Sisters of Mercy religious order; the rape was said to have taken place in about 1988). [See for example the Times, June 12, 1999, page 7 and July 24, 1999, page 3].
(12) Goldsmith, Privacy, page 221, (op cit).
(13) ‘KEEP THE I-CARDS’, published in the Daily Express, March 12, 1945, page 3.
(14) Police want
card to stay
90 p.c. agree, published in the Daily Mail, June 12, 1945.
I found a cutting of this article (and the one above) in Public Record Office file HO45/25014. When I looked them up at the Newspaper Library the former checked out but this one didn’t; either the date and/or the publication appears to have been misattributed; the sentiments though are by no means uncommon even today.
(15) One must always be careful when interpreting opinion polls but the point should be taken.
(16) Deputies split on ID cards, by Lorraine Kirk, published in the Jewish Chronicle, September 22, 1995, page 12.
(17) Government rejects ID card idea, published in London METRO, June 15, 1999, page 4. No source was given for this statement and I could find no reference to it on the Home Office website, but such a pronouncement would have come from
the Home Office.
(18) It has to be said though that even if ID cards are never made compulsory it is slowly becoming all but impossible to do anything or go anywhere without some ad hoc ID card. This includes of course purchasing or driving a motor vehicle (driving licence); holidaying abroad (passport); and working for the government, local government, voluntary sector, and an increasing number of large and not so large corporations which require their personnel to carry ID at all times.
(19) Most public libraries in Britain are funded by local authorities; for the purpose of this dissertation we will draw no distinction between national government and local government.
(20) Is The State The Enemy? AN EXAMINATION OF AN OLD HERESY REVIVED, by James Leatham, published by THE TWENTIETH CENTURY PRESS, London, (1913), page 2.
(21) Leatham, Is The State The Enemy?, page 4, (ibid).
(22) Leatham, Is The State The Enemy?, page 4, (ibid).
(23) Leatham, Is The State The Enemy?, page 3, (ibid).
(24) Leatham, Is The State The Enemy?, page 4, (ibid).
(25) Leatham, Is The State The Enemy?, page 9, (ibid).
(26) The reader is referred to letters published in the Guardian on October 17, 1997, page 20, under the heading For Mr Merchant, with thanks; and in the London Evening Standard, (CITY PRICES), October 20, 1997, page 65, under the heading BRIEFLY. (This is in fact the same letter but has been edited in both cases – severely in the second).
(27) The reader may have noticed that earlier in the text I referred to a newspaper report from June 1999, this is because, due to other commitments, this short monograph was written over a period of several months in 1999 and was updated periodically.
(28) See for example The Tragedy of the Commons, by Garrett Hardin, published in SCIENCE [Journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science], 13 December 1968, Vol. 162, No. 3859, pages 1243-8.
(29) See under the sub-heading Individual Culpability And The Wizard Of Oz Syndrome published in THE COMPUTERISED IDENTITY CARD: Harbinger Of The Coming Repression, by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (1997).
(30) A corrupt police officer for the benefit of overseas readers.
(31) I use that word in its proper sense.
(32) Another stunt she and her bent copper friends pulled was to claim that her manager had given her a mobile phone for her protection. As I had spent the previous six months in Brixton denied bail, this was clearly intended to poison the minds of first, the magistrates, and then the jury.
(33) She and her friends made all manner of other allegations which were never proved, for obvious reasons, although they pulled out all stops to hoodwink the jury by both the fabrication of and suppression of, evidence.
(34) I sacked my well-meaning but incompetent barrister and conducted my own defence, otherwise I wouldn’t be here now.
(35) From the judgement in the Nuremberg Military Tribunal CASE 1 MEDICAL, Judge Beals presiding, August 19, 1947, FO 646/23, pages 11362-3.
(36) Or my ideology, in the latter case.
(37) I have personal experience of this from a later incident relating to the matter discussed above.
(38) PC is jailed for stealing savings from widow, by Paul Wilkinson, published in the Times, January 14, 1999, page 8.
(39) Blott was convicted at Leeds Crown Court on May 1, 1998 and was subsequently sentenced to ten years imprisonment. * Incredibly vain, he boasted that he’d slept with three hundred women during his time on the beat: “The allegations aren’t true because I can get plenty of women without forcing myself on them”, he was reported to have said, and “Women are attracted to me because I’m fit and I look good and that’s not a crime.” Blott was cleared of three other indecent assaults. Other charges, including the rape of a 25 year old special constable and indecent assaults on a trainee WPC and two nurses were left on file.
