Ford’s Jewish Pogrom. Editorial reprinted from the Akron (O.) Beacon Journal, C.L. Knight Publisher; J.H.Barry, Business Manager, published in the American Hebrew, September 24, 1920, Volume 107, Number 19, pages 560-1.
The Anti-Semitic Propaganda in this Country, by David Baron, published in The Scattered Nation, October 1920, issue 104, pages 166-9.
This article makes a brief mention of the Protocols.
THE WORLD’S UNREST., published in the Spectator, October 16, 1920, pages 489-90.
Also THE CAUSES OF WORLD UNREST., published in the same issue, page 503.
Apparently the Morning Post’s nonsense sold for 10s. 6d. net, a fair sum in those days.
An Open Letter to Henry Ford from Isaac Landman, editor, about the Protocols etc, published in the American Hebrew, October 15, 1920, Volume 107, Number 22. Cover story. The letter is dated October 11.
The Bogus Documents – Unmitigated Falsehoods Lucien Wolf Criticizes “Protocols” in Letter to London “Spectator”, published in the American Hebrew, October 15, 1920, Volume 107, Number 22, pages 652 and 660.
The Folly of the Protocols Plain Forgery – Says Dr. Saloman Reinach In “The Jewish Tribune”, Paris, published in the American Hebrew, October 15, 1920, Volume 107, Number 22, pages 651 & 670.
London “Church Times” Ridicules “Peril”: An Editorial Voicing Sentiments of British Religious Press, published in the American Hebrew, October 15, 1920, pages 656-7.
Henry Ford’s Challenge and a Jew’s Reply: An Address by Dr. Stephen S. Wise at the Free Synagogue on October 10, published in the American Hebrew, October 22, 1920, Volume 107, Number 23, pages 684-5.
The Second Open Letter to Mr. Ford, by Isaac Landman, published in the American Hebrew, October 22, 1920, cover story, Volume 107, Number 23.
A CHALLENGE to HENRY FORD, published in the American Hebrew, November 12, 1920, Volume 107, Number 26, page 762. (This is also on the front cover).
4 PROTOCOLS OF ZION (NOT THE PROTOCOLS OF NILUS.), published by the Britons, London, (1921). 18 pages.
Poslednija Novosty, (1921).
Count de Chayla’s account of interviews with Nilus was published in Poslednija Novosty, at Paris, (1921). [See also entry for Bernstein, (1935)].
L’internazionale ebraica. Protocolli dei “savi anziani” di Sion. Versione Italiana con appendice, La Vita Itali-ana, Roma, Rassegna Mensile di Politica, (1921). 190 pages. [NUC Pre-1956 Imprints, Vol 473, 339]
Juedische Geheimgesetze? = Unknown Jewish Laws, by H.L. Strack, 7th Edition published 1921.
According to Segel (see entry for 1934), this includes an analysis of the Protocols. For the record, in 1909, Herman L. Strack, Regius Professor of Theology at Berlin University, published the 8th Edition (in English) of his book The Jew and Human Sacrifice [Human Blood and Jewish Ritual] An Historical and Sociological Inquiry; for students of anti-Semitica this is well worth reading: a thoughtful, dispassionate analysis, totally bereft of the incessant whining and wailing we have come to expect from certain Jewish authors.
Waters Flowing Eastward, by Lesley Fry, published by Revue internationale des sociétés secrètes, Paris, (1921). [BL, WFG 293] (See also entries for 1933 and 1965). The 1921 Paris edition was published in English. [BL]
World Revolution, by Nesta H. Webster, (see entry for 1971).
The History of a Lie, “The protocols of the wise men of Zion”, by Herman Bernstein, published by J.S. Ogilvie, New York, (February 1921). 84 pages. [NUC Pre-1956 Imprints, Volume 50, page 83]
The Jewish Peril: PROTOCOLS OF THE Learned Elders of Zion, published by the Britons, London, (1921). 96 pages. Fourth edition. [BL]
THE MYTH OF THE JEWISH MENACE IN WORLD AFFAIRS or THE TRUTH ABOUT THE FORGED PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION, by Lucien Wolf, published by Macmillan, New York, (1921). 53 pages. The American edition of The Jewish Bogey... [BL]
THE NEW ANTI-SEMITISM: The Official Protests of the British and American Jewish Communities, published by the Press Committee of the Jewish Board of Deputies, London, (1921). 12 pages. [UCL]
The Truth About “The Protocols” A LITERARY FORGERY, by Philip Graves, published by Printing House Square, London, (1921). 24 pages. (Reprint of the Times articles). [BL, UCL]
Forgeries Preceding the Protocols, by Walter Hart Blumenthal, published in the American Hebrew, January 21, 1921, page 298.
