Selected Bibliography Of Sources


The following bibliography (which is not inclusive) is of works alluded to in the text and of works consulted by the author (including secondary and tertiary sources), with the exception of those which are listed in the following bibliography of works about, or relating directly to, the Protocols.

Allen, Gary with Abraham, Larry: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, published by Concord Press, Seal Beach, California, Third printing, (April, 1972). 143 pages. No index.
Allen, Gary: Say “No!” to the New World Order, published by Concord Press, Seal Beach, California, (1987). 268 pages. No index.
Allen, Gary: The C.F.R. Conspiracy To Rule The World, a pamphlet, reprinted from American Opinion magazine, April 1969. 20 pages.
Allen, Gary: THE ROCKEFELLER FILE, Introduction by Congressman Lawrence P. McDonald, published by ’76 Press, Seal Beach, California, (February 1976). 195 pages. No index. First published January 1976.
American Hebrew newspaper, (selected issues).
American Institute For Economic Research: America’s Unknown Enemy: Beyond Conspiracy, by the Editorial Staff of the American Institute For Economic Research, published by the A.I.E.R. This is Economic Education Bulletin Vol. XXIV No. 5 May 1984, (Revised February 1993). 147 pages.
Bangert, S.J., William V: A HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS, published by The Institute of Jesuit Sources, St. Louis, (1972). 558 pages. Index.
Baron, Alexander, with Rabbi “Cohen”: A Goy Pries Into The “Talmud”, comprising an investigation into Talmudic forgeries and an examination of the true nature of the “Torah”, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (1992). 59 pages. A4 format.
Baron, Salo Wittmayer: THE RUSSIAN JEW UNDER TSARS AND SOVIETS, published by Macmillan, New York, (1964). 427 pages. Index.
Beaty, John: The Iron Curtain Over America, published by Wilkinson, Dallas, (1951). 267 pages. Index.
Becher, Rabbi Josef: THE TORAH AND POLITICAL ZIONISM, (EAFORD Paper No. 40), published by EAFORD, London, (February 1984). 11 pages.
Berger, Rabbi Dr Elmer: THE STRUCTURE OF THE ZIONIST MOVEMENT IN THE UNITED STATES, published by EAFORD, London, (c1980). 21 pages.
Billington, James H: Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith, published by Temple Smith, London, (1980). 677 pages. Index.
Cherep-Spiridovich, Major-General, Count Al’bert Ivanovich: WAY TO SAVE ENGLAND, published in The Financial News February 17, 1920. 4 pages. (Reprinted).
Chesterton, A.K: The New Unhappy Lords, published by Candour Publishing Company, Fourth Revised Edition, 2nd Printing, Hampshire, (1975). 255 pages.
Collier, Dr Joe: The Health Conspiracy: How Doctors, The Drug Industry And The Government Undermine Our Health, published by Century Hutchinson, London, (1989). 175 pages.
CSICOP: (295) Skeptical Inquirer, (selected issues).
Croft-Cooke, Rupert: BOSIE: The Story of Lord Alfred Douglas His Friends and Enemies, published by W.H. Allen, London, (1963). 414 pages. Index. Illustrated.
Douglas, Lord Alfred (Editor): Plain English (including Plain Speech), July 1920-March 1922.
Douglas, Lord Alfred: THE MURDER OF LORD KITCHENER AND The Truth about the Battle of Jutland and the Jews. Speech made by LORD ALFRED DOUGLAS at the Memorial Hall, Farringdon Street, London. REPRINTED FROM THE “BORDER STANDARD.”, printed by John McQueen & Son, Galashiels, (1923). 8 pages.
Douglas, C.H: THE MONOPOLY OF CREDIT, Introduction by Geoffrey Dobbs, published by Bloomfield Books, Sudbury, Suffolk, (1979). 189 pages. No index.
Douglas, C.H: Social Credit, published by the Institute of Economic Democracy, (Douglas Centenary Edition 1979). 215 pages. No index. First published 1924. Available in the UK from Bloomfield Books, Sudbury, Suffolk.