* This case was widely reported but the above is based on reports in the Times, May 2 & May 16, 1998.
(40) Police Complaints Authority – The First Ten Years, [author(s) uncredited], published by HMSO, London, (1995), page 16.
(41) My own view is that police brutality with a capital B is largely a myth, although I have seen – on film and in the flesh – police officers going over the top when making arrests.
(42) THE VOICE, ISSUE No. 857, MAY 17, 1999, pages 4-5.
(43) A report in the Guardian [CD-ROM version], August 1, 1997, page 4, reveals that Barbara Mills who then headed the Crown Prosecution Service, was ordered (by Judicial Review) to reconsider a CPS decision – the third in a row – not to prosecute police officers for misconduct, in this case concerning an assault by four detectives on a man who had sued succesfully in the civil courts and was awarded £50,000 damages. The Guardian newspaper for 1997 contains many calls for Mills to resign over this (widely reported) scandal.
(44) Dame Barbara Mills QC, incredibly.
(45) FIFTEEN DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE LAW: BEING A STUDY OF SOME LEADING CASES IN THE LAW OF ENGLAND, by Ernest Arthur Jelf, Second Edition, published by Sweet & Maxwell, London, (1986), page ix. [This book is a reprint of the 1921 edition].
(46) This case appears in THE ENGLISH REPORTS, VOLUME CLVIII, EXCHEQUER DIVISION, XIV, published by W. Green, Edinburgh, (1916), pages 993-1000. The series is numbered ambiguously; the volume I consulted at the Supreme Court Library was numbered 158 on the spine.
(47) PAYOUT MAN SLAMS MET, by Emeka Nwandiko, published in THE VOICE, ISSUE No. 857, MAY 17, 1999, pages 4-5, (article already cited).
(48) As happened to the current writer in 1993; in August 1999 I accepted an out-of-court settlement for £2,000 plus costs against the Metropolitan Police.
(49) This is a tricky issue because as far as I am aware Pinochet has never personally tortured or murdered anyone. But then as far as I am aware, neither did Stalin, at least not while he was in power.
(50) Privilege in a professional relationship, eg between solicitor and client or between doctor and patient, is bona fide, but it does not extend to perverting the course of justice or to law-breaking by other means.
(51) The resignation of Barbara Mills was a rare exception.
(52) The dangers of leaving a jury in the dark, by Michael Mathews, published in the Times, May 25, 1999, page 34.
(53) See also Video kept back by police proves ‘rape’ girl lied, by Maurice Weaver, published in the Daily Telegraph, May 20, 1999, page 5. The victim of this near travesty of justice was 18 year old Matthew Hilliard. Even worse, as well as the video tape incident an attempt was made to entrap him by having the alleged victim of this non-existent double rape telephone him, and “...that conversation provided material that would have been of more use to the defence than to the prosecution”.
(54) Man who killed had sex hormone, published in the Times, July 22, 1976, page 2.
(55) INNOCENTS: HOW JUSTICE FAILED STEFAN KISZKO AND LESLEY MOLSEED, by Jonathan Rose, Steve Panter and Trevor Wilkinson, published by Fourth Estate, London, (1997), page 139.
(56) Rose, Panter and Wilkinson, Innocents, page 304, (ibid).
(57) Rose, Panter and Wilkinson, Innocents, pages 337-8, (ibid).
(58) Rose, Panter and Wilkinson, Innocents, page 334, (ibid).
(59) With the exception of prisoners, etc. The wisdom though of extending the franchise to illiterates as has happened in many African countries is highly questionable, to put it mildly.
(60) Michael Ryan was responsible for the earlier Hungerford massacre.
(61) The Times, November 19, 1996, page 1.
(62) There have been occasional successful prosecutions of police officers for perjury. In November 1953, Constable Frank William David Brown and Constable John Morris both pleaded guilty and were gaoled for nine months each after giving false evidence against a motor cyclist. In January 1980, WPC Sharon Palmer pleaded guilty to perjury at Nottingham Crown Court and was gaoled for twelve months.
