A Further Extract
The following extract appears to be part of the Third Interview, but a combination of the disk read errors mentioned under To The Reader and the fact that this publication sat on my computer for a decade, means that I have lost the thread. Rather than insert it in the wrong place it is presented here as a separate and final section. (171)
Alexander Baron: I can’t persuade you to write to the Board of Deputies maybe and disown this Rabbi Rabinovich and Israel Cohen nonsense?
Lady Birdwood: No, I don’t think so because it’s all happening; if it weren’t happening yes, one could do it, but it is, these people are pouring in.
AB: Yes, it is happening, but the point is, did the Jews say this, did this Rabbi Rabinovich say this?
LB: According to the report from which we all draw this, yes, he did.
AB: But it’s a fake, he never did.
LB: You say that.
AB: That has been fabricated to use the Jews as a scapegoat, as it were for the real criminals.
LB: Well why should it appear in the US Congressional Record?
AB: Anybody can be conned, including the Canadian Intelligence Service. They got away with Piltdown Man for ages. What about the Holocaust? Most of the people out there, including Jews, actually believe in the Holocaust. (172)
LB: If they weren’t doing it now, if they would stop doing it. [Promoting race-mixing.]
AB: But it’s not just them that’s doing it, it’s everybody who’s doing it.
LB: No, they’re not. You know where it’s coming from. You know that the constitution of the U.N. was written by a Jew.
AB: Who was that? It wasn’t one person though, was it?
LB: Yes, it was.
[She struggled to remember the name.]
AB: I know Alger Hiss was connected with it.
LB: Yes.
AB: Hiss wasn’t a Jew though.
LB: Yes, he was.
AB: Alger Hiss was not a Jew; Alger Hiss was a Gentile.
LB: How do you know?
AB: It’s a matter of record: Alger Hiss was a Gentile.
LB: I’d like proof of it.
AB: I would like proof of this; people see things happening and they blame it on the Jews. You printed this in good faith [The Longest Hatred] but now I’ve told you it’s fraudulent [the spurious quotes] you should print an apology.
LB: When people argue with me about something in the book, [The Longest Hatred] one or two of them have argued with bits of it.
AB: So have I, I’ve written a sixteen page critique of it. (173)
LB: Have you? For whom?
AB: I don’t know yet, when I can find a publisher; I know the Jews won’t publish it, they won’t like it either. But the whole theme of this [The Longest Hatred] is that everything evil in the world is Jewish, which is clearly nonsense.
LB: Yes, but it’s nearly all money.
AB: Money yes, but not Jews. Money.
LB: Yes, but they say it’s synonymous.
AB: They’re not, no.
LB: It is.
AB: No. Maxwell ripped off the Rothschilds, didn’t he?
LB: Yes, but he was a Jew.
AB: Yes, he was a Jew who ripped off Jews, so what does that mean?
LB: That’s doubly bad, I suppose.
AB: It means [that] where money is concerned, what Larry Holmes, the former heavyweight champion of the world said [is true].
Don King said to him come and join my stable, why make money for the white man? Holmes said later that he realised the only colour Don King understands is green. That’s what it is, green, greenbacks, money. So race and religion don’t come into it.
LB: I don’t know, as far as this country is concerned, race does come into it. I just saw somewhere, this business about destroying the white race.
AB: It’s happening, it’s a fact, I can’t argue with that, but what I can argue with is this, it’s nonsense. This rabbi never said this. The white race is being destroyed, but not by the Jew per se; there are a lot of Jews involved in it, but there are a lot of Gentiles as well.
LB: I don’t think there are, there may be some.
AB: A lot. Some of the Christians are just as bad.
LB: They’re not Christians in my view.
AB: The World Council of Churches.
LB: The WCC are terrible, terrible.
AB: But they’re not Jews, are they?
LB: They’re probably not all Jews.
AB: So you can’t blame it all on the Jews? I really think you should write to the Jews about this, see what they say about these statements, and if they say they are fraudulent and don’t endorse them, then you should print an apology or a retraction.
LB: I think you should waltz round to Woburn House and see our friend the new director, go and have a word with him or the Secretary General and ask them is it true, pretend you don’t know if it is or not.
