Finally, what better proof of the falsehood of the claim that Holocaust “Denial” is making no inroads into academia and non-extremist politics than the recent outpourings of the media on the fiftieth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz? On January 26, Elie Wiesel was shown on TV demanding that the perpetrators of Auschwitz never be forgotten or forgiven. Nobel Peace Prize winner Wiesel is not only both a contemptible liar and a hatemonger, he is a man who is despised by Ultra-Orthodox Jews – ie the real Jews – for, in the words of Rabbi Josef Becher, “Elie Wiesel’s works are blasphemous. He alternately denounces G-d for ’allowing’ the Holocaust to occur and denying His existence”, (from THE TORAH AND POLITICAL ZIONISM, a pamphlet published in February 1984 by The International Organisation For The Elimination Of All Forms Of Racial Discrimination). In 1968 and again in 1982, Wiesel wrote in his book Legends of our Time that “Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate – healthy, virile hate – for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German. To do otherwise would be a betrayal of the dead.” No, this quote is not taken out of context. Some Nobel Peace Prize winner. On page 42 of the Runnymede booklet we meet the claim by the Board of Deputies of “British” Jews that in 1984 there were 153 reported anti-Semitic “incidents”, while in 1992 there were 284, an increase of 85%! An increase of 85% in any recorded crime sounds truly shocking, even over a period of eight years, but the actual figures reported here give the lie to the claim that Jews are hounded, persecuted and in danger of being pogrommed, more so than any other minority in Britain. Let’s take a dispassionate look at the “facts” as they are presented here, presumably by Nagler and Whine.

Let us assume that these figures are genuine, which, as they are gathered by the world’s master liars, is a big assumption. Let us though further assume that like the proverbial iceberg, they are only one tenth visible. That would make a total of 2,840 anti-Semitic incidents recorded in 1992. Let us round up that figure to 3,000, which is approximately one per cent of those persons in the UK classified as Jews. Which means that the likelihood of a Jew being the victim of an anti-Semitic incident is about one in a hundred a year.

Now we come to the task of defining an incident. While the aforementioned grave desecrations are serious incidents they count only as one. But so does somebody daubing a swastika on a wall. Or shouting “Zieg Heil” or “Jews out” in the street. The distribution of an anti-Semitic Chanukah card may count as numerous incidents, depending on however many people report receiving the card. Now, how many murders does that represent? How many pogroms? How many synagogue arsons? Over the past few years a number of (mostly) young blacks, and Asians, have been murdered in the Greater London area. Although some of these murders have caused outrage, much of this has been political. Even allowing for this, blacks and Asians make far less noise about actual murders than do Zionist Jews about some half wit sending the latest update of the Protocols Of Zion through the post. And if an incident is defined as any incident of racial abuse, how many would you account for, Mr Boateng? How many times in 1992 were you insulted on account of your race? Do you demand special privileges for that, or does it run like water off a duck’s back?

On page 43, mention is made of the grotesque race-hate cult the Church of the Creator. For the record, this cult was founded by the now deceased Ben Klassen, who it appears was himself of Jewish origin. It was also condemned by no less a personage than self-styled Nazi and avowed Jew-hater and black-hater Harold Covington. Searchlight mole (ie agent provocateur) Tim Hepple was active in the Church of the Creator, no doubt because it panders to the sex shop image of Nazism projected by Hepple’s manipulator, Gerry Gable. This, after all, is the way Nazis are meant to behave, portraying Jews and blacks as sub-human, in order to evoke disgust and loathing of white racial integrity and of the Aryan race itself. It isn’t though only Zionist manipulators and hatemongers who relish this. In the United States the FBI has also had a finger or two in the pie. The Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) has subverted such groups as the Ku Klux Klan, among other things inciting them to commit violent acts, in exactly the same way the FBI infiltrated and subverted both the Black Panthers and the Martin Luther King movement. And undoubtedly a great many others.

