DID THE JEWS WRITE THE PROTOCOLS?, by Dr J. Frank Norris, published Fort Worth and Detroit, (c1938).
Die Geheimnisse der Weisen von Zion herausgegeben von Gottfried zur Beek, München, (1938). 74 pages. [BL]
This appears to have been an official Nazi Party edition. All these German editions of the Protocols appear to have been published in a hideous Gothic font, which does rather make one wonder how anybody ever read them, much less believed them.
Out of Their Mouths. The Will for Power and the Authenticity of the “Protocols”, published by American Nationalist Press, New York, (c1938). 11 pages. Said to be a reprint and translation of an article published in the Italian newspaper La Vita Italiana, December 15th, 1937. [Sing 109]
PORTRAITS OF MEAN MEN: A SHORT HISTORY OF THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION, by John Gwyer, published by Cobden-Sanderson, London, (1938). 136 pages. [BL]
Has no index but includes a short bibliography. Page 26 says the Protocols were first used in earnest in 1916-7 by the Tsarist police. In 1919 the document was distributed to the White Army. Page 27: the murderers of Walter Rathenau were said to have had copies in their possession.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION (with OTHER WRITINGS AND WRITERS), Third Edition, published by American Publishing Society, Bremerton, Washington, (c1938). 80 pages. [BL]
“Reprinted from ENGLISH EDITION OF BRITON [sic] PUBLISHING SOCIETY...” This is another Marsden translation.
“Protocols of the wise men of Zion.” Protocols of the elders of Zion, published by the Montreal anti-communist committee, Montreal, (1938?). 15 pages. [NUC Pre-1956 Imprints, Volume 473, 335]
This is presumably an abridged version.
The Hidden Hand; A Plain Statement for the Man in the Street, by Arthur Henry Lane, published by M.C.P. Publications, London, (c1938). 36 pages. [Sing, 107]
The Jewish World Conspiracy; The Protocols of the Elders of Zion before the Court in Berne, U. Bodung-Verlag, Erfurt, (1938). 22 pages. [Sing, 104]
The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World, by Reverend Denis Fahey, published by Browne and Nolan, London, SECOND EDITION, (1938). 364 pages. Index. [BL]
This book has a PREFATORY LETTER by J. Kinane, Bishop of Waterford and Lismore, and an appendix called “THE PROTOCOLS”, pages 341-5. Fahey was a Professor of Philosophy and Church History.
“The Hidden Hand” How it acts, and how it shows itself, by Basil Stewart (in collaboration with J.E.), published by the author, Reigate, Surrey, (January 1938). 16 pages. [BL]
J.E. appears to have been John Engledow, whoever he was.
TRUTH ABOUT THE “PROTOCOLS” Russian Historian’s Revelations, published in the Jewish Chronicle, February 4, 1938, page 19.
UNUITERABLE [SIC] LIBEL”, published in the Jewish Chronicle, March 25, 1938, page 41.
SWISS NAZI SENTENCED Behind the “Protocols” Trial, published in the Jewish Chronicle, April 15, 1938, pages 26-7.
AN HISTORIC FORGERY New Material Exposes Anti-Semitic “Protocols”, by D. Mowshowitch, published in the Jewish Chronicle, May 20, 1938, pages 32 & 38.
‘The Elders of Sion’: A Proved Forgery., by Vl Burstev [sic] published in Slavonic and East European Review, 17, (1938/39), 91-104. [Sing 342]
Der Berner Prozess um die Protokole der Weisen von Zion, Acten und Gutachten, by H. J. von Freyenwald, published at Erfurt, (1939).
This is said to be the unabridged transcript of the Berne proceedings with comments. It is mentioned by Curtiss in An Appraisal of the PROTOCOLS OF ZION, page 75, (see entry for 1942).
The Jewish Problem in the Modern World, by James Parkes, published by Thornton Butterworth, London, (1939). 256 pages. Index. [BL]
Not much on the Protocols, but an excellent book which covers various aspects of anti-Jewish and Nazi propaganda.
THE TRUTH ABOUT THE PROTOCOLS OF THE WISE MEN OF ZION, Fireside Discussion Group of the Anti-Defamation League of B’Nai B’rith covers Nilus and the Berne trial. (c1939). [WL]
al-Ahdäf al-Sihyünïyah, by Firïdrïk Zurayq, Arabic, (194?), 120 pages. [NUC 1973-1977, Volume 94, page 217]
Are All Jews Liars? [Open letter to] Dr. Abram Leon Sacher, Champaign, Illinois [sic] Tompkins Corners, New York, (1940).
This is listed by the 1974 Supplement to the Short-title Catalogue of books relating to the Jewish Question in the Library of Ludwig Rosenberger Chicago, Illinois.