Emery, Mrs Sarah E.V: SEVEN FINANCIAL CONSPIRACIES Which Have Enslaved The American People, Revised Edition :- Three Hundred Thousandth, published by D.A. Reynolds, Lansing, (1892). 112 pages.
Encyclopaedia Britannica (Micropaedia and Macropaedia).
Encyclopedia Americana, International Edition.
Epstein, Benjamin R, (see entry for Forster).
Eringer, Robert: Global Manipulators: The Bilderberg Group, The Trilateral Commission, Covert Power Groups of the West, published by Pentacle Books, Bristol, (1980). 95 pages. Illustrated.
Executive Intelligence Review: DOPE, INC. The Book That Drove Kissinger Crazy, by the Editors of Executive Intelligence Review, published by Executive Intelligence Review, Washington D.C., (1992). 697 pages. Illustrated.
Executive Intelligence Review: Executive Intelligence Review: selected issues.
Findley, Paul: They Dare To Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby, published by Lawrence Hill. 362 pages. Index.
Focal Point Publications/David Irving: Focal Point, (selected issues).
Forster, Arnold Z. and Epstein, Benjamin R: DANGER ON THE RIGHT: The Attitudes, Personnel and Influence of the Radical Right and Extreme Conservatives, published by Random House, New York, (1964). 294 pages. Index.
George, John and Wilcox, Laird: Nazis, Communists, Klansmen, and Others on the Fringe: POLITICAL EXTREMISM IN AMERICA, published by Prometheus Books, Buffalo, New York, (1992). 523 pages. Index.
Goldwater, Barry: WITH NO APOLOGIES: The Personal and Political Memoirs of United States SENATOR BARRY M. GOLDWATER, published by William Morrow, (1979). 320 pages. Index.
Griffiths, Dennis, (Editor): THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BRITISH PRESS 1422-1992, published by Macmillan, London, (1992). 694 pages. Index.
Guth DeLloyd J. and Wrone, David R., (compilers): THE ASSASSINATION OF JOHN F. KENNEDY: A COMPREHENSIVE HISTORICAL AND LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1963-79, published by Greenwood Press, Westport, Ct, (1980). 442 pages.
Hastings, William Sackville Russell, 12th Duke of Bedford: The Financiers’ Little Game or The Shape of Things to Come, published by the Strickland Press, Glasgow, (1950). Revised edition. 38 pages. First published 1944.
Hayek, F.A: Denationalisation of Money, published by the Institute of Economic Affairs, London, (October 1976). 109 pages. No index.
Hicks, John D: THE POPULIST REVOLT: A History of the Farmers’ Alliance and the People’s Party, published by University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, (1931) 473 pages. Index. Illustrated.
Hicks, Robert D: IN PURSUIT OF SATAN: THE POLICE AND THE OCCULT, published by Prometheus Books, Buffalo, New York, (1991). 420 pages. Index.
Higham, Charles: Trading with the Enemy: an exposé of the Nazi-American money plot 1933-1949, published by Hale, London, (1983). 277 pages. Index.
Hoar, William P: ARCHITECTS OF CONSPIRACY: An Intriguing History, published by Western Islands, Boston, Mass, (1984). 361 pages. Index. Hochbaum, Martin, (see entry for Levine).
Hoy, Claire & Ostrovsky, Victor: BY WAY OF DECEPTION: An Insider’s Devastating Expose of The MOSSAD, published by Arrow Books, London, (1991). First published 1990. 371 pages. Index.
Hurley, Andrew J: ISRAEL and the NEW WORLD ORDER, published by Fithian Press/Foundation for a New World Order, Santa Barbara, (1991). 333 pages. No index.
Hyde, H. Montgomery: LORD ALFRED DOUGLAS: A Biography, published by Methuen, London, (1984). 366 pages. Index. Illustrated.
Inquire Within, (pseudonym): The Trail of the Serpent, published by Boswell, London, (1936). 325 pages. Index.
Institute of Contemporary History/Wiener Library: Wiener Library Bulletin, (selected issues).
