Bibliography (Part 4)


WARRANT FOR GENOCIDE: The myth of the Jewish world-conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, by Norman Cohn, published by Eyre and Spottiswoode, London, (1967). 303 pages. Index. Illustrated. Also published in paperback by Penguin, (1970). 336 pages. [BL, WL]

The following editions of the same book by Norman Rufus Colin Cohn are listed in the National Union Catalog Author list, 1968-1972, Volume 19, page 449:

French translation published at Paris, 1967.
Buenos Aires, 1967.
German translation, 1969.
(A Commentary report) c1966, published by the American Jewish Committee. 10 pages.

The National Union Catalog, 1973-1977, Volume 24, page 197, lists an edition published at Sao Paulo, 1969.

ANTI-SEMITISM, a review of Warrant For Genocide, published in Commentary, July 1967, Volume 44, Number 1, pages 80-4.

Review by Walter Laqueur; in the States the book was published by Harper & Row, New York, (1967). 296 pages.

According to the National Union Catalog, 1981, Volume 3, page 666, Warrant For Genocide was republished by Scholars Press, Chico, CA, in 1981. This edition has 285 pages and is said by the British Library Document Supply Centre Catalogue to be Brown Judaic Studies No 23. [MARS]

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: The last Tsar of Russia, as well as Adolf Hitler and other anti-Semites, were among those taken in by this spurious publication, by Christopher Sykes, published in History Today, February 1967, pages 81-8 & 140. (12)

The Sykes History Today article was reprinted as a pamphlet, probably at the behest of the Elders themselves. A copy is held in the archive of the London Museum of Jewish Life/Sternberg Centre for Judaism.

The nightmare of a great lie, by George Steiner, published in the Sunday Times, February 19, 1967, page 29.

A review of Warrant For Genocide.

A Muslim View of the ‘Protocols’, by Sylvia G. Haim, published in the Wiener Library Bulletin, Summer 1967, Vol. XXI, No. 3, New Series No. 8, pages 48-9.

Page 48 mentions Jewish Conspiracy and the Muslim World: With the complete text of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion of the 33rd Degree, Edited by Misbahul Islam Faruqi, published at Karachi, (February 1967).

The ‘Satanic Plot’: Arab Know-Your-Protocols Campaign, published in the Wiener Library Bulletin Winter 1967/68 Vol. XXII No. 1 New Series No. 10, pages 25-7.

MULLINS’ NEW HISTORY OF THE JEWS, by Eustace Mullins, published by the International Institute of Jewish Studies, Staunton, Virginia, (1968). [See also entry for Baron, (1993)].

This is quite possibly the most anti-Semitic book ever written. Includes the full text of The Rabbi’s Speech, among other things.

Auschwitz Condoned: The Abortive Struggle against the Final Solution, by Erich Kulka, published in the Wiener Library Bulletin, Winter 1968/1969 Vol XXIII No. 1 New Series No. 14., pages 2-5.

A footnote on page 2 reveals that “Erich Kulka is the author of The Death Factory, Pergamon Press 1966; a standard work on Auschwitz.

The article mentions Vrba and refers to the document they smuggled out as the Auschwitz Protocols, which is rather ironic, because like the Protocols proper this is an obviously spurious document designed to engender religious and racial hatred.

If You Want It Straight, by Robert Welch, (1969).

This is a speech made by Welch (founder of the John Birch Society) in 1969. See entry for On Target, 1993.

Tödtli ‐ A Berne Defender of the “Protocols”, by Robert C. Williams, published in the Wiener Library Bulletin, 1969, Vol. XXIII Nos. 2 & 3, New Series Nos. 15 & 16, pages 67-70.

THE HOAXERS: Plain Liars, Fancy Liars, and Damned Liars, by Morris Kominsky, published by Branden Press, Boston, (1970). 735 pages. Index.

An enormous book full of excellent exposés and nonsense in equal measure. Covers the Protocols as well as much other anti-Jewish propaganda – real and imagined.

why the ‘Protocols’ were held genuine, published in Patterns Of Prejudice, May-June 1970, Vol 4, No 3, pages 20-1.

Chesterton, A.K: THIS MAN IS DANGEROUS, published in CANDOUR: The British Views-Letter, Vol. XXI, No. 503, September, 1970, page 180. [BL, WL]

An exposés of the Israel Cohen hoax and a few well chosen words about its author, Mr Eustace Mullins.