Are All Jews Liars?, by N.W. Rogers, published by Nationalist Press Association, New York, (c1940). 10 pages.
This is listed by Singerman (page 134), and concerns the Protocols. Of course!
Der Internationale Jude: Fünfunddreissigste Auflage, catalogued as “An unauthorised translation of articles reprinted from the Dearborn Independent, under the title, The International Jew, and erroneously ascribed to Henry Ford”, published by Hammer-Verlag, Leipzig, (1940). 344 pages. [BL]
Typeset in a hideous and quite unreadable Gothic script.
“The Hidden Hand” An Analysis of the Policy outlined in the (so-called) “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” showing how that Policy is reflected in the Political, Social and Economic Life of Modern Europe, by Basil Stewart, published by the author, Worthing, Sussex, (1940). 16 pages. [BL]
The publication date is the one given by the British Library Retrospective Catalogue. There is some suggestion that this work may have been co-written by one Enoch Haughton.
CANARDS, published in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Volume 3, pages 1-10, 1941.
Covers other aspects of anti-Jewish propaganda.
ELDERS OF ZION, PROTOCOLS OF, published in The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, (1941), Volume 4, pages 46-60. (Article credited to Theodor H. Gaster).
An Appraisal of the PROTOCOLS OF ZION, by John S. Curtiss, published by Columbia University Press, New York, (1942). 118 pages. Index. [BL]
A Historian Analyzes the Protocols, by John S. Curtiss, published in the Contemporary Jewish Record, February 1942, Vol V, No 1, pages 51-70. (Condensed from An Appraisal of the Protocols of Zion). [BL]
THE GERMAN EXTERMINATION CAMPS OF Auschwitz AND Birkenau Two Eye-Witness Reports, published by the WAR REFUGEE BOARD, EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, Washington, D.C., (November 1944).
This is the so-called War Refugee Board Report and is the document which led to the establishment of the Auschwitz legend, although it has long since been quietly dropped from “academic” studies of this supposedly so difficult subject. There are several versions of this report – which is also known as the Auschwitz Protocols. The version I saw came through the inter-library loan system. It is stamped OREGON STATE LIBRARY JAN 09 1985 and JUN 15 1945 Library of Congress. A short extract from it was also entered into the evidence of the Nuremberg Trials as document 022-L.
This version of the Auschwitz Protocols runs to some thirty pages and is a poor photocopy. The authors of this piece of anti-German hate propaganda were anonymous at the time. Later their identities were revealed as Rudolph Vrba (or Rosenberg or Rosenthal); and Alfred Wetzler (or Weczler); two other Jews Czeslaw Mordowicz and Arnost Rosin; and a (to this day) anonymous Polish major. The main author appears to have been Vrba, but this arch-liar was totally exposed at the first of the Zundel trials in Canada, and even the anti-Revisionist historian Jean-Claude Pressac concedes that the report’s claim that it contains “nothing passed on from hearsay” is a tissue of lies – although, naturally, he doesn’t use that phrase. Revisionist authors go further of course: Butz believes that the report was concocted by organised Zionist hatemongers while Staeglich doubts that Vrba in particular was even at Auschwitz.
It would be tempting to analyse this piece of worthless trash to death here and now, but space does not permit. Those interested in pursuing the subject should read Professor Butz’s classic Hoax Of The Twentieth Century, Staeglich’s excellent Auschwitz: A Judge Looks At The Evidence or even Pressac’s AUSCHWITZ: Technique and operation of the gas chambers [sic]. The reader is also referred to the entries in the current work for 1968/9 (Auschwitz Condoned...) and 1990 (AUSCHWITZ PROTOCOLS).
The Dearborn Independent. The International Jew, in 2 volumes. Volume 2 is called Henry Ford and the Jews, published at Detroit, credited to Don Lohbeck, (c1945).
“The Hidden Hand.” (INTERNATIONAL FINANCE) HOW IT ACTS, AND HOW IT SHOWS ITSELF: THE HIDDEN PURPOSE BEHIND THE BRETTON WOODS PROPOSALS, by Basil Stewart, published by the author, West Worthing, Sussex, (November 1945). 12 pages. [BL]
This pamphlet doesn’t mention the Protocols. Stewart appears to have been a sincere financial reformer and involved with something called the Constitutional Reform Party.
RACKETEERS OF HATRED: Julius Streicher and the Jew-Baiters’ International, by Louis W. Bondy, published by Newman Wolsey, London, (1946). 268 pages. Index. [BL]
Page 7 “...the weakest and therefore most defenceless group of the population...” What a load of bollocks. Apart from this though this is an interesting book which covers some of the nastier and more fanatical purveyors of anti-Semitic propaganda.
