A Critical Evaluation of
The Longest Hatred:
An Examination of Anti-Gentilism,
published by Inter-City Researchers
[If the reader has read the current monograph in its entirety, he will detect a certain amount of repetition here; this is because originally I wrote the following review as a stand alone piece.]
This is a very well produced little booklet which was published by Lady Birdwood obviously at some expense. Rather than condemn it as the outpourings of a sick, Jew-hating mind, as is par for the course in such cases, it is far better to assess such works within the framework of a scientific methodology, which is what I intend to do here.
In one of our interviews, Lady Birdwood mentioned that she had seen a woman on an American chat show who had claimed to have witnessed the ritual murder of a child by Jews. I pointed out at the time that rather than being an anti-Semitic statement, this was in reality a manifestation of an entirely different syndrome. Namely, the cult of “Satanic abuse”. If we are to believe some experts and some eyewitnesses, thousands of people disappear off the streets of America every year, sacrificed to Satan, young children are ritually abused on a massive scale, and indeed, in Britain, under our very noses, babies are bred for the specific purpose of sacrificing to Satan. These are quite remarkable claims, fortunately, the remarkable evidence needed to substantiate them has not so far (and obviously never will be) forthcoming.
Unlike almost all of the organised groups with which she fraternises, the late Lady Birdwood was not motivated by hatred, not of the Jews, of the blacks, or indeed of anyone. She realised that there was (and is) something deeply wrong with white society, in short, we are being led down the path to miscegenation and ultimately racial death. It is not her analysis of the problem which is faulty, but her dogmatic insistence that one facet of it – the above board infiltration of organised (secular) Jewry throughout the white world – is responsible for the problem in its entirety.
This is a very easy mistake to make, and for Lady Birdwood, it was quite clearly a mistake. Her reasoning was lucid, her arguments cohesive, forceful, irrefutable. On forced race-mixing. (180) Unfortunately, she had Jews on the brain, but this was understandable; the people who are forever complaining about the way they have suffered from two thousand years of persecution have never been slow to return the favour. During the last few years of her life, Lady Birdwood suffered a great deal of such harassment and persecution from the leaders of organised, secular Jewry. So too have many white British people who have shown no interest in Jews, or even been friendly towards them as fellow whites. Their only crime has been to oppose (what they perceive) as the invasion of their country by alien races, the destruction of their culture, and the mongrelisation of their race.
The title The Longest Hatred was Lady Birdwood’s choice and is taken from a television documentary series of the same name. In that case, the longest hatred referred to the persecution (real and imagined) of the Jews throughout history. Rather than being a deplorable piece of anti-goy propaganda like the fictitious Holocaust or the even more fictitious Roots, this series was actually quite objective. (181) It did not of course present Holocaust Revisionism objectively, but neither did it deteriorate into a eulogy to the Holocaust. The anti-Semite Michael Kühnen was allowed to say his piece, and there was none of the hysterical denunciation of white nationalists as raving, foaming-at-the-mouth Nazis which has become de rigueur over the past two and more decades.
Returning to The Longest Hatred, before the title facing the frontispiece, is a quote by one Rabbi Reichorn taken from a publication What the Jews Say About Themselves. It purports to affirm that the Jews control the money supply. The reality is that historically, Jews were indeed heavily involved in banking, but over the course of the Twentieth Century their involvement diminished greatly; nowadays banks are raceless, corporate entities, not private Jewish monopolies.
The text proper of The Longest Hatred starts with an introduction to THE BANKING RACKET. There is a fairly accurate account of how money is created out of nothing and used to rip off the nations. There is a reference to Meyer Lansky as the Mafia’s banker, quotes from tracts dealing with the money system a reference to the instigation of the Federal Reserve and a suggestion that the only solution (apart from the Final Solution of course) is for control of the monetary issue to revert to the Crown, ie the state.
An oft’ quoted tract is included, from Captain Henry Kerby, (182) a member of the British Parliament who set down an Early Day Motion on December 22, 1964 calling upon Parliament to take the power of credit creation away from the bankers and place it in the hands of the state. Coming from anyone but Lady Birdwood, the suggestion that he was murdered by the Jews, is both anti-Semitic and nonsense.