Also on page 43, mention is made of the quasi-mythical Combat 18. This organisation is mentioned again on page 45. I am not saying this group does not exist, my information is that it does, but let me draw an analogy. In 1975 and 1976, another group, Column 88, was said to have been the “Nazi Underground”. Stories about this group were fed to the mainstream press, in particular to a gullible Telegraph journalist, the late Peter Gladstone Smith. The people who fed him and others these stories were, surprise, surprise, the Searchlight Organisation. At one time, a short lived and quite hysterical “anti-fascist” journal allied with Searchlight, (called Forewarned Against Fascism), claimed that Column 88 had an underground army of three hundred men and women which could strike anywhere at anytime bringing death and destruction to all in its path.

In July 1975, Searchlight “mole” – ie agent provocateurDave Roberts, was arrested along with two members of Birmingham’s lunatic fringe who were either members of or associated with this group. They were all three charged with conspiracy to assault the staff of an Indian restaurant. Roberts sang like a canary at his trial, and escaped with a suspended sentence. All the allegations he made about Column 88 were thoroughly investigated at the time and came to nothing more serious than a bunch of cranks dressing up in Nazi uniforms and coal scuttle helmets and celebrating the birthday of their glorious Führer.

There are definite parallels between Column 88 and Combat 18; in particular, Searchlight making outrageous allegations against it, the more gullible – or venal – elements of the press parroting Gable and his gang, and the police taking no action at all. Except where Mr Gable’s agents provocateurs manage to incite the more gullible members of the group to minor criminal acts. If you want confirmation of this I would suggest that you write to the police. And you especially Mr Boateng might like to consider taking some action to remove the likes of Gable from giving evidence to Parliament and to the European Parliament, as he has done. That someone with such obvious disrespect for truth as Gable, and those damned liars Nagler and Whine, can be invited to testify to a Home Affairs Committee and thereby influence national policy, is nothing less than scandalous, and must certainly be detrimental to race relations.

The claim on page 45 that the Flag is “frequently racist and antisemitic” will come as a surprise to the National Front, which, in spite of having virtually no members, has done much to clean up its image over the past few years under the leadership of Ian Anderson. It has, for example, distanced itself from the dictatorial style of leadership as espoused by the dedicated Nazi John Tyndall.

If the basis for the National Front’s alleged racism, whatever is meant by that nebulous epithet, is that it advocates repatriation, then Nelson Mandela should be made an honorary member, because in October last year it was reported in the South African press in Britain (the SA Times) that the ANC government of Nelson Mandela was not simply advocating repatriating so-called illegal immigrants from Mozambique, but was actually doing so. And without so much as a whimper from those great champions of “anti-racism” the Socialist Workers Party, its front organisation the Anti Nazi League, or the Searchlight Organisation.

Incidentally, since I started work on this open letter, a far right contact (who is not a member of any political party) has sent me a copy of the Herts, Beds & Bucks BULLDOG, which is subtitled PAPER OF THE HOME COUNTIES NORTH REGION OF THE NATIONAL FRONT. This is issue 4, Aug/Sep 1994. On page 9 appears an article called NO LOONIES IN THE N.F. This article reads as follows: “Members are reminded that various lunatic and nazi groups are proscribed by the National Front. These groups include the Ku Klux Klan, the British National Party, the National Action Party, etc.

Members of such groups are not allowed to join the National Front and their members must not be invited to attend our meetings or other activities...We are not interested in recruiting members of such groups who have simply had a personal argument with other members – please do not attempt to recruit such people.”

Returning to the Runnymede booklet and still on page 45, the claim that Holocaust News is perhaps the most widely disseminated Revisionist tract is simply wrong. As long ago as November 2, 1979, a polemical article published in the New Statesman, by the Jewish academic Gitta Sereny, revealed that as many as a million copies of Did Six Million Really Die? had been distributed worldwide. A few years ago I was informed by a reliable source that at least one pirate edition of this pamphlet had been published (in Polish); doubtless others have too. Such literature is routinely denounced as anti-Semitic by the likes of Nagler and Whine, but as I have already pointed out, these people are the world’s master liars. Why should you, or anyone, believe anything they say?