Institute of Jewish Affairs: Patterns Of Prejudice, (selected issues).
Irsigler, F.J: Who Makes Our Money?, published by the author, (1980), distributed in the USA by the Noontide Press and in the UK by Historical Review Press. 165 pages. No index.
Jewish Chronicle Publications: Jewish Chronicle, (selected issues).
Jordan, Colin: FRAUDULENT CONVERSION: The Myth Of Moscow’s Change Of Heart, published by the Britons, London, (1955). 144 pages. No index.
Kahane, Rabbi Meir: Uncomfortable Questions for Comfortable Jews, published by Lyle Stuart, Secaucus, New Jersey, (1987). 324 pages. No index.
Kelly, Alexander: JACK THE RIPPER: A BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE, Introduction by Colin Wilson, published by the Association of Assistant Librarians, South East Division, London, revised and expanded edition, (1984). 83 pages. Index.
Keter Publishing: Encyclopedia Judaica, Jerusalem. Published in 17 volumes including the index volume and a supplement 1972-81.
Kushner, Tony: The persistence of prejudice: Antisemitism in British society during the Second World War, published by Manchester University Press, (1989). 257 pages. Index.
LaRouche, Lyndon H. Jr: The Power of Reason: 1988, published by Executive Intelligence Review, FIRST EDITION, 2nd Printing, Washington, (1988).
Leese, Arnold: Gothic Ripples, (selected issues 1945-56).
Levine, Naomi and Hochbaum, Martin, (editors): Poor Jews: An American Awakening, published by Transaction Books, New Brunswick, New Jersey, (1974). 206 pages. Index
Liberty Lobby: Spotlight on the Bilderbergers, Compiled and Published by Liberty Lobby, (c1980). 64 pages. Large format. Illustrated.
Lilienthal, Alfred M: THE ZIONIST CONNECTION: What Price Peace?, published by Dodd, Mead, New York, (1978). 872 pages. Index.
Lunn, Kenneth and Thurlow, Richard C, (Editors): BRITISH FASCISM: ESSAYS ON THE RADICAL RIGHT IN INTER-WAR BRITAIN, published by Croom Helm, London, (1980). 234 pages. Index.
Lyons, Arthur: SATAN WANTS YOU: THE CULT OF DEVIL WORSHIP IN AMERICA, published by the Mysterious Press, New York, (1988). 192 pages. Index.
McGraw-Hill: New Catholic Encyclopedia, San Francisco & London, (1967).
Maisel, F.W: Great American Ripoff: An Indictment of the Federal Reserve Board, published by Candido Press, San Diego, (1983). 159 pages. No index.
Mars, Gerald: Cheats At Work: An Anthropology of Workplace Crime, published by Unwin Paperbacks, London, (1983). 242 pages. Index.
Mayhew, Christopher and Adams, Michael: Publish It Not...The Middle East Cover-Up, published by Longman, London, (1975). 193 pages. Index.
Mertl, Steve and Ward, John: Keegstra: The Trial, The Issues, The Consequences, published by Western Producer Prairie Books, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, (1985). 143 pages. Index.
Miller, Russell: Bare-Faced Messiah: THE TRUE STORY OF L. RON HUBBARD, published by Michael Joseph, London, (1987). 390 pages. Index. Illustrated.
Moss, Armand: Disinformation, Misinformation, and the “Conspiracy” to Kill JFK Exposed, published by Archon Books, Hamden, Conn, (1987). 219 pages. Index.
Mullins, Eustace Clarence: MULLINS’ NEW HISTORY OF THE JEWS, published by the International Institute of Jewish Studies, Staunton, Virginia, (1968).
Mullins, Eustace Clarence: MULLINS ON THE FEDERAL RESERVE (title on front cover) A STUDY OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE, published by Kasper and Horton, New York, (1952).
Nye, David E: HENRY FORD “Ignorant Idealist”, published by National University Publications, Kennikat Press, Port Washington, N.Y. (1979). 147 pages. Index.