Religious Hoaxes Other Than Protocols, by Walter Hart Blumenthal, published in the American Hebrew, January 28, 1921, pages 325 and 329.
The second of a two part article.
In New York World, February 17th, 1921, Henry Ford is alleged to have said: “The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and have fitted the world situation up to this time. THEY FIT IT NOW.”
I haven’t actually seen this article, but it’s been quoted by many pro-Protocols authors.
“Protocols Forged in Paris” Says Princess Radziwill In an Exclusive Interview With ISAAC LANDMAN, published in the American Hebrew, February 25, 1921, Volume 108 Number 15, page 422.
Evidence of Protocol Forgery Substantiated, published in the American Hebrew, March 4, 1921. page 452. Includes a small inset Protocols Offered For Sale States A.J.C. Report
Lecture on Protocols Evokes Wide Interest, published in the American Hebrew, March 11, 1921, page 490.
Resumé of Herman Bernstein’s “History of a Lie”, published in the American Hebrew, March 11, 1921 Volume 108, Number 17, pages 484 and 491.
A PROTOCOL OF 1869, published in THE HIDDEN HAND or JEWRY UEBER ALLES, April 1921, pages 6-7.
More nonsense about the speech of the non-existent Rabbi Reichhorn. This is said also to have been published as a pamphlet.
An Examination of the Book called “The Jewish Peril,” or “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” A paper read before the Prophecy Investigation Society, April, 1921, by the Rev. E. Bendor Samuel, published by Chas. J. Thynne, London, (August 1921). 24 pages.
This was first published in July 1921 as part of Aids to Prophetic Study No. 21
“JEWISH WORLD PLOT.” AN EXPOSURE. THE SOURCE OF THE PROTOCOLS. TRUTH AT LAST., published in the Times, August 16, 1921, pages 9-10.
“JEWISH PERIL” EXPOSED. HISTORIC “FAKE” MORE PARALLELS., published in the Times, August 17, 1921, pages 9-10.
THE PROTOCOL FORGERY..., published in the Times, August 18, 1921, pages 9-10.
A Great Fraud Exposed, published in the Jewish Chronicle, August 19, 1921, page 5.
An editorial.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES, published in the Times, August 20, 1921, page 7.
A letter from Israel Zangwill.
THE EXPLODED “PROTOCOLS.”, published in the Jewish Chronicle, August 26, 1921, pages 10-1.
Refers to the Morning Post’s readers as “suet-brained”. This article also refers to articles on the Protocols following the Times exposé in the following publications: the Observer; Nation And Athenaeum; Outlook; the Spectator. Doubtless there were many more also, worldwide.
A Russian edition of the Protocols is held in the British Library at shelfmark C37ee2. The catalogue entry reads as follows: ********* (8) [The text of the “Protocols” adapted from M. Joly’s “Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu...par un Contemporain” taken from S.A. Nilus’s *****, preceded by Miss L Fry’s ***** in Th. Vinberg’s translation, being an attempt to prove the “Protocols” to be a work by U. Ginzberg, with a preface to the whole by A. Rogovich. With this there are two cuttings from “The Times” and one from ***** on the subject. With an illustation.] This was published 1922. Theodor Viktorovich Vinberg, 125 pages. (9) The Ginzberg referred to was Asher Zvi Ginzberg.