ELDERS OF ZION, PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED, published in the Encyclopaedia Judaica, Volume 6, pages 581-3, (13) published by Keter Publishing, Jerusalem, (1971).

WORLD REVOLUTION: The Plot Against Civilization, by Nesta H. Webster, Edited and brought up-to-date by Anthony Gittens, published by the Britons Publishing Company, Chawleigh, Chulmleigh, Devon, (1971). 374 pages. With index and a chart. [BL]

This is the 6th Revised Edition. The publishing history is given here as follows:

1st Edition 1921
2nd Edition 1922
3rd Edition 1923
4th Edition  1924
5th Edition 1927

All the above by Constable. This edition is available in Paper, Cloth and De Luxe!

The Author’s Preface is dated April 1960.

Covers Illuminism, 1848, 1871, 1917 and the Internationale, and, of course, the Protocols.

Nesta Helen (Mrs Arthur) Webster (1876-1960), was the youngest daughter of Robert Bevan. She travelled the world, marrying Arthur Webster in India. She spent three years researching in the British Museum (Library) and French archives. Her autobiography, Spacious Days, was published in 1950.

Antony Gittens was a leading member of the Britons and one of the nastier anti-Semites and the editor of Gothic Ripples. (14)

Nesta Webster also published two pamphlets which are not to be confused with this book: The Past History of the World Revolution, (1921); and The Origin and Progress of the World Revolution, (1932). The former is, apparently, the text of a lecture. Copies of both are held by the British Library.


The Truth About “The Protocols of Zion”: A Complete Exposure, by Herman Bernstein, Introduction by Norman Cohn. Published by Ktav Publishing House, New York, (1972). 397 pages. [Not seen by compiler.]

WORLD CONQUEST through WORLD GOVERNMENT: THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION, Translated from the Russian of Sergyei A. Nilus by Victor E. Marsden, published by the Britons, Chawleigh, Chulmleigh, (1972). 96 pages. Illustrated. Index. Published in hardback and in cloth. [BL]

of Zion
A fabrication that was unmasked, by T.H. Bendor-Samuel, published by the Mildmay Mission to the Jews, (undated, but published no later than 1973). 8 pages.

A small pamphlet. Note the hyphen in Bendor-Samuel.

projections of the “Protocols” the guilt feeling in antisemitism, by H.I. Bach, published in Patterns Of Prejudice, July-August 1973, Vol 7, No 4, pages 24-31.

Cion Bölcseinek Jegyzökönyve A Talmud Magyarul, forditotta Alfon Luzsénsky, London, (1974). 264 pages. [BL]

The London connection is a total mystery to the current writer. I think this is some sort of calumny on the Talmud which attempts to rope in the Protocols, but I can’t be sure. According to the British Library catalogue it is Hungarian and is based on one English and two German texts, (selections).

The Jewish Question: Out in the open or under the carpet?, by John Tyndall, published in Spearhead, March, 1976, issue 92, pages 6, 7 and 15.

THE GRAND DESIGN, alternatively THE GRAND DESIGN OF THE 20TH CENTURY, by Douglas Reed, published by Dolphin Press, Pinetown, Natal, (1977). 45 pages. [BL]

Page 2 says the Protocols appeared in Russia in 1897; page 3: “...public debate about the Protocols was immediately quashed by a frantic clamour of forgery and anti-semitism from all parts of the world.”

Page iv of the INTRODUCTION by Ivor Benson infers that the conspiracy is 2,000 years old. Indeed.

Maurice Joly on Modern Despotism, published in Polity, Fall, 1977, pages 25-31. [Not seen by compiler.]

WHITE POWER, by George Lincoln Rockwell, Second Edition, (September 1977). 466 pages. No index. Illustrated. No credits.

The first edition of this book was published August 1967. According to Singerman (page 267), the first edition was published by Ragnarok Press of Dallas and ran to 482 pages. Rockwell covers the Protocols in some depth on pages 243-57. No publisher credited but the first edition was obviously published by or for the American Nazi Party, which Rockwell founded. After his assassination, the party split.

the story of the Jewish-Masonic conspiracy, 1776-1945, by Johannes Rogalla von Bieberstein, published in Patterns Of Prejudice, Nov-Dec 1977, Volume 11, Number 6, pages 1-8 and 21.

new light on the “Protocols of Zion”, by Colin Holmes, published in Patterns of Prejudice, Nov-Dec 1977, Volume 11, Number 6, pages 13-21. Also “the Protocols’” modern career, uncredited but basically part of the same article, page 21-3.