The claim that the Leuchter Report is fraudulent is once again nonsense. In any case, there is so much evidence pertaining to the Holocaust that is acknowledged or even admitted as fraudulent that even if the Leuchter Report were a total fabrication the Revisionists would still have an extremely strong case to answer. For example, as already stated, many atrocity photo-graphs are in reality montages or drawings, or otherwise misrepresented. I will provide documentation on this on request.

On page 48, attacks on war crimes legislation are smeared as anti-Semitic. But why should German (and Japanese) war criminals have been hounded and persecuted when Allied – including Jewish – war criminals have been exempted, or even made into heroes? Wasn’t the greatest war criminal of all Churchill, who rejected Hitler’s many offers of a negotiated settlement? What of the war criminals responsible for Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Or doesn’t the extermination of slit-eyed, sub-human ant men, and their women and children count? For such was the way the Japanese were portrayed during World War Two. The same book I quoted from earlier, The Jewish Image in American Film, reports on pages 124-5 that a 1944 propaganda film The Purple Heart, prompted one critic to comment “I defy anyone to see this picture and not want to go out and kill, singlehandedly, every Jap.” Substitute Jew for Jap and this comment takes on a far more serious and sinister connotation. According to Nagler and Whine. Incidentally, you might like to consider that while American Jews were whining and wailing about Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda films such as The Eternal Jew which portrayed Jews as rats, other American Jews, and perhaps even many of the same ones, were churning out anti-German and anti-Japanese propaganda in then predominantly Jewish Hollywood which portrayed men of other races in exactly the same light, or in the case of the Japanese, markedly worse, for the Japanese had not been responsible for anti-Jewish persecution.

Finally, what about the Jewish war criminals? Yitzhak Shamir for example, a former terrorist and an acknowledged murderer of British servicemen? And this at a time when other British servicemen were saving the Jews of Europe from the Nazi gas chambers? Why must there be always one standard for the goyim and another for the Jews? Isn’t that anti-Semitic, or in this case, anti-Gentile?

The Runnymede booklet ends with all the usual whining and whimpering about how free speech must be totally destroyed, again at the behest of those wonderful people who gave you Sabra and Shatila, simply because a bunch of pillocks in darkest Sussex think they’re plotting to take over the world, and churn out endless updates of the Protocols Of Zion. One of these pillocks, though not one from Sussex, is Lady Birdwood, whom I mentioned earlier. Believe it or not, you, Mr Boateng, Professor Ahmed and Reverend Harries, have something in common with Lady Birdwood.

A while ago I took a Rabbi to meet her. The interview was very courteous, but nothing was achieved by it. We failed to convince her that the financial system is not controlled lock, stock and barrel by Jews, and that the Protocols Of Zion is a fraud. Incredibly, she even accused me of working for Woburn House, and probably still thinks I do. The judge at her second trial told her that she lived in a different world from the rest of us. As surely she does. The Rabbi was of a similar opinion. His verdict was “She’s barmy”.

Lady Birdwood is not barmy. Certainly she has swallowed whole large tranches of anti-Jewish propaganda, and she will never be convinced that the Protocols is a lie however much evidence is adduced to the contrary, any more than Nagler and Whine will be convinced that the Holocaust is a monstrous fraud and calumny on the German people. And on the white race. Lady Birdwood’s intentions in distributing poisonous anti-Semitica were entirely honourable. This extremely gullible but well meaning woman believed that by making the Jews see the errors of their ways she could save them from the Holocaust they need every fifty years. So she mailed out 15,000 copies of a pamphlet accusing them of controlling the media, the banks, communism, and practically everything else. Before that she had mailed out thousands of leaflets accusing Jews of practising ritual murder.