Subtitled The Jew and International Politics, this is the text of an address by the President of the Britons, Dr J.H. Clarke, September 4th, 1920. Published 1922. 12 pages. [BL]
The Inside Story of Henry Ford’s Jew-Mania, by Norman Hapgood, published in Hearst’s International magazine, June 1922. [LOHF, 524]
The Inside Story of Henry Ford’s Jew-Mania, Part II On the Trail of the Sleuths, by Norman Hapgood, published in Hearst’s International magazine, July 1922. [LOHF, 524]
The Inside Story of Henry Ford’s Jew-Mania, by Norman Hapgood, published in Hearst’s International magazine, Part III The Strange Adventures of No. 25 H., August 1922. [LOHF, 524]
The Inside Story of Henry Ford’s Jew-Mania, Part IV Henry Swallows Old Bait, by Norman Hapgood, published in Hearst’s International magazine, September 1922. [LOHF, 524]
The Inside Story of Henry Ford’s Jew-Mania, Part V Robbing the U.S. Censor, by Norman Hapgood, published in Hearst’s International magazine, October 1922. [LOHF, 524]
The Inside Story of Henry Ford’s Jew-Mania, by Norman Hapgood, Forcing Dealers to Spread the Poison, published in Hearst’s International magazine, November 1922. [LOHF, 524]
THE INTERNATIONAL JEW...Being a Reprint of a Series of Articles Appearing in the Dearborn Independent..., published by Dearborn Publishing Company, Dearborn, Michigan, (1920). Volumes 1-3. [BL]
Volume 1 THE WORLD’S FOREMOST PROBLEM, (November, 1920), 235 pages.
Volume 2 Jewish Activities in the United States, (April, 1921), 255 pages.
Volume 3 Jewish Influences in American Life, (November, 1921), 256 pages.
The above three volumes cover the articles May 22, 1920-July 16, 1921.
Volume IV Aspects of Jewish Power in the United States, was published in 1922: I haven’t seen this but Sward lists it on page 146. The first three are contained in one bound volume in the British Library.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, by I. Delevsky, published at Berlin, (1923). [POMM 134]
This is said to be a pamphlet published in Russian, containing the only published text of Taina Evreistva.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and World Politics, by Alfred Rosenberg, (1923). [Not seen by compiler.]
Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion kritisch beleuchtet, by Benjamin Segel, published at Berlin, (1924). [POMM 134]
See also Segel’s entry for 1934.
The Zionist Protocols – The Program of the International Secret Government, by Theodor Fritsch. An 80 page 1924 translation.
This book is referred to by Segel, page 16, (see entry for 1934). Theodor Fritsch (1852-1933) was an important German anti-Semite whose hatemongering preceded the birth of Hitler.
JOHN BROWN ON THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION, published in the British Guardian, May 1924, page 79. [John Brown also featured in a series of articles on the Protocols in Plain English, the short lived and quite vicious anti-Semitic “literary” weekly edited by the totally worthless Lord Alfred Douglas. The title was first issued as Plain English in July 1920 and ceased publication in March 1922 during which time Douglas published many, many articles on the Protocols, none of which are included here.]
Die Wissenden von Wien, published by The Initiated of Vienna, (1925).
Yeah, I bet they were. This is yet another translation of the Protocols and is mentioned by Segel, page 16, (see entry for 1934).
THE SECRET WORLD GOVERNMENT OR “THE HIDDEN HAND” The Unrevealed in History 100 Historical “Mysteries” Explained, by Major-General, Count Al’bert Ivanovich Cherep-Spiridovich, published by The Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association, New York, (1926). 196 pages. No index.
This book is so crazy it makes the Protocols sound plausible. Page 7 “...there are nearly twenty-five million revolutionists within the United States...” (bold in the original) . It refers here and there to the Morning Post.
THE HISTORY OF A LIE “The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion” A STUDY BY HERMAN BERNSTEIN, published by J.S. Ogilvie, New York, (1928). 74 pages.
I have seen a copy of this; one is held at the Jewish Studies Library, University College London (Mocatta boxed pamphlets). There are two entries for this edition in the National Union Catalog, Pre-1956 Imprints, Volume 50, page 83, the above and the one listed below. If my memory serves me correctly, the UCL copy had some blurb on the cover about Shanghai, which I thought odd at the time. I have no idea of the publishing arrangements, so presume that the same book was published simultaneously in New York and Shanghai (of all places). As far as I can tell, both versions are straight reprints of the 1921 edition and do not mention the subsequent Graves exposé.
The History of a Lie..., by Herman Bernstein, issued by “Israel’s messenger”, printed by Shanghai Times, Shanghai, China, (1928). 74 pages.
