Notes And References


(1) It has often been suggested to me that the term Organised Jewry is “anti-Semitic” but it is certainly a bona fide phrase and is not infrequently used by Jews. For example, J.J. Goldberg refers to “organized Jewry” in his smug monograph on Jewish wire-pulling in the United States, [JEWISH POWER: Inside the American Jewish Establishment, by J.J. Goldberg, published by Addison-Wesley, New York, (1996), page 124].
(2) The Protocols Of Zion was first published in Britain under this title.
(3) This is taken from page 39 of the James Murphy translation, “Reset...April 1942”, but published in an uncredited paperback edition, probably some time in the 80s or 90s. The James Murphy translation is the only one approved by the author.
(4) Japanese publisher backs Holocaust education: Pledge follows closure of magazine which published revisionist article, by Tom Tugend, published in the Jewish Chronicle, February 10, 1995, page 4.
(5) The British Lion, Early JULY 1926, page 7.
(6) This blurb was published in or around 1993, and in fact appears on the membership application form. I joined NCROPA some time ago but have never been an active member, in any case, it doesn’t appear to do much. [The acronym stands for National Campaign for the Repeal of the Obscene Publications Acts].
(7) As Ayn Rand, and doubtless many others, have pointed out, individual rights cannot be subjected to the tyranny of the vote, but must be protected by a constitution. In a democracy it is possible for a majority to destroy the rights of a minority by way of the ballot box, as happened in Nazi Germany. It is also possible for a minority to do this to the majority, as has happened increasingly in Britain and throughout the world over the past few decades.
(8) The Encyclopedia of Religion, published by Macmillan, New York, (1987), Volume 15, page 419.
(9) The Times, November 19, 1996, page 1.
(10) For example, some Jews were made “honorary Aryans”.
(11) BEHIND THE BALFOUR DECLARATION The Hidden Origins of Today’s Mideast Crisis, by Robert John, published by the Institute for Historical Review, Costa Mesa, California, (1988). A copy of the original letter appears on the front cover of the book.
(12) John, Behind The Balfour Declaration, page 28, (ibid).
(13) John, Behind The Balfour Declaration, page 52, (ibid).
(14) John, Behind The Balfour Declaration, page 104, (ibid).
(15) John, Behind The Balfour Declaration, page 89, (ibid).
(16) SADDAM’S WAR “The Origins of the Kuwait Conflict and the International Response”, by John Bullock and Harvey Morris, published by Faber & Faber, London, (1991), page 57.
(17) He didn’t actually use that word, but if the hat fits...Another Jewish author said much the same thing; writing in his 1944 pamphlet “ORIGINS OF THE BALFOUR DECLARATION” DR. WEIZMANN’S CONTRIBUTION, James A. Malcolm claimed that the original draft of the Balfour Declaration was prepared by Weizmann “and his friends in London in the summer of 1917”. While in the February 1999 edition of the prestigious academic monthly History Today, William D. Rubinstein writes that the final draft of the Balfour Declaration was produced by Leopold Amery, * who is revealed in the same article to have been Halakhically Jewish! **
* “The full Cabinet, of which Amery was not at that stage a member, made only two minor amendments to his draft.”
** Ironically, Amery’s eldest son became a fanatical Nazi and was hanged for treason in December 1945!
(18) WAR, REVOLUTION AND THE JEWISH DILEMMA, by C. Abramsky, Goldsmid Professor of Hebrew and Jewish Studies in the University of London, An Inaugural Lecture delivered at University College London, 28 April 1975, published by H.K. Lewis for UCL, London, page 13.
(19) Abramsky, War, Revolution and the Jewish Dilemma, page 14, (ibid).
(20) Abramsky, War, Revolution and the Jewish Dilemma, page 14, (ibid). [The emphasis is Professor Abramsky’s; he has also misquoted very slighty; in his speech, Weizmann referred to “a mighty empire like that of the British”].
(21) The Jewish Image in American Film, by Lester D. Friedman, published by Citadel Press, Secaucus, New Jersey, (1987), page 35.