AB: I know it’s not, I know this is the sort of nonsense churned out by Eustace Mullins.
LB: I’ve heard of this man and I know that you can put a great deal of store by what he says. (174)
AB: You’ve seen some of this Racial Loyalty stuff, that’s a bit like Gable and company distributing that with your name on it. A lot of people would read that and say it’s that mad woman again, she wants to kill all the blacks and all the Jews. It’s a libel. It would be a libel. This is what has happened here.
LB: All I can say is that this is one of many other things which came my way...I’ve heard of this man Rabinovich more than once, and as far as I can tell, there are at least three of them.
AB: But none of them said that.
LB: I don’t know, but I’m sure Feinstein...ask him where it came from. He can verify it.
AB: I would suggest you do that; you’re the one who published it.
LB: No, because I published it in good faith.
AB: But now you know it’s fraudulent.
LB: No, you’re told me it’s fraudulent.
AB: Think about it – have you ever seen an Orthodox Jew standing up and advocating the death of the white race?
LB: No, I haven’t, but I’m not generally in Jewish company.
AB: It’s the Gables of this world [who are behind this], the Haskalah Jews, and a lot of this is self-hate. It is, isn’t it? (175)
LB: I call it self-flagellation.
AB: They hate their pink white skins, [but] it’s not the Orthodox Jews.
LB: Yet they try to get domination of the whole world with their pink white skins. I’m not the only person to put this out, I’ve seen it many, many times. They ought to put out a proper denial.
AB: They do, they’ve been denying The Protocols for donkeys’ years, but you won’t believe them.
LB: That’s right, because it came direct from this conference, and I’ve got it in this book.
AB: But where is the evidence?
LB: In the book.
AB: By that major?
LB: Yes.
AB: The Protocols is a plagiarism of a satire on Napoleon III. I think it was written to deflect people from the real conspirators. You understand how usury works?
LB: Yes.
AB: The banking system creates credit out of nothing and then lends it, and we pay interest on it forever.
LB: Yes.
AB: Now, every time some financial reformer mentions the idea that the government should create its own credit and spend it into circulation debt-free, somebody somewhere always says: “Ah, this is the Jewish conspiracy. You want financial reform, you must be attacking the Jews.” It’s a very convenient red herring.
LB: Hmm. You really mustn’t blame people for this; they’ve [the Jews] brought it on their heads.
AB: I don’t blame them, I realise that six of the major holders of Federal Reserve Class A stock are or were Jewish banks initially, but that doesn’t mean that there the Jews are behind everything. I think it’s a very, very unsubtle red herring. I also think that the more you keep attacking the Jews, the more race laws that will be brought in. The government will use this as an excuse for curtailing our freedom of speech. What little freedom of speech we’ve got left.
LB: But the Jews are bringing in the laws.
AB: The Jews are not bringing in the laws, they’re lobbying for them.
LB: It is. You saw my latest Choice?
AB: Yes.
LB: You saw the article on the back page that only whites can be racist; this is monstrous.
AB: It is, yes.
LB: They are saying that they’re passing stronger and stronger laws. Why should they? Why don’t they leave us alone?
AB: The only reason they’ve been able to get away with it is because people keep churning out hate material. Let me draw an analogy with Ireland again. We’ve got the Prevention of Terrorism Act which is a gross infringement of civil liberties. That is a law that has been brought in by “public demand” because these crazy bastards are shooting each and bombing each other, now they’re coming over to the Mainland, and something has to be done about it. We had internment before, we may get it again. Internment is a gross infringement of civil liberties: locking people up on the mere suspicion of involvement in terrorist activity. But it was done, and may be done again, by “popular demand”.
The reason this happens is that it is the abuse of civil liberties, including free speech, which leads to their suppression.
LB: Yes, but you can’t turn terrorist because you don’t like how people view you.
AB: This is what some of the people in the BNP want to do. Some of them are going out stabbing people, beating up Pakistanis ... I understand what makes them do it, but that doesn’t make it right.
LB: No, it doesn’t make it right; I don’t know why the Jews just don’t leave us alone.