Ebraicità ed ebraismo: I protocolli dei Savi di Sion, Claudio Mutti, Padova, Edizioni di Ar, (1976). 218 pages. Italian. [NUC 1978, Volume 11, page 339]

The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion with Preface and Explanatory Notes, Translated from the Russian Text by Victor E. Marsden, Formerly Russian Correspondent of “The Morning Post”, published by British Patriot Publications, Shotton, Clywd, (1978). 128 pages.

Political Anti-Semitism in England 1918-1939, by Gisela C. Lebzelter, published by Macmillan Press, London, (1978). 222 pages. Index. Illustrated. [BL]

Has some excellent information on the distribution of the Protocols in the 1920s, and on the Britons.

THE “PROTOCOLS”, pages 209-23, in THE CONTROVERSY OF ZION, by Douglas Reed, PREFACE by Ivor Benson, published by Dolphin Press, Durban, (1978). 587 pages. Index. [BL]

Published posthumously. It is difficult to evaluate this book, but what Reed writes about the Protocols is largely nonsense.

the protocols of “The Britons”: how “The Jewish Peril” was concocted in England, by Colin Holmes, published in Patterns Of Prejudice, November-December 1978, Volume 12 Number, 6, pages 13-8.

Anti-Semitism in British Society 1876-1939, by Colin Holmes, published by Edward Arnold, London, (1979). 328 pages. Index. [BL]

A standard work, but by a fawningly philo-Semitic creep.

WHO FINANCED HITLER: The Secret Funding of Hitler’s Rise to Power 1919-1933, by James Pool and Suzanne Pool, published by Macdonald and Jane’s/Futura, London, (1979). 535 pages. Index. Illustrated. [BL]

Contains an excellent chapter on Henry Ford and the spread of the Protocols.

Henry Ford and the Jews, by Albert Lee, published by Stein and Day, New York, (1980). 200 pages. Index. [BL]

The Post-War Career of the “Protocols of Zion”, published by the Institute of Jewish Affairs, (December 1981). 10 pages.

This is IJA RESEARCH REPORT No 15, and is typical of the whining, wailing smear literature put out by this august body. It ropes in Gary Allen et al. There is a copy of this in the archive of the London Museum of Jewish Life/Sternberg Centre for Judaism.

The WICCA Letters “Found” c1981. [See SATAN WANTS YOU: THE CULT OF DEVIL WORSHIP IN AMERICA, by Arthur Lyons, published by the Mysterious Press, New York, (1988), pages 180-1.]

The so-called Witches’ Protocols; somehow this one never caught on.

The PROTOCOLS An up-to-date appraisal, by David Myatt, published in Spearhead, December 1982, issue 170, page 7.

ANTISEMITIC PROPAGANDA: An Annotated Bibliography and Research Guide, by Robert Singerman, published by Garland, New York, (1982). 448 pages. Index. [MARS, WL]

Includes much on the Protocols as well as much material that no reasonable person would classify as anti-Semitic. Zionists are not reasonable people.

THE HOLY BLOOD AND THE HOLY GRAIL, by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, published by Jonathan Cape, London, (1982). 445 pages. Illustrated. [BL]

Also published by Corgi, London, (1983). 528 pages. Index. Illustrated.

JACK THE RIPPER: THE FINAL SOLUTION, by Stephen Knight, published by Treasure Press, Revised Edition, London, (1984). 286 pages. Index. Illustrated. First published 1976. [BL]

The “Protocols” surface in Yugoslavia, published in Patterns of Prejudice, October 1984, Volume 18, Number 4, pages 31-2.

The History of Anti-Semitism, by Léon Poliakov, Volume IV, Suicidal Europe, 1870-1933, published by the Littman Library/Oxford University Press, (1985). 422 pages. Index. [BL, MARS]

As might be deduced from its title, this is a massive work; it runs to four volumes, and only the fourth volume covers the period relating to the Protocols. Translated from the French by George Klin, this volume has the odd reference to the Protocols, Henry Ford, etc. On page 185, the author says that in 1922 the Zunder Document was read in full to the entire Czechoslovakian Parliament; on page 287 he says it was published in L’Intransigeant on May 27, 1920.