The Rothschilds are dragged in of course and much is made of the ethnic origins of the early “Russia” communists. An occult secret society also makes its appearance without either evidence or documentation, ditto the claim that the Rothschilds were behind the French Revolution. Even if all these absurd, fanciful and outrageous claims were true, they would provide evidence only of the wickedness of the Rothschilds and their collaborators and not of all Jews, as is obviously intended.
On page 12, the sub-heading THE BANKING SYSTEM CORRUPTS ’DEMOCRACY’ sounds worth reading, unfortunately, this is merely another anti-Semitic diatribe. This time Nigel Lawson is dragged in, and, surprise, surprise, so is the Protocols Of Zion. Lawson was of course appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer by our very Nordic former Prime Minister Margaret (now Lady) Thatcher, who was certainly no banker’s stooge, (183) Exactly what Machiavellian influence Lawson held over Margaret Thatcher is not made plain, certainly it wasn’t enough to save her from the Ides of March, (184) as opposed to the Snides of March.
“Frankness and honesty are vices in politics” – with such amazing perspicacity it is little wonder that so many anti-Semites endorse the Protocols as the real thing! Quotes from Benjamin Disraeli, “the Jewish Prime Minister” of England are also thrown in. A question that might be asked here is that as the Jews so obviously controlled Britain under Disraeli, why didn’t they make more of it? Why didn’t they start the immigrant invasion of Britain in the last century instead of waiting until 1948?
There follows more talk about how the banks create inflation, and how we are all ruled by the “Money Power”. Tell us something we don’t know!
The next section deals with the computerised tyranny of the cashless society. Again, this is something which is increasingly causing many genuine civil libertarians great concern. One of the latest developments in this field has been the bar codes used for pricing goods in supermarkets and checking books in and out of libraries. (185)
Next we are told that COMMUNISM IS JEWISH. This is the slogan which has caused more trouble for those genuinely opposed to communism than any other. But what exactly does it mean? That communism is a movement controlled by Jews? That is quite possible, certainly at one time the Jewish element was dominant, but that hardly qualifies communism as a movement to ensure the domination of the Jews over the rest of mankind. Mention is made of a book Zionism Rules the World which was written by a New York Jewish lawyer named Henry Klein in which the author reveals the financing of the “Russian Revolution” by the New York elite. (186)
The Jewish involvement in the “Russian Revolution” is undeniable, but what is conveniently forgotten here is that many Jews also opposed to Soviet Communism. (187)
The anonymous authors rake up an official intelligence report, eyewitness testimony and several other works, all with the intention of proving that Bolshevism was a specifically Jewish movement. However, Sutton, who is one of the few people to have made a critical study of this particular episode of censored history, comes to a different conclusion, in particular that the prime movers of the Bolshevik Revolution (from the Wall Street end) were Gentiles, in particular the Houses of Morgan and Rockefeller and that the Jewish conspiracy angle was developed as a red herring. (188) The Cold War is branded a fraud, and the Sutton revelations are again cited; this is more like it!
Under the next sub-heading, the American intelligence officer John Beaty is cited as exposing the Jews behind communism. The current writer is very familiar with Colonel Beaty’s excellent work The Iron Curtain Over America. Beaty would undoubtedly have regarded Lady Birdwood as a kindred spirit: a concerned Christian who perceives her country being ruined by its enemies within, but Beaty did not endorse anti-Semitism, and made this plain when he spoke of the way Jews loyal to the American tradition were perverted by the new crop of East European immigrants.
ZIONISM AND COMMUNISM: JEWISH TWINS says the next sub-heading. Again what does this mean? Zionism is obviously Jewish, but there is nothing either sinister or mysterious about that, nor about the fact that communism also “sprang out of the Jewish ghettoes of Eastern Europe”, which though was far from the first place from whence it sprang. The late King Faisal of Saudi Arabia is cited as revealing the truth about communism and Zionism being “Siamese twins”. Certainly he is right when he claims that the Zionists are deceiving the United States, exploiting it might be a better word.
We should not though allow our sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians to blind us to other injustices in the Middle East and elsewhere. If Israel is a police state where there is Draconian censorship, torturing of prisoners, the shooting of schoolchildren, and other human rights abuses, the Israelis do at least make a pretence of democracy. Many others do not even do this.