AB: As for the Jews being behind all this ... I heard David Irving going on about that and what a wonderful place Britain was before World War Two, before the “coloured invasion.” What were Irving and his upper class and middle class cronies doing while all this was happening? They were winning the Battle of Waterloo on the playing fields of Eton. They didn’t give a damn because they were living in affluence in the suburbs and they never met blacks.
LB: Yes, but we’ve been absolutely overrun by these people, overrun in such a short time.
AB: Right, but what have the British done about it?
LB: That’s what we’re fighting for. We cannot make the government ...I mean they never even said to us, “We’re going multi-racial.” If they’d said that and we’d been given a mandate for it, we’d be all right. We didn’t give a mandate; we didn’t even know. And what is more, coloured people were never told why they were being brought here. And we are on the same side as them.
AB: But it’s not the Jews who are running the government though, is it?
LB: Well, I don’t know what you think, we’ve got so many now, more than we had a few days ago before the election.
AB: How many Jews ought there to be in government?
LB: I think if there was one.
AB: Out of three hundred thousand?
LB: Three hundred and thirty thousand. And now there are not even that, nobody knows how many there are because they’ve disappeared on the census form. It’s shocking. The Board of Deputies go to the British government and say that no Jew will sign under any other ethnic minority, they will sign under the white column. That means that we’ve acquired three hundred and thirty thousand more people. They’ve not properly claimed what they are.
AB: Perhaps they regard themselves as British?
LB: The thing is that under the Public Order Act, they said they were a race, so they got away with it and we couldn’t have the trial at all because there was nothing about religion under the Public Order Act, so it was deliberately chosen to stop the trial. And then they go to this census and bury themselves in the white column, so they’re not an ethnic minority, and in my view they’re not a race...
AB: They’re whatever they want to be.
LB: The trial should have gone forward under religion. They must straighten themselves out if they want other people not to attack them. I got hauled up to court the other day because I refused to complete the census on the grounds that if they can simply disappear under the Christian column and lose their ethnicity, which in 1984 they took on especially via the GLC, and got GLC ethnic minority money to make themselves into an ethnic minority. [This sentence is slightly disjointed but the essence of it is clear.] They wanted to be top dog among the ethnic minorities. So there they were, we paid for it, they can’t make up their mind what they are; what are they?
AB: They’re whatever suits them.
Lady Birdwood: Afterword
In her will, dated September 12, 1997, Lady Birdwood left £285,888 gross, £278,214 net. Her papers (176) were donated to Peter Marriner, who also received a one fourth share of the residue of her estate. As did Martin Webster. Both Marriner and Webster are homosexuals. Webster was one of the leaders of the National Front in its heyday. Because he was a good organiser, the Front turned a blind eye to his homosexuality, although later it became an issue, partly because of internal feuding, and partly because he attempted to corrupt young members. (177) Later, Webster “came out” and now openly refers to himself and other homosexuals as gay. If Webster is queer, Marriner is weird. In September 1971, he was gaoled for twelve months for stealing money from two homosexuals while engaging in indecent acts with them in public lavatories. This was not his first such conviction. (178) As well as being active in the National Front, Marriner was also Birmingham Organiser for the British Movement, and a member of the Labour Party.
At the time I interviewed Lady Birdwood I was unaware that Webster had any influence at all with her. much less that he had taken over the editorship of Choice. I was later informed by a reliable source that Webster and Marriner had her feeding out of their hands, and that Webster in particular was doing everything in his power to get hold of her money when she eventually fell off the branch. (179) I did mention him to her on at least one occasion, but by that time she was too far gone for my counsel to have any effect. I would rather have seen her money go to a Jewish charity than to these two scumbags. Although she denied it, I have no doubt that Webster had at least a hand in writing The Longest Hatred.
Undoubtedly, Lady Birdwood had many faults – as do all of us – but as I said earlier, bigotry was not one of them. She was a genuinely nice person who tried in her own bizarre way to spread the Gospel of Christ – not literally, but in the time honoured sense of loving thy neighbour as thyself, doing unto others, and making the world a better place for all. Her greatest fault was undoubtedly failing to realise that most of the people with whom she associated in her political dealings, and from whom she garnered most of her political beliefs, did not share her own high ideals.
Jane Birdwood R.I.P.
Alexander Baron,
November 2, 2002
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