“The Protocols of Zion” and the “Morning Post”, 1919-1920, by Keith M. Wilson, published in Patterns Of Prejudice, July 1985, Volume 19, Number 3, pages 5-14.

The Holocaust Denial: Antisemitism, Racism & the New Right, by Gill Seidel, published by Beyond the Pale Collective, Leeds, (1986). 202 pages. Index. [BL]

Beyond the Pale is, apparently, “a radical Jewish publishing collective”. The theme of this so-called radical publication is that so-called Holocaust Denial is a new version of the Protocols. There are no less than 13 references to the Protocols in the index; the author is so far off her trolley that she even brands the anti-Zionist Jew Lenni Brenner “virulently” anti-Semitic, (page 91). The Introduction is written by her co-racialist, the polemicist and Searchlight shareholder Michael Billig.

FASCISM IN BRITAIN A History, 1918-1985, by Richard Thurlow, published by Basil Blackwell, Oxford, (1987). 317 pages. Index. [BL, MARS, WL]

Has many references to the Protocols.

THE JEWISH RELIGION: Its Influence Today, by Elizabeth Dilling, published by the Noontide Press, Torrance, California, (1983). Fourth edition revised with index. 261 pages. Third Noontide Printing February 1987. [BL]

Originally published as The Plot Against Christianity. This book does not cover the so-called Jewish Peril, but believe it or not, there are some things that are far worse even than the Protocols, like this work by Elizabeth Dilling Stokes. There is a copy of an earlier edition in the Wiener Library. On page 84 of the listed work, Dilling claims that Alexander Kerensky was Jewish. Oh no he wasn’t!

THE PLOT AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA, by Klaus D. Vaqué, published by Varama, Pretoria, (1989). Translated by Tom McGhee, originally published as VERRAT AN SUDAFRIKA, (1988).

My colleague ordered this through the Inter-Library Loan system. The author is yet another person who has not the faintest idea how to assess evidence.

AUSCHWITZ PROTOCOLS, in the ENCYCLOPEDIA of the HOLOCAUST, Volume I, published by Macmillan, New York, (1990), pages 121-2.

This article contains an appreciation of the pseudo-historical background to this spurious document.

“BEHOLD A PALE HORSE”, by Milton William Cooper, published by Light Technology, Sedona, AZ, (1991). 500 pages. No index. Illustrated.

Chapter 15 of this book is called PROTOCOLS OF THE WISE MEN OF ZION and runs from pages 267-332 (not 267-330 as shown in the table of contents). It consists of the Protocols reproduced verbatim. [I checked this briefly against the 1933 Britons (reprint) Marsden edition and it appears to be a verbatim copy although Cooper omits the headers].

On page 267, Cooper says they were first referred to in the late 1700s; the first public copy was distributed in the early 1890s. Wrong on both counts. Zion should be Sion he says, and Jews should be Illuminati. He doesn’t believe in the Protocols. Quite. Thus he writes: “This has been written intentionally to deceive people.” This is about the only intelligent thing he says in the entire book. Cooper actually believes that the world is controlled, not by Jews, but by aliens! Oh boy.

SATANIC VOICES Ancient & Modern, Compiled by David Musa Pidcock, published by Mustaqim, Milton Keynes, (1992). 224 pages. No index. [BL]

Pages 177-8: Herzl wrote the Protocols. Oh no he didn’t.

L’Etat retors, by Michael Bounan, published by Editions Allia, Paris, (1992). 24 pages. [BL]

According to the British Library catalogue entry, this is “An introduction to Maurice Joly’s Dialogue aux enfers entre Macchiavel et Montesquieu”.

THE PROTOCOLS: FACT OR FALLACY? Was this famous document genuine or a forgery? More to the point, does it describe what is actually happening? SIMON SMITH compares old predictions with modern facts, published in Spearhead, October 1992, issue 284, pages 9-12.

A lengthy waste of space.

Eustace Clarence Mullins: Anti-Semitic Propagandist Or Iconoclast? The World’s Premier Conspiracy Historian on the Jews, the Fed and the New World Order, including Notes on Global Deception, January, 1993, by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (1993). 55 pages. A4 format. No index. [BL]

See also below

Robert Welch’s Timeless Warning Against Anti-Semitism is part of a speech made in 1969. Called If You Want It Straight, this extract was published in On Target, (15) 27th November, 1993, Vol. 23 No. 11, pages 7(127)-10(130), ie four pages.