Under the next sub-heading, a prophecy of the late David Ben Gurion is repeated, from the magazine Look, January 16, 1962. This prophecy has the ring of the Protocols about it. Whether or not Jewish leaders believe in the Protocols or attempt consciously to fulfil them, it would appear that even the successors to the Elders of Zion are no more capable of predicting the future than the average astrologer.
The next sections deal with race, specifically race-mixing, which is described as deadlier than the H-Bomb, as miscegenation is, and THE REAL REASON FOR COLOURED IMMIGRATION INTO BRITAIN is probably not too far wide of the mark, certainly this didn’t just happen. Without subscribing to any elaborate conspiracy theories, the following facts are beyond dispute:
Non-white immigration into Britain was made to happen, or at the very least, it was not prevented from happening.
It could have been stopped and should have been stopped.
The overwhelming majority of the British people have been and still are overwhelmingly against it. This does not mean that they are wicked racists or anti-black and anti-Asian bigots. It certainly does not mean that they are anti-Jewish. It means simply that they do not want forced race-mixing.
Non-white immigration has its positive aspects, but the negative aspects: racial tensions, increasing bureaucratic control, “anti-racism” campaigns, subversion of free speech and democracy etc. etc., all these far outweigh the benefits.
The same pattern has been repeated throughout the white world, and indeed throughout much of the non-white world. The prevailing dogma is that anyone who opposes forced race-mixing is a filthy racist, a fascist and an advocate of gas chambers.
As stated, all these facts, and a great many more, are beyond dispute; it is only the interpretation of them that is flawed.
The reality of the “International Jewish Conspiracy” is confirmed by among other things, a quote taken from a book published in 1912. Entitled A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, the author, one Israel Cohen, proposes to incite the Negro masses to intermarry with whites, to inflame minorities against us, and thereby to deliver America to our (the Jews’ cause). For the truth about this non-existent book, the reader is referred to the current writer’s short but definitive study Not The Protocols Of Zion! (189)
The next section deals with Britain’s Draconian race laws, and points out quite correctly that the leaders of (secular) Anglo-Jewry have played no little part in foisting this oppressive legislation onto the nation.
Next, the role of Karl Marx is mentioned, or rather his ethnic origins. Marx has always held a special fascination for the crankier right wing conspiracy theorists and has wrongly been accused of starting the whole rotten business of communism. In fact, communism was around a long time before Marx and his crackpot economic theories. Although Marx was the son of a Jew, he was anything but a philo-Semite, as is well documented but largely ignored by his followers today. The father of Communism and bane of all things white, was also a racist, a white supremacist, a staunch supported of slavery, and an admirer of “Imperialist” America.
There are a number of scholarly books which discuss this little known aspect of Marxist ideology, an excellent introduction is Karl Marx and the Critical Examination of his Works, by Leslie R. Page which was published by the Freedom Association in 1987. This is indicative of the way that the Communist movement has been hijacked by dogmatic, fascistic egalitarians, (so-called “anti-racists”). It is not Jews who have been responsible for the race-mixing madness, but a perverted ideology.
The next sub-heading, RACE MIXING: THE LESSON OF HISTORY SUPPRESSED, is virtually error free. Again, the authors throw in some unnecessary anti-Semitism, (a reference to Jewish history distorters), but apart from that the only fault of this section is its brevity. MAKE RACISM A DIRTY WORD! hits the nail bang on the head, unfortunately, the authors and their ilk have made more than their fair contribution to this.
There then follows some more nonsense about the slave trade, which we are told was overwhelmingly Jewish, and that, of some 110 million blacks who made the unwilling voyage, only eleven million reached the Colonies alive. (190)
Now we are back onto the theme of the bankers, whom we are told use the media for their own evil purposes. Again, tell us something we don’t know. Professor Butz, author of The Hoax Of The 20th Century is cited to back up this claim, while a few Jewish names are tossed into the pot for good measure. Next we are onto the subject of anti-Gentilism, a favourite theme of Lady Birdwood herself, but rather than adducing positive evidence of this, (which is certainly not in short supply), the authors are content to rail in the abstract about Talmudic blasphemies and other religious nonsense.