But even when there is overwhelming evidence against them, corrupt police officers usually escape retribution. The two senior detectives who fitted up Winston Silcott for the murder of PC Keith Blakelock during the Broadwater Farm riot were cleared of perjury, while the senior detective and forensic scientist whose duplicity led to the false conviction of the tragic Stefan Kiszko were charged but never brought to trial.
(63) Not in the sense that they can commit murder and get away with it – although this has happened – but to all intents and purposes they are untouchable.
(64) Never forget that one of those people could be you!
(65) A claim that is often made but which is far from always the case. I have in the past met rich men who have been victimised purely or primarily because they were rich.
(66) See next footnote.
(67) On November 18, 1998 the current writer laid two informations before a stipendiary magistrate at Horseferry Road alleging perjury and perverting the course of justice by a detective. After looking at the first information he commented “I hear perjury in this courtroom every day, mostly [or mainly] from defendants. What’s your next point?” He dismissed both applications as though they were a joke. This is the sort of mentality we are dealing with here.
(68) See Appendix.
(69) See for example Defendants set to lose right to trial by jury, by David Bamber, published in the Sunday Telegraph, December 6, 1998, page 12.
(70) This sad story was widely reported at the time and I am old enough to remember it personally, but see for example the Times, October 21, 1980, page 1 and November 7, 1980, page 4.
(71) There is a saying that in the magistrates’ courts a defendant is guilty until proved innocent. My own experience is that in most cases an accused is guilty until proved guilty, unless the accused is a police officer or some such, when the case will be thrown out without a meaningful hearing.
(72) Straw to restrict trial by jury, by Jon Hibbs, published in the Daily Telegraph, May 19, 1999, page 1. This was of course a widely reported story. I saw Straw interviewed on Channel 4 news, and his attempt to justify this Orwellian outrage was stomach-churning.
(73) Drug barons’ homes may be confiscated, by Yvonne Ridley, published in the Sunday Times, April 12, 1998, page 1.2.
(74) For details of this and similar horror stories the reader is referred to A Second American Revolution?, by Anthony Furlong, published in Free Life, April 1995, issue 22, pages 4-6.
(75) Straw gives go-ahead to convict criminals on hearsay evidence, by Tim Reid and David Bamber, published in the Sunday Telegraph, January 10, 1999, page 13.
(76) When witnesses are fearful, published in the Times, October 31, 1996, page 31.
(77) Ibid.
(78) A custard pie in the face might be a more appropriate way of dealing with Straw – for the time being; there is an organisation which specialises in such stunts, one of its more well-known victims being Microsoft supremo Bill Gates.
(79) THE CASE AGAINST A BILL OF RIGHTS, by Chris R. Tame, published by The Libertarian Alliance, London, (1998), page 1. [This paper was apparently first published in South African Freedom Review, Summer 1988, Vol. 2, No. 3, pages 19-37].
(80) The Guildford Four spent some fourteen years behind bars; the Birmingham Six spent some sixteen years in gaol; and so on, ad nauseam.
(81) Straw sets up agency to seize ‘dirty’ money, by Nicholas Rufford, published in the Sunday Times, November 8, 1998, page 1.28. This story was widely reported. The proposed “National Confiscation Agency” would target “drug barons” (initially), who would face confiscation of their assets on mere suspicion, the decision to be made on the balance of probabilities as in the civil courts.
(82) The IRA is not a leaderless organisation but its cells maintain a high degree of autonomy.
(83) Halsbury’s Statutes of England and Wales, Criminal Law, Volume 12, Fourth Edition, published by Butterworths, London, (1994 Reissue), page 1044.
(84) City law firms investigated over drug cartel money laundering, by Kathy Marks, published in the Independent, November 23, 1998, page 1.
(85) The chickens are also coming home to roost for the police; one of the proposals mooted for rooting out suspected corrupt police officers is to subject them to “sting” operations, ie to incite them to commit crimes in order to entrap them.
(86) In recent years, some police forces have taken a softly softly attitude towards people caught in possession of small quantities of Class B drugs, but this has been due more to pragmatism than to idealism.
(87) I refuse to use the sick euphemism interviews.
(88) The following article was downloaded from the Internet newsgroup alt.nswpp in February 1998. It was written by the American far right “extremist” Louis R. Beam and is reproduced here with minimal editing.
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