

We would like to thank the following persons who have assisted us in our researches with this publication and the ones which will follow: the staff of the British Library Humanities and Social Sciences Reading Rooms and the Official Publications Library at Bloomsbury, the British Library Newspaper Library at Colindale, Westminster Central Reference Library, and of the Wiener Library, in particular Rosemary Nief. The staff of the Public Record Office at Kew; Professor Hans Eysenck, Chris R. Tame, Larry O’Hara, the press officers of the Metropolitan Police and the West Midlands Police, Brian Hilliard editor of Police Review, Peter Tatchell, two “nationalists”, one still active, whom we cannot name, and, last, and least, the staff of Searchlight. It goes without saying that none of the above were aware of the exact nature of our researches. The text of this publication was written largely by Alexander Baron, inspired by his other half, and researched in considerable depth by both of us. It was typeset by Alexander Baron, and proofed by both of us.

To Gable’s Fables
To Gerry Gable’s Contribution To “Neo-Fascism In Europe”
To Appendix A: Two Views Of Column 88
To Appendix B: A Selected, Dissenting Bibliography On “Searchlight”
To Appendix C: Colin Jordan, Afterword
To Appendix D: Searchlight Associates: The Official Company History
To Appendix E: Gable’s Contribution To The 2nd Edition
To Notes And References
Back To Security Alert! and Author/Publisher Credits
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