(22) An Empire of Their Own: HOW THE JEWS INVENTED HOLLYWOOD, by Neal Gabler, published by W.H. Allen, London, (1989), page 2.
(23) This is the thesis of The Fatal Embrace: JEWS AND THE STATE, by the American-Jewish scholar Benjamin Ginsberg, published by University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, (1993).
(24) Goldberg, Jewish Power, page 280, (op cit).
(25) Goldberg, Jewish Power, page 280, (ibid).
(26) Goldberg, Jewish Power, page 286, (ibid).
(27) Goldberg, Jewish Power, page 280, (ibid).
(28) Goldberg, Jewish Power, page 288, (ibid).
(29) Goldberg, Jewish Power, page 284, (ibid).
(30) Goldberg, Jewish Power, (ibid). How the Jews Won the Cold War is actually the title of Chapter 7!
(31) Goldberg, Jewish Power, pages 174-5, (ibid).
(32) ARABS & ISRAEL FOR BEGINNERS, by Ron David, published by Writers And Readers Publishing, New York, (1993), page 1.
(33) David, Arabs & Israel For Beginners, page 2, (ibid).
(34) The following quotes are taken from In the land of promises, promises, by Mordecai Richler, published in the Daily Telegraph, February 14, 1998, page A3.
(35) The Holocaust and the Liberal Imagination is subtitled A Social and Cultural History, and was published by the academic publishing house Basil Blackwell of Oxford.
(36) Kushner, The Holocaust and the Liberal Imagination, page 267, (ibid).
(37) The full statement reads thus: “Anti-Semitism is no issue of Fascism, and is, therefore, no part of the policy of the British Union of Fascists. We attack Jews if they are engaged in subversive activities such as the direction of the Communist Party or equally when they are engaged in international financial transactions such as those which have recently shaken this country. We never attack Jews because they are Jews. Jews who are loyal citizens of Britain and who serve this country rather than its enemies will always have a square deal from us.” [Sir Oswald Mosley and Anti-Semitism BRITISH UNION OF FASCISTS’ POLICY, published in the Jewish Chronicle, September 30, 1932, page 12].
(38) Jewish Chronicle, May 12, 1933, page 35.
(39) Jewish Chronicle, September 29, 1933, page 16.
(40) Leese even published a leaflet called DOWN WITH KOSHER FASCISM, which reproduced a number of quotes from the contemporary press purporting to prove that Mosley was an agent of the Jews.
(41) PRO HO 144/21377.
(42) For the benefit of overseas readers (and future generations?) The Big Issue is a newspaper/magazine which was set up in London by “filthy capitalists” and is sold by homeless people. The article from which the following quotes are taken is Why Israelite is alright, by Paul Sussman, published in The Big Issue, June 24-30, 1996, No 187, page 18.
(43) This is actually the title of a 1949 study of “anti-Semitism”.
(44) Kaufman is a whinging left wing creep and a confirmed Zionist, although to give him proper credit he has long been a firm advocate of fair play for the Palestinians. I once attended a meeting at the House of Commons where he shared a platform with PLO supporters and made what was - for a Jewish politician - as principled a stand as any prominent Jew could make against Zionist mendacity without being hauled over the coals.
(45) From the article Re: Cook and the Deputies, by Gerald Kaufman, published in the New Statesman, April 10, 1998, pages 14-5.
(46) Howard clashes with leading Jewish peer over racism, by Bernard Josephs, published in the Jewish Chronicle October 15, 1993, page 40.
(47) Equality laws ‘have failed’, published in the Times, November 12, 1996, page 39. Lester was referred to in this article as “ONE OF the architects of Britain’s equality laws”.
(48) See for example An Open Letter To Paul Boateng MP, Professor Akbar Ahmed, And The Right Reverend Richard Harries, And A Public Reply To The Ongoing Libels Of Organised Jewry, Including A Critique Of The Gratuitously Inaccurate Runnymede Commission Report On So-Called Anti-Semitism., by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (February 1995).
(49) The Blackshirt, October 3, 1936, page 1.

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