Ostrovsky, Victor: (see entry for Hoy).
Pollins, Harold: Economic History of the Jews of England, published by Rutherford. Farleigh Dickinson University, London, (c1982). 339 pages. Index.
Quigley, Professor Carroll: TRAGEDY AND HOPE: A History of THE WORLD in Our Time, Second Printing, Angriff Press, Los Angeles, (1974). 1,348 pages. Index. First published by Macmillan, (1968).
Roberts, Lt. Col., Archibald E. AUS, ret: The Most Secret Science, published by Betsy Ross Press, Fort Collins, Colo, (1984). 200 pages. Index.
Scheim, David E: THE MAFIA KILLED PRESIDENT KENNEDY, Revised and updated, published by Star - W.H. Allen, (1989). 600 pages. Index. Illustrated. (296)
Schonfeld, Rabbi Moshe: GENOCIDE in the HOLY LAND, published by Bnei Yeshivos, New York, (1980).
Sifakis, Carl: THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GAMBLING, published by Facts On File, New York, (1990). 340 pages. Index.
Sisson, Edgar Grant: ONE HUNDRED RED DAYS: A Personal Chronicle of The Bolshevik Revolution - 25 November 1917 - 4 March 1918, published by Yale University Press, New Haven, (1931). 502 pages. Index. Includes as an appendix The German-Bolshevik Conspiracy: War Information Series, No 20 - October, 1918, issued by The Committee on Public Information, George Creel, Chairman. This was also issued separately and is known as the Sisson Documents or the Sisson Report, (see main bibliography).
Skousen, W. Cleon: The Naked Capitalist, published by the author, Salt Lake City, 11th Printing, (1974). 144 pages. Index. Illustrated.
Smoot, Dan: THE INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT, published by Western Islands, (1977). 245 pages. Index. First published 1962.
Sutton, Antony C: An introduction to THE ORDER, published by Veritas, Bullsbrook, Western Australia, (July 1984). 71 pages.
Sutton, Antony C: How the Order CONTROLS EDUCATION, published by Veritas, Bullsbrook, Western Australia, Second Printing, (1986). 67 pages.
Sutton, Antony C: How the Order CREATES WAR and REVOLUTION, published by Veritas, Bullsbrook, Western Australia, Second Printing, (1986). 78 pages.
Sutton, Antony C: NATIONAL SUICIDE: Military Aid to the Soviet Union, published by Arlington House, New Rochelle, New York, Fourth printing, (June 1974). 283 pages. Index. First published 1973.
Sutton, Antony C. Foreword by Gary North, Ph.D: The Best Enemy Money Can Buy, published by Liberty House Press, Billings, Montana, (1986). 261 pages. Index.
Sutton, Antony C. and Wood, Patrick M: Trilaterals Over Washington, published by August Corporation, Scottsdale, Arizona. Volume I, 9th printing, (April, 1981); Volume II, 1st printing, (March, 1981).
Sutton, Antony C: Wall Street and FDR, published by Arlington House, New Rochelle, N.Y. (1975). 200 pages.
Sutton, Antony C: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, published by Arlington House, New Rochelle, N.Y., (1974). 228 pages. Index.
Sutton, Antony C: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, published by ’76 Press, Seal Beach, California, (1976). 220 pages. Index.
Thurlow, Richard C: FASCISM IN BRITAIN A History, 1918-1985, published by Basil Blackwell, Oxford, (1987). 317 pages. Index.
Thurlow, Richard C, (see also entry for Lunn).
Timmerman, Kenneth R: THE DEATH LOBBY: How the West Armed Iraq, published by Fourth Estate, London, (1992). 443 pages. Index.
Trilateral Commission: Trialogue, (selected issues).
21st Century Science Associates, Leesburg, Va: 21st CENTURY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, (selected issues).
Tyndall, John (Editor): Spearhead, (297) (selected issues).
Universal Jewish Encyclopedia Inc., Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, (10 volumes).
Ward, John, (see entry for Mertl).
Wilcox, Laird, (see entry for George).

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