As stated, she didn’t do this to incite hatred against anyone, least of all the Jews. She did it to make them see the errors of their ways. She doesn’t realise that all or most of the allegations levelled against Jewry are propaganda, but more than that, she doesn’t realise that the people who are feeding her this poison don’t share her ideals. This is what she has in common with you. In the words of Gustav Le Bon: “To attribute to others the identical sentiments that guide oneself is never to understand others.”

During the course of his life the American Jewish multi-millionaire and philanthropist Julius Rosenwald (1862-1932) donated over four million dollars to Negro education and welfare, a staggering sum in those days, even when one considers that one pound sterling exchanged for five dollars. Countless other Jews have made great contributions to the welfare of the Negro, to race relations and for the benefit of mankind in general. To take just one example, it was a Jew, Lewis Gompertz (died 1861), who founded what was later to become known as the RSPCA, which extended the concept of “common humanity” to animals, ie the idea that they should not be brutalised simply because they are not human, because they are dumb, and because they often end up basting in somebody’s oven. The Naglers and Whines of this world, like their totally worthless, hatemongering co-racialist Gerry Gable, do not share these high ideals, except that most of them probably care more for the welfare of animals than for the welfare of any non-Jewish human being.

I am a staunch anti-statist and anti-socialist; I also have little time for blacks who do nothing but whine and wail about how they likewise are ill-treated by the mythical disease of racism and seek to blame all black shortcomings on white racist society. In this context I have seen Paul Boateng mouthing off all the usual anti-racist drivel. But in 1990 when I was lobbying the Labour Party conference in Blackpool, I attended a fringe meeting at which you, Mr Boateng, made a speech attacking government policy. However unimpressed I may be with socialism or “anti-racism” it was and is obvious to me that Paul Boateng is not concerned simply with the alleged wrongs done to the black man by white society, and that Paul Boateng is concerned with the lot of the working class and the welfare of the people generally. And that Paul Boateng would condemn a perceived injustice wherever he saw it, and regardless of the race(s) of the perpetrators and victims. Perhaps even the same is true of the sometimes publicity-seeking Bernie Grant. The same is manifestly not true of the Naglers and Whines of this world.

Do the Naglers and Whines of this world condemn Zionist atrocities against Palestinian children? Did they condemn Hebron? As I said before, if they condemned it at all they did so in a whisper, and only because the entire world was watching. The same way they condemned Sabra and Shatila. Did they pursue the war criminals responsible for Sabra and Shatila with the same vigour they pursued the alleged butchers of the own people fifty and more years ago? Did they hound them the same way they hounded and tortured the totally innocent John Demjanjuk? Did they hell. They have far more important things to concern themselves with, like condemning some glue-sniffing skinhead for daubing a swastika on a synagogue wall. After all, if Nazis are allowed to perpetrate such evil acts, before long they’ll be shovelling Jews into gas chambers again. Again?

We still hear so much about these gas chambers. The Naglers and Whines of this world together with the Gerry Gables have striven mightily to convince the black man especially that after the Jews, he will be next, and to this end we must have even stronger “anti-hate” legislation. The plain truth though is that these people don’t give a damn about the black man anymore than they do about Palestinians or any other goyim. They are simply using the black man and have been for decades. In short, the black man is nothing more than a pawn in the game, the same way that for the Socialist International the workers are a pawn in the game, in the latter case to use to achieve political power for their own ends, so as to establish the misnamed dictatorship of the proletariat. In the former, to destroy the society they hold responsible for the historical persecution of their race, Final Solution, gas chambers and all.

If it were otherwise, the Naglers and Whines of this world would never give the time of day to the likes of Gable. Even after I proved to them that he lies to them with the same impunity he lies to any dumb goy anti-fascist, they still support him. For the simple reason that in their case blood – or tribal loyalties – are always thicker than water. And more important than objective truth. And if Gable really cared about the black man, he would never have used the services of a creature like Ray Hill, who was likewise employed by Zionist Jews in South African to smear the Herstigte Nasionale Party as anti-Semitic, and who incited hatred against blacks and Indians there as part of this charade.