In this speech, Welch claims that Lenin set down the programme on the Communist Party in the Protocols, although he adduces no evidence for this. For the obvious reason.

NOT THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION! Shining A Searchlight On Three Updates Of The Infamous Jewish Master Plan: The Zunder Letter, The Israel Cohen “Racial Program For The Twentieth Century” Hoax And The Speech Of The Non-Existent Rabbi Rabinovich, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (July 1994). 18 pages, large format.

Another contribution by Yours Truly to exposing anti-Semitic nonsense. And the scumbag, hatemongering crypto-Jews of the Searchlight Organisation.

THE ROBOTS’ REBELLION: The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance, by David Icke, published by Gateway Books, Bath, (August 1994). 347 pages + advertisements. Index.

This book has a number of references to the Protocols. On page 138, Icke claims that the “Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion” surfaced in the 1800s. This book is more mysticism, and just as worthless as any anti-Semitic interpretation. Icke has obviously not condescended to read any of the standard works on either the Protocols or any of the other important issues and subjects he discusses here.

EUSTACE CLARENCE MULLINS: Anti-Semitic Propagandist or Iconoclast? The World’s Premier Conspiracy Historian On the Jews, the Fed and the “New World Order” including notes on “Global Deception”, January 1993, by Alexander Baron, Second, Expanded Edition, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (March 15, 1995). 43 pages. A4 format.

The second edition, expanded and properly typeset. Although it is well expanded, it actually has fewer pages than the first edition! Includes, amongst other things, an extensive analysis of the madness of Mullins.

Icke revives the ‘Protocols’, by Susannah Cusworth, published in the Jewish Chronicle, May 12, 1995, page 60.

For the benefit of overseas readers, David Icke was once a soccer player, then became a TV presenter, then a leading member of the Green Party. Then he went mad. As well as authenticating the Protocols he has claimed publicly that he is the Son of God, which shows perhaps how seriously anything he says should be taken.

To David Icke ‐ Madman or Heretic? published in NATIONAL FREEDOM, June 1995, Issue No. 2, page 8.

This publication is a local British National Party bulletin. It endorses Icke’s nonsense.

The Protocols is a sub-heading in a long (and very interesting) article called ‘Conspiracy Theories’ and Clandestine Politics, by Jeffrey M. Bale, published in Lobster, June 1995, issue 29, pages 16 and 19-22.

Icke says ‘Protocols’ are guide to modern history: Controversial author stresses he has ‘no ties to far right’, by Susannah Cusworth, published in the Jewish Chronicle, June 9, 1995, page 10.

Icke is quoted in this interview.

THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION And Related Literature: A Selected, Annotated, Chronological Bibliography including precursors and updates, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (June 1995). 32 pages.

This is the first edition.

THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION: Organised Jewry’s Deadliest Weapon, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (June 1995). 78 pages. No index. One illustration.

This is the first edition. Both this and the previous publication were published June 15. The full bibliography is included therein.

New-age nazism Extreme right and neo-Nazi groups are attempting to hitch a ride on the green and “New Age” bandwagon. “Matthew Kalman” and “John Murray” unturn some of the stones and find something very nasty underneath, published in the New Statesman, June 23, 1995, pages 18-20.

This article, which is also the cover story, covers David Icke’s endorsement of the Protocols and other nonsense. It mentions an apparently spoof document Further Protocols, which included further details of Zionism’s supposedly hidden agenda.

THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION: Organised Jewry’s Deadliest Weapon, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, 2nd Edition, (1995). 79 pages. No index. One illustration.

I ran off a few copies of this sometime late in 1995.

Czech anger over ‘Protocols’ analysis, by Randi Druzin, published in the Jewish Chronicle, March 8, 1996, page 5.

Reports the February 1996 publication of a translation into Czech of a book on the Protocols, written in Polish, by the historian Janusz Tazbir. The book is called Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Truth or Fraud? Organised Jewry said to be annoyed because although the author concludes that they are a fabrication he reproduces the entire text of the document and “Readers...were inclined to give as much credence to the tract itself as to the historian’s assessment of it...”

THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION: Organised Jewry’s Deadliest Weapon, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, 3rd Edition, (May 16, 1996). 80 pages. No index. One illustration.

THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION And Related Literature: A Selected, Annotated, Chronological Bibliography including precursors and updates, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, 2nd Edition, (May 16, 1996). 34 pages.

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