The International Jew; The Truth About “The Protocols of Zion.”, by Eric D. Butler, published at Adelaide, (c1946). 167 pages. [Sing, 159]
The Jewish Protocols and Their Application to Present Times, by Marilyn R. Allen, published by America Forever, Salt Lake City, (1946). 24 pages. [Sing, 158]
THE TRUTH ABOUT THE ‘PROTOCOLS’, published in The Wiener Library Bulletin, Volume 1, Number 6, September 1947, page 30.
The above does not appear in the hard copy original; it was added to the on-line version on June 24, 2018. The entire page has been included here.
THE LEGEND OF HENRY FORD, by Keith Sward, published by Rinehart, New York, (1948). 550 pages. Index. [BL]
PROTOCOLS of the Meetings of the LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION, published by the Britons, London, (1948). 65 pages. Index. [BL] (11)
The Plot of the Jews, (cover title of the Marsden Protocols), published by Christian Nationalist Crusade, St. Louis, (1948). 80 pages. [Sing, 173]
THE INTERNATIONAL JEW: “The World’s Foremost Problem”, (credited to) Henry Ford Sr., published by G.F. Green, New Barnet, Herts, (June 1949). 172 pages. [BL]
An abridged version.
Excerpts from the International Jew, by Henry Ford, Sr., published by Christian Educational Association, Union, N.J., (195?). 15 pages. [Sing, 182]
“Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion.” Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion., published by the Britons, London, (1951). Cover title Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. A 64 page version of the Marsden Translation, with an index. Cover title Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. [Sing 194]
PROTOCOLS of the Meetings of the LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION, published by Christian Educational Assn, Union, New Jersey, (c1952). 80 pages.
PROTOCOLS of the Meetings of the Learned Elders Of Zion, published by Christian Nationalist Crusade, Los Angeles, California, (c1952). 80 pages.
Abominable, Yet True, originally published in Women’s Voice, (May 1952). 4 pages. [Sing 198]
A Rabbi Speaks: Foretells Gentile Doom, published in Common Sense, August 1, 1952.
This is the notorious Rabbi’s Speech of Eustace Mullins; like the Protocols it is still going the rounds to this day. It is reprinted in full in MULLINS’ NEW HISTORY OF THE JEWS. [See also entry for 1968 and for Baron, (1993)].
The Earth Sitteth Still. An Exposition of the Formula of International Intrigue, by John Henry Monk, published by The Boanerges, Portsmouth, Virginia, (c1953), 52 pages. [Sing 204]
Biblical background to the Protocols.
WATERS FLOWING EASTWARD: The War Against the Kingship of Christ, by L. Fry, published by the Britons, London, (1953). 267 pages. 4th Edition, Revised and Enlarged. [Sing, 202]
HIDDEN GOVERNMENT, by Lieut. Colonel J. Creagh Scott, published by the Britons, London, (1954). 75 pages. [BL]
The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem, Abridged version published by the Christian Nationalist Crusade, (c1955). 231 pages, prepared by Gerald L.K. Smith. [Sing 212]
THE SISSON DOCUMENTS, by George F. Kennan, published in THE JOURNAL OF MODERN HISTORY, June 1956, Volume XXVIII, Number 2, pages 130-54.
This is an exhaustive analysis and reveals The Sisson Documents to be every bit as clumsy a fabrication as the Protocols. The Committee on Public Information, which published The German-Bolshevik Conspiracy, was the official American propaganda agency of World War I, (page 130). Sisson was a former editor of Cosmopolitan Magazine. There were 69 documents in all; Sisson obtained them in February and March 1918. This article, by the well-known American career diplomat George Frost Kennan, includes many further pointers for interested researchers.
Brütükül hukama Sahyün, Arabic, (1957). 119 pages. [NUC 1973-1977, Volume 94, page 217]
“Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion.” World Conquest Through World Government. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Translated from the Russian of Sergyei A. Nilus by Victor E. Marsden, published by the Britons, London, (1958). 104 pages. 81st impression with revised introduction. [Sing 228]
STORY OF A PHONY QUOTATION: A Futile Effort to Pin It Down ‘A Racial Program for the 20th Century’ Seems to Exist Only in Somebody’s Imagination, published in the Washington Evening Star, February 18, 1958, page A10. [This newspaper is held by the Newspaper Library at Colindale].