If Gable really cared about blacks he would not attack the sorely misguided Louis Farrakhan the same way he attacks white “nationalists”. Nor other Black Separatists who have been denounced by his magazine, as “a Gucci-outfitted bunch of middle-class wankers”, (Searchlight, June 1992, issue 204, page 11). Gable’s obvious hatred of Black Separatists stems not from their alleged anti-Semitism (which he and his kind are largely responsible for anyway) but from the fact that Black Separatists are exactly that, Separatists, and they aren’t interested in white women, so therefore they don’t serve his purposes.

The machinations of the Naglers, Whines and Gables of this world are often interpreted in terms of conspiracy, hence the taboo about the entire Jewish Question and the ridiculing of the likes of Farrakhan and his white equivalents. The simple fact though is that Nagler, Whine, Gable and other crypto-Jews are not involved in any sort of conspiracy, they are simply working in cooperation with their allies and dupes in the Socialist International to destroy the hated Aryans. Hence their portrayal of white nationalists as sex shop Nazis, and their obvious contempt and hatred for white society, as I have already demonstrated.

I realise that all of this will come as a shock to you gentlemen, but the simple fact is that you have been taken for a ride. You have each been recruited for specific reasons: Mr Boateng because of the empathy blacks are supposed to feel for that other persecuted minority, Jews; Professor Ahmed because Moslems/Arabs and Jews have lived side by side for thousands of years, and if they make the right noises about racism perhaps you’ll forget about Sabra and Shatila or put it down to the “tragic” situation in the Middle East, even though they would never suggest such a thing about the far less brutal spontaneous pogrom of Kristallnacht. And Reverend Harries, you have been recruited because Christian ministers are to be forever held accountable for the sins of their ancestors. After all, it was the Christians who invented anti-Semitism with their charge of deicide. How can they ever make redress to the Jews for accusing them of this terrible crime, and for the blood libel, and for causing them two thousand years of suffering? And notwithstanding that the first Christians were Jews in any case, and that the blood libel was directed initially not against the Jewish religion, but against Christianity, (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Volume 2, page 407).

You Reverend Harries, are being used most of all. The Neturei Karta, the men in black hats and caftans (and their womenfolk), ie the real Jews, interpret anti-Semitism as a punishment from the Deity for straying from the straight and narrow, and in particular for deserting their religion. For them, anti-Semitism is their punishment. For the Naglers, Whines and Gables though, and for Zionists generally, anti-Semitism has become a club with which to beat the wicked goyim, in particular the Aryan goyim, over the head in order the extract special privileges for their race, to perpetuate the theory of Aryan evil as opposed to the Jewish evil of the Protocols Of Zion, and to place the Jewish “race” and the Jew in general above reproach, above suspicion, and above all criticism. Rather than contributing to the understanding of anti-Semitism, by your unwitting collaboration with these thoroughly evil men, Nagler and Whine in particular, and by your giving spurious credence to their deceitful and hate-filled polemics, you three gentlemen have done more to perpetuate anti-Semitism than the British National Party, or any other such “anti-Semitic” organisation in Britain, or indeed throughout the world.

These people, the Naglers and Whines of this world, are propagandists, and liars. What else have they lied to you about? Call them liars and they’ll call you anti-Semitic! I prove them liars; let them do their damnedest to refute me. If they can. When I have proved them and their creature Gable liars before, I have been smeared from pillar to post, subjected to state harassment, and physically attacked, but when it comes to meeting my thoroughly documented arguments and irrefutable facts – the latter all drawn from the public domain – the silence has been deafening. They can libel me to high heaven, they have in the past, and I have no doubt they will continue to do so, but they will never do so with impunity.

Published by InƒoText Manuscripts,
93c Venner Road,
London SE26 5HU.

Copyright Alexander Baron, 1995.

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