Preface To The Internet Edition


THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION: Organised Jewry’s Deadliest Weapon was first published June 15, 1995. The 1990s were a highly productive time for me, and I spent many long hours researching in London archives – the finest in the world – often visiting three or more in one day before returning home to methodically write up my notes ready to print them out and double check at my next visit what I had written. Although everything was double and sometimes treble checked by me, and then checked again by Mark Taha, I would still find the occasional mistake.

Whatever mistakes I may have made in my life, this publication is not one of them. The 2nd Edition was published in September 1995, and the 3rd – and final – Edition – on May 16, 1996.

The most substantial pamphlet I have ever produced, it includes a second pamphlet, THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION And Related Literature: A Selected, Annotated, Chronological Bibliography including precursors and updates. This was also published as a stand alone pamphlet on June 15, 1995 with a second stand alone edition on May 16, 1996. And unlike most of my publications, I sold bundles of both of them.

The 2nd Edition of the Bibliography was published on this site on August 11, 2001 in HTML format. The virtual front page contains the title, and the publishing blurb including ISBN that appeared originally on the back page.

The virtual front cover of this publication contains likewise the publication details from the front cover and back cover, but not the artwork from the front cover. The original hard copy also contains a photograph on page 7. This has been omitted, but an HTML version has been substituted. Click here for explanation.

The originals of both these pamphlets were DTPd using Ventura, a program that no longer exists in its original form, and in any case for users of my competence or lack thereof has long since been succeeded by Microsoft WORD. This HTML version was created using the original text format Ventura files which had not been edited since 1996. Earlier this month I dug them out and edited them using first WordStar 6 before creating the HTML files you are viewing now. I have made one or two extremely minor edits, for example, in the original hard copy, note (242) has been omitted from the text, although the actual citation appears in the note section. I hope too I have recovered all the formatting, which is lost when converting WordStar files to ASCII format by printing to disk.

In the original 3rd Edition, which is in front of me now, the bibliography starts on page 47 and finishes on page 80. To avoid unneccesary duplication, I have excluded this, but it can be found in the dedicated Bibliography.

May 30, 2011

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To Text
To Selected Bibliography Of Sources
To Notes And References

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