Die Geheimnisse der Weisen von Zion in deutscher Sprache herausgegeben von Gottfried zur Beek, Verlag Frz..., München, (1929). 80 pages. [BL]
4 PROTOCOLS OF ZION (“NOT” THE PROTOCOLS OF NILUS.), published by the Britons, London, (1931). 15 pages. [Sing, 58]
Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion, Translated from the Russian Text by Victor E. Marsden, Formerly Russian Correspondent of “The Morning Post”, published by The Britons Publishing Society, London, (1931), Reprint.
Auf dem Judenkirchhof in Prag, by John Retcliffe [Hermann Goedsche], published at Berlin, (1933).
Konfrontation der “Geheimnisse der Weisen von Zion” (“Die Zionistischen Protokolle”) mit ihrer Quelle “Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu”, by the Legal Defence Department of the Swiss Union of Communities in Basle, published at Basle, (1933).
DE 1912, éditions Bernard Grasset, Paris, (1933). 153 pages. [BL]
THE REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT: A DIAGNOSIS OF WORLD DISORDERS, by J. Findlater, (self-published), “Brodiesord”, Viewforth Terrace, Edinburgh, (1933). 143 pages. No index.
A World-Empire Projected (pages 30-5) and Who are the Conspirators? (pages 36-41) cover the Protocols.
Waters Flowing Eastward, by L. Fry, published by Editions R.I.S.S., Paris, (1933). 277 pages. Illustrated. [BL]
This is the 2nd Edition, Revised and Enlarged. According to Singerman (page 58), the 1st edition was published at Paris in 1931. It was actually published in 1921; a 3rd edition was published at Chatou, (1934). This ran to 277 pages. (See also entries for 1953 and 1965). The lady appears to have written extensively on the Protocols, and it may be this which has led to the confusion.
“Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” Nailing the Lie in Switzerland..., published in the Jewish Chronicle, November 17, 1933, page 20.
PROTOCOLS of the Wise Men of Zion: A spurious and fraudulent document manufactured to deceive and to engender religious and racial hatred, by Sigmund Livingston, published by the Educational Commission of B’Nai Brith [sic], at Chicago. Undated, but apparently published 1934. 16 pages. [UCL]
THE PROTOCOLS of the ELDERS OF ZION: The Greatest Lie in History, by Benjamin W. Segel, Translated from the German by Sascha Czazckes-Charles, WITH TEN LETTERS OF ENDORSEMENT FROM EMINENT GERMAN NON-JEWISH SCHOLARS, published by Block Publishing Co, New York, (1934). 97 pages. [BL]
This is an expanded and updated edition of the author’s 1924 German language work on the Protocols. On page 21 the author reproduces the front cover of the 1868 Joly book Dialogue Aux Enfers.
HISTORY OF THE FORGED “PROTOCOLS”, published in the Jewish Chronicle, June 22, 1934, page 28.
Anti-Semites have claimed that Lenin was the son of a rabbi; Machiavelli was a Jew; Kerensky’s real name was Kirbiss, etc.
The “Greyshirt” Trial
Heavy Damages for Libelling Jewry
The “Protocols of Zion”, published in the Jewish Chronicle, August 31, 1934, pages 25-6.
“Protocols of Zion” Trial Purveyors of the Forgeries Indicted Dr. Weizmann’s Evidence ORIGINS OF THE VICIOUS MYTH, published in the Jewish Chronicle November 2, 1934, page 25.
“Protocols of Zion” Trial
“Expert” Appointed for Defence, published in the Jewish Chronicle, November 16, 1934, page 24.
An Appeal for Fair Play
This is said to be a circular printed by the printer of the Fascist re the Berne Trial. (10)
4 PROTOCOLS OF ZION (“NOT” THE PROTOCOLS OF NILUS.), published by Right Cause, Chicago, (1935). 13 pages. [Sing, 80]
This is said to be a reprint of the 3rd Britons edition.
Anti-Semitism Through the Ages, by Count Heinrich & Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, London, (1935). [POMM 134]
Das Berner Fehlurteil über die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion: Eine kritische Betrachtung über das Prozessverfahren, by Stephan Vasz, published at Erfurt, (1935). 134 pages.