Next it is the turn of Freemasonry to come under fire, for being part of the Jewish plot, naturally. Nesta Webster is cited as the historian who traced “the origins of the network of the Communist international subversion to their Jewish sources.” In fact, Mrs Webster’s books were, like this one, long on speculation, short on fact. Various quotes about Freemasonry and Jews are thrown in, but none of them really says anything.
The next sub-heading DELIBERATELY CONTRIVED WARS refers to Lenin as Ulyanov. The ethnic origins of this communist big wig have always been a source of debate among the crankier conspiracy theorists: was he a Gentile, was he one quarter Jewish, ah, but his wife! Lenin’s alias is no more sinister or mysterious than that of the many Jews (and Gentiles) who change their name in pursuit of show business careers. (191)
There follow some more doubtful quotes from one Rabbi Rabinovitch (supposedly speaking in 1952) and from Rabbi Reichorn. Again, the reader is referred again to the current writer’s short monograph Not The Protocols Of Zion!… (192) The anti-Zionist Jew Benjamin Freedman is quoted in support of the contention that the Jews deliberately prolonged the First World War. If this is true, and it may be, this is again evidence of the corruption of Jewish leaders, in particular, Zionists, not of all Jews. Henry Ford, the great American industrialist, is also cited, his famous quote about international Jewish financiers profiting from war is thrown in. Interestingly, Antony Sutton has this to say of the enigmatic Mr Ford:-
“After expounding on the evils of limited agricultural production – allegedly brought about by Wall Street – Ford continued,
...if these financiers had their way we’d be in a war now. They want war because they make money out of such conflict – out of the human misery that wars bring.
On the other hand, when we probe behind these public statements we find that Henry Ford and son Edsel Ford have been in the forefront of American businessmen who try to walk both sides of every ideological fence in search of profit...It was Henry Ford who in the 1930s built the Soviet Union’s first modern automobile plant...and which in the 50s and 60s produced the trucks used by the North Vietnamese to carry weapons and munitions for use against Americans.” (193)
The Gulf War is the subject of the next sub-heading; again the Jews are blamed for the genocide of the Iraqi people, but this time the anonymous authors are even wider of the mark. The raison d’être of the Gulf War was OIL. If Saddam Hussein’s tyranny were half as bad as it has been made out to be, then the really guilty men are to be found in Washington and New York, because Saddam Hussein was sustained by Western capital, the very same way the former Soviet Union was sustained (and in large part) created by Western capital.
It is true that Western leaders have bent over backwards to excuse the tyranny of Israel and to rationalise the genocidal behaviour of the Israelis in Lebanon and closer to home against the Palestinians under the intifada, but this has been due primarily to the powerful Zionist lobby on Capitol Hill, to emotional blackmail, and other factors. Over the past decade and more though, the political climate has changed considerably, and open discussion about the true nature of Jewish power is no longer taboo.
Next we come to Holocaust Revisionism, the next few pages contain a rational exposition of the main facets of the Holocaust legend including the truth about Dachau, the human soap “evidence” and an examination of both the claims of mass gassings and The Leuchter Report. It is a pity the authors could not refrain from spicing up their arguments with the usual anti-Semitic barbs, because, as even many Jews are now coming to realise, this is an area of genuine academic debate.
The final word on the Holocaust is the Anne Frank controversy. Did she or did she not write the diary herself, or was it a cruel (and extremely lucrative) hoax perpetrated on an unsuspecting world by her father? Surprisingly, Inter-City Researchers do not discuss the Diary in any detail.
The next two sub-headings deal with alien expulsions from Britain. The first group of such aliens is of course “a certain minority”. The Statute of Jewry promulgated by Edward I may never have been revoked, but it is a dead letter.
The last few pages of The Longest Hatred consist of a Publisher’s Preface To Appendix, and four further sub-headings. In the preface, Lady Birdwood writes that these “dissertations” are written from a strong “Christian” viewpoint. Obviously there are Christians and Christians.
Inter-City Researchers also consider evolution to be a fraud. The nonsense about the human footprints in Cambrian rocks is thrown in together with the statement (in boldface) that “There is no evidence scientific or otherwise to support the Theory of Evolution...” This really is the most utter piffle, and is hardly worth debating, though it should come as no surprise to anyone that people who endorse the Protocols Of Zion also endorse Creationism.
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Click here to return to How Racism Became A Dirty Word...
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