WORLD CONQUEST through WORLD GOVERNMENT: THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION, Translated from the Russian of Sergyei A. Nilus by Victor E. Marsden, published by the Britons. Eighty-first Impression, London, (March 1958). 104 pages. Index. [BL]
“Protocols of the wise men of Zion.” Les “Protocoles” des Sages de Sion, C. Tsoumas, Le Caire, Impr. Les publications du Moyen-Orient, (1960). 177 pages. [NUC (1956 THROUGH 1967), Volume 92, page 474]
THE “DOCTORS’ PLOT” IN MOSCOW and the PROTOCOLS OF THE WISE MEN OF ZION, by Samuel Igra, published at Washington, apparently by the author, (1960). 90 pages. [BL]
al-Khatar al-Yahüdi (Transliterated), Edited by Muhammad Khalifah,al-Tünisï, (1961). 248 pages. [NUC (1956 THROUGH 1967), Volume 92, page 474]
THE TWENTIETH CENTURY HOAX, by Comm. J.S. Drummond, published London, Panorama Press, (1961). 187 pages. No index. Illustrated. [BL]
Page 21 says the Protocols may have been published in the winter of 1902-3 in the publication Moskowskija Wiedomosti. Page 135 says that Roehm was assassinated because he was about to spill the beans that Hitler did not write Mein Kampf! Overall I would say this publication is not anti-Jewish; the author doesn’t attack Jews as Jews, he simply believes, and writes, absolute crap.
Always Tell a Big Lie, (May 25, 1961).
This was a BBC Radio programme (Home Service) which was broadcast at 7.30pm on Thursday, May 25, 1961. Its full title was Always Tell a Big Lie: A study of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and it was number four in a series called FAKES, FRAUDS AND FORGERIES. The BBC magazine Radio Times and SOUND, May 20-26, 1961 carried a brief review of the programme by Christopher Sykes, who appears to have researched it.
LEARNED ELDERS AND THE B.B.C., by A.K. Chesterton, published in CANDOUR: The British Views-Letter, 9th June, 1961, Vol XIV, No 398, pages 177-80. [BL]
An article about the BBC Radio programme on the subject, (see above).
BROADCASTING HOUSE REPLIES: B.B.C. PROTOCOLS PROGRAMME DEFENDED, by A.K. Chesterton, published in CANDOUR: The British Views-Letter, 23rd June 1961, Vol. XIV, No 400, pages 193-5.
LEARNED ELDERS and THE B.B.C., by A.K. Chesterton, published by the Britons, London, (August 1961). 24 pages.
Chesterton’s article was reprinted by the Jew-obsessed Britons. Who else?
PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION A Fabricated “Historic” Document A Report Prepared by the SUBCOMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE INTERNAL SECURITY ACT AND OTHER INTERNAL SECURITY LAWS TO THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY UNITED STATES SENATE, published by the US Government Printing Office, Washington, (1964). Introduction by Thomas J. Dodd and Kenneth B. Keating. 5 pages. [UCL]
WATERS FLOWING EASTWARD: The War Against the Kingship of Christ, by L. Fry, Edited and Revised by Reverend Denis Fahey, published by the Britons, London, (1965). 287 pages. [BL]
This is the Fifth Edition. Cohn [WFG, 70] gives Lesley Fry’s real name (her married name) as Mrs Shishmarev.
“ISRAEL COHEN, A COMMUNIST” – and his Book that never was, published in the Wiener Library Bulletin, VOL. XIX, JULY 1965, No. 3, page 44. [BL, WL]
The Protocols of Zion, pages 38-55, in Agents of Deceit; Frauds, Forgeries and Political Intrigue among Nations, by Paul W. Blackstock, published by Quadrangle Books, Chicago, (1966). 315 pages. [Sing, 342]
The Protocols Again, published in The Wiener Library Bulletin, Spring 1966, Vol. XX No. 2. New Series No. 3, page 29.
The Britons Publishing Society, by C.C. Aronsfeld, published in the Wiener Library Bulletin, Summer 1966, Vol XX, no. 3, new series no. 4, Summer 1966, pages 31-5.
Jewish Conspiracy and the Muslim World, with Complete Text of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion of the 33rd Degree, by Misbahul Islam Faruqi, published Karachi, (1967). 248 pages. (Not seen by compiler, but see WLB, Summer 1967.)
Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies, by John Robison, published by Western Islands, Los Angeles, (1967). 4th Edition. 304 pages. [BL]
Interesting background material but unfortunately not worth much as a research document, ditto all books by Nesta Webster, (which are not included here). Not anti-Semitic, but such works are very clearly precursors of the Protocols. The first edition was published in Edinburgh and London by William Creech, T. Cadell, Junior and W. Davies. The British Library General Retrospective Catalogue lists Robison’s book published 1797, 1798 and 1800; a total of 14 titles appear under a title search for Proofs of a Conspiracy.
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