The Hidden Empire, (1935). No publisher. 15 pages. [Sing, 82]
Jewish Libel Action at Berne. An Account of the Latest Jewish Attempt to Disavow their Authorship of the Protocols with the Aid of False Witnesses and Miscarriage of Justice, published by Right Cause, Chicago, (1935). 12 pages. [Sing, 83]
New Light on the Protocols. Latest Evidence on the Veracity of this Remarkable Document, by W. Creutz, published by Right Cause, Chicago, (1935). 16 pages. Reprinted by Sons of Liberty, Metairie, La, (1976). [Sing 79]
Claims they were originally written in Hebrew! And edited by Asher Ginzberg.
The Damning Parallels of the Protocol “Forgeries” as Adopted and Fulfilled in the United States by Jewish-Radical Leadership, by Robert Edward Edmondson, published by the author, New York, (1935). 12 pages. [Sing, 80]
“Protocols of the wise men of Zion.” Protocols of the meetings of the learned elders of Zion, said to be a Reprint with an Addendum Startling new documents at the end, published by Briton [sic] Publishing Society, London, (1935). 64, 8 pages. [NUC Pre-1956 Imprints, Volume 473, 336]
THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION What they really are, published by Anchor Press, Tiptree, Essex, undated but published no earlier than 1935. 4 pages. [UCL]
The Truth About “The Protocols of Zion”: A Complete Exposure, by Herman Bernstein, published by Covici Friede, New York, (1935). 408 pages. No index. [BL]
Bernstein includes the following:
A complete translation of the Dialogues In Hell.
The Times reports by Philip Graves.
The Jewish Cemetery In Prague.
A translation of a 1921 article by Count A. M. du Chayla on Nilus and the Protocols.
A Brief Report of the Libel Action at Berne. May 1935. Mimeographed.
There is said to be a copy of this in the Wiener Library.
The “Protocols” a “Trashy Forgery”, an editorial, published in the Jewish Chronicle, May 17, 1935, page 9.
“Protocols” Trial Result Fraud Finally Exposed “FORGERY AND TRASH” SWISS LAW COURT’S FINDINGS, published in the Jewish Chronicle, May 17, 1935, page 20.
THE BERNE TRIAL; A OBJECTING VOICE, [sic] published in the Jewish Chronicle, May 24, 1935, page 20.
“The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” published in The Scattered Nation, July 1935, issue 163, pages 115-6.
ANTISEMITISM HISTORICALLY AND CRITICALLY EXAMINED, by Hugo Valentin, Lecturer in History in the University of Upsala, Translated from the Swedish by A.G. Chater, published by Victor Gollancz, London, (1936). 324 pages. No index.
Chapter IX runs from pages 165-83 and is called “THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION” – “THE GREATEST FORGERY OF THE CENTURY”. This was before the Holocaust, of course.
Hōkōshi (Sekai kakumei no rimen), is a Japanese translation of the Protocols, (1936). [NUC Pre-1956 Imprints Volume 473, page 340]
PROTOCOLS of the Learned Elders of ZION, published by the Britons, London, (1936).
A 75 page edition, said to be a “(Reprint)”. Contains part of the well-worn out of context quote “There is much in the fact of Bolshevism...” on the inside front cover. I found a copy of this in the archive at the London Museum of Jewish Life/Sternberg Centre For Judaism.
Basle “Protocols of Zion” Trial Anti-Semite Withdraws Charges, published in the Jewish Chronicle, June 12, 1936, page 30.
This was a case similar in content to the Berne trial. This article reports that not only had the defendant, Dr Zander, claimed that Herzl had read the Protocols at the 1897 World Zionist Congress, he had also claimed that the Chief Rabbi of Stockholm had declared them genuine! This article reports his withdrawal of the charges.
Le péril juif: texte intégral des Protocols des sages d’Israël, published at Paris, O.P.N., (1937?). 94 pages. [NUC Pre-1956 Imprints, Volume 473, 337]
“Protocols” False, But Not Immoral
Berne Appeal Court’s Verdict
NO DAMAGES FOR NAZI APPELLANTS, published in the Jewish Chronicle, November 5, 1937, page 28.
And, same page
The “Protocols” in Italian.
Reports also that a cheap edition was published at Rome.
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